Module 2

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1. If a customer wants to go snorkeling on a tropical reef or shopping for precious gems in one of the world’s major
cities where do you send them?
a. The answer lies in understanding physical geography
b. The answer lies on the internet
c. The answer lies in understanding destination geography
d. None of the above
2. A travel destination is a location that a traveler chooses to visit.
a. True
b. False
3. All places in the world are considered to be destinations
a. True
b. False
4. Which of the following determines which location becomes a tourist destination?
a. Accessibility
b. Costs and standards of living
c. Culture
d. Climate
e. All of the above
5. Characteristics of a destination that can change rapidly include
a. Disease outbreaks
b. Political unrest or uncertainty
c. Natural disasters
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
6. Destination geography is the study of all properties and characteristics of a location that influence travel
a. True
b. False
7. How many continents are there in the world?
a. Many
b. Seven
c. Six
8. The seven continent include north and South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and_____
a. Arctic
b. Atlantic
c. Antarctica
d. Anchorage
9. The major land masses of the world are known as?
a. Maps
b. Spaces
c. Continents
d. Big bodies
10. The earth is covered by ___% of water
a. 75
b. 71
c. None cause water is uncountable
11. It is very important to understand the world’s natural terrain and features because this knowledge will aid you
in developing effective travel plans for customers
a. True
b. False
12. What is the largest and smallest ocean in the world?
a. Pacific and Indian
b. Atlantic and Arctic
c. Pacific and Arctic
13. When tourism is at its highest point it’s known as
a. Peak season
b. Shoulder
c. Low season
d. All of the above
14. True or false: Cultural geography is sometime referred to as human geography because of intensive foucs on
human behavior
a. True
b. False
15. The Arufura Sea is associated with which continent?
a. Africa
b. South America
c. Asia
d. Australia
16. Which of the following continents is located farthest to the western side?
a. Australia
b. Antarctica
c. Asia
d. Americans
17. Africa covers what percent of the earth’s land?
a. 20.4
b. 16.3
c. 7.1
d. 8.9
18. Antarctica is large in terms of square kilometers than Australia
a. True
b. False
19. Which continent is described geographically by the landmass east of Suez Canal in Egypt, east of the Bosporus
strait in turkey and east of Ural Mountains in Russia and extended east to the Pacific Ocean?
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Europe
d. None of the above
20. Subcontinents include Central America, Australasia, the Pacific Islands, and the?
a. Mid Atlantics
b. Middle East
c. Antarctica
21. Which is the top characteristic cited by travelers for choosing a destination
a. Language spoken
b. Beaches
c. Sightseeing
d. Weather
22. In the coast and standards of living, some location provides excellent services and luxurious goods, while others
a. Basic services
b. Simple goods
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
23. A condition that happens at a particular time is referred to as
a. Weather
b. Climate
c. Altitude
24. An average weather over an extended period of time is
a. Weather
b. Climate
c. Altitude
25. Why is a good understanding of physical geography essential for travel professionals?
a. To be able to plan new routings and itineraries
b. To match geographical location with transportation options
c. To understand the world’s geographical constraints or limitations, as experience by travelers
d. Both A and C
26. one way to locate continents, countries, cities and other geographical features is to use
