Literature Review of Ozone Layer Depletion

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Understanding the intricacies of ozone layer depletion is crucial in today's environmental discourse.

A literature review on this topic entails a meticulous examination of various scholarly works, research
articles, and publications to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. However,
delving into this realm can be quite challenging for many individuals.

Writing a literature review demands not only extensive research but also critical analysis and
synthesis of information from diverse sources. It requires the ability to identify relevant studies,
evaluate their methodologies and findings, and integrate them coherently to construct a coherent
narrative. Moreover, ensuring that the review is academically sound and contributes meaningfully to
the existing body of knowledge adds another layer of complexity to the task.

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review that illuminates the complexities of ozone layer depletion.
This addition of biological, chemical and physical substances in water is called water pollution. The
calculated values from three independent two-dimensional models range between 57 and 73,
depending on the model used and depending on the assumed amount of additional bromine added to
the stratosphere by very short-lived substances. This change is much larger than can be expected
from the direct radiative effect of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. UV enhances the rate of
evaporation through stomata and results in decreased soil moisture content thus, ultimately affects
the growth and develop- ment of crop plants. About 100,000 ozone molecules will be killed by one
chlorine atom before it is eliminated from the stratosphere. Transport also has played an important
role, particularly in the lowermost stratosphere, making attribution of ozone changes to solely EESC
difficult. Thus, as the planet warms, it becomes more and more difficult to add ozone, and this is a
big part of the reason why it has taken decades to show even slow improvements in the ozone layer.
Amid a housing crisis and a population boom, this council is also trying to avoid running short on
water The Tweed shire is set to grow by up to a third over the next two decades. That was not
surprising, because most major cities, including London, widely used CFCs. Water Pollution Water is
not only necessary for the existence of life on the earth but it is required to perform several days to
day activities like cleaning, washing clothes, bathing, cooking etc. Consistent evidence for this
coupling comes from both observational analyses and models, but the mechanisms responsible are
not well understood. Modeling studies suggest increased water vapor concentrations will enhance
odd hydrogen (HO x ) in the stratosphere and subsequently influence ozone depletion. The Arctic
remains susceptible to large chemical ozone loss, and a lack of understanding of the long-term
changes in the occurrence of polar stratospheric clouds limits our ability to predict the future
evolution of Arctic ozone abundance and to detect the early signs of recovery. This review takes into
an ac- count the wide ranging effects of ozone depletion with a majority of them being detrimental
to the plant system. These larger losses have been avoided because basic research in the atmospheric
sciences had already advanced to a level where it was able to explain the chemical reactions
occurring in the ozone layer. Other human sources of chlorine (like water that evaporates from
swimming pools) largely don't make it to the stratosphere because, while CFCs don't dissolve in
water, pure chlorine does. Just as sunlight awakens activity in dormant plants and animals, it also
delivers a dose of harmful ultraviolet radiation. People living in these regions are dependent upon
Ganga water for their livelihood as well as for their day-to-day needs. The fraction of source gas and
product gas transported into the stratosphere also depends on the local chemical lifetime, where
source gases decompose, and the loss of product gases by heterogeneous processes involving aerosols
and clouds. The Ozone a Hole in the TheoryThe protective ozone layer around our world u. This
conclusion is consistent with the observation that over this region, ozone has not declined further in
the 2002-2005 period. About 90% of the planet's ozone is in the ozone layer. There is no indication of
future large decreases in Arctic column ozone in any of the model simulations. These potential
changes would contribute to the biosphere-atmosphere feedbacks that attenuate or reinforce the
atmospheric build-up of these gases. CFC compounds are agents which release chlorine radicals into
the atmosphere and cause damage to the ozone layer. Figure 6 Effect of Air Pollution on Taj Mahal
Causes of air pollution in Agra and effects on the Taj Mahal 1. The overall temperature decrease is
punctuated by transient warmings of thestratosphere associated with the major volcanic eruptions in
1982 and 1991. At high tempera- ture, they can degrade to more acutely toxic gases such as chlorine
and phosgene. Can cause lung damage Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Produced from air conditioners,
refrigerators and aerosols. These values are derived from observations of tropospheric bromine source
gases and bromine monoxide in the stratosphere, based on our current understanding of chemical
transformations and transport of very short-lived substances to the stratosphere.
