Smart Women Safety Device Using IOT

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Submitted by



in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree







JUNE 2022


Certified that this project report “SMART HARDWARE SYSTEM

FOR WOMEN SAFETY USING IOT” is the bonafide work of
“DEEPTHI D.K (961818106024) & MALGISHA ZEN. M
(961818106040)” who carried out the project work under my supervision.

Dr. M.R.Geetha M.E, Ph.D., Mrs. A.K.S.Saranya M.E.,


Assistant Professor

Department of ECE Department of ECE

Ponjesly College of Engineering, Ponjesly College of Engineering,

Nagercoil-629003. Nagercoil-629003.

Submitted for the Anna university Project Examination held at PONJESLY

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Nagercoil viva-voce on---------------------.



In Today’s World the safety of women is in danger especially in India.

Many preventive measures have been taken by the government to stop

these misbehaving activities but still has not affected the growing rate of these

crimes and has remained unaffected . Women are the most integral part of any

economy primarily responsible to shape the future of the country. Many

crimes against them are not being reported because of society's hypo critic

point of view. The against women have been rising significantly and often

hear about molestation, eve-teasing and rape cases in the public places of the

society. The security of women is the most important concern these days and

to build a safety device to act as a rescue and to prevent from harm at the time

of hazard is highly necessary especially for women. In this project a smart

device for women’s safety which automates the emergency alert, evidence

collection and pepper spraying system by using heart-rate sensor, camera and

flex sensor to detect a possible atrocity automatically. The location is tracked

by using GPS (Global positioning system). It sends an emergency message

automatically using GSM (Global system for mobile communication) to the

relatives and nearby police station.


First and foremost, we thank the “Lord Almighty” for his abundant
grace for enabling us to complete this project. It is indeed a great pleasure and
great proud to thank our dear parents, who inspired us throughout as well as
took care our financial needs throughout our project. We also thank our dear
friends and siblings who helped us with useful ideas and materials.

We express thanks to our Chairman Thiru. Pon Robert Singh M.A.,

who permitted us to undertake our project in the college.

We are grateful to our Principal Dr. G. Natarajan for providing all

facilities and inspiration to do our project.

We express our thanks to Prof. S. Arulson Daniel, M.Sc., M.Phil.,

our Director for his inspiration throughout our project.

It is our pleasure to express our heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude

to our HOD Dr.M.R.Geetha, M.E., Ph.D., and our project supervisor
Mrs.A.K.S.Saranya, M.E., Department of ECE for her friendly suggestions,
valuable ideas, and whole hearted guidance throughout our project.

We also record our heartfelt thanks to all our staff members and family
members for their constant encouragement at various levels of our project.





1.1 Woman safety device 1

1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Objectives of Project 3
1.4 Why Society Need Women Safety 4
1.4.1 Domestic Violence 4
1.4.2 Major Issues faced by women in working 5
1.4.3 Harassment 6
1.4.4 Negative attitudes of male co-workers 6
1.4.5 Lower pay-scale 7
1.4.6 Safety and Security 7
1.4.7 Existing women problem 8
1.4.8 Solution to the problem 8
1.6.1 Purpose 12
1.6.2 Solution 13

3.2.1 Block diagram 22
3.2.2 Circuit Diagram 24
4.1.1 ARDUINO IDE 29
4.1.2 Benefits of Using Arduino 30
4.1.3 Embedded C 34
4.2 16X2 LCD DISPLAY 36
4.3 GSM 37
4.4 GPS 38
4.10 BUTTON 44
4.12 CAMERA 45




3.1 Block Diagram 23

3.2 Circuit Diagram 24
4.1 Arduino Uno 27
4.3 Selecting the board 31
4.4 Select the Port on Arduino IDE 32
4.5 Compiling 33
4.6 Burning 34
4.7 LCD Display 37
4.8 GSM modem 38
4.9 GPS 39
4.10 ESP8266 40
4.11 Heartbeat Sensor 41
4.12 Flex sensor 42
4.13 Motor Driver L293D 43
4.14 Pump Motor 44


GPS Global Positioning System

GSM Global System for Mobiles
IDE Integrated Development Environment
IoT Internet of Things
LCD Liquid-Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
MCU Microcontroller unit
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
SMS Short Message Service
Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity




A safety device is a piece of equipment such as a fire extinguisher,

safety belt, or burglar alarm that reduces loss or damage from a fire, accident,
or break-in. It is extremely important to have various safety devices to protect
from fire and electrocution. Industrial electricity use has similar problems.
This page examines these electrical safety devices. Namely, fuses, circuit
breakers, and ground fault circuit interrupters. Safety devices are equipped
with functions such as a direct opening action for switches and a forcibly
guided mechanism for relays, as required by standards. These functions are
designed to operate correctly within the control system in which they are
used. Face masks, goggles, dust masks, respirators, hearing protection, proper
gloves for specific tasks, ventilation devices for airflow, and dust collectors
are recommended.

Keeping your home free of dangers and equipped with home safety
products can prevent mundane accidents such as falls and can protect you
from emergencies like fires. Practice some good habits around your home to
keep you and your loved ones safe. Electrical safety devices protect electrical
circuits from short circuits or overloads. A circuit breaker is designed to stop
incoming electrical flow at the sign of any irregularities (faults) such as an
overload (more than normal electrical flow that the electrical system can

Physical devices through which all electronic devices is called the

Internet of Things, cloud computing and sensors are connected. The privacy is
very high in the Internet of Things. It is very helpful to people to develop a

smart-based security. The sensors are developed in such a way that there is a
automatic response without any triggering buttons. This can help people can
overcome difficulties like women security, constructing smart city. Multiple
sensors like flux sensor, vibration sensor, tilt sensor, heartbeat sensor and
GPS are used for safety purposes. The GPS is used to identify the location.
Heartbeat sensor is used to identify the heartbeat level, IOT is used to send
the location and message to nearby police station if there is any high change
in the heartbeat level. If any harassment , there may be chances of bending,
inclinations, vibration and any bending are noted by tilt sensor, if there are
different changes than the message is sent. Arduino, Raspberry pi3 are used in
the proposed system. The application proposed gives the security system
which is designed to help women to do their work with comfort and can to the
places they wanted and work with comfort. Body sensors and GPS is used to
track location and send messages to nearby police station and relatives.

