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Our Lady of Peace School

Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited

Brand Loyalty
of Millennial Consumers
in Our Lady of Peace School
during the COVID-19 pandemic


A Thesis Presented to
The Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersions





Grade 12 ABM-A
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


This part of the research shows the explanation about the researcher’s study. It

includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, significance of

the study, scope and limitations, definition of terms and review of related


This section introduces the problem and the background of the research. It is the

introductory statement of the study which encompasses an in-depth discussion

about nature of the problem as well as additional background information about

the said problem.

The Problem and Its Background

In every business there is a brand associated with it, whether it may be

the name of the company or the specific name of the product or service they

offer, there is always branding involved. Brands help consumers differentiate one

business from another, as well as influence the consumers’ experiences and

perceptions towards your brand. Based on previous articles and reports, because

Millennials are characterized as the most brand loyal generation it has affected

how they perceive, interact, decide and purchase the different products they
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited

consume. Being a brand loyal consumer ultimately leads to the repetitive

purchase of the products and services that a certain brand offers, no matter how

high the price is nor how convenient it is. Thus, influencing the continuous

consumption of millennial consumers towards to only a particular brand.

However, since the pandemic started, it has become a major contributing factor

to how consumers and businesses adjust to the new normal. The pandemic has

significantly affected the business landscape especially with how consumers

consume their goods, so the researchers would like to take this opportunity to

study how it has specifically affected the brand loyalty of millennials as well as

the changes it made in how they buy and consume goods. It is also appropriate

to tackle the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to the brand loyalty of millennial

of millennials as it is highly relevant to our situation today. As future business

owners, this study could immensely help add additional information about how

and why consumers change when it comes to their brand loyalty.

Furthermore, aside from the effects of the pandemic to the consumers. It has

also affected the different businesses as well. Since the COVID-19 pandemic

struck the world of business and markets, majority of the businesses temporarily

shut down. As reported by Charm (2020), a survey conducted by the World Bank
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited

in collaboration with the Finance Department and the National Economic and

Development Authority (NEDA) shows that out of the 10 companies that they

have surveyed, 4 of those companies said that they temporarily suspended

operations in July, either voluntarily or by government mandate, while 15% said

that they had permanently shut down. Whereas 45% were able to reopen, only

5% were operating at full capacity. Going into the “new normal” phase during this

pandemic, consumers find new ways on how they get to deal with their day-to-

day expenses. This in turn could raise the concern whether millennials would still

go to their trusted brands to sustain their needs and wants or will there be a

change in their brand loyalty behavior.

Our Lady of Peace School (OLPS) is a cathedral school located in Antipolo City

and it is administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres. It is a school located

beside the Immaculate Conception Parish and is at the center of the city proper.

Therefore, it is surrounded by different kinds of business establishments that

offers a wide variety of goods that consumers could consume for their wants and

needs. OLPS also has a community of faculty members and staff that belongs in

the generation of Millennials. Since, schools were mandated to cope up with the

“new normal” routine, the set-up became students studying at home while the

faculty members and staff are the ones at the school. This means that the
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited

primary source of income of the school in terms of their food services are their

faculty members and their staff. Understanding their buying experiences as well

as how their brand loyalty changed during the pandemic are the conditions that

the researchers want to know about in this study.

This section establishes the specific problems and the issues the research paper

seeks to address. It also presents the objectives and the different research

questions that the study targets to answer.

Statement of the Problem

Brand loyalty exists in today’s consumer landscape. This is where consumers

tend to have a brand that they favor or heavily support because of the quality and

the benefit that the brand brings them. Among all the generations, Millennials are

known to be the most brand loyal consumers. However, since the COVID-19

pandemic began. It has severely affected the business landscape of the world,

both various business owners and consumers. The objective of this study is to

find out the possible effects of the pandemic to the brand loyalty of millennial

consumers of Our Lady of Peace School.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited

Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. Are there any effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to the brand loyalty of

millennial consumers in terms of their;

a. Buying patterns

b. Their perception of the brands

c. Their preferences

d. Their reasoning when selecting brands or products

2. Did the amount of their spending towards their preferred brand changed

due to the COVID-19 pandemic?

3. Based on the findings of the study, what plan of action in the brand loyalty

of millennials may be proposed?


The following hypotheses was tested:

Null Hypothesis (H0):

- The COVID-19 pandemic has no significant effects on the brand loyalty of

millennial consumers in Our Lady of Peace School.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1):

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited

- The COVID-19 pandemic has significant effects on the brand loyalty of

millennial consumers in Our Lady of Peace School.

