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(3rd Quarter)
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.
_____ 1. Extreme long root system to draw water near the water table that can reach until 80 feet
A. Mesquite tree B. Cactus C. Creosote Bush D. ocotillo
_____ 2 Has tiny leaves that close its stomata during the day to avoid water loss and opens at night to
absorb moisture.
A. . Mesquite tree B. Cactus C. Creosote Bush D. ocotillo
_____ 3. Fleshy stem that contain its water supply. Succulents
A. Cactus B. Pine Tree C. Aloe Vera D. Creosote Bush
_____ 4. Store water in its stem. Shallow root system.
A. . Mesquite tree B. Cactus C. Creosote Bush D. ocotillo
_____ 5. Dormant during dry period then spring to life when water becomes available.
A. Mesquite tree B. Cactus C. Creosote Bush D. ocotillo
_____ 6. Needle-like leaves for snow to shed easily
A. Cactus B. Pine Tree C. Aloe Vera D. Creosote Bush
_____ 7. Grow tall to get enough sunlight
A. epiphytes B. Trees C. Liana D. Mangrove tree
_____ 8. “killer tree”. The seedling fig sends down long roots to the ground where it begins to
A. Bromeliads B. Swiss Cheese Plant C. Strangler fig tree D. Devil’s Ivy
_____ 9. Epiphyte. Climb up the trunks of other trees by attaching itself to them with aerial roots
A. Bromeliads B. Swiss Cheese Plant C. Strangler fig tree D. Devil’s Ivy
_____ 10. prop roots to provide support as it anchors in the shallow forest floor
A. epiphytes B. Trees C. Liana D. Mangrove tree
_____ 11. Living on the surface of other plants mostly on tree trunks and branches
A. epiphytes B. Trees C. Liana D. Mangrove tree
_____ 12. thick waxy leaves. Leaves form a bowl shape in the center for catching rainwater
A. Bromeliads B. Swiss Cheese Plant C. Strangler fig tree D. Devil’s Ivy
_____ 13. holes in leaves for better water run off.
A. Bromeliads B. Swiss Cheese Plant C. Strangler fig tree D. Devil’s Ivy
_____ 14. has broad leaves to float and waxy leaves
A. waterlily B. kelp C. algae D. sea grass E. sea weeds
_____ 15. have holdfasts which are root-like structure at the base of a sea weed and gas bladders to
keep their fronds afloat
A. waterlily B. kelp C. algae D. sea grass E. sea weeds
_____ 16. cling tightly into rocks to avoid being swept away by the ocean tide
A. waterlily B. kelp C. algae D. sea grass E. sea weeds
_____ 17. uses gas-filled bladders on its leaves to float
A. waterlily B. kelp C. algae D. sea grass E. sea weeds
_____ 18. are called rhizomes which help them stay put when waves brush up against them
A. waterlily B. kelp C. algae D. sea grass E. sea weeds
_____ 19. has spines that can cause allergic reaction to animals
A. rose B. Euphorbia C. Stinging Nettle D. Cassava E. Foxgloves
_____ 20. has cyanide that can poison animals when ingested
A. rose B. Euphorbia C. Stinging Nettle D. Cassava E. Foxgloves
_____ 21. have trichomes which are stinging hair on leaves and stems that can cause skin irritation
A. rose B. Euphorbia C. Stinging Nettle D. Cassava E. Foxgloves
_____ 22. has spines that can cause allergic reaction to animals
A. rose B. Euphorbia C. Stinging Nettle D. Cassava E. Foxgloves
_____ 23. can cause nausea, vomiting, death
A. rose B. Euphorbia C. Stinging Nettle D. Cassava E. Foxgloves
_____ 24. opens its petals at night for the night moth and has strong fragrant smell
A. coconut B. Pitcher Plant C. Zinnia D. Moonflower
_____ 25. is a carnivorous plant that eat small insects by luring them on its sticky liquid inside the plant
A. coconut B. Pitcher Plant C. Zinnia D. Moonflower
_____ 26. are brightly colored flowers to attract insects
A. coconut B. Pitcher Plant C. Zinnia D. Moonflower
_____ 27. floats to transfer to another place to grow its seed
A. coconut B. Pitcher Plant C. Zinnia D. Moonflower
_____ 28. The following are stages of complete metamorphosis except one
A. egg B. nymph C. adult D. larva
_____ 29. Which animal/s undergo complete metamorphosis?
A. butterfly B. fly C. mosquito D. all of these
_____ 30. The third stage in complete metamorphosis is called
A. egg B. pupa C. larva D. adult
_____ 31. Which animal undergoes incomplete metamorphosis?
A. grasshopper B. butterfly C. housefly D. mosquito
_____ 32. How many stages of development do animals go through in an incomplete metamorphosis?
A. one B. two C. three D. four
_____ 33. The life cycle of a cockroach is
A. egg-adult-larvae-nymph C. egg-nymph-adult
B. Larvae-nymph-larvae-adult D. nymph-adult-egg
II. Determine what stage of life is being described on each statement. Choose your answer inside the

A. Infancy E. Puberty
B. toddler F. young adult
C. Early Childhood F. Middle Childhood
D. Middle Childhood G. Senior Adult

_____ 1. 2 to 3 years old. 2. Taller and slimmer than an infant

_____ 2. 36-59 years old
_____ 3. teeth start to appear
_____ 4. from 4 to 8 years old. Curious and ask a lot of questions.
_____ 5. 9-12 years old. Start independence, decide things on their own.
_____ 6. change in interests, moods and needs
_____ 7. fats in the hips and thighs increases
_____ 8. brain weakens (memory loss)
_____ 9. starts to crawl and walk
_____ 10. More independent

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