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Deliver and Discovery Skills

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Table of Contents
A. Necessity for Both Discovery and Delivery Skills...........................................................................3
Why, Where, and When......................................................................................................................4
B. Rationale for Having a Balance of Skills Set...................................................................................4
C. Key Takeaway after Assessment......................................................................................................5
Deliver and Discovery Skills


According to Dyer et al. (2019), innovative organizations possess certain qualities

concerning "personnel, processes, and principles." Thus, considering discovery and delivery skill

sets to evaluate innovation within a team effectively is crucial. This paper examines the

significance of incorporating both skill sets, the reasons for balancing them, and the key

takeaway after surveying our team at McDonald's.


A. Necessity for Both Discovery and Delivery Skills

The "How Innovative is Your Organization or Team?" survey from Dyer et al.'s (2019)

assisted us in assessing the team's innovation profile grounded on people, processes, and

philosophies. The discovery skills encompass generating new ideas, exploring possibilities, and

challenging the status quo. They are crucial for identifying innovative opportunities and

establishing a culture of innovation within the team. The survey showed that the team scored 5

for the first question for our organization, as the organization has leaders with a proven track

record for producing innovative ideas. Regarding the second question, the score was 4 because

the organization actively screens for innovation and creativity skills during hiring. The

organization scores 4 regarding the processes, as the team always brainstorms to produce wild or

very different ideas. Question five, the organization encourages team members to ask queries

that challenge the status quo.

Regarding delivery skills, these have proved critical for converting ideas into tangible

outcomes and delivering results. Various survey questions assessed delivery skills, including

question three, which evaluates an employee's innovation or creativity skills as a crucial aspect
of the performance appraisal process. Question six had a score of five, meaning that the

organization has a culture that promotes the team to generate new ideas by giving people regular

opportunities to observe customers, suppliers, and competitors. Concerning question 7, the

organization scored 3 as it has instituted formal network processes outside the company to find

new ideas. In question 8, the firm has a score of 5, evidenced by the adopted processes to enable

the piloting of experiments and new ideas using its diffuse innovation process.

Overall, the organization had a score of 45, which suggest that it highly values

innovation. This is based on the team's focus on evaluating and rewarding innovation, the stress

of observing and learning from external sources, and the available processes supporting

experimentation and implementation.

Why, Where, and When

Discovery skills encompass the exploration of new ideas, insight generation, and

identifying opportunities. The skill set is critical to assessing innovation because it assists in

uncovering novel concepts and innovations in the company. Assessing innovation necessitates a

dual approach of skills discovery and delivery during idea generation, where the team explores

new possibilities, challenges assumptions, and critically thinks outside the box (Christensen,

2013). It is also needed during idea evaluation and execution, and implementation. During these

phases, discovery skills help the team members evaluate the feasibility and potential effect and

keep the team adaptable. The discovery and delivery skills are needed to assess innovation across

different dimensions within the team and company.

B. Rationale for Having a Balance of Skills Set

Dyer et al. emphasize balancing delivery and discovery skills within a team/organization

(2019). Whereas discovery-driven individuals excel in innovative ideas generation, execution is

equally important for successful innovation (Dyer et al., 2019). In our team at McDonald's, we

recognized that effective innovation necessitates the capacity to generate creative ideas and the

capability of executing them efficiently.

By balancing discovery and delivery competencies, we could capitalize on our team

members' strengths and compensate for weaknesses. For example, the firm optimizes the

franchising model, which helps to strike a balance, and this enables the firm to capitalize on team

members' weaknesses and strengths to ensure that innovative ideas are not just generated but also

implemented effectively, thus enhancing the team's overall performance and achievement

C. Key Takeaway after Assessment

After taking the survey " and evaluating our team at McDonald's, our key takeaway is the

significance of fostering an innovation culture. Our team's innovation profile falls within the

moderate to high range, indicating that we have a foundation for innovative practices but still

have room for improvement. The assessment helped us establish areas to improve our team's

innovative capabilities. For instance, we recognized the significance of actively seeking diverse

views and encouraging questions challenging the status quo. Additionally, formal processes for

networking and experimentation can further drive innovation within our team.

Using our discovery and delivery skill sets, we seek to establish a collaborative setting

where creativity flourishes, ideas are executed effectively, and continuous improvement is

prioritized (Anthony, 2017). Through this approach, we can nurture an innovation culture that

drives our team's success and contributes to the overall development of McDonald's.


In conclusion, including discovery and delivery skills is essential for evaluating and

fostering innovation within a team. The survey in the study provided insights into the innovation
profile of the McDonald's team, highlighting the significance of both skill sets. By utilizing the

discovery and delivery skills, the organization will establish a collaborative environment where

creativity thrives, ideas are executed effectively, and continuous improvement is prioritized,

thereby nurturing an innovation culture that fosters the organization's overall development.

Anthony, S. D. (2017). The little black book of innovation, with a new preface: how it works,

how to do it. Harvard Business Review Press.

Christensen, C. M. (2013). The innovator's dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms

to fail. Harvard Business Review Press.

Dyer, J., Gregersen, H., & Christensen, C. M. (2019). The Innovator's DNA, Updated, with a

New Preface: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators. Harvard Business


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