a. Longitudes
b. Latitudes
c. Both A and B
d. All of the above
27. Latitude is determined by a series of imaginary lines circling the globe in an east/west direction (parallel to the
a. True
b. False
28. ____ is the total number of the EU members
a. 19
b. 28
c. 27
29. Continental boundaries tend to be defined mainly by natural geographical features
a. True
b. False
30. The fourth most popular country is?
a. Russia
b. China
c. Brazil
d. India
31. What language would you expect a national of Congo to be speaking?
a. English
b. Swahili
c. Congolese
d. French official
32. In what country is the Birr used?
a. Germany
b. Ethiopia
c. Turkey
d. Pakistan
33. It is important as a travel profession to be knowledgeable about major cities because they are popular with
a. True
b. False
34. Which city is said to have the most visited in the world
a. Hong Kong
b. Tokyo
c. Delhi
d. New York City
35. What is the reason behind the creation of two letter city codes?
a. To distinguish cities with same names
b. To make the ticketing work easy and time efficient
c. Both A and B
d. All of the above
36. Popular destinations usually
a. Are out of the way, requiring great effort to reach
b. Have low standard of living
c. Have convenient geographical location and a variety of available transport options
d. None of the above
37. When tourist is at its lowest point it’s known as?
a. Off-season
b. On-season
c. High season
d. Shoulder season
38. Which of the following is an example of characteristics that can change rapidly and affects the desirability of a
a. Outbreak of disease
b. Currency devaluation
c. Political unrest
d. All of the above
39. An example of natural attraction is?
a. Great wall of china
b. Grand Canyon
c. Disney world
d. All of the above
40. The last top characteristics cited by travelers for choosing a destination is
a. Weather
b. Sightseeing
c. Restaurant
d. Expensiveness
41. On balance, however, convenient geographical position and a variety of available transportation options are
likely to make a location a more popular destination
a. True
b. False
42. Which characteristics consume the smallest percentage cited by travelers for choosing a destination?
a. Entertainment
b. Language spoken
c. Restaurant
d. All except A
43. When planning an itinerary for a passenger which of the following is a step in the process?
a. Establish the place the passenger wishes to visit
b. Establish the order in which the passenger wishes to visit them
c. Planning the itinerary methodically
d. All the above
e. Both A and C
44. When completing an itinerary pro-forma ensure to use code and abbreviations
a. True
b. False
45. An itinerary may be defined as a passenger’s frequent flyer record
a. True
b. False
46. ____ refers to how quickly or slow itinerary moves.
a. Pace
b. Energy
c. Interests
47. Plot the route. Departure from and return to TRIPOLI. Cites, in alphabetical order to be visited Abuja,
Brazzaville, Cape Town, Dar es Salaam, Khartoum, Maputo, Port Louis, Tripoli, Windhoek, Yaoundé
48. It is important as a travel agent plan both an interesting and efficient routing for the client
a. True
b. False
49. A good rule of thumb for determining a pace for self-driving clients is not to exceed 150 miles per day. Also,
allowing for rest stop and sightseeing along the way can improve the client’s enjoyment of the trip
a. True
b. False
50. Which of the following categories should be considered when planning a travel itinerary for a client?
a. Interest
b. Energy
c. Details
d. All of the above
51. Ideally when planning a client’s itinerary, the route should be both
a. Interesting and convenient
b. Scenic and practical
c. Both A and B
d. All of the above
52. The prime meridian is an imaginary line running through Greenwich that connects the north and the south
a. True
b. False
53. The world is divided into which of the following number time zones
a. 12
b. 24
c. 18
d. None of the above
54. In order to maintain the same local time with national boundaries or groups of islands. Such local time, fixed by
law is called
a. Standard clock time
b. Day light saving time
c. Standard
d. Both A and C
55. Certain countries modify their standard clock time during the summer by advancing one hour or a fraction of
an hour in some areas. This temporary changes is called
a. Standard Time Calculator
b. International Time Calculator
c. Day Light Safing Time
d. Day Light Saving Time
56. When the International Date Line is crossed west bound, for example from Papeete to Auckland on Monday, a
day is “lost” as the arrival in New Zealand will be on?
