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mBIT and the heart of Leadership:

Aligning our Head, Heart and Gut


Dr Henrie Lidiard
B.Sc. Ph.D.,
INLPTA NLP Master Trainer,
Riso-Hudson Authorised Enneagram Trainer
mBIT Coach, mBIT Master Coach
mBIT Trainer

© Dr Henrie Lidiard 2018
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Abraham Lincoln

“Pause with us here a while.

Put your ear to the wall of your heart.
Listen for the whisper of knowing there.
Love will touch you if you are very still.” Tom Barrett

“Your heart is your guide and compass.

It whispers softly, so listen closely.” Rumi

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want

to be happy, practice compassion” Dalai Lama

“Love and Compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them

humanity cannot survive.” Dalai Lama

“You change your life by changing your heart.” Max Lucado

“Knowledge comes from but a single perspective. Wisdom comes

from multiple perspectives.” Gregory Bateson

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful
servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and
has forgotten the gift.” Albert Einstein

“Everyone has intuition. The more you acknowledge it , the

stronger it gets.” Marla Mitchell

“Our science and technology have posed us a profound question.

Will we learn to use these tools with wisdom and foresight before
it’s too late?” Carl Sagan.
© Dr Henrie Lidiard 2018
This may be a surprise – but did you know
you have more than one brain?!

Intuitively we recognise that intelligence isn’t solely the domain of

the head, and that there are different kinds of embodied knowing.
We are all familiar (possibly at times, even over familiar) with the
experience of thinking thoughts and listening to our inner dialogue.
Our head based cognitive intelligence is well known to us and has
been emphasised and prioritised in Western culture for centuries.
However we also know when we bring to mind people, places or
things that are important to us that we can experience the feeling
of valuing, love and caring. (If you do so now – you’ll notice that
these sensations are generally not experienced in your head, but in
your chest). And likewise most people have had something that
they would call a gut feeling, an intuition or a gut instinct. (Most of
us will also have found out through experience that we ignore gut
instincts at our peril.) These gut instincts and sensations also have
a specific location, (distinct and different to either the head or the
heart), in the abdomen.

These are not just interesting but irrelevant distinctions. They

are part of how intelligent humans function at their best.
Furthermore, neuroscience is now confirming what esoteric and
spiritual traditions have known for millennia, that human beings
have 3 centres of intelligence. The Head Centre, the Heart
Centre and the Gut or Moving Centre.

Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka – the creators of mBIT, have

synthesised an incredible wealth of leading-edge research from
the fields of Neuroscience, Neuro-cardiology, Neuro-
gastroenterology, Medical Research on disease and pathology,
the Science of Leadership, Psychology, Behavioural Modelling,
Neuro Linguistic Programming, Cross cultural linguistic studies,
along with ancient wisdom from Spiritual and Esoteric traditions

© Dr Henrie Lidiard 2018
and Martial Arts Practice (and being pragmatists, their own
thorough practical action-research.)

As they explored these diverse and related fields in their

curiosity to understand how we function, they quickly saw the
profound implications for personal and professional development,
human performance, and how to live with greater wisdom and

However, the implications of this are not just personal – but

global in reach. We have had a great many years of our cultures,
governments and organisations focussing on cognition and
intelligence at the head level, however the evidence that this
hasn’t been wholly sufficient is overwhelming and all around us.
As the world becomes more volatile, uncertain, complex and
ambiguous (or VUCA), as the volume of information we need to
process everyday increases, and as the pace of change becomes
greater and greater, interest is growing in discovering what
defines our most effective leaders, what goes in to making wise,
sustainable decisions, what makes people really creative in
solving complex problems, what makes them truly compassionate
and deeply intuitive and resilient.

The answer? These attributes are found in people who do not

function solely from the neck up. They are consistently found in
people who have access to all their innate intelligences and who
furthermore, who have access to them in alignment.

© Dr Henrie Lidiard 2018
The Science bit: What makes a brain a brain?

We can call the head, heart and gut intelligences, ‘Centres of

intelligence’, or ‘complex adaptive neural networks’, but it is in fact
the neuroscientists in the rapidly evolving fields of neurocardiology
and neurogastroenterology that are actually choosing to call them
‘brains’ as more and more is understood about their structure and

There are some structural characteristics that define a brain:

• Large numbers of neurons and ganglia, including sensory neurons and motor
• Neural cells with inter-neurons; neurons interconnecting in complex ways
with other neurons
• Support cells and components such as glial cells, astrocytes, proteins, etc.
• Functional attributes: perceiving/assimilating information, processing
information, memory storage and access, neural plasticity and the ability to
• Able to mediate complex reflexes via an intrinsic nervous system (i.e. it
doesn’t need the head brain to direct it, it functions even in the complete
absence of the head brain)
• A chemical warehouse of neurotransmitters (those found in the head brain
are also found in the gut and heart brains)

There are also some functional attributes that define a brain.

