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Smart-Grid Economics and modeling February 22, 2021

Case study

Frédéric Lantz

The objective of the case study is to simulate the impact of the use of electric vehicle batteries
on an island network in which the use of renewable resources is to be promoted.

The optimization model is a simplified representation of the electric mix for an island of the
Madeira archipelago during a typical day. Three means of production are available: thermal,
wind, solar.

We will compare the results of 3 different simulations.

The Gams file is modele_elec_V13.gms

The 10 pages report has to be prepared by group of 2 or 3 (max.).

Send it to before April 30th 2021

Simulation 1: the current production structure

Simulation 2: with a 40% renewable production structure in the electricity mix + demand for
electric cars

Simulation 3: simulation with storage of electricity in batteries between 10% and 30% of the

For simulations with electric vehicles, we are free to introduce a price signal for the load of

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