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Crafting a Literature Review on Management Functions can be a daunting task, requiring extensive

research, critical analysis, and synthesis of relevant literature. It involves a thorough exploration of
existing scholarly works, theories, and studies related to the various functions of management, such
as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

One of the challenges faced by many individuals when writing a literature review is the vast amount
of available literature on the subject. Sorting through numerous academic journals, books, and articles
to identify the most relevant and credible sources can be time-consuming and overwhelming.

Furthermore, synthesizing the information gathered from diverse sources into a coherent and well-
structured review requires strong analytical skills and attention to detail. It involves identifying key
themes, concepts, and debates within the literature and presenting them in a logical and organized

Another difficulty often encountered is ensuring the literature review is comprehensive yet focused.
Striking the right balance between breadth and depth of coverage is essential to provide a thorough
overview of the topic without becoming overly broad or superficial.

Moreover, maintaining objectivity and avoiding bias when evaluating the literature can be
challenging. It requires critically assessing the strengths and limitations of each source and providing
a balanced analysis of the existing literature.

Given the complexities involved in writing a literature review on management functions, seeking
assistance from professionals can be beneficial. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and
support to individuals undertaking this task. Our team of experienced writers specializes in
conducting comprehensive literature reviews, ensuring high-quality and original content tailored to
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By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and effort while
ensuring that your work meets the highest academic standards. Our dedicated writers will conduct
thorough research, analyze the literature critically, and synthesize the findings into a well-structured
and coherent review that showcases your understanding of management functions.

Don't let the challenges of writing a literature review hinder your academic progress. Order your
literature review on management functions from ⇒ ⇔ today and receive professional
assistance that will elevate the quality of your work and help you achieve your academic goals.
Alcohol has been used by many people for several years and its abuse has become a major societal
health problem. Research Methods in the Social Sciences, Lecture 3. Intro. The concept map
characteristics of structural complexity, interlinkage, complexity index and type of structure consider
both the nodes and the links and lead to conclusions about knowledge structure or integration. Some
means of controlling, like the budget for expenses, inspection records, and the record of labor hours
lost, are generally familiar. Example of a hierarchical concept map by Ed Dole (adapted from Dori
2004 ) The words enclosed in circles are concepts, also referred to as nodes. Concept mapping
involves defining a topic; adding related topics; and linking related ideas Use or search for
more free mind-mapping tools on the web. The three main components you’ll need to complete
before beginning your outline are the Theme, Thesis, and Source Material. Following the proposed
path, extraneous processing leads to worse learning performance. Childcare business plan
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essays large writing paper learning how to write an essay lessons online. Utilizing the BSC and
EFQM as a Combination Framework; Scrutinizing the Possi. In this vein, a system-paced learning
environment could have had a higher impact on the examined effects (Rey et al., 2019 ). Besides the
learner’s domain-specific prior knowledge, it is also important to consider their knowledge or ability
to use the learning medium appropriately. It is on the rise as an instructional method (e.g. Nair and
Narayanasamy 2017 ), to aid in curriculum design (e.g. Buhmann and Kingsbury 2015 ) and as an
assessment tool (e.g. Marriott and Torres 2016 ). Ritchhart and colleagues ( 2009, p. 154) calculated
the percent of responses in each category. This entails a decrease in the number of nodes and links as
expertise develops, as experts are able to differentiate between concepts and relationships that are
more and less relevant according to a specific contexts. In line with the statistical test assumptions of
the mediation (cf. However, with the Literary Review, this is just a simple phrase that explains, as
succinctly as possible, what the main topic of the Literary Review will be. You can use them as you
are formulating your research question, as you are reading a complex text, and when you are creating
a literature review. These are respectively concerned with the data collected or the characteristics of
the data that are considered, how data are interpreted or analyzed, and the conclusions that are
drawn. Based on the two experimental factors, participants randomly received one map dependent
on their condition. Features: collaborative, permits multiple co-authors, and multiple export formats.