Women safety has always been an issue even in these modern times
with so much advancement in technology. Women are not safe anywhere and
are most vulnerable when traveling alone into lonely roads and deserted
places. Existing handheld devices that are available for women safety require
women intervention to activate them such as pressing the button or shake the
device etc after sensing the danger. However, for some reason if a woman has
no time to activate it when she is danger, then the purpose of the safety device
is not solved. In a country like India where the growth rate of crime is
considered to be more than the growth rate of population, which includes
burglary, murders, rapes, and many more women’s safety is believed to be
one of the most important issues. According to a report by Thomson Reuters
Foundation, India is ranked as a highly dangerous place for women
worldwide; India has the greatest number of child brides as well. In 2016, the
number of reported rapes is almost 39,000. Experts that were interviewed for

the reason why India is presumed to be dangerous for women said India is on
top of the list because its government has done almost nothing to provide
safety to women since the rape and murder of a student in early 20’s in 2012
which prompted changes in the rape laws of the country. Most of the attacks
on women happen when they are traveling alone or are in a remote area where
they are not able to find any help or proper assistance.


The challenging situations facing by each women now-a-days gave

motivation to come up with a security device to help the women to do the
work they liked to do. The application helps women to overcome their fear
and can roam freely and complete their works.


This safety device is a microcontroller-based system. An Arduino

microcontroller is one of the series Arduino microcontrollers, one of the
oldest yet commonly used microcontrollers. It has the less complex features
than other microcontrollers and it is also easily available and cheap in
comparison of other microcontrollers. The implementation of women safety
system was done on Arduino microcontroller via GSM modem and the
interfacing is done through MAX-RS 232.Communication of alarming
situation & prevention of incident has achieved by GPRS, GSM technology,
and defensive system respectively. This is the aim of our system. As a result
the design is separated into two parts.

• Message of the offense throughout wireless

• Prevention of the crime.

• Locating safe place from victim’s current location on the map


• About 10% of all the crimes committed in the country are those of
women abuse.

• Women make up two-thirds of the estimated 876 million adults

worldwide who cannot read or write

• 30 lakh girl children were lost to female infanticide during 2001-2011.

• A woman is raped every 20 minutes in India.

• After 60 years of independence, 1 in 3 women in India are still


• Only 39.5% women in India are economically active, compared to 80%

in China.

• Of the 1.3 billion people who live in absolute poverty around the globe,
70 percent are women.

• 10.9% of the female population owns land, and among agricultural

workers the figure drops down to 9.3%.

• Less than 40% of women give birth in a health facility.

1.4.1 Domestic Violence

• One in three ever married women report having been slapped by their

• Between 12 and 15 % report having their arms twisted, being pushed,

shaken, kicked, dragged, or beaten up, or having something thrown at

• 10% report that their husbands have physically forced them to have

• Around two-third of married women in India were victims of domestic

violence and one incident of violence translates into women losing
seven working days in the country.

• One in seven ever married women have suffered physical injuries as a

result of spousal violence.

• For most women who have ever experienced spousal violence, the
violence first occurred within the first two years of their marriage

1.4.2 Major Issues faced by women in working environment

We can’t deny the fact that the role of women in society has been
radically changed in the past few decades. From running a jet plane, teaching
kids to serving as admin head or company executive, women are seen playing
each role with aplomb. They are not only cherishing their fulfilling careers,
but also some of them are outrunning men. Despite these incredible advances,
women still have to face a lot of work issues and professional challenges at
workplace. Some of the problems and challenges faced by working women in
the workplace are as follows:

• Balancing between paid employment and family care.

• Work related stress problems faced by working women.

• Victims of physical harassment and unfair treatment in the workplace.

• Tolerance of abuse, violence, harassment and discrimination

• Sexual harassment, mental pressure and safety problems.

• Prejudiced and stereotyped thinking faced by working women.

Steps and corrective measures are being taken up by management and

employers to provide female employers with a better workplace by
eliminating gender discrimination and biasness from offices. The number of
working women is increasing day by day but still there are certain women
issues and barriers that they have to come across and tackle at workplace.

1.4.3 Harassment

Women are still considered as easy target by their fellow male

colleagues. Women are much vulnerable so higher management and even
colleagues harass them by cracking obscene jokes, passing derogatory
comment or trying to touch their private parts etc. In such cases, most of the
women remain silent and try to ignore them in fear of losing job. Even some
of them prefer to quit job as they believe lodging a complaint against the
culprits will not help them anyway. In most of the cases the higher authority
or management doesn’t support the victim. Laws are there to protect working
women against sexual harassment but only if complaints are lodged

1.4.4 Negative attitudes of male co-workers

In most of the cases working women feel humiliated with the attitude
and derogatory remarks passed by their male colleagues. It is believed by
most the men that women are hired only to add glamour and colour to the
office environment. This kind of unhealthy work atmosphere, lack of support
from colleagues and higher authority leads to job dissatisfaction and less
productivity for women. Higher management should take some steps to create
a healthy and conducive work environment for ladies.

1.4.5 Lower pay-scale

Women are paid less because management has a preset notion that she
will leave the job after having children or marriage. While harassment,
bullying etc. are vivid acts in offices, lower pay scale is something that kills
the confidence of a female employee from inside. It is a silent crime and no
one can compliant about it. Women should be vocal about their right,
remaining silent means that you are also supporting this shameful act.
Employers should ensure that equal wages are paid to women employees
without gender discrimination.

1.4.6 Safety and Security

Women employees are not safe in office, not even in transports.

Incidents of rape and sexual assault in office cab are making headlines
everyday on newspapers. Women have been the victims of sexual
harassments by the male colleagues or driver. This needs to be stop and for
this higher authority must take necessary steps.

Some Recommended Solutions

• Partners can be more sensitive to women’s needs, and counter tradition

by helping their Wives perform daily tasks and take care of children.

• Organizations should have an internal code to ensure security of

women employees and Take measures to ensure that they discharge
their job in a secure atmosphere.

• Governments should make it mandatory for companies to install Global

Positioning System (GPS) in vehicles carrying women, in all industries
which engage women in night Shifts.

• Providing self-defence training to women; installing safety devices and
CCTVs at the Work place; undertaking police verification of cab
drivers, security guards etc.

• Child care facilities and Child care leave for working women should be
provided by every organisation. 6. Flexible timing and Possibility to
work from home are required for working women.

1.4.7 Existing women problem

• Women are the subject of exploitation inside and outside the home say
whether on roads, trains, cabs, schools etc.

• Women occupy almost half the globe. But their survival has always
been a question, when it comes to existence with honour and dignity.