The NH shows a minimum around 1993 followed by anincrease. There is large uncertainty in
predictions of Arctic ozone because of the smaller ozone depletion and the larger interannual
variability in the Arctic stratosphere. Sherwood Rowland took a critical turn when he heard a lecture
describing Lovelock's work. Accordingly, he asked the British government for a modest sum of
money to place his apparatus on board a ship traveling from England to Antarctica. The UV-B radia-
tions play a vital role in the synthesis of vitamin D, which involves two steps: formation of pre-
vitamin D and its thermo conversion. Model calculations suggest that the upper stratosphere trends
are due, about equally, to decreases in ozone and increases in well-mixed greenhouse gases. These
changes have important implica- tions for plant competitive balance, herbivory, plant dis- eases, and
biogeochemical cycl es. These pollutants lead to acid rain in the Agra region. 4. When Nitrogen
dioxide combines with water it forms nitric acid and when Sulphur Dioxide combines with water it
forms sulphuric acid. 5. The rainwater which falls on the Taj Mahal leads to decay of the marble. In
order to prevent the river Ganga from getting polluted the Government of India had initiated the
Ganga Action Plan in 1985. The photo-dissociation of oxygen molecules by high- energy solar
photons (175 - 242 nm) in the stratosphere results in the production of ozone. It will determine their
immediate political fortunes and the all-important momentum for 2024, writes David Speers. The
potential effects on humans and the environment have led to international resolutions designed to
gradually phase out production of ozone-depleting substances. The ultra-violet (UV) rays emitted
from sun are captured by ozone and thereby provide a stable ontological structure in the biosphere.
Although the entire increase cannot be blamed on ozone loss and increased exposure to ultraviolet
radiation, there is evidence of a relationship. The signato- ries have been given ten year time for total
phase out for enlisted ODSs. The ozone depletion over the Antarctic has been no- ticed since 1970s
and the Arctic region has also been wit- nessing the occurrence of an ozone-hole during the last
decade. Air is a combination of different gases that form the atmosphere of the Earth. Here's why
they're happening and whether there's support for them. At most extrapolar locations, the effects on
UV-B radiation from ozone depletion are relatively small, and the influence of clouds is dominant.
These emissions may also reduce ozone levels in the stratosphere. Some monitored the compounds
from the ground; others used balloons or aircraft. They react with the ozone gas and form molecular
oxygen. More than one million new cases of non-melanoma skin can- cers are reported in the US
only. EESC is a gauge of the overall stratospheric burden of ozone-depleting halogen. Balloonborne
water vapor measurements at Boulder, Colorado, for the period 1980-2005 show a significant
increase of 5-10% per decade over altitudes of 15-28 km. The stratospheric ozone helps in limiting
the influx of harmful UV-B and green- house gas. Previous studies have linked the trends in
circulation to weather changes. Two months later, its adoption by the Bri- tish scientists announced
the presence of Ozone hole over Antarctic triggering concern about human safety. This is supported
by the observation that polar ozone depletion in the Antarctic spring is strongly correlated with
southern summer midlatitude ozone depletion. We publish articles grounded in peer-reviewed
research and provide free access to that research for all of our readers.
Decreases blood’s oxygen carrying capacity Smog It is a combination of fog and smoke. These
changes also improve comparison between theory and observation of the timing of ozone loss over
Antarctica. Although there are still inconc lusive observations of UV induced photo-morphogenesis
particularly with regard to signal transduction and other early stage responses. It found that if
countries continued to adhere to the limits imposed by the Montreal Protocol and its follow-on
agreements, the world could expect that ozone concentrations would largely return to their pre-1980
levels by 2040, with the Arctic reaching pre-1980 levels by 2045 and the Antarctic following suit by
2066. The story of ozone recovery, however slow or threatened it may be, is not how far there is to
go but how far the world has actually come. These pollutants lead to acid rain in the Agra region. 4.
When Nitrogen dioxide combines with water it forms nitric acid and when Sulphur Dioxide
combines with water it forms sulphuric acid. 5. The rainwater which falls on the Taj Mahal leads to
decay of the marble. The predicted cooling rate within the next two decades is dependent on the
prescribed scenario and the type of model used for the Assessment. The in- crease in terrestrial ozone
particulates results in their en- hanced scattering and improved absorption of UV-B ra- diations,
which contributes to global warming by acting as a greenhouse gas and also shows harmful effects
on both animals and plants. This phenomenon of increased temperature of the earth is called global
warming. As a result of that chain reaction, a single chlorine atom can remove as many as 100,000
molecules of ozone. An instrument that he developed, the Dobson spectrometer, has become the
standard for monitoring ozone from the ground. This warming resulted from anomalously strong
dynamical wave activity in the Southern Hemisphere. This is supported by the observation that polar
ozone depletion in the Antarctic spring is strongly correlated with southern summer midlatitude
ozone depletion. The value of 100 ppt for Cl y from short-lived species in the previous Assessment
also included a contribution of 50 ppt from phosgene. Figure 1 Constituents of air What is Air
Pollution. Less dramatic, but still significant, depletion of ozone levels has been recorded around the
globe. Recent trend analyses, which are based on only two available multiyear datasets, cast doubt on
the positive stratospheric water vapor trend that was noted in the previous Assessment. By measuring
the spectrum of air, the Belgian scientist M.V. Migeotte demonstrated in 1948 that methane is a
common constituent of the atmosphere with a concentration of about one part per million by volume.
