10 Academic Words - w9

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1. arrival (n) /əˈraɪ.

- The fact of arriving somewhere
- Ex: People don’t seem to like her arrival.

2. prompt (v) /prɒmpt/

- to make something happen
- Ex: I will prompt you to submit your assignment
before the deadline.

3. comprehensively (adv) /ˌkɒm.prɪˈhen.sɪv.li/

- completely
- Ex: The study comprehensively analyzed the impact
of climate change on ecosystems on earth.

4. restoration (n) /ˌres.tərˈeɪ.ʃən/

- the act or process of returning something to its earlier
good condition or position, or to its owner.
-Ex: The restoration of the historic building brought
new life to the downtown area.
5. extraordinary (adj) /ɪkˈstrɔː.dɪn.ər.i/
- very unusual, special, unexpected, or strange.
- Ex: Her performance on stage was truly
extraordinary, captivating the audience from start to

6. recollection (n) /ˌrek.əˈlek.ʃən/

- a memory of something
- Ex: After many years, his recollection of that
childhood summer camp experience remained vivid
and full of nostalgia.

7. pale (adj) /peɪl/

- used to describe a person's face or skin if it has less
colour than usual, for example when the person is or ill
or frightened, or if it has less colour than people
generally have.
- Ex: Her face turned pale when she heard the shocking
8. preposterous (adj) /prɪˈpɒs.tər.əs/
- very silly or stupid
- Ex: It's preposterous to think that wearing a lucky
charm can guarantee success.

9. disguise (v) /dɪsˈɡaɪz/

- to give a new appearance to a person or thing, especially in order
to hide its true form.
- Ex: Being a celebrity is exhausting when they have to disguise
themselves so people don't recognize.

10. dignity (n) /ˈdɪɡ.nə.ti/

- calm, serious, and controlled behaviour that makes people
respect you
- Ex: Every individual possesses an inherent dignity that
deserves to be respected.

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