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Belll thesem

) The EPR paper (Einsten - Pedslsky-Rasen) publiled

.in 195 staro that Quanm theeny
incemplit thuong on the boealit
foteER aper, was lbased en
ulatt and intorodueed a loca! hiddn
vaniabs theoy .:
enlangled electios henmeas ed
dem dustamt paints oe at communicate
usdh eaeh athu (Einstein Spoey actiom at

haue inhient hopetis

dul toa localhidd vaiable, h 2.
uhidden'.beeawsetis ; nphedietable and
kno ho te measune t &uhat
ib aoptiesà
loeal Lalism mo iofluence can paepgat

the measueent amal t was nat ginen t

the time of measemnt (ilee qpiantin theony
Sstut el mea uiemet des ibes)
)An Dsh hysicst ) Jahn &tew aut Bell, eadthe
RPR bapel
papst and A n inequalty
based n he local hadden vaab Res theohy
the kPR agument (is Kaal), then it

bheule obey this inequality ealed the Bls
) n his 1964 gape, Bell paoned
that theueapae
nisting valuis efet spn, then
hust hald t r . is erincquality
) Re then thuorcleally shos that uánlim
ey vislats Bel inequalit, hence Quanlim
dheoys nenlecal.
Baukgiond fo the thought expaint phae
Pion at heyt, o to comse lunea
et momentan
monee oppostedietiónS.
) dtctos
at twe bpasite Siols .


These detetumiae spin in ünit

ion of the ER expt)
(Bonns wwsion
a ginevaliation
Bell suggest Insteod otienting
thu a oette aleng the Same deetien,
Alsused them to be otated indegendantiy.
)Tha irst mase the component o elenSpiy
in the diuchion ol unit weeto a,
unit weeto B.
Simplicity, se measue the pins in wnits od
the each detectse, measues. eithe ti (spi,
u) - (kpin down).
A table
A y esults might laat ee thu:


Bell paopecd to caleulate the aveage valetthe

set deteeta
ientaten ae cale this aveag (a, E)

pin olewn
(antipanalel),_'a,-a). )
f abitaany oteentation quantu meehami
Bel ound out that this i incempatib lu ntb the loe
hidden variablw thesy. Th was dene wito t
help Bells
upgpon that
that the comptie sit 9 the eet
yskem is chasacteristecl bu iddh Naiablu ^e
(Vaatier i unpoictabl),
dateehak alon
HUo Supot the autome ondupendent
dust dutc chor along b.
Then dhere ests Some function A(&,) which
meaemen detecto I , and
8(6, ) e detet . Theseumctions ean
(3cnee Spn)
. A (a, 2) = t1 B(B,)=t|
À(A,2)= B(3,2) ton all
Now, the avelage of thepsadut if
P(a,E) <A(G) B8(E,2)>

whe 3(A) ’ 30)A) B(E,2) d)

dunity of the hudalus
Nancade .
Nelmaliahion condikon

Lot be any othu wnit vectet.

fhen P(a,$)- rla,c) :
A(6,A)- A

uae hee

|P(a,b)- Pa,c)l&3!
A(b,)x B(E) d
eA) A(b,) B(C, A) dd
P(arb)-Ra, 1+ P(6,8) ’ ciayalty
L41S Bet-(etSHnequaliy

Dt falds for any localidden Vaiables teony.

B0lso shosed' that the Quanl
edietien s atetete incamabble wt
males A5° with and
Quenim mechanes.
Then, P(a, B) = abeosqo°
P (,) = -ab cos h5
let az be C=] », Pla,).-1

Bt hee
|O--o-to1)I+e- o.701
o707 o293
Hena, ayantum theoy i non-aea!
) ene, this establishes
tats that. Ne leeal hidden Vaniables heoy
Can seocuu al the kesult

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