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The main purpose of the interview is to understand adolescents’ perception towards

depression/ psychological problems, as well as their perception towards counselling service.

Two respondents were recruited from a local Chinese independent high school through
convenience sampling. Four questions were asked to elicit response, with some prompting in
between. The anonymity of respondents was assured.

Abbreviations will be used in the transcripts, where “R1” stands for first respondent, “R2”
stands for second respondent, and “I” stands for Interviewer.

First Interview

I: What comes to your mind when you think of counselling?

R1: When talking about counselling, I first think of help.

I: So, in general, who are the people that you think will need counselling or help?

R1: I think is… people who have problems in their psychological aspect will need

I: Ok…So how do someone who has psychological problems look like?

R1: This person… I think the mood of this person will be very depressed, then he (she) will
have negative emotions, and… he (she) doesn’t like to be somewhere noisy and bustling, he
(she) will prefer to be alone.

I: Ok…So the last two questions. First, if you notice your friend seems to be psychologically
not good or you suspect he (she) may have depression, what will you do?

R1: I will… ask him (her) what problem is he (she) facing, then I will suggest him (her) to
look for a teacher that he (she) trusts and tell the teacher about him (her) problem.

I: Ok… So last question. So if you were the person who faces such situation, where you feel
different from your usual self, who will be the person that you are going to seek help from?

R1: I… will… look for my best friend.

Second Interview

I: What comes to your mind when you think of counselling?

R2: When talk about counselling, of course I will think about situation when I am facing a
problem that I can’t solve, and I seek help from people who are proficient in these problems,
they give suggestions and helps. For me, this is counselling.

I: Ok… so what are the problems that you think secondary school students will generally
meet or seek help?

R2: I guess academic and psychological problem.

I: Ok… so how do someone who has psychological problems look like?

R2: Low mood. Can’t manage own emotion in a good way.

I: So, if you notice your friend seems to be psychologically not good, can’t manage own
emotion in a good way, what will you do?

R2: I think I can’t really help them that much. What I can do is only listening to them and
accompany them.

I: Ok… So last question. So if you were the person who faces such situation, where you feel
different from your usual self, who will be the person that you are going to seek help from?

R2: I guess is my closest friend.

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