This section discusses the reasons as to why the research is being conducted. It

justifies the importance of the paper. It mainly talks about the how it’s

beneficiaries will benefit from the study.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the pandemic to

the brand loyalty of millennial consumers in terms of their perceptions,

interactions, decisions, and acquisitions of the brands that they consume. It is

design to help the different business owners understand the different changes

happening within the brand loyalty of their consumers. The results of the study

will be of great benefit to the following:

OLPS School Administration. Schools are businesses, they mainly earn

their profits through different fees like tuition fees, miscellaneous fees and

other fees that the student needs to pay for the education that they will

get. However, they also earn from other operations such as the canteen,

where students and staff can buy food from. This study will greatly benefit

the school in terms of providing the school knowledge about the

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited

behavioral patterns of their staff especially during the pandemic. This in

turn can boost their sales or improve the services that they offer during

this pandemic.

Business Owners. Brand loyalty is an important aspect that each

business must consider. If one’s business is successful in creating a

stable relationship with their consumers through their brand, repeated

engagement is expected to soon take place. This research will be

beneficial to business owners, who own both small businesses and big

businesses as it can help them formulate different marketing strategies

and approaches on how they can improve their brand as a whole during

this pandemic. If successful, this could help them retain or increase their

millennial consumers even if the pandemic is still going on.

Millennial Consumers. Brand loyalty is an important aspect that

millennial consumers must be knowledgeable about. This research is

beneficial for them as it will serve as information about their brand loyalty

patterns that they may or may not be aware of every time they encounter

or purchase a product. This in turn could help them improve how they

approach and consume brands both well-known and not.

Students. This research can serve as a reference data for the students

who might do studies about brand loyalty and its effects on the consumer
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited

behavior. This is very beneficial for them since they could grasp a better

understanding about the concepts and strategies that different businesses

may use in today’s business world as well as its effects on the consumer

behavior of its customers.

Future Researchers. This is beneficial to the future researchers as this

will serve as a reference or basis for future researches. They could also

apply various approaches and methodologies for a deeper understanding

and interpretation of the research.

This is the section of the research paper that specifies the parameters under

which the study will be conducted. It sets the boundaries for the research in

terms of the topic, the variables, locale, settings, and participants. It also provides

a justification of the boundaries set.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research intends to know the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to

the brand loyalty of millennial consumers. Distributing survey questionnaires to

the millennial consumers is the process used to collect data for this research.

The information collected based on the participants’ responses would help

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


different business owners understand how the brand loyalty of millennials

changed as the pandemic continues. This study will be limited to 84 respondents

as per the results of the Slovin’s formula. These individuals must belong in the

millennials category and are part of the Our Lady of Peace School community.

In an article by Dimock (2019), anyone born between 1981 and 1996

(Ages 25 – 40 in 2021) is considered a millennial. However, according to Kasasa

(2021), there are individuals who call themselves “Zillennials”. They are the ones

wedged at the tail end of Millennials and at the start of Gen Z, this group of

people are roughly born between 1994 and the year 2000 (21–27 years old in

2021). Likewise, the same situation can also be seen between the generation of

Millennials and the Generation X. They are coined as “Xennials”, they are born

sometime between 1977 and 1985 (36-44 years old in 2021). Just like Zillennials,

they also have the characteristics of the Millennials’ population (Erts, 2020).

Hence, with that information into account, the researchers decided to widen the

age range of the millennials used in this study. Correspondingly, the respondent’s

age ranges from 22-41 years old.

Millennials have the largest demographics and not only that, they also

have the largest workforce and consumer group. In fact, a survey from the

Philippines Statistics Authority indicated that almost 50% of the Philippine

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


workforce in 2015 is composed of millennials (Cullimore, 2020). Because of this,

businesses always want to build a brand loyal relationship with them, especially

when they are considered the most brand loyal amongst other generations as

well as having the most buying power. But because of the pandemic, a lot of

businesses were affected, both business owners and consumers. Conducting

this research in Our Lady of Peace school would be much easier and practical for

the researchers since the majority of the workforce of the OLPS are millennials.

The results of this study might only be true to the time and place, when and

where, the study was conducted. It may not be true to other research locale and

other respondents.

This section of the research clarifies different terminologies often used in the

paper. Here are the terms conceptually or operationally explained for the better

understanding of the readers.