Exhaust from factories: many industries release harmful substances like carbon dioxide,
hydrocarbons and other harmful chemicals in the air which decrease its quality. There is a burgeoning
need to reduce the production of industrial products causing ozone depletion and global warming. As
a result, the number of atmospheric compounds identified by scientists has increased from 14 in the
early 1950s to more than 3,000 today. This projected later recovery is because, unlike in previous
Assessments, we now recognize that the age of air is greater in the Antarctic lower stratosphere,
which affects the amount of ozone-depleting gases available for ozone depletion. It is a story written
by many: scientists, technologists, economists, legal experts, and policymakers. Tylah and Dylan 'got
laughed out of the room' when they shared their budget to turn their cottage into a passive house
While many might've considered Tylah and Dylan's rundown 1950s cottage a knockdown rebuild,
they had other plans. Previous studies have linked the trends in circulation to weather changes. The
1990 London Amendment brought other ODSs into ambit for a total phase-out by 2000, viz.,
Carbon tetrachloride, and trichloroethane. Water Pollution Water is not only necessary for the
existence of life on the earth but it is required to perform several days to day activities like cleaning,
washing clothes, bathing, cooking etc. Indeed, the onset of ozone recovery in the Arctic has not been
detected. A case study of Ganga River Ganga is one of the most significant rivers of India. There
has been large variability in Antarctic temperatures in recent years.
But many bats, including Mexican free-tailed bats of Austin, TX, sing to one another. By 2100,
ozone should be up to 5% above 1980 values. Meanwhile, ozone can form near the surface when
constituents of air pollution react in the presence of sunlight. Ozone (O3) is an allotropic form of
oxygen with three atoms in each molecul. A case in point: the group of chemicals known as CFCs.
The muta- tions caused by UV rays result in variation in morphogenic traits of plants which
ultimately decreases crop productiv- ity. Disturbances in heart rhythm can occur at very high con-
centrations and had even caused some deaths from inten- tional sniffing. For this purpose, dif- ferent
conventions and protocols have been adopted to control ozone depletion and its impacts on all life
forms. These include Vienna Convention in 1985 followed by the Montreal Protocol in 1987 and the
Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The CFCs together accounted for less than 23 ppt of the decline. So, while
the solutions are still evolving, ultimately, money spent to develop and implement alternatives to
CFCs has helped stop ozone depletion, and has saved an estimated one trillion dollars (perhaps
more) through public health benefits (millions of additional skin cancer and cataract cases prevented,
for example). In the presence of ultraviolet rays, they are broken down to form chlorine radicals.
Similarly the elevated ozone levels in 2100 are observed in all interactive two-dimensional models
and in the one CCM that extended to 2100. These protocols banned the use of ozone depleting
substances (ODSs) in both developed and developing countries. The Antarctic winter of 2004 was
also dynamically very active and had higher ozone levels than in previous years. The strato- spheric
ozone layer protects life on earth by absorbing the damaging, high-energy UV-C radiation. Like
other researchers at the time, Rowland had no inkling that CFCs could harm the environment, but the
injection into the atmosphere of large quantities of previously unknown compounds piqued his
interest. The reason for the change is unclear, and it could be because of long-term natural variability
or an unknown dynamical mechanism. It found that if countries continued to adhere to the limits
imposed by the Montreal Protocol and its follow-on agreements, the world could expect that ozone
concentrations would largely return to their pre-1980 levels by 2040, with the Arctic reaching pre-
1980 levels by 2045 and the Antarctic following suit by 2066. Inclusion of these advances results in
improved agreement between theory and observation of the timing of both Arctic and Antarctic
polar ozone loss. The dominant tropospheric response comprises changes in the strength of the
midlatitude westerlies (the prevailing winds from the west). He teaches Science, Economics,
Accounting and English at Teachoo. Sherwood Rowland and Dutch chemist Paul Crutzen
discovered that human-produced CFCs could be a major source of chlorine in the stratosphere.