• Women’s empowerment in the country can be brought once their safety

and security is ensure, either it may be at home, publics places or
during travelling.

1.4.8 Solution to the problem

A good solution will be a device that is portable and small, yet has a
potential of providing the required set of capabilities that are good enough to
tackle the problems faced by women under various situations. Such a device
should provide an alerting Crime rate against women from 2005-14 system
which helps the victim to reach out for help. This alerting system should be
good enough to alert the right people and at the right time. This system solves
this problem by giving an option to set the mobile number for whom the user
wants to reach out for help.


The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the use of intelligently connected

devices and systems to leverage data gathered by embedded sensors and
actuators in machines and other physical objects. IoT is expected to spread
rapidly over the coming years and this convergence will unleash a new
dimension of services that improve the quality of life of consumers and
productivity of enterprises, unlocking an opportunity that the GSMA refers to
as the ‘Connected Life’.

• For consumers, the IoT has the potential to deliver solutions that
dramatically improve energy efficiency, security, health, education and
many other aspects of daily life.

• For enterprises, IoT can underpin solutions that improve decision-

making and productivity in manufacturing, retail, Agriculture and other

Objects around us have been connected for decades. Devices like TV

remote controls and garage door openers have been part of our domestic
landscape for generations. Industrial applications of these technologies—for
example, through remote monitoring and control of production—are also
nothing new. In fact, even the phrase “Internet of Things” is not a recent
invention; it was coined around twenty years ago.

However, recent developments in both networks and devices are

enabling a much greater range of connected devices and Internet of Things
(IoT) functionalities. Today, the phrase “Internet of Things” refers to the
world of smart connected objects and devices. Gone is the remote control,
replaced by an intelligent device that will automatically fulfil its task based on
its analysis of user behaviour. All of this is made possible by the

miniaturization of electronic devices, accompanied by a huge increase in the
availability of internet connectivity.

IoT describes a system where items in the physical world, and sensors
within or attached to these items, are connected to the Internet via wireless
and wired Internet connections. These sensors can use various types of local
area connections such as RFID, NFC, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee. Sensors
can also have wide area connectivity such as GSM, GPRS, 3G, and LTE.


Women safety has always been an issue even in these modern times
with so much advancement in technology. Women are not safe anywhere and
are most vulnerable when traveling alone into lonely roads and deserted
places. Existing handheld devices that are available for women safety require
women intervention to activate them such as pressing the button or shake the
device etc after sensing the danger. However, for some reason if a woman has
no time to activate it when she is danger, then the purpose of the safety device
is not solved. In a country like India where the growth rate of crime is
considered to be more than the growth rate of population, which includes
burglary, murders, rapes, and many more women’s safety is believed to be
one of the most important issues. According to a report by Thomson Reuters
Foundation, India is ranked as a highly dangerous place for women world
wide, India has the greatest number of child brides as well. In 2016, the
number of reported rapes is almost 39,000. Experts that were interviewed for
the reason why India is presumed to be dangerous for women said India is on
top of the list because its government has done almost nothing to provide
safety to women since the rape and murder of a student in early 20’s in 2012
which prompted changes in the rape laws of the country. Most of the attacks
on women happen when they are traveling alone or are in a remote area where

they are not able to find any help or proper assistance. This paper proposes a
IoT based solution to address the problem of women safety and that overcome
the shortcomings of existing devices.

The proposed system consists of a dual alert that is buzzer and message
is sent through GSM. This system can be turned on by a woman in case she
even thinks she would be in trouble. This Project presents a women safety
detection system using GPS and GSM modems. The system can be
interconnected with the alarm system and alert the neighbours. This detection
and messaging system is composed of a GPS receiver, GPS Receiver gets the
location information from satellites in the form of latitude and longitude. The
user receives the information from GSM which receives the processed
information from the Microcontroller. A GSM modem is interfaced to the
MCU. The GSM modem sends an SMS to the predefined mobile number.
When a woman is in danger and in need of self-defence then she can press the
touch sensor, which is allotted to her. By touching the touch sensor, the entire
system will be activated then immediately a SMS will be sent to concern
person with location using GSM and GPS.

We all are known that, Day by day the women safety is becoming a
common issue such app does exist and they equally smart to confiscate the
victim phone. In the 21st century where the technology is rapidly growing and
new gadgets are being developed but still women and girls are facing
problems. In our country women can’t step out of their house at anytime,
especially during night. Main purpose of the system is to provide security and
safety. Even though this is Independent Nation women are not safe. There
should be some effective measures for the security of the women, now a days
there are many applications developed for the women security but main
drawback of these application it is required initial interaction of women and

that it is not possible. Here we build a women smart band and android
applications. This project work automatically based on pulse sensor and
temperature sensor.

The proposed system’s is wearable and typically consist of sensors,

signal conditioning electronics and wireless transmission technology. System
is low weight and compact energy storage devices and energy harvesting from
the human body are crucial technologies for extended and reliable operation.
The idea of our project is based on the news related to Women Safety which
we often read in the newspapers as shown below. These types of incidents are
generally carried out by first time offenders who generally look like students
and hence it’s difficult to track them. Security measures taken by the police
department includes only monitoring cameras in and around the city which
includes some tips to alert the public. The aim of this project is to develop a
low power smart electronic gadget that is capable of tracking women while in
danger and alert the police through the Real time transmission of location
signals of the scene of crime which helps in solving the complicated cases. It
also reduces many kinds of crimes taking place in and around the city and
hence provides security for the public. The project design has two parts; a
public end device (Smart electronic gadget/Transmitter) and the Police end
device (receiver) located at the police control room. The purpose of this
project is to design an easy and portable device for women safety. Here we
are mainly focusing on designing a prototype in which the device can be
easily carried around.

1.6.1 Purpose

• The main purpose of this device is to intimate the parents and police
about the current location of the women. A GPRS system is used to

trace the current position of the victim and a GSM modem is used to
send the message to the pre- defined numbers.