They include:
• Memory
• Association
• Pattern Recognition
• Categorization
• Generalization
• Optimization
• Noise immunity
• Adaptation
• ‘Gain’ Control
• Context Dependent Value Coding
• Neurons fire in a manner predicted by a weighted average/summation rule
of information from multiple sources of sensory information
• Dynamic Reconfiguration and Non-uniqueness of Connectivity Patterns
• Plasticity
• Neural networks have three key functions: Learning, Regulation and

(Taken from mBIT Coach Certification Course materials designed by G Soosalu and M. Oka)

© Dr Henrie Lidiard 2018
Our Centres of Intelligences do
different things:

Our Heart Centre is (among other things) involved with:

! Feeling and Emoting
! Valuing
! Relating and Connecting with others

Our Head Centre is (among other things) involved with:

! Thinking
! Perceiving
! Making Meaning

Our Gut/Moving Centre is (among other things) involved with:

! Moving us to take action
! Identifying what is part of our core identity (me/not
! Keeping us safe and alive

© Dr Henrie Lidiard 2018

1) The way you are using your multiple brains.

2) The process of aligning and integrating your
multiple brains for specific outcomes.

mBIT (multiple Brain Integration Techniques)

- a suite of practical techniques for

communicating with, aligning and harnessing
the intelligence of your multiple brains.

© Dr Henrie Lidiard 2018
So – how are we mBraining at the moment?
Most of us have had experiences where we feel totally aligned, when our head, our
heart and our gut all concur on a decision, goal, plan or action. We experience that
sense of flow and congruence. However we have probably all experienced times
when our head says one thing and our heart another. Or where we have a gut
feeling about something, but talk ourselves logically out of listening to it.

Some of us may even have life positions where we work hard but ignore our what
our heart truly wants, or where we dream but somehow are unable to take action on
our ideas and goals. Most people have a sense of experiencing one or more of the



One or two of our

intelligence/s dominates to
the exclusion of the other
one or two

One swamps/overrides the


One or more used

inappropriately :- i.e. it is
trying to do the job/Prime
Functions of the other(s)

Our intelligences may be in

Conflict with each other

Wrong syntax i.e. a

sequence that is sub

© Dr Henrie Lidiard 2018
(Taken from mBIT Coach Certification Course materials designed by G Soosalu and M. Oka)

1. Sit comfortably and breathe evenly and deeply from your diaphragm
for a minute or so.
2. Bring to mind a decision you made that was absolutely right, where
you felt totally congruent and aligned.
As you think about that, sense deeply in and notice the experience in

• Your Heart:

• Your Head:

• And your Gut:

3. Change state for a moment and clear your mind.

4. Now - bring to mind a difficult decision, one that was harder to make,
perhaps where you felt conflicted and where the outcome was less than
As you think about that, sense deeply in and notice the experience in

• Your Heart:

• Your Head:

• And your Gut:

What did you discover?

© Dr Henrie Lidiard 2018

Sit quietly and focus your attention inside, Sense your body and
breathe evenly and deeply from your diaphragm for a minute or
so…..Still breathing evenly and deeply – Bring to mind some goal,
project, issue or upcoming event:

As you continue to breathe evenly and deeply

You can ask yourself these questions. (Listen openly and deeply for the
responses. Really sense in to your body. You’ll find your head, heart
and gut communicate very differently. They may take different lengths
of time to respond, and the signals may be in the form of language,
sensations, sounds, images, metaphors etc.)

1, What is my real issue or goal?

2. What does my heart say about this?

3. What does my head say about this ?

4. What does my gut say about this?

What did you discover?

© Dr Henrie Lidiard 2018
mBIT Coaching is an elegant series of tools:
• To facilitate optimum communication with our head, heart and
• To dissolve blocks in communication between head, heart and
• To resolve conflicts between head heart and gut.
• To align these intelligences in their optimum sequence and
• To facilitate the emergence of our highest expressions and the
emergence of generative wisdom.

mBIT Coaching can help us to:

• Experience flow states and a sense of balanced calm easily and
• Become more resilient to stress.
• Listen and tap in to the innate intelligences of our head, heart
and gut.
• Ease and resolve inner conflicts.
• Align our intelligences to move forward taking wise action.
• Make better, wiser decisions.
• Connect powerfully with our sense of Purpose.
• Experience generative wisdom in how we live our lives.
• Lead with powerful influence (hearts, minds and actions).
• Develop powerful intuition.
• Live more authentically, fully and meaningfully.
• Feel more fulfilled.
• Develop deeper self-awareness.
• Experience greater compassion.
• Be more creative.
• Be more courageous in action.
• Handle change with grace and wisdom.

To explore the field further, read about its developers, catch up with global
testimonials, find local providers or simply to delve in to the cutting edge
research that underpins this approach, visit and/or
purchase the excellent mBraining books, available at Amazon.

If you have any questions at all or would like to discuss the

West Yorkshire training contact Henrie on 0345 8710012 or by
email at
© Dr Henrie Lidiard 2018
Become a Professional mBIT Coach on the

mBIT Coach Certification


Dr Henrie Lidiard
B.Sc. Ph.D. INLPTA NLP Master Trainer,
Enneagram Trainer, mBIT Coach, mBIT Master
Coach and mBIT Trainer

June 2nd – 5th or Nov 16th -19th 2018

At Hollins Hall, Marriott Hotel, West

NLP in the North

Early Bird rates available
0345 8710012

© Dr Henrie Lidiard 2018

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