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1. A broad term for something that contains words to

express something.

2. Text is the most basic element of Multimedia.

3. A good choice of words could help convey the

intended message to the users (Keywords)

4. Used in contents, menus, navigational buttons

Text Properties

Word Spacing Text Transformation

Letter Spacing Text Alignment
Text Decoration Text Indentation
Vertical Alignment Line Spacing
Comment hotkeys

Ctrl + B Bold Ctrl + N New file

Ctrl + I Italic Ctrl + O Open file
Ctrl + U Underline Ctrl + S Save file
Ctrl + X Cut Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + C Copy Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + V Paste Ctrl + Y Redo
File Formats & Software

.txt Notepad, Microsoft Word

.doc / .docx Microsoft Word , Google Doc
PDF vs DOC: When to Use Each
When to use PDF format

Printing / Online Content / Archiving / Business and Legal Documents / Combining

Multiple Formats / Anyone Can View It / File Exchange

When to use Word format

Reusing Images / Word Processing / Editing

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