Organizing produces a structure of relationships in an organization, and it is through these structured
relationships, plans are pursued. Extract from the concept map (left: many nodes, right: few nodes).
Note. Instructional material was translated from German to English for this example For instance,
the concept “regulation of the internal cell pressure” is connected with the two sub-concepts “turgor”
(linked via “is also known as”) and “stabilization of the plant” (link via “leads to”). According to the
report, benefits derived from the SMS process are increased coordination, cooperation, and
communication among state agencies and improvements to data analysis and collection procedures,
as well as collaborative strategic plans. Learning with concept and knowledge maps: A meta-analysis.
Overall, 130 students from Chemnitz University of Technology, who received either 1-h course
credit or the possibility to participate in a voucher lottery, took part in this experiment. Studies are
included based on the following inclusion criteria: Concept maps were used as a research instrument;
The study was an empirical study; Respondents made their own concept map; and An open-ended
concept map assignment was applied. Our review did not aim to discuss the value of open-ended
concept maps as an instrument to study knowledge or knowledge development. In 31 studies,
concept map analysis was described based on theory instead of empirical data. How are they
different (could be scope, methods, year of publication etc.). Draw your conclusions on the state of
the literature on the topic. Manual Mapping Connected Papers Open Knowledge Maps Research
Rabbit What is Literature Mapping.
Thus outcomes are controlled by controlling what people do. However, the same term was sometimes
used to refer to more than one analysis method, while in other cases, multiple terms were used to
refer to a single method. Just like any other One needs to inform the objective of the review in the
initial paragraphs. NVivo is software for qualitative analysis that has a concept map feature. In a
concept map with a higher number of nodes, more separated elements must be connected and
learned. Repeat this process with someone else when you feel you need some more input. General
discussion The central aim of this study was the experimental verification of two design
interventions that play a significant role in the design of concept maps. The explanation therefore is
that human resource managers in the public sector. It allows filtration of results by keywords. e.
Importantly, seed papers can also be directly added by title or DOI. a. Litmaps follows an iterative
process and creates visualizations for found papers. b. It allows importing of papers using BibTex
format which can be exported from most reference managers like Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley.
Tergan ( 2005 ) assumes that learning scenarios with “ill-structured” content required additional tools
to foster learning. Also, while creating a literature review outline template may take time, it will save
much more time later. Thus, the approaches emphasize the identity of different scientific institutions
from different fields, which can be mapped theoretically, methodologically, or fundamentally.
Furthermore, he focusses on the optimization of instructional videos, as well as the promotion of
cognitive activation during learning. After that, students were directed to the website with the
learning material. Due to the idiosyncratic nature of the data stemming from open-ended concept
maps they can be analyzed in different ways (Novak 1990 ). The data are not publicly available due
to the fact that not all these paper are Open Access. Research Methods in the Social Sciences,
Lecture 3. Intro. It should not feel like a glorified annotated bibliography. ( ). The scoring system for
structural complexity from Novak and Gowin ( 1984 ), based on the number of hierarchies, cross-
links and examples, was applied in seven studies, and these measures were adjusted in four of these
studies. Ghana and give recommendations on improving the system. Sandborn WJ, Rutgeerts P,
Enns R, Hanauer SB, et al. As was discussed, the principles of an SMS process have. The
participants had to name the capitals of different countries, solve geometrical problems and sort
confused letters into words. Traditional manual citation indexes have been replaced by automated
databases that allow visual mapping methods (e.g. ISI Web of Science). It is important to have a plan
of the areas to be discussed, using this to indicated how these will link together. Many times per
academic article they will say that it is reviewed by peers. This coherence is relevant to explore as it
enhances the rigor and quality of qualitative studies, by ensuring an appropriate alignment of these
aspects within studies (Davis 2012; Poucher et al. 2020 ). Search and selection strategy 2.2
Screening articles (exclusion) The selected articles are screened. 254 duplicates are excluded.
