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MC1: In a very extraordinary turn of events, the world was afflicted by a deadly virus which

came to be known as the covid-19. It has brought tremendous effects not only to human health
but even in other aspects of human existence.

MC2: Covid-19 brought us benefits and harm. It made the earth breath. Classes were made
home. Quarantine protocols were enforced. People were asked to stay home. We were
prohibited to get out with the fear of getting infected of the virus. But thanks God for bringing
us back to our old normal way of celebrating our victories and successes. He had given us once
again the opportunity to celebrate the beauty of life he has bestowed upon us.

MC1: This Coronation Rites is an example of effect of Covid19 because it should have done in
the year 2019. But now we thank God for it finally happen. Today’s affair is just a simple
manifestation of that great love of god to humanity. It is a time to celebrate God’s faithfulness.
TOGETHER: Good afternoon to everyone! Welcome to the Coronation Rites of Mr. and Miss
Magdalena Elementary School 2023.

MC1: To feel the presence of oneness among us together with our creator, may we all rise for a
prayer to be led to us by Mrs. Hedy Marie O. Retorbar.
MC2: To show our respect to the heroism of our heroes, may we remain standing for the act of
nationalism with Ms. Kristel Joy A. Balmores, conducting.

MC1: In any endeavor of our life, we can’t reach the finish line unless we begin to the starting
line. May we then have the very notable and devoted GPTA president of this school, Mrs.
Divinalyn P. Panaga, for the Opening Remarks.
MC2: Before the marching of the royal entourage, may we witness an opening salvo by the
select Magdalena ES pupils.
MC1: May we welcome them with a round of applause.
MC2: We shall all give our acclamation to the members of the royal as they march to the
throne. To pave their way, may we witness the entourage of the flower girls, scepter bearer,
bouquet bearer and crown bearer.
MC1: Mr. Love, Rio Macugay under Mrs. Jenie M. Battulayan represented by her his sister
Lianne Rhea Macugay.
MC2: Miss Love, Mitchie Alexis Canillo is the daughter of Mr & Mrs. Noel Macugay
MC1: Third Princess, Jeffanie Joy T. Ganal is the Daughter of Mr & Mrs. Pepe Ganal. Ladies
and gentlemen Third Princess Jeffanie Joy Ganal.
MC2: Second Princess, Kriztine Mae M. Borja represented by her nephew Lauren Grace
Macugay. Ladies and gentlemen, the Second princess

MC1: Second Prince Aimhiel Pedrosa is the son of Mr & Mrs. Anthony Panaga . Ladies and
gentlemen, Second Prince Aimhiel Pedrosa.

MC2: First Princess Samantha Joy G. Guieb under Mrs. Renalyn P. Cuma, represented by her
cousin Jillian Monique Ganal Ladies and gentlemen, First Princess

MC1: First Prince Christian Leal. Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Leal under Mrs. Roxanne F.
Viloria. Ladies and gentlemen, Second Prince Christian Leal.
MC2. And to shower the aisle of the king and queen, may we welcome the flower girls.
MC1: Miss Magdalena 2023 Sophia Jade Panaga Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Panaga under Mrs. Renalyn P. Cuma. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Magdalena 2023 Sophia
Jade Panaga.
MC2: Mr. Magdalena 2023 Jardine Chris Cadiente is the son of Mr. and Mrs Jimmy Cadiente.
under Mrs. Renalyn P. Cuma. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Magdalena 2023 Jardine Chris


MC2: We now come to the adornment of the royal entourage.
MC1: Mr Magdalena 2023 Jardine Chris Cadiente. To pin the sash of His Royal Highness King
Jardine. We are Requesting Mr. & Mrs Jimmy Cadiente . To the honor.
MC2: Miss Magdalena 2023 Sophia Jade Panaga. Mr & Mrs Anthony Panaga are requested to
pin on the sash of Her Majesty Queen Sophia Jade.
MC1: First Prince Christian Leal. May we request Eric Leal And Partner to pin on the sash of
First Prince Christian.
MC2: First Princess Jillian Monique Ganal. We are requesting Mrs. Jessa Ganal and Partner To
pin on the sash of First Princess Jillian Monique.
MC1: Second Prince Aimhiel Pedrosa. Mr & Mrs. Nickson Mabbagu are requested to pin on
the sash of Second Prince Aimhiel.
MC2: Second Princess Lauren Grace Macugay. May we request Mr. and Mrs. Rowel MAcugay
to do the honor of pinning the sash of Second Princess Lauren Grace.
MC1: Third Princess Jeffanie Joy Ganal. Mr.& Mrs.Pepe Ganal are requested to pin the sash of
Third Princess Jeffanie Joy
MC2: Miss Charity Liane Rhe Macugay We are requesting Mr Ronel Macugay &Partner to pin
the sash of Miss Charity.
MC1: Miss Love Mitchie Alexis Canillo May we request Mr. and Mrs. Noel Macugay to do the
honor of pinning the sash of Miss Love.
MC1: We now come to the PINNING OF CORSAGES AND DONING of medallion
Mr. Magdalena 2023 Jardine Chris. To don the medallion of His Royal Highness King
Jardine Chris, we are Requesting Kagawad Abelardo Villanueva Sr. and Mrs Renalyn P. Cuma
to do the honor.