a. The same day
b. Sunday
c. Tuesday
d. All of the above
57. In airline time table departure and arrival time are always expressed in local time
a. True
b. False
58. The travel industry utilizes a 24 hour time clock to eliminate confusion over AM and PM distinctions and
facilitate easier calculation of the elapsed travel times
a. True
b. False
59. Jet leg can be defined as
a. Perhaps two of the greatest technological advances for the travel agent is personal computer and the
b. A passenger’s meal requirement
c. The time differences a traveler experiences when talking long airline trips and crossing multiple time
d. The fatigue and related symptoms travelers experience when taking long airline trips and crossing
multiple time zones
60. When a client cross the International Date Line travelling east, which of the following statement is true?
a. The client loses a day
b. The client gains a day
c. A change in time depends upon the type of light
d. None of the above
61. The EU countries include
a. Poland, Denmark
b. United kingdom, Luxembourg
c. France, Andorra
62. The European Union (EU) founded by 6 countries, established a unified monetary unit called the Euro in which
a. 1898
b. 2001
c. 1998
d. None of the above
63. The local time in La Paz, Bolivia is 20:00 on October 5th, 2001. What is the local time and date in Bahrain?
a. 13:00 on October 5th
b. 03:00 on October 6th
c. 21:00 on October 5th
d. 03:00 on October 4th
e. None of the above
64. A passenger will be travelling on flight UA 4946 on 27th OCT 96 departing Hobart (Tasmania) at 0915HOURS,
arriving New York (USA, Eastern Time) at 1714 on 27th OCT 96. What is the elapsed traveling time in hours and
minutes for this flight?
a. 15HRS and 40MIN
b. 22HRS and 59MIN
c. 23HRS and 59MIN
d. None of the above
65. The local time in New Caledonia is 6AM on September 15th, 2001? What is the local time and date in
Amsterdam, Netherlands?
a. 21:00 on September 14th
b. 21:00 on September 16th
c. 15:00 on September 15th
d. 15:00 on September 14th
66. A passenger will be traveling on flight QF 26 on October 96 departing Los Angeles (USA, Pacific Time) at
1300HRS. The passenger will arrive in Sydney (Australia, New South Wales) at 2110HRS 27th OCT 96. What is the
elapsed traveling time in hours and minutes for this flight?
a. 22HRS and 59MIN
b. 18HRS and 30MIN
c. 11HRS and 10MIN
d. 15HRS and 40MIN
e. None of the above
67. You are travelling on QF 26 on 06th August, departing Los Angeles (USA, Pacific Time) at 2145. You will arrive in
Brisbane (Australia, Queensland) at 1055 on the 08th August. What is the elapsed travelling time in hours and
minutes for the flight?
a. 21HRS and 10MIN
b. 23HRS and 30MIN
c. 19HRS and 10MIN
d. 20HRS and 40MIN
e. 20HRS and 05MIN
68. Flight KL 791 of 15th September 94 leaves Amsterdam, Netherlands at 1405 local time for Buenos Aires,
Argentina. The duration of this flight is 17HRS and 45MIN. At what time and on which date it does arrive in Buenos