Guidelines have been developed to help organizations manage electronic records and ensure their
accessibility over time. Citation mapping; Concept mapping; Feature mapping; Topic-tree mapping;
Content mapping; or Taxonomic mapping. A good literature review sample should be well-organized
and clearly written, with a clear introduction that explains the purpose of the review and the research
question being addressed.
Explore a few options and see what works for you, but be careful, this exploration can take you
down that 4-hour rabbit hole and when a proposal submission deadline is looming, that rabbit hole is
a dark place to be in. A meta-analysis of how signaling affects learning with media. One of my
students used sticky notes with each sticky note presenting a concept, and with smaller strips of
sticky notes showing the relationships between concepts. Results display the main areas at a glance,
and papers related to each area. This particular study described the main themes based on qualitative
analysis of the terms used, without interpreting this as development. Columbia, were returned
between June and August 1995. You need to make sure that you are aware of the debates and
counter arguments associated with your topic as well. Four categories of methods of analysis were
identified, namely: (1) quantitative analysis based on counting concept map characteristics; (2)
similarity analysis based on a comparison with a referent map; (3) holistic analysis that entails the
scoring of maps as a whole based on a rubric; and (4) qualitative analysis that involves describing
characteristics, for instance the terms used. Quantitative analysis is based on an evaluative approach
which assesses knowledge or growth based on specific measures or characteristics, such as size or
complexity. In terms of the cognitive load facets, the same conclusion can be drawn, since significant
effects could not be observed. This is problematic for our research purposes, as this study is
concerned with concept map analysis and conclusions based on concept maps analysis, and not
analysis and conclusions based on other instruments. In 2000, a second national study, Safety
Management Sys-. Scite allow users to see how a publication has been cited by providing the context
of the citation and a classification describing whether it provides supporting or contrasting evidence
for the cited claim. b. Semantic Scholar is a freely available, AI-powered research tool for scientific
literature. You may need to spend a reasonable amount of time preparing this map. In order to
increase the quality of this process, the inclusion and exclusion criteria are discussed with co-
researchers until consensus is reached. 703 articles did not apply concept maps, or concept maps
were used as learning tool, instructional tool, for curriculum design or to analyze answers, texts or
interviews. Open-ended concept map studies devoted to knowledge and learning apply a variety of
methods of analysis. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a
certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Using Concept Maps Concept maps or
mind maps visually represent relationships of different concepts. These two sub-concepts can also be
combined in one node due to their thematic proximity. Digital knowledge maps in education:
Technology-enhanced support for teachers and learners. Your concept map will show the concept in
words inside a shape, and the relationship is then presented in words next to each arrow, so that each
branch reads like a sentence. Nor did it aim to explore the validity of different methods of analysis,
or determine which method of analysis is most valid, as these methods of analysis can be related to
different research purposes or research objects (Kim and Clariana 2015 ). A literature review
discusses published information in a particular subject area, and sometimes information in a
particular subject area within a certain time period. This has led to a combination of both objectives
(outputs) and competencies (inputs. Clarity about the choices within and across studies is stimulated
by uniform referencing to these choices, which decreases the confusion caused by the variety of
ways in which scholars refer to similar constructs. Hayes, 2018 ), it is assumed that the mediators are
in a causal relationship with a temporal precedence. The complexity of the learning material is
described with the element interactivity on a continuum between low and high. Next four paragraphs
described the contents and purpose of each section of the thesis. Possibly the learning tests were
“too easy” so that even short learning times resulted in good performances.
While common writing issues like language enhancement, punctuation errors, grammatical errors, etc.
