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Nama Sekolah : SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Smt : XII/Genap
Program / Konsentrasi Keahlian : TKR, TSM, DKV, DPB
Pembuat Soal : Maya Sari, S.Pd
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda
Jumlah Soal : 50
Jenis Assesmen : Latihan Soal UPSAJ

1. ''Hello, (_____________) is Nadin.”

A. My
B. I am
C. You are
D. What
E. My name

2. Diana : “(_____________) is your name?”

Rafi : My name is Rafi.'“

A. how
B. what
C. that
D. this
E. it

3. Fani : “ (______________________) ?”
Ira : “I am very well, thanks.”

A. How are you

B. Good night
C. Good morning
D. Nice to meet you
E. What is your name

4. Riri: “Finally, the homework is finished."

Rinda: “Well, okay then (_________________)
Riri: “Okay, see you.”

A. See you tomorrow

B. See you yesterday
C. Let’s go out somewhere
D. Let’s take a rest
E. Good bye

5. Andi: “I’m going home now.”

Riza: “Okay, good night.”
Andi: “See you tomorrow at school.”
What does Riza say when he is leaving?

A. good day
B. good night
C. good holiday
D. good weekend
E. see you

6. Fill in the blank with the correct words or phrases from the options.
Khansa: “I spilled your food…….................”
Kean: “Be careful next time”
Khansa: “Okay.”

A. Please stop that

B. Please buy again
C. Please forgive me
D. Please continue eating
E. Please go away

7. To say that you are sorry, you can use these expressions, EXCEPT: ….

A. I a sorry
B. I a terribly sorry
C. Please forgive me
D. I am so happy to do it
E. Please give me

8. Cindy: Oh, I have a headache. Can you get me "Paramex", please? It's on the table.
Tiny: ___________ Here it is.
Cindy: Thank you.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. Of course you are

B. I doubt
C. never mind
D. certainly
E. I am grateful

9. You help someone with a heavy bag. They say ''thank you'' and you reply ....

A. No thanks
B. you’re welcome
C. I appreciate it
D. I am grateful
E. you blame me

10. The Eiffel Tower is a symbol of Paris and one of the most recognized structures in the world. Standing
at 324 meters tall, it was completed in 1889. The tower has three levels that are open to the public,
offering breathtaking views of the city. What is the main topic of the text ?

A. The history of Paris

B. The Eiffel tower
C. The tallest structure in the world
D. The completion of construction project
E. Paris Eiffel Tower
11. The Eiffel Tower is a symbol of Paris and one of the most recognized structures in the world. Standing
at 324 meters tall, it was completed in 1889. The tower has three levels that are open to the public,
offering breathtaking views of the city. What is the height of the Eiffel Tower ?

A. 1889 meters
B. 324 meters
C. 100 meters
D. 500 meters
E. 1000 meters

12. The artist … beautiful painting

A. create
B. creates
C. created
D. creating
E. createds

13. Once, a hunter lived a village. He used to boast of his brave hunting trips to the villagers. The villagers
respected him a lot. He mostly told everyone how he had fought a lion bare-handed. He said that the tiny
animals used to get scared even at the sight of him.One day, the hunter was passing through a forest. He
met a woodcutter from the same village.The boastful hunter approached him and said, How are you? its
a fine day, isnt it?Yes, yes, indeed! the woodcutter replied.Well, can you tell me if you have seen some
footprints of the lion nearby? its been months since i defeated any.The woodcutter knew that the hunter
only boasted, so he said, Yes, a lion is in a nearby den. Can i take you there?The scared hunter said, No
No i only just wanted to see his footprints.Finally, the boastful hunter ran away from the spot.
What is the best title for the text?

A. A boastful hunter
B. A brave woodcutter
C. A woodcutters advice
D. A woodcutters rewards
E. A woodcutters hunter

14. Once, a hunter lived a village. He used to boast of his brave hunting trips to the villagers. The villagers
respected him a lot. He mostly told everyone how he had fought a lion bare-handed. He said that the tiny
animals used to get scared even at the sight of him.One day, the hunter was passing through a forest. He
met a woodcutter from the same village.The boastful hunter approached him and said, How are you? its
a fine day, isnt it?Yes, yes, indeed! the woodcutter replied.Well, can you tell me if you have seen some
footprints of the lion nearby? its been months since i defeated any.The woodcutter knew that the hunter
only boasted, so he said, Yes, a lion is in a nearby den. Can i take you there? The scared hunter said, No
No I only just wanted to see his footprints.Finally, the boastful hunter ran away from the spot.
What did hunter feel when the woodcutter said that there was a lion in a nearby den?

A. upset
B. scared
C. jealous
D. dissapointed
E. angry

15. Shintia ________________ to Malang last hoiday

A. go
B. goes
C. went
D. going
E. go to

16. We can learn from paragraph 2 that…

A. Ronaldo was a talented football player

B. Ronaldo was a very energetic football player
C. Ronaldo gained his success by his early teens
D. Ronaldo was a legendary young football player
E. Ronaldo was a rich football player

17. “After a stint with Nacional da liha da Madeira, he signed with Sporting Portugal in 2001.” (Paragraph
3). The word “signed with” can be replaced by…

A. participated
B. went
C. followed
D. joined
E. completed

18. According to the text, Messi’s parents moved to Barcelona ….

A. because they were very poor in Argentina

B. because they wanted Messi to be successful in soccer
C. so that Messi could learn in the best soccer club
D. to get Messi’s health problem cured
E. to make his first team debut
19. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. he hasn’t really attractive face, but he’s a very good football player
B. Lionel Messi is a good player for F.C Barcelona
C. his best characteristics are on the foot has competitiveness
D. he appears to be a quite good and modest person
E. his first team debut in a friendly with Porto