MC2: Miss Magdalena 2023 Mrs. Jenie M. Battulayan and Brgy. Secretary Felisa Ilaban are
requested to pin the corsage of Her Majesty Queen Sophia Jade.

MC1: First Prince Christian. May we request Kagawad Vicente Ganal and Mrs. Roxanne F.
Viloria to don the medallion of First Prince.

MC2: First Princess Jillian Monique. We are Requesting Kagawad Orlino Vicente Sr. And Miss
Kristel Joy Balmores
To pin the corsage of First Princess Jillian Monique.

MC1: Second Prince Aimhiel. Mr. Rodel Agcaoili & Mrs. Jeannie L. Villanueva are requested
to don the medallion of Second Prince Aimhiel.
MC2: Second Princess Lauren Grace. May we request Kagawad Justina Noguera & Mr. Harry
Abut to do the honor of pinning the corsage of Second Prince Lauren Grace .
MC1: Third princess Jeffanie Joy. Mr & Mrs. Kagawad Paulino Juan & Kagawad Celedonia
Cadiente are requested to pin the corsage of Third Princess Jeffanie
MC1: And now the awarding of bouquet and garland.

XVIII. AWARDING OF GARLAND and Handling of Bouquet

We now come to the awarding of Garland and Handling of Bouquet
Miss Judith Carol Mateo is also requested to put on the garland to Mr Magdalena 2023 Jardine
MC1: May we request Mr Robert Santos to hand in the bouquet of Miss Magdalena 2023
Sophia Jade.
MC2: We now come to the enrobing of cape.
Mr Magdalena 2023. We are Requesting Mrs. Elisa P. Castillejos Principal II to do the
honor of enrobing the cape of Mr. Magdalena 2023 Jardine Chris.
MC1: Miss Magdalena 2023 Mr. Christian U. Burgos Principal I is requested to enrobe the cape
of Miss Magdalena 2023 Sophia Jade.

MC1: The life story of our guest speaker will uncovered by Mrs. Roxanne F.
Viloria ,afterwhich , the farewell Walk of Eloisa Faye Y. Mateo, former Miss Magdalena.
MC2: And now the crowning of Mr and Miss Magdalena 2023 by our coronator Dra. Analyn
S. Peralta, afterwhich her message.
A certificate is awarded to our Guest Speaker and coronator Dra. Analyn S. Peralta as our token
of appreciation. Allow me to read the content.
MC2: And, now the conferring of scepter.
MC1: Barangay Captain Luis Macugay is also requested to confer the scepter of Mr. Magdalena
2023 Jardine Chris
MC2: Sk Chairman Jonathan Macugay is requested to hand in the symbol of authority to Miss
Magdalena 2023 Sophia Jade.


MC1: We now come to the awarding of trophies.
MC2: Mr. Magdalena 2023 Jardine Chris. We are requesting Ms. Ma. Alondra Mateo. To award
the trophy of His Royal Highness King Jardine Chris.
MC1: Miss Magdalena 2023 Sophia. We are requesting Mr. & Mrs. Angelina Noguera to award
the trophy of Her Majesty Queen Sophia Jade.
MC2: First Prince Christian. May we request Mrs. Jovelyn Villanueva to do the honor of
awarding the trophy of First Prince Christian.
MC1: First Princess Jillian Monique. We are requesting Miss Jeanine Noguera to award the
trophy of First Princess Jillian Monique.
MC2: Second Prince Aimhiel. May we request Mr & Mrs Shiena Panaga to do the honor of
awarding the trophy of Second Prince Aimhiel.
MC1: Second Princess Lauren Grace. We are requesting Miss Kriztine Borja to award the
trophy of Second Princess Lauren Grace.
MC 2: Third Princess Jeffanie Joy. We are requesting Mrs. Jessica Ganal to award the trophy of
Third Princess Jeffanie.
XXI. Intermission Number
Let us witness the Magdalena Es Pupils in their folkdance Performance starting with the Grade
5 & 6, Grade 3&4, Grade 1&2 and Kinder to perform respectively.
And now let now witness the drum & lyre corp of Magdalena as they perform an exhibition.
MC2: We shall witness the promenade of the royal court.
MC1: The Officer-in-Charge Mrs. Jenie M. Battulayan will now convey her acknowledgement.
TOGETHER: That’s end of our program.
Thank you and once again and thank you for coming.

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