Consent for publication Consent for publication was necessary to carry out the study as there is no
primary data used in the paper. Moreover, Fig. 4 provides no guidelines for alignment with other
aspects of coherence in qualitative studies, for instance the philosophical positioning, the
fundamental beliefs or theoretical perspective taken (Caelli et al. 2003; Davis 2012 ). Since this
variable was not measured in this study, it cannot be used as an explanatory factor. For each
subtopic, decide on a few crucial points of research and one by one, write them down below the
relevant subtopic, as shown in Figure 1. How can this help? Helps you pull back to see the broader
concepts at play. Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims
in published maps and institutional affiliations. Register for a free account to start saving and
receiving special member only perks. At a basic level, it informs more systematic, balanced and
transparent literature reviews than currently performed in housing studies. Hereby, different
instructional methods offer the possibility to structure and present information in an easy-to-
understand way. Hayes, 2018 ), it is assumed that the mediators are in a causal relationship with a
temporal precedence. Constructing a literature map helps you to: develop your understanding of the
key issues and research findings in the literature to organise ideas in your mind to see more clearly
how different research studies relate to one another and to group those with similar findings.
Provincial Administration, Nyamira District, Kenya. Studies are included if one or more focus
questions or one central concept was provided. Once you are happy with what you have put together,
present it to a friend, preferably at a time when both of you are not in a hurry to get somewhere.
Rights and permissions Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in
any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. An organized
and compiled list of source material makes notations easier in the writing process. Effect of Staff
Performance Appraisal Outcomes on Employee Job Performance a. Formulating a Research Problem.
1. Literature Review. Functions of literature review in research. Alcohol has been used by many
people for several years and its abuse has become a major societal health problem. Espanol Portugues
Francais 4 Functions of Management Process: Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling Functions
of management are a systematic way of doing things. Generally, literature maps can be subdivided
by categorization processes based on theories, definitions, or chronology, and cross-reference
between the two types of mapping. Planning involves selecting missions and objectives and the
actions to achieve them. Whether the learner’s navigation impressions while learning are sufficiently
captured with an unspecific single item is questionable from a psychometric view. It should also have
a clear structure, with sections or subheadings that help to organize the review and make it easier for
readers to follow. Learner performance in multimedia learning arrangements: An analysis across
instructional approaches. These methods are called chronological and thematic, they have certain
distinctive features but both can be used to structure and organize your text effectively. Analysis of
performance management on employee motivation a case of kenya ele. Implications for practitioners
This study gives some practical insights into designing concept maps in educational settings. What
has the literature revealed? (not what do you seek to discuss).
There is a danger of selective referencing, only including literature that supports your own beliefs
and findings, disregarding alternative views. Concept maps theory, methodology, technology: First
international conference on concept mapping. Unlike the old days of flipping through pages for
hours in a library, literature has come easy to us due to its availability on the internet through Open
Access journals and other publishing platforms. This ubiquity has made it even more difficult to
cover only significant data. Example of a hierarchical concept map by Ed Dole (adapted from Dori
2004 ) The words enclosed in circles are concepts, also referred to as nodes. The reviews by Ruiz-
Primo and Shavelson ( 1996 ) and Strautmane ( 2012 ) related methods of analysis to the openness
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artwork. From there each card is positioned based on its alignment to the theme. In particular,
learners with rather low prior knowledge often need further help to internalize knowledge which
consists of interconnections. Although most studies draw conclusions about conceptual
understanding or in repeated measures about conceptual growth, conclusions drawn are related to the
methods of analysis applied and concept map characteristics considered. System Workshop was held
in Williamsburg, Virginia. The. The complexity of the learning material is described with the element
interactivity on a continuum between low and high. Further studies should measure the participants’
working memory capacity when learning materials contain memorization tasks (Wilhelm et al., 2013
). Biographies is a PhD student at Chemnitz University of Technology (Professorship Psychology of
Learning with Digital Media). Let us know how this article helped you in creating a hassle-free and
comprehensive literature map. As was discussed, the principles of an SMS process have. In this
context, concept maps find wide application in several learning topics. Example for review of
literature We aim to bring about people of finesse, grace and versatility combined with our rigorous
