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BEGINNER UNIT 1 Assessment


In this activity, put the students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 1 Speaking task 1 student handout
and give them 1 minute to read the situation. Then ask them to roleplay a conversation at a party. Remind them to
begin with Hello or How are you?, ask questions and respond to their partner’s questions.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, give each student a copy of the Unit 1 Speaking task 2 student handout before putting students into
pairs. Give them 1 minute to choose a name, a country and a job from the boxes. Then put students into pairs and
ask them to introduce themselves to each other. Remind them to listen to each other and to ask questions.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

1 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 2 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 2 Speaking task 1 student handout and
give them 1 minute to read the prompts. Students roleplay the conversations. Remind them to use a rising intonation
when they ask questions.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the relevant part of the Unit 2 Speaking task 2
student handout and give them 1 minute to look at their map. Students then ask and answer questions to find the
different places. Remind them to use Excuse me and thank you in their conversations.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

2 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 3 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 3 Speaking task 1 student handout and
give them 1 minute to read the instructions. Tell students to roleplay the conversation in Situation 1, asking their
partner to repeat themselves or to slow down as necessary. Help them with the words quietly and fast if necessary.

Students then read Situation 2 and roleplay the conversation as above.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 3 Speaking task 2 student handout and
give them 1 minute to read the instructions. Explain that they can answer with true information about themselves or
they can make up different answers. Remind them to ask questions to help them understand if their partner speaks
quietly or quickly, or uses words they don’t understand.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

3 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 4 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 4 Speaking task 1 student handout. Cut
the page into Student A and Student B sections, so that students do not look at each other’s tables. Give them 1
minute to read through their plans and think about when they are free. Tell students to roleplay the conversation.
Remind them to give a day and time, to ask when the person is free and to say the reason they want to meet.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 4 Speaking task 2 student handout and
give them 1 minute to look at the prompts. Tell students to roleplay the conversation. Remind them to use language
for making plans, e.g. Are you free on; Sorry I can’t; Is … OK? etc.

Draw students’ attention to the underlined words and elicit some alternative activities (e.g. visit a museum, play a
sport, study) and alternative days. Then ask students to swap roles for the second conversation.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

4 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 5 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 5 Speaking task 1 student handout and
give them a couple of minutes to look at the prompts for Situation 1. Tell students to roleplay the conversation.
Remind them to use Do you want to …? and Would you like to …? for invitations, and How about …? for

Students then read Situation 2 and roleplay the conversation as above.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 5 Speaking task 2 student handout and
give them a couple of minutes to look at the prompts. Tell students to roleplay the conversations.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

5 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 6 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 6 Speaking task 1 student handout and
give them a couple of minutes to look at the prompts. Tell students to roleplay the conversations. Remind them to be
polite and friendly.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 6 Speaking task 2 student handout and
give them a couple of minutes to look at the situation and the menu. Tell students to roleplay the conversation. One
student should take the part of the waiter and the other student should be the customer.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

6 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 1-6 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 1-6 Speaking task 1 student handout.
Cut the page into Student A and Student B sections, so that students do not look at each other’s diaries. Give them
a couple of minutes to look at the situation and the diary. Explain that they should look at their diaries but not show
them to each other. Tell students to roleplay the conversation. They should talk to each other and try to arrange a
time to meet. Remind them to give reasons if they are busy.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 1-6 Speaking task 2 student handout and
give them a couple of minutes to look at Situation 1. Tell students to roleplay the situation. Remind them to check
that they have understood the information correctly and to say thank you at the end of the conversation.

Students then read Situation 2 and roleplay the conversation as above.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

7 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 7 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 7 Speaking task 1 student handout and
give them a couple of minutes to look at Situation 1. Tell students to roleplay the situation.