Definition of Terms

Brand. Brand is the name of a company or a certain product or service that they

offer. This sometimes becomes the basis of the consumers in buying what they
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


want or need in products.

Buying Pattern. Buying pattern refers to the typical way in which consumers buy

goods or avail services. It encompasses the frequency, quantity, duration, timing,

etc, of the consumers. This means that buying patterns indicate how consumers

purchase goods or services however, they are highly susceptible to change

(Juneja, n.d).

Consumers. Consumers are the ones that utilizes the products or services they

buy or avail. Thus, consumers are often also considered as customers. (Leonard,


COVID-19 Pandemic. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a new

coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, China. The World Health Organization

(WHO) declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic when it became clear that the virus

was severe and it was spreading quickly over a wide area. (Robinson, 2020)

Millennials. Millennials are individuals who are born in the Millennial Generation,

also known as Generation Y. This is the generation between Generation X and

Generation Z. Their age ranges between 22-41 years old and they are known to
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


have the largest demographic when it comes to the workforce.

Pandemic. A pandemic is a disease outbreak that spreads across countries or

continents. It affects more people and takes more lives than an epidemic.

Preferences. Preferences refer to certain characteristics any consumer wants to

have in a good or service to make it preferable to them. This could be the level of

happiness, degree of satisfaction, utility from the product, etc. Preferences are

one of the main factors that influence consumer demand. Economists study

preferences to perceive the demand for each commodity and the future

implications it may cause. (What Is Preferences? Definition of Preferences,

Preferences Meaning, n.d.)

Perception. Perception is the sensory experience of the world. It involves both

recognizing environmental stimuli and actions in response to these stimuli.

Through the perceptual process, we gain information about the properties and

elements in our environment. Ultimately, it is the cognitive processes required to

process information such as recognizing something or detecting a familiar scent.

(Kendra, 2020).
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


Reasoning. It is the use of reason in a given situation or decision. It offers an

explanation or justification in a statement or reasoning of a person. Reasoning

offers a sufficient ground of explanation or of logical defense. (Merriam-Webster,


Spending. The total money spent on final goods and services by individuals and

households for personal use, consumption, and enjoyment in an economy.

Spending typically refers to spending on products or services for consumption in

the present moment. (Investopedia, 2020)

This section is an overview of some of the previously researched knowledge and

researches about brand loyalty and consumer behavior. These literatures present

the different contributing factors to brand loyalty as well as provide an in-depth

knowledge about consumer behavior, its components and its relation to


Review of Related Literature

The factors that influence brand loyalty

According to Su & Chang (2018, p. 15), there are different dimensions of

brand equity that play a contributing factor to consumer brand loyalty and namely
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


they are the following: Brand awareness, perceived value, brand uniqueness,

and organizational associations. They conducted this study among 419

respondents which was college students in the United States who fall under the

ages between 18 to 25. Brand experience is also an important initial antecedent

which plays a vital role in engaging consumer’s emotion to the brand. In addition

to that, the perception of consumers towards brand quality as well as its

reputation significantly affects their trust towards the brand (Kim & Chao, 2019, p.

13). Another study conducted by Van der Westhuizen (2018, p. 173) supported

Kim and Chao’s study. The results of the study concluded that brand experience

has a positive correlation with brand loyalty.

According to Van de Westhuizen (2018), it is recommended that one

should make enhancing brand experience a priority to obtain brand loyalty. If this

is done successfully, then it is the most likely that consumers can develop a

positive connection between the them and the brand of your business. Various

experiences such as sensory experiences, emotional experiences, action

experiences, and other related experiences also has a positive impact on brand

loyalty. (Zhang, 2019) In a case study conducted by Khammuang (2019),

the researchers studied the factors influencing brand loyalty of betagro products

in Sakon Nakhon province. They concluded that customer attitude (affective

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


component and behavioral component) significantly increases customer

purchase decision and brand loyalty. However, it is also stated by the

researchers the study of cognitive component also impacted customer purchase

decision. However, it did not impact brand loyalty. Next, the findings revealed that

customer perception completely affected the customer purchase decision and

brand loyalty. Lastly, customer purchase decision significantly influenced

customer brand loyalty at 0.05 levels according to Khammuang, Sripongpun, and

Saksamrit (2019).

