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Chelsea Joy M.

Ganan BS SW 2-1 Social Environment and Social Work


Religion teaches us to be good people the very focus of all religions in the world is to
help those who are in need. Religion was also the basis of SOCIAL WORK, for example in the
Philippines during the Spanish Era we have this practice in the church that was called
“Indulhensya” where the Filipinos give money to the church to save their soul and the church
promises that this money would go to the people who needs it, but that wasn’t true. It made me
realize that you can be part of the church, but can’t practice the basic of kindness. That’s why I
think Social Work was invented, for religion itself cannot help people.
In the Philippines Social Work is really needed because we have suffered from a lot.
From the sufferings from the Spain to the tragedies we encountered during the Marcos Regime.
Filipinos needed help not only physical help, but most importantly mental help for one cannot
just sleep and forget their traumas. Imagine the families of those “Desaparasidos” during the
Marcos Regime their family member just vanished and never came back how can they move on
to something they didn’t even know what happened. Social Work started in the Philippines just
based on religion, but because the Filipinos suffered a lot they realized it’s not the only thing that
they need. It’s not only the soul who needs to be saved.
Western Social Work taught us not to only focus on what the body needs, but also what
the mental health needs. I think that is the best that we have learned from western social work
that was also the time that we have built associations for social work. This need for mental health
help would be needed during this time of Pandemic. Filipinos are anxious nowadays because we
don’t know when will be this stop. The sad truth about Covid 19 in the Philippines is that now
we are not putting efforts on how we can combat the virus, we are just simply learning how to
live with it.
Social workers in this time of pandemic should not only focus on the people in the cities,
but also those people in rural areas for they are the ones that couldn’t seek help for their mental
and physical health. The associations should conduct charities that would help those in the
provinces especially those indigenous people because I’m sure not all of them are aware that
there is a virus that is slowly killing the population of the Filipino people.

Social Welfare will be prioritized during and after pandemic, it should be. Everyone saw
how helpless the Filipinos are during this pandemic. The government should prioritize the social
welfare of the Filipinos and not the dolomite sand in manila bay for no mental health problem
could be solved by this sand.

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