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Unit 1. Leadership Training

Topic: Concept of Leadership and Human Behavior
Learning Outcomes:
1. Define Leader/Leadership
2. Explain Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
3. Differentiate Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership
4. Discuss the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Concept Digest
Leadership is the utmost compelling eminence of an individual to be greatly successful in
life. It vigorously emboldens one to enthusiastically play an element in many ventures that
lead to attaining goals. It is also the key force in developing teamwork to ensure the
completion of common goals or purposes.
A Leader is:
 someone who acts as a guide;
 a directing head;
 someone who leads his people;
Leadership is: The ability to:
 motivate
 build self-confidence
 gain support among the people
 direct, organize, mentor or adviser
 act of leading.
Human needs define human nature. Values, beliefs, and customs vary from country
to country and group to group. However, people all have similar needs. Leaders must
recognize these needs because they are powerful motivators.
As a leader, you need to intermingle with your followers, peers, seniors, and others
whose support you need to achieve your goals. To gain their support, you must realize
and motivate them. People behave concerning certain principles of human nature.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow (1943) felt that human needs were arranged in a hierarchical order that could
be divided into two major groups: basic needs and meta needs (higher-order needs):
Basic Needs are physiological needs. These include:
 food, water, and sleep
 psychological (affection, security, and self-esteem)
Meta needs or being needs (growth needs). These include:
 justice, order, unity
 goodness, beauty
Maslow's theory emphasizes that a person must first satisfy the other lower needs
before realizing his self-worth and potential.

Six (6) Traits of Truly Effective Leader

John Maxwell (1999) says that a leader should recognize, develop, and refine certain
personal characteristics needed to be a truly effective leader. The following traits of an
effective leader taken from his book are as follow:

Leader Traits # 1: CHARACTER

 As revealed in his thoughts and expressions, the quality of a person's
behavior, attitudes and interests, action, and personal philosophy in life.
Leader Traits # 2: CHARISMA
 An extraordinary power in a person that wins popular support.
Leader Traits # 3: COMMITMENT
 The act of committing
 The state of intellectual and emotional devotion
Leader Traits # 4: COMMUNICATION
 The act of communicating
A person can be effective as a communicator by simply following the four basic truths:
 Simplify your message;
 See the person;
 Show the truth;
 Seek a response
Leader Traits # 5: COMPETENCE
 Indicates a sufficiency of knowledge and skills
To develop competence, do the following:
 Follow through with experience;
 Be productive and results-oriented;
 Build a genuine relationship with the team;
 Inspire others
Leader Traits # 6: COURAGE
 The quality of the mind that enables the person to face difficulty without
Practical in nature Inspires subordinates
Directly tells each person what to do, Leaders trust their subordinates.
when to do it, and how to do it.
Based on power that makes use of Demonstrate personal qualities and
rewards and coercion. accepts pressure to perform.

Four components of transformational leadership: (Bass, 1985, 1998, Bass &

Aviolo, 1993)
1. Charisma – A leader's charisma or idealized influence is envisioning, confident, and
sets high standards to be followed.
2. Inspirational motivation – Its inspirational motivation affords followers challenges and
meaning for engaging in shared goals and accomplishments.
3. Intellectual stimulation - Its intellectual stimulation aids followers question
assumptions and make more creative solutions to problems.
4. Individualized consideration - Its individualized consideration treats each follower as
an individual and provides coaching, mentoring, and growth opportunities.


Habits of Highly Effective People, he wrote about ways people can be productive. The
seven habits of highly effective people are as follows:
Habit # 1: BE PROACTIVE the ability to choose the response.
Habit # 2: BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND envision your goal and make it happen.
Habit # 3: PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST practice self-management. Know your priorities.
Habit # 4: THINK WIN-WIN putting both parties in a favorable situation.
way to understand is to listen.”
Habit # 6: SYNERGIZE together is better.
Habit # 7: SHARPEN THE SAW balance feels best.

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