• The main purpose of this device is to act as an emergency device for

women. the concept of a women's safety device for application in India
of GSM and GPRS Tracking

• The main purpose of this device is to intimate the parents and police
about the current location of the women. A GPRS system is used to

• The main goal of this project is to they refined wireless portable

women safety device and system Using GPS/GSM Technology and

1.6.2 Solution

We have proposed a device that will be a combination of multiple

devices, hardware components of a wearable “Smart band”. That
communicates continuously by accessing to the internet through a Smart
phone. This system is already pre-programmed and it includes essential of
human behaviour such as behaviour and reactions to different situations like
anger, fear and anxiety. This system generates a signal which is transmitted to
the smart phone. This software or application has access to GPRS which is
pre-programmed in such a way that whenever it receives emergency signal, it
can send help request along with the location co-ordinates to the nearest
Police station, relatives and the people in the near radius who have
application. This system enables help instantaneously from the Police as well
as Public in the near radius. In this system, we have mentioned many Android
applications having similar feature to our application. In all those
applications, victim location sent only once to the registered contacts in

different forms like SMS, EMAIL etc. But in practical situations, the victim
may not be kept at one place standing, she may be moving around. The
unique feature of our application is location is sent to all the contacts for
every five minutes for three times. Also, all the contacts will be receiving a
call, sometimes there may be chance for people don’t see SMS, but after
receiving the call they get alert and can look at the SMS and can identity that
their near once is in danger quickly. If she is in danger then emergency
message is send to the family member and nearby police station with the
GPRS location of victim. The device not only provides family and police
support but also helps in getting as fast as possible.




Satyam Tayal, Harsh Pallav Govind Rao, (2021), implemented women

safety is an alarming issue. When travelling in lonely areas, women are
vulnerable to different threats, eve teasing and harassments. This makes them
feel helpless. In this paper, a simple and cost-effective women safety device
design and hardware implementation using Node MCU, GSM, and GPS
modules is proposed. In the event of any danger sensed by a woman, a push
button is to be pressed by her on this safety device. In this scenario, GPS
quickly tracks the women's location and an emergency message is being sent
by GSM module to saved contacts and nearby police control room. Further,
the buzzer to alert the nearby people to help the women. Thus, raises an
alarm, complete protection of women is ensured.



S. Pravinth Raja. S. Sheeba Rachel, (2020), implemented the goal of

this article is to build a smart gadget that can help women who are feeling
insecure and threatened. We put our effort to develop a Smart Foot Device
with a view of Women's Safety. Every day, everywhere, young girls, ladies
and other females of different societies fight to be safe and defend themselves
from the incredibly disrespectful men's roving eye that molests assaults and
abuses women's dignity. In General, the roads, public transport, and public
place have become the hunter's dominance. A smart safety footwear aimed at
womenfolk grounded on the Internet of Things was suggested because of
these crimes happening in the current scenario. This is realized with the usage

of a smart IoT device. This smart gadget can be fixed into the footwear well
as it shall be activated invisibly. A button, a Microcontroller board, GPS,
GSM, and a buzzer are all part of the smart wearable device. An alert is
activated by tapping one foot behind the other thrice. This permits the GSM
and GPS to direct a message to pre-configured numbers such as a guardian or
police department. The findings were analysed using a decision tree classifier,
which revealed that this low-cost gadget had substantially greater reliability.



V. Hyndavi, N. Sai Nikhita, (2020), implemented the crimes against

women have been rising significantly and often hear about molestation, eve-
teasing and rape cases in the public places of the society. The security of
women is the most important concern these days and to build a safety device
to act as a rescue and to prevent from harm at the time of hazard is highly
necessary especially for women. In this paper, a smart device for women's
safety which automates the emergency alert system by using pressure
sensor,pulse-rate sensor and temperature sensor to detect a possible atrocity
automatically using outlier detection is proposed. This system detects and
sends the alerts for the dear ones with the location coordinates of the women
without the requirement of her interaction in critical times. It sends an
emergency message automatically to the relatives and nearby police station.



Divya Chitkara, Nipun Sachdeva, (2016) implemented women

suffering violation are even denied of the basic human rights. Gender based
violence has become a national as well as international agenda because of

decades long struggles by civil society accompanied by women's movements.
Though there are unprecedented numbers of laws against domestic violence,
sexual assault and other forms of violence in each and every country to
protect their female citizens to become a victim of any such violence but they
are facing major challenges in implementing such laws. Thus making the
society unjust and insecure for the women as in majority of cases the violator
remains unpunished. We all should focus on ensuring a society which is
secure for all the women around the globe so that they can experience
equality and justice. In a sexual act of violence, the aggressors are confident
of the power they exercise. The defence strategy used by females needs to be
revolutionised by adopting modern technology and gadgets to protect them
from their oppressor. This device is an answer to all the women who deserve
a safe and secure world.



S Priyanka, Shivashankar, (2018), implemented India being considered

itself as a well developing nation and an economic core, faces several of evils
known from ages like dowry, crime against women, sexual assault, abduction
and the worst amongst all is rape. In spite of India's literacy rate, the women
don't privilege their right to equality and justice in this society. Women
suffering these atrocities are even denied the basic human rights as mentioned
in the Indian penal code. Women not being as fit (physically) as men need to
be protected from the hands of evils of the society. The implementation of the
acts and techniques for a safer women is not sufficient and has to be enhanced
well enough. In order to overcome all these problems, we should aim on a
promising society where women feel safer and secure throughout the world.
This proposed idea describes the steps and process as to how the safety device

works in ensuring the welfare of the women by instantly sending a message
and the location of the victim to the pre stored contacts. This paper also
describes as to how the assailant gets scared by the loud noise and the
vibration created so as to let go off the victim.


Rubaiat Khan, Nagib Mahfuz, (2020), implemented the Women's
safety is a significant concern in today's society. A tiny smart device can
reduce this problem. A smart device with an SMS alert feature with real-time
location tracking can assure a woman to move freely. This research aims to
build a safety device for women's safety. This research introduced a smart
device that will take some action to identify the user who is in trouble. The
system has a fingerprint module, which ensures that only an authorized person
is using this device. If the user cannot press her finger on the fingerprint
module within a specific time, the device will consider it a danger, and an
automatic SMS will send to the authority. This device can also measure heart
pulse and body temperature that make the safety device a smart gadget. A
concerned authority can inquire about the real-time location of the user by
sending an SMS also. A unique feature of this device is it has a built-in teaser
gun for self-defense. A specific finger pattern needs to swipe on the module to
enable the teaser gun. A smartphone app is developed for configuring this
device. This device is similar to a power bank and can't predict its feature.
Smartphone micro-USB chargers are using for the charging purpose of this