a. 0150HRS on 01th September
b. 0150HRS on 15th September
c. 0350HRS on 15th September
d. 0150HRS on 14th September
e. None of the above
69. What is the currency code for the Japanese Yen?
a. JPO
b. JPY
c. JP
d. KRW
70. Which of the EU countries does not participate in the Euro?
a. Netherlands
b. Luxembourg
c. United Kingdom
d. France
71. All country codes have two letters
a. True
b. False
72. In Japan Maglev is the new proposed form of rail construction in the coming year
a. True
b. False
73. Due to regulation and improved technology, air transport is growing rapidly as the most convenient form of
transport in Africa
a. True
b. False
74. Which animal is used as a form of transport found in South America?
a. Yaks
b. Lamas
c. Cars
d. Elephants
75. Which of the following factors hinder the development of transport systems in Central America?
a. Poverty
b. Dense jungles
c. Political instability
d. All of the above
e. A and C only
76. The second transcontinental railway in the United States was completed in what year?
a. 1869
b. 1871
c. 1896
77. Which of these countries is the most motorized in the world?
a. Japan
b. Germany
c. Australia
d. France
78. 01:00 A.M can also be expressed as
a. 13:00
b. Noon
c. 00:00
d. 1:00 A.M
79. When calculating the time difference between two cities the International Date Line can be crossed
a. True
b. False
80. The actual time spent travelling from one destination to another is
a. Time difference
b. Standard time
c. Daylight saving time
d. Elapsed travel time
81. Which one of these continents its history is long and complex?
a. Asia
b. North America
c. Europe
d. All of the above
82. The euro is the currency used 19 out of 28 EU countries
a. True
b. False
83. Currency codes allow you to save time by having a short-hand way to identify currencies from different
a. True
b. False
84. The European highway system is one of the seven wonders of the modern world
a. True
b. False
85. The blue train is a famous train in South Africa moving from Pretoria to Cape Town. This train is also known as?
a. Five star train
b. The famous train
c. Moving five star
86. Transport in Australia is challenging due to the very hot climate and lack of good roads
a. False
b. True
87. UTC stands for?
a. Universe time coordinates
b. Universal Time Coordinator
c. Universal Time Coordinated
d. All of the above
88. The time spent traveling from one destination to another is called
a. Elapsed traveling time
b. Total traveling time
c. Total flying time
d. All of the above
89. A destination is a location that a traveler chooses to visit
a. True
b. False
90. The lateral movement of continents resulting from motion of the earth’s crustal plates is?
a. Earth quakes
b. Shakes
c. Continental drift
91. An imaginary line that is both 12 hours ahead of and 12 hours behind GMT
a. Equator
b. Greenwich mean time
c. International date line
92. Innovation in technology has improved transportation efficiency, but increased the cost of travel
a. True
b. False
93. A predictable combination of characteristics and qualities that describe why, how and when people travel
a. Physical Geography
b. Cultural Geography
c. Touristic Patterns
d. All of the above
94. Travel profession refers to the time in between peak and off-season as?
a. Middle season
b. Shoulder season
c. Both A and B
d. All of the above
95. The actual time spent travelling from one destination to another
a. ETT
b. Duration Time
c. Flying Time
d. All of the above
96. Tasmania is how many hours ahead of GMT
a. 10hrs
b. 6hrs
c. 10.30hrs
d. 11hrs
97. The official currency of Tanzania is which of the following
a. Pesa
b. Shilling
c. Dollar
98. The official language in Delhi, India is English
a. True
b. False
99. 3:45pm can be expressed as
a. 0945
b. 09:45pm
c. 15:45
100. When calculating the time difference between two cities the International Date Line cannot be crossed
a. True
b. False
101. Innovation in technology has improved transportation efficiency, and increased the cost of travel
a. True
b. False
102. Travel by rail is the most suitable and convenient type of transport for the Africa’s size and landscape.
a. True
b. False
103. Australia is the most motorized countries in the world
a. True
b. False
104. Transport in Australia is challenging due to the mining sights and lack of good roads.
a. True
b. False
105. Air transport in Africa largely lack three things
a. Infrastructure, competition and staffs
b. Professional pilots, and well maintained airports
c. Infrastructure, competition and capacity
d. All of the above
106. The transportation cost in African nationals is affordable?
a. True
b. False
107. The largest rain station in the continent of Asia is in?
a. Russia
b. China
c. India
d. Japan
108. The channel tunnel connects which to countries?
a. England and Britain
b. United kingdom and Russia
c. Great Britain and France
d. All of the above
109. Travel by rail in Northern Brazil is not possible?
a. False
b. True
110. The currency code HUF corresponds to which currency?
a. Hungarian forint
b. Russian Rouble
c. Swiss Franc
d. Thai Baht
111. Which country’s currency code is CNY?
a. Czech Republic
b. China
c. South Africa
d. Croatia
112. What hinders the transportation system in Bangladesh?
a. Denser jungles
b. Poverty
c. Lack of space
d. All of the above
113. Every conceivable transport mode can be found in Antarctica
a. True
b. False
114. The official language of Nigeria is________
a. Chinese
b. Spanish
c. English
d. French
115. The three letter city code for Los Angeles international Airport is _________
a. LOS
b. LAX
c. LAS
d. LXS
116. “Linate” is an airport in which city?
a. London
b. Rome
c. Milan
d. Lisbon

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