Students then read Situation 2 and roleplay the conversation as above.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 7 Speaking task 2 student handout and
give them 1 minute to look at the situations. Explain that they should take it in turns to show their appreciation for
what their partner has done. They each have to think of at least one thing about the situation before they can move
on to the next situation.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

8 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 8 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 8 Speaking task 1 student handout and
give them 1 minute to look at the prompts. Tell students to roleplay the conversations. Remind them to be nice and
say thank you.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 8 Speaking task 2 student handout and
give them 1 minute to look at Situation 1. Tell students to roleplay the situation. Remind students to think of how
they can ask for and offer help in each situation.

Students then read Situation 2 and roleplay the situation as above.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

9 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 9 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 9 Speaking task 1 student handout and
give them a couple of minutes to look at the prompts. Tell students to roleplay the conversations. Then ask them to
move their chairs so that they are sitting back to back and can’t see each other. Remind them to be friendly and to
speak clearly and slowly.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each pair a copy of the Unit 9 Speaking task 2 student handout and give
them a couple of minutes to look at the photos. Students then compare the two places and decide which place
they want to visit. They don’t have to agree, but they should listen to each other and respond to the other person’s
comments. Make sure students get an equal opportunity to speak.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

10 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 10 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 10 Speaking task 1 student handout and
give them a couple of minutes to look at the map and Situation 1. Tell students to roleplay the situation. Remind
students to use a rising intonation when they give directions.

Students then read Situation 2 and roleplay the situation as above.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the relevant part of the Unit 10 Speaking task 2
student handout and give them a couple of minutes to look at the map and their roles (Student A/B). Make sure that
each student can see only their own map and not their partner’s. Explain that they should look at their maps but not
show them to each other. Tell students to roleplay the situations.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

11 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 11 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 11 Speaking task 1 student handout and
give them a couple of minutes to look at the sentences. Tell students to take turns to read out and respond to the
sentences. Encourage them to choose sentences at random, rather than reading through the list in order.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 11 Speaking task 2 student handout and
give them 1 minute to look at Situation 1. Tell students to roleplay the situation. Remind them to listen and show
interest in each other’s stories and to ask follow-up questions.

Students then read Situation 2 and roleplay the situation as above.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

12 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 12 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 12 Speaking task 1 student handout and
give them a couple of minutes to look at the information and the topics. Tell students to take turns to talk about their
chosen topic with their partner. It’s fine if students have chosen the same topic. Remind them to think of different
ways to explain things if they don’t know the exact word.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the relevant part of the Unit 12 Speaking task 2
student handout and give them a couple of minutes to look at their photo and make brief notes about the details
they want to mention. Then ask students to describe their photos to each other. Remind them to show interest in
each other’s descriptions and to think of different ways to explain difficult words or ideas.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

13 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

BEGINNER UNIT 7-12 Assessment


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 7-12 Speaking task 1 student handout
and give them a couple of minutes to look at the map and Situation 1. Explain that they should take turns to direct
each other to the different places, using the map. Tell students to roleplay the situation. Remind them to use a rising
intonation for each step, and a falling intonation to show the final step.

Students then read Situation 2 and roleplay the situation as above.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10


In this activity, put students into pairs. Give each student a copy of the Unit 7-12 Speaking task 2 student handout
and give them a couple of minutes to think about their topic and make a few brief notes. They should then present
their topic to their partner. Tell students to listen to each other and ask questions to find out more information about
their partner’s topic. Remind students to explain unfamiliar words and ideas if necessary.

Allow the students to speak for 1–2 minutes.

For marking criteria, see end of this document.

SCORE: /10

14 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.


Each speaking task carries a total of 10 marks for each student.

The tasks assess the student’s ability to exchange simple information and to ask questions.

Take into account the following points:

Interactive communication

• Is the student able to maintain the exchange with some prompting and support?
• Does the student respond with relevant information to the questions asked?


• Is the student’s pronunciation usually clear enough to understand his/her answers without difficulty?

Grammar and vocabulary

• Does the student use appropriate vocabulary from the unit and/or for the task?
• Does the student show sufficient control of simple grammatical structures from the unit and/or appropriate to
the level?

Suggested marking procedure:

Award 0, 1 or 2 marks for each of the five points above according to the student’s performance.

15 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

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