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Concerns of Academic Track Senior

High School Students Towards

ChatGPT in the Educational Context
ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-generated content
(AIGC) model developed by OpenAI. Lately, this program
has drawn interest from all over the world because of its
capacity to handle language in various extremities and
understand tasks in the form of conversations (Wu et al.,
Although AI systems have been widely acclaimed in
society nowadays, there are pressing concerns
associated with the phenomenon such as tendencies of
cheating and the decreased quality of the learning
experience as observed in a Czech university (Malinka et
al., 2023).
In the Philippines, a January 2023 report involved some
University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) students
investigated for allegedly integrating AI, such as
ChatGPT, in their coursework. The institution
investigated these submissions as a misrepresentation of
legitimate academic requirements (Fabella, 2023).
The Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines (n.d.)
defines the Senior High School (SHS) curriculum as “the
last two years of the K to 12 program and includes Grades 11
and 12”. The SHS program has already produced batches of
graduates ever since 2012, (, 2017)
however, one of the problems it faces is its over-congested
curriculum (Tabora, 2014).
Related Literature and Studies
OpenAI's public release on ChatGPT took place on November
30, 2022, and attracted over one million subscribers in its first
week. It quickly became a popular language model, surpassing
established models such as Google and Meta. The key to
OpenAI's success was its innovative strategies to enhance
personal and accessible spaces for users. ChatGPT comprises
300 billion words, 570 GB of data, and over 175 billion
parameters (Farhi et al., 2023).
Related Literature and Studies
The use of AI-powered systems such as ChatGPT in the
academic context is raising concerns due to the possibility of
plagiarism, hindering the development of critical thinking skills,
and ethical considerations regarding privacy and bias. The
misuse of AI-generated systems for academic purposes may
threaten the essence of higher education. These concerns
have sparked debates in the general public (Fabella, 2023).
Related Literature and Studies
According to Johnson (2023), AI tools like
ChatGPT are expected to become the new
normal. The study also found that 1 in 5 college
students used AI assistance for projects,
curiosity, and entertainment purposes.
Related Literature and Studies
According to Johnson (2023), AI tools like
ChatGPT are expected to become the new
normal. The study also found that 1 in 5 college
students used AI assistance for projects,
curiosity, and entertainment purposes.
Related Literature and Studies
In a Philippine study, ChatGPT was remarked as useful for
second-language interactions, but can present inaccurate
information and lacks real-time information. Respondents
claimed that ChatGPT always seemed to present
information as if it were true already, making grounds for
gullibility if there were instances of misinformation (Javier
& Moorehouse).
Related Literature and Studies
In Davao City, AI-assisted education technology has been
one of the significant forces in start-up businesses as
stated by Upgrade Innolab Inc. president Richard Day. As
a result, these businesses have recently held conferences
that concern the modification educational systems for
universities and other academic institutions, and other
related activities (Espinosa, 2023).
Research Gap
There is scarce research on how senior high school
students in Davao City use AI-powered systems like
ChatGPT, as well as their concerns with the usage of
these programs in the education system.
Theoretical Framework
Su & Yang (2023) have recently proposed a theoretical
framework concerning ChatGPT or other generative AI utility
in the field of education which is coined as the “IDEE”
framework. This consists of the following:
1. Identify the Desired Outcomes
2. Determine the Appropriate Level of Automation
3. Ensure Ethical Considerations
4. Evaluate the Effectiveness
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to determine whether
the concerns of Senior High School students
towards ChatGPT usage vary across all Academic
Track strands.
Statement of the Problem
The researchers would like to find out about the
1. What is the attitude of Academic Track Senior High Students
towards ChatGPT usage?
2. Is there a significant difference in the concerns towards
ChatGPT usage among Senior High School Students across all
academic strands?
Null Hypothesis
There is no significant difference between the
concerns of the Senior High School Students’
towards ChatGPT Usage across all Academic track
Research Design
The researchers will conduct a descriptive-comparative research design
under the quantitative approach. Descriptive research involves “survey
and fact-finding of different kinds” to explain the circumstances being
studied without direct control over the concerned variables (Mishra &
Alok, 2017). Moreover, in a comparative design, situations or results that
are comparable or different among large-scale social units—typically
nations, regions, societies, and cultures—are described and explained
(Michalos, 2014).
The researchers’ questionnaire will be derived from the study of Farhi et al.
(2023) which is divided into five parts: the first part concerns the
respondent’s demographic, and the succeeding parts include constructs
such as students’ views, concerns, and perceived ethics about ChatGPT
usage. Furthermore, the researchers will implement random sampling to
choose respondents within the Grade 12 Senior High School Students of
Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School under the Academic Track and
give them survey questionnaires to answer the utility of a Likert scale.
Data Analysis
The researchers will use One-Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) to
compare the means of the four independent groups in the study.
This method of statistical analysis was chosen to determine the
significant difference between these variables (Kent State University,
2023). Then, the researchers will use Tukey’s Honest Significant
Difference (HSD) as a post hoc test to help determine which groups
are significantly different from one another (Biostats, n.d.).

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