20. What is the monologue about?

A. The life experience of General Soedirman

B. The family of General Soedirman
C. The death of General Soedirman
D. A spirit of General Soedirman for the Indonesian Armed Forces
E. A biography of General Soedirman

21. What can we infer from the monolugue?

A. His uncle’s name was also Soedirman

B. January is the month of Maulud
C. Soedirman was shot and died in the military war
D. Soedirman died when he was relatively young
E. General Soedirman was buried in Jakarta

22. The memo is addressed to ….

A. All teachers only

B. All teachers and staff
C. Principal
D. All staff only
E. All students only

23. When will the workshop be held?

A. April 7th 2021

B. April 9th 2021
C. April 11th 2021
D. April 12th 2021
E. April 10th 2021

24. What is the memo about?

A. Workshop of New Normal Education

B. Gazeba SMKN 1 Kalibagor
C. The duty of teacher and staff
D. Workshop of New Education Policy
E. Workshop of Gazeba

25. How many items menu are for the main course?

A. should drink
B. shouldn’t drink
C. should be drinking
D. shouldn’t be drinking
E. should have drunk

26. How much should you pay for Vegetables Pasta?

A. Rp 27.000,00
B. Rp 30.000,00
C. Rp 40.000,00
D. Rp 42.000,00
E. Rp 28,000.00
27. If you ordered Vegetable Salad for the appetizer, Tomyam Fried Rice for the main course, and Tomyam
Goong for the Soup. How much does it cost?
A. Rp 102.350,00
B. Rp 104.250,00
C. Rp 104.350,00
D. Rp 105.250,00
E. Rp106,250.00

28. What does the sign mean?

A. We may smoke in that area

B. We are allowed to smoke in that area
C. Smoking is not forbidden in that are
D. We are not allowed to smoke in that area
E. We can smoke in that area

29. What should we do after reading the notice above?

A. Use the toilet on purpose

B. Use another toilet
C. Repair the toilet
D. Clean the toilet
E. Be careful to enter the toilet

30. Where do you usually find the sign above?

A. Hospital
B. Restaurant
C. Post station
D. Gas station
E. School

31. An official request for something, usually in writing is called.....

A. Vacancy
B. Application
C. Diaries
D. Biography
E. Autobiography

32. Below are kind of information that must be in the application, except….
A. as a written proof when applying for a job
B. as a means of communication
C. as a consideration for employee
D. as a tool to create something
E. as a tool to maintain communication

33. Person who formally requests something, especially for a job is called.....
A. an applicant
B. a job seeker
C. a landlord
D. a trader
E. a doctor

34. The top part of an application letter where the name and address of a person or business is printed is
A. letterhead
B. salutation
C. complimentary
D. signature
E. closure

35. 1. copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate,

2. copy of id card,
3. academic Transcript,
4. curriculum Vitae, and
5. recent photograph with size of 4×6,
I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope I could be the part of your company.
Anton Sanjaya

Below is an attachment that inludes job applicant, except….

A. copy of certificate
B. copy of id card
C. phone number
D. recent photograph
E. curriculum vitae

36. Asking and answering question dealing with job vacancy is called…..
A. job vacancy
B. job interview
C. job application letter
D. job desk
E. jobless

37. Someone who will answer the questions of an interview is called…..

A. Employee
B. Employer
C. Interviewee
D. Interviewer
E. Manager

38. Choose the best answer for this question “Why should we hire you?”
A. "Hire me!"
B. "Nothing, I am perfect"
C. "I am a professional in this way"
D. "I had many experiences in this field"
E. “I would really love to bring my skill set to your company"

39. What is one thing that you should NOT do during the first interview?
A. Ask about salary
B. Arrive on time
C. Answer the question calmly
D. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer
E. Be confident and act as calmly as possible

40. The best answer for question “What are your salary expectations?”
A. Maybe one or two million rupiah
B. Up to you
C. If this is the right job for me, we can come to an agreement on salary
D. I bet that will be very high price
E. I don't expect to much

41. My room is dirty and messy. I ….. clean it because my parents will be angry.
A. have to
B. has to
C. must
D. should
E. can

42. The following expressions are the example of school's obligation, except…..
A. The students must not wear T-shirt
B. The students must keep the classroom clean and tidy.
C. The students must pay attention to the teacher
D. The students must wash the dishes
E. The students must attend flag ceremony

43. Dita (not sleep) …... at this time.

A. should sleep
B. should not sleep
C. should be sleeping
D. shouldn’t be sleeping
E. should have slept

44. You (submit) ….. the report of our visit at the museum yesterday.
A. should submit
B. shouldn’t submit
C. should be submitting
D. shouldn’t be submitting
E. should have submitted

45. The children (drink) ….. milk every morning. It is not good for them to drink coffe.
A. should drink
B. shouldn’t drink
C. should be drinking
D. shouldn’t be drinking
E. should have drunk

46. “I’m looking forward to having your invitation for an interview”

What does the sentence mean?

A. I’m going to be interviewed

B. I’m waiting for an interview invitation
C. I'm expecting you for an interview
D. I’m going to invite you for an interview
E. I plan to invite you for an interview

47. The best way to dress for your interview is to…..

A. Wear jeans
B. Wear a suit jacket
C. Wear formal suit
D. Wear branded suit
E. Wear casual suit

48. To introduce yourself impressively, which one you should NOT do when answering question?

A. stare at the interviewer

B. make eye contact
C. smile at the interviewer
D. use appropriate body language
E. answer the question calmly

49. Yesterday, I ….. fininsh my mathematic project.

A. must
B. has to
C. had to
D. should
E. have to

50. What should you do after an interview?

A. Runaway
B. Thank to the interviewer
C. Ask about salary
D. Call them several time
E. Give a gift to the interviewer

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