Ozone Layer Depletion - Causes, Effects and Solutions - 7? The 2006 Scientific Assessment
summarized here is the sixth in that series. The ozone depletion over the Antarctic has been no- ticed
since 1970s and the Arctic region has also been wit- nessing the occurrence of an ozone-hole during
the last decade. It is currently still the largest contributor to the decline in tropospheric chlorine.
Atmospheric mixing ratios of CFC-12, which account for about one-third of the current atmospheric
chlorine loading, have been constant within 1% (5 ppt) since 2000, and some in situ and Northern
Hemisphere column (i.e., overhead) measurements show that peak values were attained in 2003.
CFCs (Freons) are a group of colorless, non-combu- stible liquids which are highly volatile
substances and poorly soluble in water. Lovelock correctly concluded that the gas was carried by
large-scale wind motions. Outdoor air pollutants generally arise from the burning of fossil fuels,
smoke from industries and vehicles.
For this purpose, dif- ferent conventions and protocols have been adopted to control ozone depletion
and its impacts on all life forms. These include Vienna Convention in 1985 followed by the Montreal
Protocol in 1987 and the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The cumulative effective abundance of halogens in
the stratosphere is quantified as equivalent effective stratospheric chlorine (EESC). 1. Rowland,
joined by Mario Molina, a colleague at the University of California, Irvine, decided to find out. UV-
B radiations exhibit the abil- ity to transmute the biochemical and physiological path- ways of cells
by structural changes in biomolecules, which ultimately cause diseases such as skin cancer, photo-ag-
ing, immuno-suppression and cataracts in the human po- pulation. The stratospheric ozone helps in
limiting the influx of harmful UV-B and green- house gas. The atmospheric release of ODSs such as
halocar- bons including chloro. These do not bind to soil strongly and thus they can easily leach to
the groundwater. Skin and Eye Cancer in Animals: Like humans, animals exposed to UV light for an
extended period can cause skin and eye cancer. Instead, he became interested in the seasonal
variations in ozone concentrations. People living in these regions are dependent upon Ganga water
for their livelihood as well as for their day-to-day needs. Zachary Rolfe argues to narrow Kumanjayi
Walker evidence, days before scheduled inquest appearance As the coronial inquest into the shooting
death of Kumanjayi Walker resumes today, lawyers for former NT Police officer Zachary Rolfe have
foreshadowed a series of objections he will raise when he takes the stand. Even if ozone trends were
linear, at least 10-15 years of measurements would be needed for detecting a trend in UV radiation.
Basal and squamous cell carcinomas are the most com- mon type of cancers in humans due to excess
UV expo- sure. Why are South Korean doctors resigning en masse? 'Hairy panic' tumbleweed
blocking roads and choking farms in 'depressing' spread How a revered transgender activist's funeral
caused a 'scandal' in New York A man convicted of helping the Snowtown murderers is seeking early
release on parole. These factors may result in either increases or decreases of surface UV irradiance,
through absorption or scattering. This has reduced the risk of further ozone depletion. Model
calculations incorporating only ozone projections show that cloud-free UV irradiance will continue to
decrease, although other UV-influencing factors are likely to change at the same time. Filtration: it is
a physical method of removing impurities from water. There is no indication of future large decreases
in Arctic column ozone in any of the model simulations. Stratospheric ozone depletion leads to the
formation of a secondary ozone layer near ground called terrestrial ozone. Nearly 60 plus countries
met at Montreal in 1987 to come up with a protocol on curbing the Ozone Depleting Sub- stances
(ODSs). A calculation error in the previous ozone assessment leading to a 13% overestimate for the
ODP of halon-1211 has been corrected. These emissions are a byproduct of HCFC-22 production.
After eight weeks, the hole leaves Antarctica, only to pass over more populated areas, including New
Zealand and Australia. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have been found to be the main cause of ozone
depletion and have many health impacts. The earth is the only planet that sup- ports life, and thus
preserving ozone layer and reducing the release of greenhouse gasses are the essential steps required
for the protection of life. Differences between developed and developing regions are indicative of
the differing schedules of phase-out. The declines in total chlorine (Cl) during 2000-2004 were
slightly faster than projected for these years in the Ab scenario of the previous (2002) ozone
assessment report (baseline scenario following the 1999 Beijing Amendments). The ultraviolet rays of
the sun if reach the earth’s surface can cause severe problems. They can affect the plants, cause
cancer in human beings, skin and eye diseases and can harm all other biotic and abiotic components
of the earth. Most of the chlorine becomes part of two separate chemicals, which under normal
circumstances are stable.

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