Midterm Convex

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According to Boyd and Vandenberg,

The optimization problem of min, f(x), is convex if

(a) f(x) is a quadratic function

(b) The field f(x) is convex, and f(x) is convex

On that domain

(e) f(x) is a linear function

(d) f(x) is a concave function

2. In convex combination, a set C is convex if,

For any x ,y ∈ C and θ ∈ [ 0, 1], the following condition hold :

(a) x+y∈C

(b) 𝜃x + (1-𝜃y) ∈c

(c) xy ∈ C

(d) x+y ∈ c

3. Boyd and Vandenberg definied a convex combination as

a) a linear combination of vectors in which the cofficients is sum to one

(b) a Sum of convex functions

(c) a Combinion of concave and convex functions

(d) a Combinion of non-convex functions

4. The concept of affine functions in convex optimization Refers to function of the form :

(a) f(x) = |x|

(b) f(x) = e^x

(c) f(x) = ax + b, where a and b are constants

(d) f(x) = 1/z

5. True or false: Boyd and Vandenberg state that

convex optimization problems have the advantage of global optimality i.e .. find the global

(a) True
(b) false

6. In convex optimization, a convex combinatino of points x1,x2,.......,xn with non-negative

cofficients θ1,θ2,........,θn and ∑i=1 to n θi=1 is given by

(a) θ1x1+θ2x2+.........+ θnxn

(b) x1+x2+.......+xn

(c) ∑i=1 to n θixi

(d) 1/n ∑i=1 to n xi

7. According to Boyd and Vandenberg, a set c is convexly generated if:

(a) Every point in C is a convex combination of a finite of points in C +chat

(b) The convex hull of C is not convex

(c) C contains only convex combinations of Its elements

(d) C is the intersection of two convex sets

8. In Boyd and Vandenberghe terminology's, The line segment between the two points x and y is
given by:

(a) θx+θу

(b) θx-θу

(c) θx + (1-θ)y

(D) θxу

9. For a set C. The convex hull of C is defined as

(a) The Smallest convex set containing C

(b) the intersectin of all convex sets containig C

(c) The set of all points in C that are convex combinatinos of points in c

(d) The Set of all boundary points of C

10. True or False: In convex optimization, a set C is convex if and only if it is convexly generated

(A) True

(b) False

11. Boyd and Vandenberghe characterize a hyperplane as the set {x| A^T x=b). where a ≠ 0 and
b is constant . in this context the vector a represents :
(a) The Slope of the hyperplane

(b) The Normal vector to the hyperplane

(c) The intercept of the hyperplane

(d) the direction vector of the hyperplane

13. A function f is concave if, for all x,y in its domain and for all θ in the interval [0,1], the
following condition holds:


17. In convex optimization, the quadratic function is considered convex if

The hessian matrix is positive semi-definite


A function f:R→Rn is strictly convex if, for all x,y in its domain and for all θ in the open interval
(0,1)(0,1), the following strict inequality holds:



The epigraph of a function f:R→Rn is the set of points lying on or above the graph of
the function. Formally, the epigraph is defined as:


20. A real-valued function f:Rn→R is quasiconvex if, for every pair of points x,y in its
domain and for every θ in the interval [0,1], the following condition holds:

21. The first-order condition for convexity of a differentiable function f:Rn→R is as


22. The second-order condition for convexity of a twice-differentiable function f:Rn→R

is expressed through the Hessian matrix. The Hessian matrix of f at a point x, denoted
by ∇2f(x), is a square matrix of second partial derivatives.

For a convex function, the second-order condition is:


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