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Crafting a literature review on land pollution can be an arduous task requiring extensive research,

critical analysis, and precise synthesis of information. It involves delving into a vast array of
scholarly articles, research papers, books, and other relevant sources to gather comprehensive insights
into the topic.

The complexity of writing a literature review lies in the need to not only summarize existing literature
but also to identify gaps, contradictions, and areas for further exploration. It requires a deep
understanding of the subject matter and the ability to critically evaluate the credibility and relevance
of various sources.

Moreover, organizing the gathered information in a coherent and logical manner while maintaining
academic integrity adds another layer of challenge to the process. Ensuring proper citation and
referencing according to the required style guide further complicates the task.

For those facing difficulties in navigating through this intricate process, seeking professional
assistance can be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert literature review writing services to
help individuals streamline their research process and produce high-quality, well-structured literature
reviews on land pollution.

By entrusting the task to experienced professionals, individuals can save time, alleviate stress, and
ensure the production of a literature review that meets the highest academic standards. With ⇒ ⇔, achieving excellence in academic writing becomes more accessible and efficient.
Thanks to Ohio elected officials working with big polluters, our state is going to be the absolute
worst neighbor and argue before the Supreme Court for not only its right to pollute other states, but
for other states to pollute us. Also, forests that stand on land sustains all the living beings, from
animals to plants and trees and even the grasslands. Republish this article This work is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Nitrogen Oxide (NO 2 )
Nitrogen oxide is a traffic-related pollutant, as it is emitted from automobile motor engines ( 79, 80
). Democratic U.S. Rep. Andy Kim, who is also seeking his party's nomination for the Senate seat,
also opposes the project. “There is simply no need for yet another gas power plant in the city of
Newark when renewable energy solutions are possible, especially at a time when so many residents
in that community are already living with some of the worst air pollution in the country,” he said in
an email to The Associated Press. For example, the Gundjehmi Aboriginal Corporation partnered
with a league of environmental activists to defeat the Jabiluka mine in Northern Australia (Hintjens
2000 ). It would send a clear message that the health of downwind communities is secondary to the
interests of polluters. Land Pollution has led to a series of issues that we have come to realize in
recent times, after. Although, a number of studies have discussed the effects of a single form of
regulation on environmental pollution, no study has yet explored the effects of the combined effects
of formal planning and informal regulation. A Literature Review of the Effects of Energy on
Pollution and Health This paper reviews the recent literature that studies the effects of energy on
pollution and health. When the trachea is contaminated by pollutants, voice alterations may be
remarked after acute exposure. Environmental pollution occurs when changes in the physical,
chemical, or biological constituents of the environment (air masses, temperature, climate, etc.) are
produced. Pollutants harm our environment either by increasing levels above normal or by
introducing harmful toxic substances. And, the information of co-citation frequency is reflected in
table 6. Reclamations are being planned and executed; along with it landfills are also being planned
and executed to meet the demand of land. Humans depend on trees for many things including life.
It's designed to avoid a repeat of what happened after Superstorm Sandy in 2012. Similarly, other
factors seem to be involved in the developmental maturation, which define the vulnerability to long-
term air pollution. Additionally, environmental pollution is caused by natural events like volcanic
eruptions. Konkler M, Hammerschmidt C (2012) Methylmercury in mosquitoes around a large coal-
fired power plant in central Ohio. Since the 1990s, the term “digital activism” has been used
increasingly and in many different disciplines ( 29 ). Moreover, skin redness, damage to the eyes
(lacrimation and corneal opacity) and mucous membranes, and worsening of pre-existing
cardiovascular disease have been observed ( 81 ). Factors contributing to land pollution include the
thoughtless dumping of urban and industrial waste, mining activities not conducted carefully, and
misuse of fertilizers and soil in agriculture. Ozone damages to mediterranean crops: physiological
responses. Contaminants in the environment can significantly and negatively impact the environment
as well as humanity. From the perspective of research objects, the current research on LP mainly
presents two types of characteristics: one part of the literature takes LP as an independent variable to
explore the impact of LP on social and economic development and ecosystem services, and the other
part of the literature takes LP as the dependent variable to explore the impact of spatial
environmental factors on LP. Under this incentive system, local governments need to balance
environmental protection with economic development. Ozone affects the upper layers of the skin and
the tear ducts ( 73 ). As extensively stated previously, according to a recent epidemiological study
from Harvard School of Public Health, the relative magnitudes of the short- and long-term effects
have not been completely clarified ( 57 ) due to the different epidemiological methodologies and to
the exposure errors. Zhang X, Zhang J, Cai T, Zhang B (2015) Factor analysis of mercury form
transformation in coal-fired flue gas. Long-term exposure to NO 2 can impair the sense of smell ( 81
Chang L, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Yu X, Li Z, Gong B, Liu H, Wei S, Wu H, Zhang J (2021) Mercury
species and potential leaching in sludge from coal-fired power plants. Ice blink: Navigating northern
environmental history. The main reason for this is disturbance created in the. However, diet, starting
from breast-feeding, is another determinant factor. As is known, the “greenhouse effect” keeps the
Earth's temperature stable. The proposal has been pending for several years and remains under
review by state environmental regulators. Thomas Klasson K, Borole AbhijeetP, McKeown
CatherineK, Hamilton ChooY (2006) Biomodification of coal to remove mercury. A people-idea-
exchanging, eco-friendly website,Saving Our Environment, suggests these tips: See Full PDF
Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers Recycling Organic Waste Resources
to Land - Communicating the issues Frank Schiller Download Free PDF View PDF Waste disposal,
recycling and land reclamation Eve Hoa Human activity has led to the generation of increasing
amounts of waste. Ambient air pollution, climate change, and population health in China. Graphical
Abstract This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Pollution
has come to become one of the serious concerns that we collectively battle. Particulate matter
contains tiny liquid or solid droplets that can be inhaled and cause serious health effects ( 55 ).