A. Z. M. Tahmidul Kabir, Al Mamun Mizan, (2020) implemented the

Women endure a lot of sexual harassment these days which is becoming

alarming day by day. The situation is extremely serious in developing
countries as well as underdeveloped ones. Consequently, it poses a significant
challenge to women's empowerment as well as to a country's budgetary
growth. In this project, we are advancing an IoT device along with an android
app that can make women's movement safer. Women can get swift and
supreme safety support by pressing the device's emergency switch. If any
incident occurs, this device can track the user's location in real-time and send
it to the nearby police box and volunteer. The user can also get location of the
nearest safe zone by this device as well. In addition, this device functions in
both online and offline mode. If there is no internet available, the user can still
use the device to access the nearest police box and volunteer support. The
device consists of Arduino nano, GPS, GSM, Bluetooth, etc. The aggregate of
all these elements collectively offers this device to be affordable and easy to



Prottasha Ghosh, Tanjim Masroor Bhuiyan, (2021) implemented in

today's world, the major question in every girl's mind is about her security and
safety. A few years back, a woman has to go for the convivial system (social
media) to protest and warn about sexual harassment faced their self. A report
shows that 51% have to experience sexual harassment unwillingly. The
percentage turned to 66%, 38% and 35% for the public places, workplace and
at their home respectively. At first, the cases handling by the police are a
major issue but there have some botheration’s like not knowing the victim's
exact location, not knowing surely the crime occurred at all, and then lack
evidence, police stops investigation. This paper is focused on a new IoT based
evidence-collecting device to ensure women's safety and security. This

system consists of a Raspberry pi, buzzer, and camera; flex sensor, GSM, and
GPS modules in a combined way. Women can use this compact device with
their undergarments easily and comfortably.



Nandita Viswanath, Naga Vaishnavi Pakyala, (2016) implemented in

this paper, an attempt has been made to develop a smart device that can assist
women when they feel unsafe. This smart device will be clipped to the
footwear of the user and can be triggered discreetly. On tapping one foot
behind the other four times, an alert is sent via Bluetooth Low Energy
communication to an application on the victim's phone, programmed to
generate a message seeking help with the location of the device attached. The
results obtained were analysed using Naïve Bayes classifier and this low-cost
device showed an overall accuracy of 97.5%.




This device consists of a system that ensures dual alerts in case a
woman is harassed or she thinks she is in trouble. This system can be turned
on by a woman in case she even thinks she would be in trouble. It is useful
because once an incident occurs with a woman she may or may not get the
chance to press the emergency button. In a button press alerting system, in
case a woman is hit on the head from behind, she may never get the chance to
press panic button and no one will know she is in trouble. Our system solves
this problem. This device is to be turned on in advance by a woman in case
she is walking on a lonely road or some dark alley or any remote area. Only
the woman authenticated to the devices can start the system by fingerprint
scan. Once started the devices requires the woman to constantly scan her
finger on the system every 1 minute, else the system now sends her location
to the authorized personnel number through SMS message as a security
measure and also sounds a buzzer continuously so that nearby people may
realize the situation. In this case even if someone hits the woman or the
woman falls down and get unconscious, she does not need to do anything, the
system does not get her finger scan in 1 minute and it automatically starts the
dual security feature. This device will prove to be very useful in saving lives
as well as preventing atrocities against women.


When the user will turn on the device, all modules will be launched
simultaneously. The main purpose of our project is to provide safety to the
women from the dangerous zone. In this project, we are providing facility to

secure by providing this Kit. It is used to safeguard the People who are in
threads. We are focusing on building an effective, fast and reliant system to
make the women of India feel safe and empowered. Our platform will act as a
24/7 active help and companion for people in critical situation. So that they
don't ever feel that they are alone in the middle of a crisis situation. The main
purpose of this device is to intimate the parents and police about the current
location of the person in critical situation. A GPS system is used to trace the
current position of the victim and a GSM module is used to send the message
to the pre-defined numbers. Arduino microcontroller is used for controlling
the safety device. Sensors like, heart rate sensor and flux sensor are used. The
proposed device is more like a safety system in case of emergency. The
pulse sensor measures the abnormal pulse rate and flex sensor senses the body
movements. There are several applications that reduce the risk of sexual abuse
by sending SMS.

3.2.1 Block diagram

The Block diagram consists of various components such as Arduino

controller, LCD display, heart beat sensor, Flux sensor, camera, button, GSM,
GPS modem, Wi-Fi, Motor driver and pump motor . Our proposed system is a
safety device for women who contain sensors along with GSM and GPS to
detect a possible atrocity and notify her friends and family through a message
containing her location. The sensor reaches the threshold value then the alert
notification is sent to the user mobile. This data is further sent to the Mobile
numbers using AT command viz., GSM Module. This project clearly uses
three main modules of GPS, GSM and a microcontroller. When the user
presses the emergency button, the GPS data is sent to the mobile through Wi-

The camera will be turn on and capture the images of surroundings.
The motor driver turns on and pump motor pumps the pepper spray.

Battery LCD

Power Module
supply Arduino

Heart beat Wi-Fi

Sensor Module Mobile

Flex Sensor

Motor Pump
Mode button Driver Motor

Button GSM

Voice O/P

Fig.3.1 Block Diagram

This data is processed for Latitude and Longitude. In emergency

situation the voice module is used for getting voice output. This data is further
encoded into an https link mapping to the appropriate location on the map.

The system contains number of sensors. The main purpose of our project is to
provide security to the women in dangerous situation. This device consists of
the button which can be presses by the women when she is in need. If women
in trouble she can touch the button system is activated and tracking real time
location of victim and sends that location to her relative and nearby police
station so that she can get the immediate help.

3.2.2 Circuit Diagram

The block diagram was developed into the schematic diagram. The
circuit diagram was used to simulate the hardware components of the system.
The diagram explains the connection of various components into the Arduino

Fig.3.2 Circuit Diagram

The circuit diagram of the Women Safety Device is very simple. All
the electronics are powered up using the 12 Volts battery. the women safety

device provided with a wireless receiver, GSM module, Wi-Fi and a GPS
Module. All these modules are interfaced with the Arduino. The RXD and
TXD pins of the GSM Sim900A module are connected with the Arduino’s
pins. The RXD and TXD pins of the Neo 6M GPS Module are connected with
the Arduino. With all the technology available to us in recent times, it's not
hard to build a safety device for women which will not only generate an
emergency alarm but also send a message to your friends, family, or
concerned person. Here we will build a band that can be worn by women,
using which they can inform police or anyone, using SOS emergency SMS
along with the current location and for evidence collection a camera is being
placed and for immidiate help a voice module is used. Using this information,
the police will be able to save the victim from the location. For this, here we
are using an Arduino which can be interfaced with GSM and GPS module for
sending SMS alerts and getting the location coordinates. To help reduce any
type of female assault, every female going outside should have a safety device
that can be kept hidden inside a Purse, Handbag, or a school bag.



