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Class XI TKR 3 SMK N 3 Tegal
Quote of the Day
"Succes is stumbling from failure
to failure with no loss of
(Sukses adalah tersandung dari kegagalan ke
kegagalan tanpa kehilangan semangat)
In the end of the lesson, we
are able to ....
Identify the social function, generic
structure, and language features of
descriptive text
Analyze the social function, generic
structure, and language features of
descriptive text
Write a descriptive text using
PLEASE strategy
Look at the pictures below!

•Who are they?

•What is the color of their hair?
•What is the color of their eyes?
•What do you know about them?
What is descriptive text?
Descriptive text is a text used to give detailed
information (description) about a particular
object. It describes particular objects like things,
animals, persons or places. (Teks yang
mendeskripsikan informasi detail dari suatu
Social Function or Purpose of
Descriptive Text
To describe a particular person or place in
specific (mendeskripsikan tempat atau orang
tertentu dengan spesifik)
To give information about a particular object
by describing its features and special
characteristics, physical attributes, behavior,
functions, etc. (Fungsinya untuk
memberikan informasi tentang suatu objek)
What are kinds of descriptive text?

Describing Person

Describing Place

Describing Thing
Describing Person
We can describe some areas about the person:
-Appearance: what someone looks like on the outside (a
beautiful black eyes, light or brown skin, curly or straight
or short hair, pointed or unpointed nose, short or tall
height, etc)
-Character traits: the little things that make someone who
they are. (polite, kind, nasty, moody, respect, well
mannered, friendly, rude, generous, impolite, pious,
intelligent, clever, slow, shy, arrogant)
-Emotions are what someone feels at a certain time. (sad
when she has a trouble, happy when someone give her a
gift, exited when she go to concert)
-Hobby (Reading, swimming, cooking, playing game,
football, watching film)
What are the generic structures of
descriptive text?
1. Identification
contains the introduction or general idea about
the object we want to describe. (a person, thing,
place, animal, or event). (berisi gambaran umum
tentang objek yang dideskripsikan)

2. Description
Contains the details or information about the
objects’ characteristics, appearances,
personality, habits, or qualities. (berisi gambaran
detail tentang objek yang dideskripsikan)
-Specific participant: has a certain object, is not common and unique (only
one). for example: my chairmate, my house
-Use adjective, for example: a good and friendly friend, a clean and
comfortable house
-Use simple present tense because it tells the fact of the object described.
For example: my friend has beautiful black eyes, PAI has beautiful scenery.
However, Simple past tense also can be used if we want to describe the
object by telling the past event.
-Use to be (is, am, are) as an attribute verb.
For Example
My Old Frient at School
I have a classmate at school. Her name is Mark Lee. We met often to play and he was
always nice to me.
Mark's body was tall and well-proportioned. His slender body made his friends
envious. Mark also has an actor-like face which many female students like.
He has straight hair with black color. His hobbies are running, swimming and writing a
poem. Mark is not only handsome, but also very friendly to his friends and polite to his
teachers. Mark always smiled for those who greeted him. Every morning, Mark and I
used to go to school together.
At school, wherever I went, Mark was always with me. He is quite hyperactive and has
a funny response. During the holidays, Mark often came to my house to play.
Sometimes Mark would also stay at my house and come home in the morning. We
often go outside to visit exciting places.
The Example of Descriptive Text
My Old Sister
I have an older sister. Her name is Karina. I call her ‘Kak Karin’ and
she is seven years older than me. Although we are siblings, we have
some different characteristics and personalities.
My sister has black wavy hair, but she dyed it brown. She is 169 cm
tall and has long legs. Her skin is tanned because she likes to travel.
She also has nice facial features. Her face is small, with round eyes
and a pointed nose.
People like to see her smile and laugh because she has a gummy
smile. My sister is pretty but she always denies it. She is also kind to
everyone. She likes to buy me food and ask me to the cinema.
Yet sometimes she can annoy my mother. She rarely cleans her
room because she is quite busy. She often sleeps a lot on weekends
due to her working schedule which is from Monday to Saturday.
Answer the questions below based on the text!
1. What is the purpose of the text above?
The purpose of the text is to tell about Karina, the
writer older sister
2. How old is Karina?
Karina is seven years older than the writer
3. What is the word “sibling” similar to?
The word sibling is similar with sister or brother
4. Why Everyone like Karina?
Because she has a gummy smile and kind to everyone
5. Why does Karina's mother annoy her?
Because she rarely cleans her room
Is there any questions?
If no, let's play Kahoot to identify the
purpose, generic structures, and
language features of descriptive text by
answering the questions!
Go to
Enter the code
Play the game
Next, Let's do a group work with Jigsaw,
Numbered Heads Together, and Think
Pair Share Method
Follow the steps ->
Step 1 (Jigsaw) Step 2 (Jigsaw)
Go with home team and get students Go to expert team with the
worksheet from the teacher. After that, students that get same numbers
choose a roll of paper from the teacher to discuss about the answers
to get number of questions that must be

Step 3 (Jigsaw) Step 4 (NHT)

For the game, you will hold a number
After you get the answers, go based on the list of grup's member in
back to your home team and write the paper. Teacher will call your
your answers in the team's number to answer the questions
worksheet from the teacher


Step 5 (TPS) Step 6 (TPS)
When the teacher says "Think" and read After that, teacher will say "Pair".
the questions, you will listen and think In that time, you will discuss with
the answer individually your home teams about the
answer of the question given.

Step 7 (TPS) Step 8 (TPS)

After you have discussed with your Teacher will choose the fastest team that
team, teacher will say "Share" and call raise his/her hand. When you can answer
your number randomly. The number correctly, teacher will give you a star
called have to raise his/her hand fastly (point). The team that's never answer the
to answer the questions question will be punished.


Writing a Descriptive Text
Write a descriptive text about your close friend by following the steps of PLEASE method!
Writing a Descriptive Text
Write a descriptive text about your close friend by following the steps of PLEASE method!

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