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explore this esteemed industry. These connections can be explored manually in a database such as
Scopus or by the use of free browser-based tools such as Connected Papers, L itMaps, and Open
Knowledge Maps. Structural complexity was also taken into account in 18 studies. One of my
students used sticky notes with each sticky note presenting a concept, and with smaller strips of
sticky notes showing the relationships between concepts. This includes the application of concept
maps to study knowledge, explore mental models and misconceptions, or to describe people’s
opinions. In line with Mayer ( 2002 ), all cognitive processes related to the integration of new
information into existing prior knowledge structures can be described as meaningful learning. Our
review is one of the first to address the associations between the methods of analysis, the concept
map characteristics considered and the conclusions drawn, instead of focusing on these aspects
separately. Regarding retention and comprehension, the absence of statistically significant effects of
the independent variables indicates that it is irrelevant for learning whether the concept map is
presented with a low or high salience of the structure or with few or many nodes. On the other hand,
if the map has a less salient structure, it is hardly recognizable how the sub-concepts relate to each
other. Two studies mentioned that the number of links or cross-links did not increase, and two studies
found homogenous types of structures, but still concluded that understanding increased, mainly
based on other measures. RESEARCH DESIGN. Research Design. A master plan specifying the
methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing the data.
The variation in outcomes using open-ended concept maps as a research instrument reduces the
comparability and leads to difficulty in data analysis (Watson et al. 2016a; Yin et al. 2005 ).
Previous studies describe limitations concerning methods of analysis. Ritchhart and colleagues (
2009, p. 152) stressed that qualitative analysis “allowed us to best represent all of the data from the
maps”. However, awareness and management of electronic records as official business records is still
lacking in many organizations. A concept map is a visualization of key idea in your research and the
relationships between them. When exploring knowledge and learning, the strictly defined
quantitative use of concept maps is believed not to do justice to the personal and idiosyncratic nature
of people’s understanding (Novak 1990 ). Ethics approval No ethical approval was necessary to carry
out the study as there is no primary data used in the paper. What evidence has led to a particular
claim being made. Learning with concept and knowledge maps: A meta-analysis. There are several
actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command
or malformed data. For instance respondents think of concepts themselves, or are provided a list of
concepts they can use for their concept map. Results display the main areas at a glance, and papers
related to each area. Example of a hierarchical concept map by Ed Dole (adapted from Dori 2004 )
The words enclosed in circles are concepts, also referred to as nodes. Safety Management Systems:
Good Practices for Devel-. Adapt your concept map as you go along, and once you have the final
version of your literature review, add your concept map as a figure to your literature review chapter.
Analysis of performance management on employee motivation a case of kenya ele. Professor
Courtney Page Tan, Assistant Professor of Human Resilience in the Department of Security and
Emergency Services at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, has compiled a list of powerful
literature mapping tools.You can use these tools to increase the scale and scope of the literature for
your projects. Really easy to use, and it helps getting on top of the often complicated structures of
referencing” Christoph Ludwig Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany “Litmaps is extremely
helpful with my research. Report to Congressional Committees entitled the Transpor-. Following
guidelines for critical interpretative synthesis reviews, this review combines an aggregative and
interpretative approach to critically understand the analysis in previous studies (Gough and Thomas
2012 ). Literature review basics, concept mapping tools, literature review: synthesis templates,
synthesizing multiple sources, concept mapping example. As a consequence, thematically different
nodes are no longer recognizable as such. Felix Krieglstein and Sascha Schneider have contributed
equally to this work. One of the main goals of this work was to reduce the element interactivity (as
one component of the overall ICL) artificially by combining thematically related nodes into one
node. Resource-based learning activities: Information literacy for high school students. Holistic
analysis was determined on an inter-rater basis and is a cognitive complex task for which subject
matter knowledge is necessary; this scoring is subjective (Borrego et al. 2009; Yaman and Ayas 2015
). Literature mapping is not only an organizational tool, but also a reflexive tool. This article is a
quantitative research that aimed at examining the correlation between symptoms and stress in 40
adolescents suffering from schizophrenia. According to the report, benefits derived from the SMS
process are increased coordination, cooperation, and communication among state agencies and
improvements to data analysis and collection procedures, as well as collaborative strategic plans.
