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Rika Mae T.


HUMSS 12 – St. Leo the Great

Reflection Paper

Catholic Social Teaching, or CST, the officially proclaimed teaching of the Catholic
Church in regards to social, political, and economic issues. It encompasses the teachings of the
pope and the bishops, as well as the voices of ordinary people. An example of this is the 7
principles of CST which were inspired by the writings of the Pope and other catholic leaders
about social issues. CST aims to look at the events of the community closely and determine the
real root causes in their context, whether it is in the economy, politics, or society. There are three
responses made by the church, the flight from the world model, medieval syncresis model, and
lastly the one that is being embraced by CST is the Church in the World: Prophetic Model. In
this model, the church actively participates in the affairs of the poor and needy, announces what
is good, and denounces what is evil. The main purpose is to follow in the footsteps of Christ and
to continue his mission, which is to give hope and liberation to the poor, the oppressed, and the
excluded. CST teaches us that what will be saved is not just our spirit but our total person.

You can clearly see the teachings of CST being applied everywhere and the influence
they have over the affairs of the world. An instance where I clearly experienced the influence of
CST was being able to enroll in a Catholic school. You can see how CST opened their arms for
the children in the area. This may not be much for the children of our generation; however, this is
very important to those of the older generation, where education in rural areas is often
overlooked. You can witness how CST provided a solution to a problem related to society.

This information gave me a better understanding of Catholic life and education. It turns
out that salvation doesn’t only involve our spiritual being but also the total person. I've never
known that the church actually had three different types of responses with regards to the affairs
of the world, and that not all of them were really tailored to the wellness of the people. It also
had times of selfishness and greed. The CST follows seven principles that cover all spheres of
life: economy, politics, personal, and spiritual. CST places a huge importance on the poor and
needy; they are the biggest priority of the church.

Although I don’t hold much power myself, there are still things I can do in order to apply
the teachings of CST to my life. I can start by following the 7 principles of CST: first, by
treasuring my dignity and honor; second, to always cooperate and help my neighbors in times of
need and distress; third, to not only think for myself but also consider the people around me;
fourth, to always be ready to offer a helping hand to the vulnerable and in need; fifth, to give the
other person the right to decide for themselves and never restrict other persons; sixth, to always
take action, never turn a blind eye on people who are in need, and to take action on bettering
myself; and lastly, to always respect nature and the natural treasures it contains, to protect and
not to destroy it.

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