Suitable and standardized monitoring and remediation strategies are required to minimize soil
contamination. Land that is once converted into a dry or barren land. Purpose-led Publishing is a
coalition of three not-for-profit publishers in the field of physical sciences: AIP Publishing, the
American Physical Society and IOP Publishing. Finally, local, or regional forces undoubtedly have a
great influence on the LP process, and the driving forces from globalization cannot be ignored.
Commercial facilities test biodegradable plastics at 58 degrees C and 60% relative humidity, whereas
at-home composting mechanisms may not meet these conditions and may therefore produce
incomplete biodegradation. Offer complex coupon offers and loyalty programs to boost social media
sharing through incentives your customers will love. It should be noted that the first article appeared
in 1944. Today there are organizations stepping up to carry on the work. They believe that if the US
chooses to implement the greenhouse gas emission reduction plan, it is necessary to decide whether
to include carbon sequestration policies as part of the domestic portfolio of compliance activities.
Brook et al ( 2010 ) discussed the relationship between land use change and air pollution and its
impact on cardiovascular disease. (3) agricultural issues and the decline of biodiversity, such as
Polasky et al ( 2008 ) developed a landscape-level model to analyze the biological and economic
consequences of alternative land use patterns. Similarly, other factors seem to be involved in the
developmental maturation, which define the vulnerability to long-term air pollution. Types of Dust
include suspended atmospheric dust, settling dust, and heavy dust. Sulfur dioxide stands as a major
contributor to air pollution. It is caused by gas emissions in the air coming from industrial facilities,
power plants, automobiles, and trucks. The 104 chemical species in the inventory have been selected
to be relevant with respect to photochemistry modeling according to available data. Fear of using
contaminated local sources of medicine can lead to declines in the use of traditional remedies, as
documented among the Mohawk (Arquette et al. 2002 ). There are also reports of Inuit women
choosing not to breastfeed their children because of fear of pollutants in their milk (Johansen 2002 ).
And without cost-benefit or socio-economic perspectives, we believe that the research needs to
combine LP experimental results with socio-economic analysis to propose joint pollution remediation
methods. Strict command-and-control energy regulation policies have obvious effects.
Traffic- related air pollution and the right ventricle. Pavlish JH, Sondreal EA, Mann MD, Olson ES,
Galbreath KC, Laudal DL, Benson SA (2003) Status review of mercury control options for coal-
fired power plants. The water quality parameters were analyzed in accordance to standard methods.
They are an important risk factor for lung cancer ( 89 ). Therefore, we replaced the independent
variable with a new measure of public environmental awareness, namely, the search volume on the
mobile platform ( PEC 2 ), and re-estimated the regression model as presented in column (2) of Table
3. Every 10 tonnes of paper recycled is 10 tonnes less on its way to landfill. However, amidst these
challenges, opportunities for progress abound. Read more Report on Land pollution 1 of 6 Download
Now Download to read offline Ad Recommended LAND POLLUTION. Available online at:
(accessed September 22, 2018). 55. Cheung K, Daher N, Kam W, Shafer MM, Ning Z, Schauer JJ,
et al. Rapid urbanization has forced most urban dwellers to live in crowded slums that are
characterized by poor sanitation and inadequate supply of clean water. Among them, Particulate
Matter (PM), particles of variable but very small diameter, penetrate the respiratory system via
inhalation, causing respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, reproductive and central nervous system
dysfunctions, and cancer. For example, the Northern Aboriginal Peoples' Coordinating Committee on
POPs helped support the Inuit Circumpolar Council's participation in negotiating the Convention on
Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Protocols on POPs and Heavy Metals (Selin and Selin
2008 ). A transect survey of environmental parameters would have been better to identify
environmental impacts of disposal methods could be considered by decision makers in future to
suggest the most environmentally and economic method to the policy planners. Introduction
Chemicals that are harmful to human health and have gotten into the environment due to human
activity are called environmental pollutants. Urban-Rural Connections: A Review of the Literature.