The woman safety system operates by the connection of various

hardware components and software application. They are.














The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328.

It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6
analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack,

an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support
the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or
power it with AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Arduino Uno is
the most common version of Arduino family. It contains everything needed to
support the micro controller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB
cable or power it with AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Uno
differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-
serial driver chip. Instead, it features the Atmega16U2 (Atmega8U2 up to
version R2) programmed as a USB-to-serial converter. Revision 2 of the Uno
board has a resistor pulling the 8U2 HWB line to ground, making it easier to
put into DFU mode.

Fig.4.1 Arduino Uno

USB: The USB port is used to power the board from the computer's
USB port and also to transfer the program code from computer into the
Arduino microcontroller.

External Power: It is used to power the board if the USB connector is
not used. An AC adapter (9 volts, 2.1mm barrel tip, and center positive) could
be used for providing external power. If there is no power at the power socket,
then the Arduino will use power form the USB socket. But it is safe to have
power at both the power socket and USB socket.

Digital Pins(I/O): The Arduino Uno has 14 digital pins(0 to 13) of

which the 6 are PWM(~).This pin can be either inputs or outputs .But we need
to mention it in the Arduino sketch(Arduino programming).The PWM(Pulse
Width Modulated) pins acts as normal digital pins and also used to control
some functions. For example, control the dimming of LED and control the
direction of servo motor. Both digital inputs and digital outputs can read one
of the two values either HIGH or LOW.

Analog Pins: The Analog pins (0 to 5) acts as inputs which is used to

read the voltage in analog sensors such as temperature sensor, gas sensor, etc.
Unlike digital pins which can only read one of the two values (HIGH or
LOW), the analog inputs can measure 1024 different voltage levels.

AT mega Microcontroller: The Arduino uses ATmega328

microcontroller. It is a single chip microcontroller created by Atmel. This
chip works well with Arduino IDE. If damaged, this controller can be easily
replaced. The Atmega328 has 32 KB of flash memory for storing code (of
which 0, 5 KB is used for the boot loader). It has also 2 KB of SRAM and 1

3.3V Pin: A 3.3-volt supply generated by the on-board regulator.

Maximum current draw is 50 mA.

5V Pin: The regulated power supply used to power the microcontroller
and other components on the board. This can come either from an on-board
regulator, or be supplied by USB or another regulated 5V supply.

Reset Button: It is used to reset the microcontroller. Pushing this

button will temporarily connect the reset pin to ground and restart any code
that is loaded on the Arduino.

4.1.1 Arduino IDE

A program for Arduino may be written in any programming language

for a compiler that produces binary machine code for the target processor.
Atmel provides a development environment for their microcontrollers, AVR
Studio and the newer Atmel Studio. The Arduino project provides the
Arduino integrated development environment (IDE), which is a cross-
platform application written in the programming language Java. It originated
from the IDE for the languages Processing and Wiring. It includes a code
editor with features such as text cutting and pasting, searching and replacing
text, automatic indenting, brace matching, and syntax highlighting, and
provides simple one-click mechanisms to compile and upload programs to an
Arduino board. It also contains a message area, a text console, a toolbar with
buttons for common functions and a hierarchy of operation menus.

A program written with the IDE for Arduino is called a sketch.

Sketches are saved on the development computer as text files with the file
extension.ino. Arduino Software (IDE) pre-1.0 saved sketches with the
extension.pde. The Arduino IDE supports the languages C and C++ using
special rules of code structuring. The Arduino IDE supplies a software library
from the Wiring project, which provides many common input and output
procedures. User-written code only requires two basic functions, for starting

the sketch and the main program loop, that are compiled and linked with a
program stub main() into an executable cyclic executive program with the
GNU tool chain, also included with the IDE distribution. The Arduino IDE
employs the program avrdude to convert the executable code into a text file in
hexadecimal encoding that is loaded into the Arduino board by a loader
program in the board's firmware.

4.1.2 Benefits of Using Arduino

Inexpensive - Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive compared to

other microcontroller platforms. The least expensive version of the Arduino
module can be assembled by hand, and even the pre-assembled Arduino
modules cost less than $50. Cross-platform - The Arduino software runs on
Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux operating systems. Most
microcontroller systems are limited to Windows.

Open source and extensible software - The Arduino software is

published as open-source tools, available for extension by experienced
programmers. The language can be expanded through C++ libraries, and
people wanting to understand the technical details can make the leap from
Arduino to the AVR C programming language on which it's based. Similarly,
you can add AVR-C code directly into your Arduino programs if you want to.
Open source and extensible hardware - The Arduino is based on Atmel's
ATMEGA8 and ATMEGA168 microcontrollers. The plans for the modules
are published under a Creative Commons license, so experienced circuit
designers can make their own version of the module, extending it and
improving it. Even relatively inexperienced users can build the breadboard
version of the module in order to understand how it works and save money.

Step 1: Selecting the board: Choose the option Board and select your
correct Arduino board. I have chosen Arduino Uno.

Fig.4.3 Selecting the board

Step 2: Select the right port: The port number is assigned while
installing the hardware driver of board. You can find the port number by
accessing device manager on Windows. See the section Port (COM & LPT)
and look for an open port named Arduino Uno (COMxx). If using a different
board, you will find a name accordingly. What matters is
the xx in COMxx part. In my case, it’s COM5. So, my port number is 5. To
select the right port, go to Tools–> Serial Port and select the port number.

Fig.4.4 Select the Port on Arduino IDE

Instructions will be sending to Arduino board from your PC. Now let’s
see how to do that.

There are two steps involved in loading the program from your PC to
Arduino board via the Arduino IDE. First step is compiling and second step is
called burning. Let’s see in detail.

Step 3: Compiling: This is the process of converting the code you have
just written in Arduino IDE to another form which is only understood by the
micro controller in your Arduino board. In our example, we use Arduino Uno
board. It is made using Avr micro controller (Atmega328). In the Arduino
IDE, compiling is called as verify. So hit the verify button in your IDE (see
the button with tick mark just below menu bar). Refer the screenshot given
below as well. When you hit the verify button, the program you have written

in Arduino IDE will be compiled for any errors and then converted to another
form that Avr Atmega328 understands. You may refer our article on
the Arduino Software and Hardware to know in detail about the language
used in Arduino.