This need not be difficult, intricate, or time consuming. This may be come, in part,from literature
youalready have on hand.
In 2000, a second national study, Safety Management Sys-. The plan helps maintain managerial
effectiveness as it works as a guide for future activities. Conclusions concerning knowledge
integration, learning and coverage were based on holistic analysis. The process of creating a concept
map is an iterative one and you will find that it feels like you have drawn and redrawn the map over
and over so many times that you wonder if you are ever going to get to a final version. Lucidchart is
a collaborative online diagramming and visualization tool that allows users to create a wide range of
diagrams, including flowcharts, org charts, wireframes, and mind maps. By clicking on the forward
button, the participants were directed to the second webpage where the concept map was displayed.
The aggregation entails the representation of clusters for each aspect based on cross-case analysis, as
presented in the results. The use of literature review is essential to maintaining a strategic advantage
and identifying the gaps in the theory or in corporate offerings. Lucidly presenting information
makes it easier to maintain a meaningful reading order through the concept map. Also, the research
objects are not included in Fig. 4, as references to research objects were ambiguous in previous
studies and it was unclear whether studies referred to the same objects differently, or studied
different objects. A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and
sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time period. Analysis of
Performance Appraisal Systems on Employee Job Productivity in Pub. Electronic records present
both opportunities and challenges compared to paper records. Human resource management
practices of selected companies Human resource management practices of selected companies A
SYSTEM AT ROB. Revisiting the use of concept maps in a large enrollment general chemistry
course: Implementation and assessment. Moreover, these four methods of analysis lead to different
types of conclusions, and are therefore considered as distinctive ways to analyze and interpret data
from concept maps. Cakmak ( 2010 ) studied perceptions about roles based on the number of
concepts assigned to each role. 3.2.6 Interlinkage Interlinkage concerns the links between categories,
and can only be calculated after categories are established. However, with the Literary Review, this
is just a simple phrase that explains, as succinctly as possible, what the main topic of the Literary
Review will be. By explicitly using the conclusion to be elicited as a basis for choosing methods of
analysis and concept map characteristics, the transparency of research increases, which enables better
quality assessment (Coombs 2017; Verhage and Boels 2017 ). 5 Discussion When relating these
conclusions to broader theory, the first point of discussion is that 20 out of 21 repeated measures
studies identified learning or conceptual growth. Memoir assignment collegeMemoir assignment
college. Online Mind Mapping Tool: Arizona University Libraries Online tool to help you brainstorm
questions and keywords related to your research interest. One of those where you find an appropriate
article, then gets suggested a few related articles and then you find another few related articles to the
related articles, and after 4 hours you can’t even remember what your actual focus was. Highway
Safety Strategies was developed as Iowaa??s own. Concerning the efficiency, learners with the
rather unstructured concept map (low salience) were more efficient than learners with a high salience
indicating that learners took less learning time to achieve the same performance in the test. A map of
literature is a “graphical plan”, “diagrammatic representation”, or a “geographical metaphor” of the
research topic. IBM SPSS Statistics 27 was used to analyze group differences. HISTORICAL-
COMPARATIVE RESEARCH. History. Has several meanings. As well has helping you to organise
the literature for your review, a literature map can be used to help you analyse the information in a
particular journal article, supporting the exploration of strengths and weaknesses of the methodology
and the resultant findings and enabling you to explore how key themes and concepts in the article
link together. Analysis of performance management on employee motivation a case of kenya ele.
Also, while creating a literature review outline template may take time, it will save much more time

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