CMT 560 Potentiostat Galvanostat

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What is potentiostat/galvanostat?
• A potentiostat / galvanostat is an instrument that
manages the application of voltage or current to an
electrochemical cell electrode.
• The potentiostat / galvanostat is the main tool used in
electrochemical and electroanalytical experiments.
Potentiostatic vs Galvanostatic modes
• Potentiostats / galvanostats have two main function
modes depending on the electric quantity being
controlled – the potential or the current.
• These are called the potentiostatic and galvanostatic
modes (see Figures 1 & 2 below).
• Wh e n th e p o te n ti o s tat/ g al v an o s tat i s u s e d i n
poten ti os tati c mode, i t c an be refer red to as a
• In potentiostatic mode, the potentiostat applies and
controls the potential, and measures the current flowing
through the electrochemical system (see Figure 1

Figure 1: Principle of the potentiostatic mode.

What is Potentiostatic mode?
• The potentiostatic mode measures and controls the
voltage difference between a working electrode and a
reference electrode, which has a constant potential.
• This, perhaps the most commonly used mode of an
electrochemical workstation, measures the current flow
between the working electrode and counter electrode
(that completes the cell circuit).
• It is common to apply a “voltage ramp” where voltage is
applied incrementally (a potentiodynamic technique).
• In galvanostatic mode, the electrochemical instrument
performs the measurements for potential variations
while the current is applied and controlled (see Figure 2

Figure 2: Principle of the galvanostatic mode.

What is Galvanostatic mode?
• Galvanostatic mode is based on the control of current
flowing through the system.
• When the device is used for these measurements it is
called a galvanostat.
• The most common application for galvanostatic mode
is research into batteries.
Other function modes
• Potentiostats also have specif ic control modes: the
Open Circuit Potential (OCP), the Zero Resistance
Ammeter (ZRA), Potentiodynamic Polarization (PDP)
and by the Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
• Each of these control modes has a specific purpose.
How do potentiostats / galvanostats
• The potentiostat is an instrument dedicated to the study
of electrochemical processes.
• The control of the interfacial working electrode
potential is crucial to guarantee that current is
measured at a constant potential.
• A three-electrode setup makes this possible. These
three electrodes are known as the working electrode
(WE), the reference electrode (RE), and the counter-
electrode (CE)(also called the auxiliary electrode).
(RE): The potential of the reference
electrode is well-known and stable. It
i s the p oi nt of re fe re nc e of the
system for potential control and
m easurem ent. T he c urrent f lo w
through this electrode is kept close to
(CE): The current f lows between the
working electrode and the counter-
(WE): The reaction of interest occurs
a t t h e i nt e r f a c e o f t h e w o rk i ng
How are potentiostats used in academic
research and in industry?
Potentiostats and Corrosion
• Corrosion is also a major focus within electrochemistry
and an area where potentiostats play a vital role.
• The global cost of corrosion is estimated at $2.5 trillion
with corrosion control having the potential to save 375
-875 billion dollars annually (a staggering 3.4% of global
GDP in 2013).
• Corrosion can have a devastating effect on infrastructure,
production/manufacturing, and transportation amongst
many other activities which are dependent on the integrity
of the metal used.
• Potentiostats are used in general electrochemistry to help
better understand the fundamental electrochemical
processes that lead to the degradation of metal in
reaction with oxidants such as oxygen or sulfates.
• Potentiostats are also used in materials science to help
develop coatings and prevent corrosion. They are very
useful for such analyses because they allow the study of
corrosion rates.
• For example, material properties and structures on the
corrosion properties of the material can be studied.
Figure 3: The world’s first multichannel computer-
potentiostat –The Mac Pile, launched in 1991.

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