As stated already, long-term exposure is associated with deleterious effects on the cardiovascular
system ( 3, 5 ). Unfortunately, till date Delhi doesn’t have any exclusive hazardous tracts landfill site.
The considered literature focuses on 10 geoparks (many of them. Waste buried in a landfill site is
only hidden, it is not contained but causes environmental problems through emissions. IPs'
contributions to control pollution Resistance to polluting activities. These policies and regulations
provide exogenous shocks for identifying a causal relationship. Chang L, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Yu X, Li
Z, Gong B, Liu H, Wei S, Wu H, Zhang J (2021) Mercury species and potential leaching in sludge
from coal-fired power plants. The first-stage results show that the estimated coefficient for
educational level is positive at a significance level of 1%, with an F value of 187.37, confirming the
validity of the instrumental variable. Particulate Matter (PM) is divided into four main categories
according to type and size ( 61 ) ( Table 2 ). Table 2. Types and sizes of particulate Matter (PM). This
is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited. Furthermore, widespread news coverage of environmental pollution
issues on the Chinese internet reveals the severity and impact of environmental pollution, enhancing
public awareness of the complexity of environmental problems and encouraging the Chinese public
to take action to alleviate environmental pressures. Hierarchy of Pollution Prevention: Below
diagram is about preventing pollution in a hierarchy order: Fig2: Pollution Prevention Hierarchy
Content of the Seminar and PDF for Land Pollution What is Land Pollution. India (FSI), about 60
percent of the total cultivated area suffers from some form of. In this vein, serious poisoning may
occur in people exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide for a long period of time. This situation is
seen as a good indicator of each of capacity for the decentralized institutions at the local level to
enforce laws and instruments which are meant to ensure sound environmental management.
Given that most of the reviewed documents did not define any specific thresholds for defining
impacts, we considered that there was an impact when this was explicitly described as such in the
original source. Article ADS Google Scholar Li J, Zhou S, Wei W, Qi J, Li Y, Chen B, Zhang N,
Guan D, Qian H, Wu X, Miao J, Chen L, Feng K, Liang S (2020b) China’s retrofitting measures in
coal-fired power plants bring significant mercury-related health benefits. Exposure to PM and
cigarette smoking act as skin-aging agents, causing spots, dyschromia, and wrinkles. Long and Short
Essays on Land Pollution Essay for Students and Kids in English Below, you can find a 600-word
land pollution essay as well as a 200-word land pollution essay for students and schoolchildren. First,
researchers and policymakers should pay attention to public demands regarding environmental issues
and guide public environmental concern in a rational manner. KivenRaySarsaba Zi-Stick UBS
Dongle ZIgbee from Aeotec manual Zi-Stick UBS Dongle ZIgbee from Aeotec manual Domotica
daVinci 5 Tech Trend to Notice in ESG Landscape- 47Billion 5 Tech Trend to Notice in ESG
Landscape- 47Billion Data Analytics Company - 47Billion Inc. This history of systemic injustice has
fueled a legacy of environmental disparities that demands redress through meaningful action. Mobile
sources include automobiles, cars, railways, airways, and other types of vehicles. This community is
still under the leadership of tribal authority though the area has been fast developing to more of
township life over the years. The production of creosote in the European Union (EU) has been
estimated to be approximately 60.000-100.000 t per year. The presence of the toxic PAHs and
phenoli. In China, the environmental protection administrative departments impose administrative
penalties on individuals or enterprises who violate environmental laws and regulations. New Delhi is
one of the more polluted cities in India. Cultural impacts Environmental pollution impacts both
material and nonmaterial cultural dimensions of IPs' ways of life (Pufall et al. 2011; Alonzo et al.
2016 ), including their knowledge systems (Boischio and Henshel 2000; Yakovleva 2011 ). These
alliances extend to scientists because access to scientific information on pollution impacts has been
important in spurring indigenous protests in many regions (Stetson 2012 ). BEL also bridges the gap
between economic and environmental solutions, emphasizing the importance of investment in the
green economy sitting alongside advocacy for harm reduction. Success and effectiveness in
controlling air pollution, specifically at the local level, have been reported. These include all the
various kinds of rubbish we make at home, school, hospitals, market. And without cost-benefit or
socio-economic perspectives, we believe that the research needs to combine LP experimental results
with socio-economic analysis to propose joint pollution remediation methods. Federal government
websites often end Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal
government site. Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting
Information files. Increasing penalties for environmental violations and enhancing the transparency
and fairness of environmental regulation can enhance public trust and support for government
environmental actions. Appendix 2: Environmental and Social Impacts of Mining. Available online:
(accessed August 15, 2017). 9. Hashim D, Boffetta P. Causes and Effects of Land Pollution by
Prabhakar Pillai. Therefore, we find support for research hypotheses H3a and H3b. 5. Conclusion
Strengthening ecological environmental protection requires effective public participation. A detailed
discussion is made in this paper about the various treatment methods used for the polluted soil.