Fig.4.5 Compiling

Step 4: Burning: Embedded designers use the word burning to refer to

uploading a program to any micro controller. So in this step, we are going to
upload the verified program in Arduino IDE to the Arduino board. To do this,
press the upload button (see the button with right arrow mark). A click on the
upload button will begin the process of burning the compiled program to Avr
micro controller on your Arduino board. Depending on the size of your
program, this will take a little time. If you look on your Arduino board, you
can see the 2 LEDs near Tx and Rx blinking. This is an indication of

successful communication between your PC and Arduino board. If the
program has been uploaded successfully, you will see a message like Done
Uploading. If the uploading process was not successful, you will see an error
message accordingly. Refer the screenshot given below.

Fig.4.6 Burning

4.1.3 Embedded C

Embedded C is most popular programming language in software field

for developing electronic gadgets. Each processor used in electronic system is
associated with embedded software. Embedded C programming plays a key
role in performing specific function by the processor. In day-to-day life we
used many electronic devices such as mobile phone, washing machine, digital

camera, etc. These all-device working is based on microcontroller that are
programmed by embedded C.

Embedded C is a set of language extensions for the C programming

language by the C Standards Committee to address commonality issues that
exist between C extensions for different embedded systems. Embedded C
programming typically requires nonstandard extensions to the C language in
order to support enhanced microprocessor features such as fixed-point
arithmetic, multiple distinct memory banks, and basic I/O operations. The C
Standards Committee produced a Technical Report, most recently revised in
2008 and reviewed in 2013, providing a common standard for all
implementations to adhere to. It includes a number of features not available in
normal C, such as fixed-point arithmetic, named address spaces and basic I/O
hardware addressing. Embedded C uses most of the syntax and semantics of
standard C, e.g., main() function, variable definition, datatype declaration,
conditional statements (if, switch case), loops (while, for), functions, arrays
and strings, structures and union, bit operations, macros, etc.

In every embedded system-based project, Embedded C programming

plays a key role to make the microcontroller run & perform the preferred
actions. At present, we normally utilize several electronic devices like mobile
phones, washing machines, security systems, refrigerators, digital cameras,
etc. The controlling of these embedded devices can be done with the help of
an embedded C program. For example, in a digital camera, if we press a
camera button to capture a photo then the microcontroller will execute the
required function to click the image as well as to store it.

Embedded C programming builds with a set of functions where every

function is a set of statements that are utilized to execute some particular
tasks. Both the embedded C and C languages are the same and implemented

through some fundamental elements like a variable, character set, keywords,
data types, declaration of variables, expressions, statements. All these
elements play a key role while writing an embedded C program.

An Embedded system program allows the hardware to check the inputs

& control outputs accordingly. In this procedure, the embedded program may
have to control the internal architecture of the processor directly like Timers,
Interrupt Handling, I/O Ports, serial communications interface, etc.

So embedded system programming is very important to the processor.

There are different programming languages are available for embedded
systems such as C, C++, assembly language, JAVA, JAVA script, visual
basic, etc. So, this programming language plays a key role while making an
embedded system but choosing the language is very essential.


To establish a good communication between human world and

machine world, display units play an important role. And so they are an
important part of embedded systems. Display units - big or small, work on
the same basic principle. Besides complex display units like graphic displays
and 3D displays, one must know working with simple displays like 16x1 and
16x2 units.

The 16x1 display unit will have 16 characters and are in one line. The
16x2 will have 32 characters in total 16in 1st line and another 16 in 2nd line.
Here one must understand that in each character there are 5x10=50 pixels so
to display one character all 50 pixels must work together.

But we need not to worry about that because there is another controller
(HD44780) in the display unit which does the job of controlling the pixels.

Fig.4.7 LCD Display

4.3 GSM

The GSM system is the most widely used cellular technology in use in
the world today. It has been a particularly successful cellular phone
technology for a variety of reasons including the ability to roam worldwide
with the certainty of being able to be able to operation GSM networks in
exactly the same way - provided billing agreements are in place.

The SIM800 modem has a SIM800 GSM chip and RS232 interface
while enables easy connection with the computer or laptop using the USB to
Serial connector or to the microcontroller using the RS232 to TTL converter.
Once you connect the SIM800 modem using the USB to RS232 connector,
you need to find the correct COM port from the Device Manger of the USB to
Serial Adapter. Then you can open Putty or any other terminal software and
open an connection to that COM port at 9600 baud rate, which is the default

baud rate of this modem. Once a serial connection is open through the
computer or your microcontroller you can start sending the AT commands.
When send AT commands for example: AT\r you should receive back a reply
from the SIM800 modem saying OK or other response depending on the
command send.

Fig.4.8 GSM modem

4.4 GPS

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is radio location using

navigation satellites. These systems provide round the clock information on
the three-dimensional position, velocity and time for users with the
appropriate equipment and are at or near the earth's surface (and sometimes
outside it). The first system GPS, widely available to civil users, has become
NAVSTAR, serviced by the Ministry of Defence. Applications include
portable guidance on the location, trajectory tracking of ships, as well as the
system of driving wireless communication devices, which are designed for
the car, the driver provides a personalized and promotional information,
receive messages, and use the specific local conditions of travel
information and services Security. GPS technology is used in a large number

of applications, including maritime, environmental, navigational applications
for tracing and monitoring. The SkyNav SKM53 Series with embedded
antenna GPS maintenances highly accurate direction finding in the many
severe uses and solid fix even when Global Positioning visibility environment
is severe.

Fig.4.9 GPS

It is centered on the highly accurate structures of the Media Tek

3329 single-chip architecture. It has the tracking sensitivity of –165dBm
ranges positioning coverage into place like urban gaps and dark
undergrowth environment where the Global Positioning System was not
possible before. Its design based on 6-pin UART connector that is the
informal and suitable key to be embedded in a portable device and receiver
like Portable navigation system, GPS mouse, personal locator, camera used
for speed detection and vehicle locator.


The ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module is a self-contained SOC with integrated

TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any microcontroller access to your Wi-Fi
network. The ESP8266 is capable of either hosting an application or
offloading all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application processor.

Each ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an AT command set
firmware, meaning, you can simply hook this up to your Arduino device and
get about as much Wi-Fi-ability as a Wi-Fi Shield offers. The ESP8266
module is an extremely cost-effective board with a huge, and ever growing,
community. The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi microchip with full TCP/IP
stack and microcontroller capability produced by Shanghai-based Chinese
manufacturer Espressif Systems. The chip first came to the attention of
western makers in August 2014 with the ESP-01 module, made by a third-
party manufacturer Ai-Thinker.