In another study conducted by Tolle and Angelia (2016), they hypothesize

that providing incentives to attract new customers and retain old ones and the

usability of mobile apps to enhance user satisfaction can positively impact brand

loyalty. They gathered data from millennial undergraduates and as a result it was

revealed that brand loyalty is higher when applications are being used once a

month compared to when it is used frequently. It was also indicated that

participants are likely to download an app with incentives. As predicted, the

researchers concluded that mobile apps can influence the satisfaction of

millennial customers which consequently leads to brand loyalty. This study

proved that apps and advertisements would attract customers and would cause a

development in brand loyalty.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


Millennials as the most Brand Loyal generation

Based from the written article of Smith (2015), he stated that millennials

are the most loyal generation to its favorite brands. With over half (50.5 percent)

of the respondents are extremely loyal to their favorite brands. Smith mentioned

in the written article that social proof is one thing where humans normally look

towards to those around them to make a decision. According to the article written

by Smith (2015), it illustrates that 43.5 percent of millennials said they use social

media to spread information about the product or service. That means that

people within any given network have more access to what their friends, families,

and acquaintances are buying.

In the written article by Smith (2015), Elite Daily illustrated that 1 percent

of millennials said they are influenced in any way of advertising. This means that

what the brand has to say about itself and the product has little to no importance

at all. However, what does work is delivering authentic and quality experience

every time the customer has an interaction with a brand (Smith, 2015). Here

goes to illustrate that there is a lack of research on how does brand loyalty

affects millennial consumers positively or negatively. It was never stated in the

article if being loyal to a brand has any advantages or disadvantages as a

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited



According to the research and discovery of Hassanzadeh and Namdar

(2018), they analyzed the brand loyalty of millennials in the fashion industry.

Their study illustrates that there is a connection between brand identity and

brand image. There is also a positive relationship between brand image and

brand loyalty. Furthermore, comparing the brand image of two companies (H&M

and Ralph Lauren) to the respondents’ brand loyalty towards the fast fashion and

luxury showed a tie-in of equivalent loyalty towards the two industries. However,

in the same study conducted by Hassanzadeh and Namdar (2018) illustrates that

the respondents were loyal towards the luxury fashion industry were revealed to

have a higher general brand loyalty. The findings of this research by

Hassanzadeh and Namdar provides evidence that millennials can be loyal, but

the respondents’ loyalty may differ depending on the industry.

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to the brand loyalty of consumers

During the start of the year 2020, a lot of businesses were overwhelmed

with the different distressing situations the COVID-19 pandemic brought upon the

business landscape. A lot of businesses were forced to adapt to the ‘new normal’
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


setting. According the study conducted by Shaari (2020), his study examined the

relationship between brand preferences and perceived brand scarcity on the

Malaysian consumer’s brand loyalty during the COVID-19 pandemic. He

concluded that consumers still like, chose and use their preferred brands. They

perceived that their currently preferred brand still meets their expectation and

need even during the pandemic. This is supported by the survey results which

show that almost 75% of the respondents would prefer and stay loyal to their

current brand even in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. When it comes to

perceived brand scarcity, based on the survey that he distributed, Shaari found

out that almost half of the participants had a difficult time obtaining products from

their preferred brands but despite that, his study showed that consumers are still

loyal to their preferred brands and they weren’t ready to switch to other brands

even though other brands have similar characteristics.

Spending behavior during the pandemic

Brand loyalty as a consumer behavior

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


Conceptual Framework


- The objective of - Formulation - To formulate a
this study is to and validation marketing strat-
find out the of survey ques- egy for busi-
possible effects tionnaires. nesses aimed
of the pan- - Dissemination towards the mil-
demic to the of survey ques- lennial con-
brand loyalty of tionnaires to sumers for the
the millennial the respon- retainment or
consumers of dents. acquirement of
Our Lady of - Gathering of brand loyalty of
Peace School. the previously
mentioned con-
- Interpretation
and Analyza-
tion of Data

Figure 1. Conceptual Model

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


The researchers created a 3-step conceptual model consisting of an input,

process, and an output. The study’s statement of the problem is incorporated in

the input component, this will be the basis of the questions for the survey and the

focus of the study. The process focuses on the process in acquiring the needed

information for the study. Under this is the steps involving the formulation,

finalization, and validation of survey questions as well as its distribution,

interpretation and analyzation through data analysis. Lastly, the output

component is about the proposal of a marketing strategy that businesses could

use or based upon to target the brand loyalty of millennial consumers during this

pandemic. The researchers distributed the survey based on the attributes of the

target population when it comes to their brand loyalty during the pandemic.

