RPSL Security Sop

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We are providing employees with a safe and healthy workplace to achieve continual
improvement in our environmental performance. Rainbow Printing Solutions Pvt Ltd
is highly concerned with safety on its premises for both employees and
non-employees and maintain standard operating procedure in case of emergencies.

All the employees must follow procedure and understand their roles and
responsibilities with respect to environmental issues, in order to make effective and
right decision. All employees should promote resources conversation and are
required to inform their seniors in case of any mishaps.

 To preserve and protect the environment all staff members are required to be
responsible about company’s facilities and processes so as to ensure maximum
safety of adjoining communities and strive to enhance and improve protection
and environmental awareness continuously.
 Treating individual respect and the dignity
 Becoming familiar and complying with legal requirements, company policy and
 Be aware of and consider the potential impacts of your work on environment
and discuss unclear issues with your seniors and supervisors.
 Avoid any activities that could involve or lead to involvement in any unlawful
 Any person who are suffer from any chronic diseases or illness that may
potentially harm their fellow workers, restrict their work, requires special
assistance or affect their health further should disclose their medical problem
which will be kept in full confidentiality and not used against the concerned in
any way.
 Rainbow Printing Solutions Pvt Ltd also ensure the standard of health and safety
are applied in any housing/accommodation that they provide for employees .

 No entry inside RPSL shall be made unchecked. All concerned will have to pass
through a proper entry procedure / security mechanism placed at main gate.
 No vehicles of any type, less those vehicles who are sanctioned entry by the
competent authority shall be allowed to make any entry inside RPSL at any cost.
Personnel and Vehicles entering or exiting RPSL shall be thoroughly searched
followed after making a proper entry in record register by security staff at main
 NO visitors less those who are visiting RPSL for a genuine reason related to
business activity and those whose intimidation has already been received from
concerned department or branch be allowed to enter inside RPSL.
 Visitors visiting Director or any other department GM or Heads, should, after
necessary security scan procedures be guided politely till their destination office

ONLY. Visitors intending to see any labor should be made sit outside the factory
and intimation be given to the concerned labor.
 No visitor / guest without proper permission of GM can enter inside production
 No visitor should be allowed to enter without visiting card.
 No one should be allowed to make entry of one office / department at main gate
and visits or wander around any other department / office. Be job destination
 Any machine spares / parts, required from Factory for any repair / maintenance
inside colony will not be allowed to transfer without prior written permission of

FollowingSOP should be ensured with regards to security

 All the residents will work and cooperate to keep the security of the complex
 Any abnormal activity in surrounding area with the premises shall be
immediately reported to security staff, employed inside the complex and the
staff manning the main gate.
 No illegal activities including gambling, drinking or any other immoral activities
are allowed inside the Company premises. Violators, found guilty shall be dealt in
accordance with the law.
 Visitors, visiting any labor occupant/Office shall be required to deposit their CNIC
besides, passing through detailed security check / search before entering.
 No visitor is allowed to bring any weapon / ammunition inside the colony
premises at any cost.
 Neither the occupants nor the visitors are supposed to bring any kind of drugs
inside the complex.
 Any visitor with Vehicle shall be subjected to detailed Vehicle search also
necessary record of car shall be made at the gate register.
 Host, expecting any guest shall make a proper entry at the entry gate with the
security staff before arrival of the guest to avoid any inconvenience later.
 Any official guest willing to have night stay at company residence should seek
permission through his host from General Manager (GM) with a proper entry at
gate with security staff.
 No unmarried person / bachelor is allowed to bring / keep his family inside
company residence.
 No machinery or its parts can be transported through any company’s gate at any
 NO Pets are allowed inside factory at any cost. Any visitor bringing along any pet
should not be allowed to enter any of the RPSL premise.

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