Fig.4.10 ESP8266

This small module allows microcontrollers to connect to a Wi-Fi

network and make simple TCP/IP connections using Hayes-style commands.
However, at the time there was almost no English-language documentation on
the chip and the commands it accepted. The very low price and the fact that
there were very few external components on the module, which suggested that
it could eventually be very inexpensive in volume, attracted many hackers to
explore the module, chip, and the software on it, as well as to translate the
Chinese documentation. The ESP8285 is an ESP8266 with 1 MiB of built-in
flash, allowing for single-chip devices capable of connecting to Wi-Fi.


An alternate name of this sensor is heartbeat sensor or heart rate

sensor. The working of this sensor can be done by connecting it from the
fingertip or human ear to Arduino board. So that heart rate can be easily
calculated. The pulse sensor includes a 24 inches color code cable, ear clip,
Velcro Dots-2, transparent stickers-3, etc.

Fig. 4.11 Heart beat Sensor

A colour code cable is connected to header connectors. So this sensor

is easily connected to an Arduino into the project without soldering. An ear
clip size is the same as a heart rate sensor and it can be connected using hot
glue at the backside of the sensor to wear on the earlobe. Two Velcro dots
are completely sized toward the sensor at the hook side. These are extremely
useful while making a Velcro strap to cover approximately a fingertip. This
is used to cover the Sensor around the finger. Transparent strikers are
protection layers used to protect the sensor from sweaty earlobes and
fingers. This sensor includes three holes in the region of the external edge so
that one can easily connect anything to it.


A flex sensor or bend sensor is a sensor that measures the amount of

deflection or bending. Usually, the sensor is stuck to the surface, and
resistance of sensor element is varied by bending the surface. Since the
resistance is directly proportional to the amount of bend it is used as
goniometer, and often called flexible potentiometer.

Fig. 4.12 Flex sensor


L293D is a widely used motor driver IC which allows DC motor to

drive in clockwise and anticlockwise direction.L293D is a 16 pin IC having
the ability to control and coordinate two DC motors simultaneously .It is
basically a dual H-bridge motor driver integrated circuit. It has the
capability of operating small and big motors used for robotic and industrial
applications. Its major application is in robotic applications for controlling
DC motors. It has two enable pins pin 1 and pin 9 for driving motors.

The operation of driver IC with pin 1 and pin 9 in high state enables it to
driving the motors.

Fig.4.13 Motor Driver L293D


The pumping of water is a basic and practical technique, far more

practical than scooping it up with one's hands or lifting it in a hand-held
bucket. This is true whether the water is drawn from a fresh source, moved to
a needed location, purified, or used for irrigation, washing, or sewage
treatment, or for evacuating water from an undesirable location. Regardless of
the outcome, the energy required to pump water is an extremely demanding
component of water consumption. All other processes depend or benefit either
from water descending from a higher elevation or some pressurized plumbing

The ancient concept of the aqueduct took simple and eloquent

advantage of maintaining elevation of water for as long and far a distance as
possible. Thus, as water moves over great distances, it retains a larger
component of its potential energy by spending small portions of this energy
flowing down a slight gradation. A useful aqueduct system ultimately
depends on a fresh water source existing at a higher elevation than the

location where the water can be of use. Gravity does all the work. In all other
instances, pumps are necessary.

Fig.4.14 Pump Motor


A push-button (also spelled pushbutton) or simply button is a simple

switch mechanism to control some aspect of a machine or a process. Buttons
are typically made out of hard material, usually plastic or metal. The surface
is usually flat or shaped to accommodate the human finger or hand, so as to
be easily depressed or pushed. Buttons are most often biased switches,
although many un-biased buttons (due to their physical nature) still require a
spring to return to their un-pushed state. Terms for the "pushing" of a button
include pressing, depressing, mashing, slapping, hitting, and punching. The
"push-button" has been utilized in calculators, push-button telephones,
kitchen appliances, and various other mechanical and electronic devices,
home and commercial.

In industrial and commercial applications, push buttons can be

connected together by a mechanical linkage so that the act of pushing one
button causes the other button to be released. In this way, a stop button can
"force" a start button to be released. This method of linkage is used in

simple manual operations in which the machine or process has no electrical
circuits for control.


Voice Recognition Module is a compact easy-control speaking

recognition board. It is a speaker-dependent module and supports up to 80
voice commands. Any sound could be trained as command. Users need to
train the module first before recognizing any voice command.


The camera module is a product used to take photos and videos from
mobile devices, such as smartphones, automobile, and smart home
appliances. In all areas, a high level of technology is needed that requires
high resolution, miniaturization, slimming, low-power, and high stiffness.
Samsung Electro-Mechanics is the only company that holds all of the core
technologies necessary to design and manufacture world-class camera
modules based on the internalization of lens, actuator, and PKG technology.



Fig.5.1 Hardware Output

The above figure shows the women safety device. This system is a
safety device for women who contain sensors along with GSM and GPS to
detect a possible atrocity and notify her friends and family through a message
containing her location. This device consists of the button which can be
pressed by the women when she is in danger. If women is in trouble, she can
press the button system is activated and tracking real time location of victim
and sends that location to her relative and nearby police station so that she can
get immediate help. A buzzer like mechanism can be used to seek help from
neighbouring people. Voice recorder and camera can also be added to the




The proposed design helps women send out a distress signal in times of
need. The design, when developed further and fabricated into a daily use
device such as a watch, will help women feel more secure in dangerous
situations. The society we live in still has a long way to go in terms of
changing its mindset, but with the use of technology such as this we can help
women be more independent. Our project is deals with the incredible issues
faced by the women and they can easily overcome the fear about her safety
and security by having that personal locket in her hand. This helps to identify
protect and call on resources to help the one out of dangerous situations.
Anytime you sense danger, all you had to do, is hold on the button of the
device. The device consists of a microcontroller, Wi-Fi, GSM module, GPS
modules. When the system activates, it tracks the place of the women using
GPS and sends emergency messages using GSM, to selected contacts and the
police control room. The system resembles a normal button that can be
embedded in any daily wearing locket.


The entire setup can be fabricated to fit into a wearable wrist watch.
Android and I-OS Apps can be developed to provide better UI for various
settings like setting up mobile number etc.


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