Theoretical Framework

Sheth and Park (1974), defines brand loyalty as a positively biased

emotive, evaluative and/or behavioral response tendency toward a branded,

labelled or graded alternative or choice by an individual in his capacity as the

user, the choice maker, and/or the purchasing agent. In their theory of brand

loyalty, they have identified three distinct dimensions, namely: the emotive

tendency, the evaluative tendency, and the behavioral tendency. Emotive

tendency refers to the affective like-dislike, fear, and respect to the brand which
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


is systematically manifested more in favor of a brand than other brands in the

market place. Sheth and Park believes that emotive tendences are learned by

the consumer either from prior experiences with the brand or from non-

experiential or informational services. Evaluative tendency is about the

positively biased evaluation of the brand on a set of criteria which are relevant to

define the brand’s utility to the consumer. They can also be learned either from

prior experiences or from nonexperiential or informational sources. The last

dimension is the Behavioral tendency, it refers to the positively biased

responses toward the brand with respect to its procurement, purchase and

consumption activities. It represents the time and motion study of the consumers

as they behave towards the brand in a positively biased way. This tendency is

primarily learned from experiences of buying and consuming the brand or from

generalization of similar tendencies toward other brands.

According to Sheth and Park (1974), in their theory entitled “Theory of

multidimensional brand loyalty”, they theorized that all three dimensions are

present in every situation where brand loyalty prevails. It can be as simple as any

one of the above dimensions or as complex as all the three dimensions. They

hypothesized that a total of seven different types of brand loyalty can be based

upon the combinations:

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


1. Behavioral brand loyalty. This type of brand loyalty only has the behav-

ioral tendency dimension. It has no evaluative or emotive components.

This means that a direct occurrence of repetitive purchase or consumption

behavior is happening. This is wherein the consumers establishes a sys-

tematic biased response due to past and frequent encounters.

2. Behavioral-evaluative brand loyalty. This type of brand loyalty is two-di-

mensional. It not only represents a systematic biased response toward a

brand but concomitantly the consumer also has a consistent cognitive

structure underlying his biased behavior. Consequences following a pur-

chase of a brand may strengthen or weaken future behavioral tendencies

and evaluations.

3. Behavioral-emotive brand loyalty. This represents the systematic and

biased response tendencies toward the brand. It is often manifested when

the brand has some distinct features such as color, size, design or has a

distinct image developed in the advertising.

4. Behavioral-evaluative-emotive brand loyalty. This is the most complex

type of brand loyalty consisting of all the three dimensions. This is perhaps

the most common type of brand loyalty often suggested in consumer psy-

chology and marketing. This may be reinforced through learning of repeti-

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


tive buying or consuming experiences. It will likely may also arise from the

informational sources.

5. Evaluative brand loyalty. This type of brand loyalty is lacking in both

emotive and behavioral tendencies. It refers to the individual’s positively

biased evaluation of a brand strictly based on the perceived function of the

brand. Since, there is no behavioral tendency in this type of brand loyalty,

it is likely that either from generalization or informational is where this type

of brand loyalty was developed.

6. Evaluative-emotive brand loyalty. This type of brand loyalty is often

prevalent in consumer behavior for those products or services which are

typically beyond the reach of the consumer, although they may strongly

have a desire for them.

7. Emotive brand loyalty. In this type of brand loyalty, there seems to be

strong emotive tendencies towards a brand without any prior experience

or evaluation. This can be mostly about nonusers’ stereotypes about the

brands. This may happen because of generalization or from the informa-

tion that they have seen.

Sheth and Park’s theory is important for this study as it gives the

combinations about the different dimensions of brand loyalty. They suggest that
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


brand loyalty is multi-dimensional and it does not only lead to one concrete

outcome. This is important as it helps the study analyze the change in the

consumers’ brand loyalty. Another theory by Lyong Ha (1998) entitled “The theory

of reasoned action applied to brand loyalty” suggests that the theory of reasoned

action can be also applied to brand loyalty. His theory is similar to Sheth and

Park’s theory as both their theories concludes that brand loyalty is not only

affected by a single factor but a multitude of factors or combinations. Specifically,

Lyong Ha’s theory have the following elements: Attitudes toward the behavior,

purchase behavior and subjective norms. Those three are related to situational

factors as seen from Figure 2.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


Figure 2. Pictorial presentation of Lyong Ha’s theory

Attitudes toward the behavior and subjective norms are about the cognitive

aspects of brand loyalty. They focus more on what the consumers are thinking,

reasoning, feeling and the like of the consumers toward the brand. Meanwhile

the purchase behavior is about the behavioral aspect of brand loyalty. This

focuses more on how frequent or how not frequent the consumers consume or

buy from that brand. It does ignore the cognitive processes of brand loyalty.