Reprints and permissions About this article Liu, Q., Gao, J., Li, G. et al. Bibliometric analysis on
mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants: a systematic review and future prospect. Nuclear
waste: Nuclear waste from a nuclear plant is dumped beneath surface of the earth for avoiding
causality. Environmental adverse effects, such as acidification of soil and acid rain, seem to be
associated with sulfur dioxide emissions ( 83 ). Xu W, Hussain A, Liu Y (2018) A review on
modification methods of adsorbents for elemental mercury from flue gas.
The proposal has been pending for several years and remains under review by state environmental
regulators. Calderon-Garciduenas L, Azzarelli B, Acuna H, et al. We found that most of this
literature suffers from quantitative bias and relies mainly on new methods, especially cluster analysis.
We can find that the top three burst strengths of LP studies are agriculture (13.32), pollution (11.92),
and conservation (8.48). Table 7. Keyword burstiness information (Top10). 3.2.3. Keyword clustering
Although the direction of the selected topic is determined, the keywords in different journal articles
are trivial and independent, so it is necessary to perform cluster analysis on these keywords. People
exposed to high concentrations of air pollutants experience disease symptoms and states of greater
and lesser seriousness. Governor Murphy and PVSC, are you listening?” The backup power plant
originally was proposed to run solely on natural gas, which residents say would worsen already poor
air quality in the neighborhood. The Bullards are still working and educating in this space. Health
effects of ambient air pollution in developing countries. Particulate Matter (PMs), dust, benzene, and
O 3 cause serious damage to the respiratory system ( 97 ). Kimakova T, Nasser B, Issa M, Uher I
(2019) Mercury cycling in the terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric environment of the Slovak
Republic — an overview. Following a recent epidemiological study by the Department of
Environmental Health at Harvard School of Public Health (Boston, MA) ( 57 ), it was reported that,
as PM 2.5 concentrations vary spatially, an exposure error (Berkson error) seems to be produced, and
the relative magnitudes of the short- and long-term effects are not yet completely elucidated. We
utilize the per capita number of environmental protection penalty cases at the city level as an
indicator of local government regulatory efforts. Molhave L, Clausen G, Berglund B, Ceaurriz J,
Kettrup A, Lindvall T, et al. J Hazard Mater 427 Liming C, Huang Z, Mo H, Zhu J, Jiang A, Huang
R (2017) Test and study on synergic mercury removal performance of environmental protection
facilities at ultra-low pollutants emission. Therefore, we included the lagged environmental pollution
variable as the new dependent variable and re-estimated model (1). Long Essay On Land Pollution
500 Words in English 29% of the earth’s surface is made up of land on which plants animals and
human beings live. Halifax: The Ministers (1999). 11 p. 121. Zuhara S, Isaifan R. Nitrogen Oxide
(NO 2 ) Nitrogen oxide is a traffic-related pollutant, as it is emitted from automobile motor engines (
79, 80 ). However, the sector suffers from mismanagement, under-pricing, over-use of resources, loss
of revenues and limited sharing and participation of rural communities. Front center is Reverend
Joseph Lowery of Atlanta, who heads the Southern Christian Leadership Conference founded by the
late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Inflammation comes secondary to the oxidative stress and seems to
be involved in the impairment of developmental maturation, affecting multiple organs ( 105, 107 ).
PARTS OF NIGERIA Awajiogak A Ujile This paper details the natural phenomena and
anthropogenic activities which constitute threat to the integrity of groundwater resource in towns and
villages in parts of Nigeria. However, existing research only focuses on the impact of one party on
environmental pollution, neglecting the combined effects of both. We may not be able to see the
effects with clarity, but land is being. Goodarzi F (2004) Speciation and mass-balance of mercury
from pulverized coal fired power plants burning western Canadian subbituminous coals. Garbage,
rubbish and trash from part of the landfills. What will our children's children have to deal with if we
don't make an attempt to control toxins now. Its impact on watery bodies is associated with the
survival of living organisms and fishes and their productivity potential ( 121 ). Emphasis is given to
case examples from developing countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America with a comparative
analysis to developed countries. Zhao S, Duan Y, Yao T, Liu M, Lu J, Tan H, Wang X, Wu L (2017b)
Study on the mercury emission and transformation in an ultra-low emission coal-fired power plant.

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