Situational factors are the extraneous events that may introduce inconsistency to

the brand loyalty behavior of consumers. To name a few examples, stockouts of

preferred brands, reduced prices of competing brands, effective promotions of

competitors and the like. In addition to that the COVID-19 pandemic can also be

considered as situational factor.

The application of the theory of reasoned in Lyong Ha’s paper provides a more

dependable and accurate estimate of the brand loyalty of consumers and how it

may change due to various situations and instances. This can help with the

researcher’s study in terms of analyzing how the pandemic changes the brand

loyalty behavior of consumers.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited



This presents the methods used in conducting the study. This part

discusses the following: the research design, it is the overall strategy used in

conducting the research. The locale of the study, it discusses about where the

study was taken place. The participants of the study, which shows who are the

participants of the study. The research instruments, the tools used to gather the

data needed for this research. The data gathering procedure, which explains how

the data was gathered and the data analysis, which shows the interpretation of

the gathered data.

Research Design
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


This study used the descriptive research design, this is a type of

quantitative research design. In descriptive research design, it allows the

researchers to accurately and systematically describe the state of a population,

situation or phenomenon. It answers the what, where, when and how questions

of a research study (McCombes, 2019). According to the definition of Bhat

(2020), descriptive research attempts to collect quantifiable information for

statistical analysis of the population sample. It is a popular market research tool

that allows us to collect and describe the demographic segment’s nature. The

data collected from this type of research can also be the basis for further

research just like other researches. The researchers used survey questionnaires

as the method to gather the information about the current state of the brand

loyalty of millennials during the COViD-19 pandemic. The researchers chose this

research design as it is applicable to the study. This is because the study aims to

know what changed in the state of the brand loyalty of millennials in Our Lady of

Peace School during the pandemic, therefore, the appropriate instrument the

researchers chose to be used are surveys.

Locale of the Study

This research was conducted at Our Lady of Peace School of Antipolo

City. It is located at P. Oliveros St., San Jose, Antipolo. The researchers chose to
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


conduct the study at this locale for the reason that the researchers want to know

the brand loyalty of millennial consumers of Our Lady of Peace School during the

COVID-19 pandemic.

Participants of the Study

The participants in this study are the millennial employees of Our lady of

Peace School in Antipolo City, whose age ranges from 22 to 41 years old. The

researchers chose these participants based on the data and information

gathered in the review of related literature section of the study. The researchers

used the Slovin’s formula to calculate for the appropriate sample size from the

total population of millennials. The results yielded from the formula are 84

respondents to represent the total population. The sampling technique that the

researchers used to select the respondents is the simple random sampling

technique. In this type of sampling technique, every member of the population

has the equal chance of being selected. The wheel of chance is the generator

that the researchers used.

Research Instrument

Given that the research conducted is a Quantitative research design, the

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


instrument used in this study is a survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire

is a 15-item survey that will be given to the chosen millennial employees of Our

Lady of Peace School through the online platform, google forms.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers prepared a letter of request to conduct the study. After

the approval of the letter, the researchers formulated the questions for the

survey. The survey questionnaire is divided into 5 sections namely; general

information, buying pattern, perception, preferences, and spending and

reasoning of the participants. After the formulation of the questions, the survey

was then sent to the different validators for validation. Once validated, the

researchers disseminated the survey questionnaires to the respondents by

means of google forms. After that, the data and information collected from the

instrument were then treated and analyzed by the researchers.

Data Analysis

Descriptive analysis is a type of data analysis, commonly used in

quantitative research, which describes what the data looks like and would

generate conclusion from the data collected. (“Analysis”, 2019). The data
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


gathered from the survey will be analyzed using the following statistical tools:

Frequency Count and Percentage Distribution will be utilized to describe the

profile of the participants in terms of their age and their work position. It will also

be used to tally the responses of the participants in the survey questionnaire.

Mode and Qualitative Description of the results. The mode will be used to tell the

value that is the repeated most often. While, the Qualitative description of the

results were used to present and explain the results of the survey.

Mean and Standard Deviation. The mean will be utilized to find the average

answers of the participants. This will be used to identify where in the range, the

average answers of the participants fall into. The standard deviation will be used

to identify the spread of the respondent’s answers.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited



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PAASCU Accredited


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PAASCU Accredited


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Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


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Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


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Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
Administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
PAASCU Accredited


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