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Subject: The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: Interpret the message conveyed in a material viewed EN9VC-IIIb-

1.2/2.2 a. Identify and discuss the major themes portrayed in the story, such
as poverty, compassion, and the power of imagination.

Learning across curriculum:

1) Math - Explore the concept of poverty through statistics and graphs showcasing
income inequality.

2) Social Studies - Investigate historical instances of compassion in society and how

it has impacted communities.

3) Science - Discuss the power of imagination in scientific breakthroughs and

technological advancements.


Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart

Instructional Materials: Chart paper, markers

Anecdote 1: Share a story about a Filipino hero who showed compassion towards
the less fortunate.

Anecdote 2: Discuss a traditional Filipino folklore that highlights the theme of

poverty and resilience.


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Costumes, props

1) Idea - Students act out scenes from the story in groups, emphasizing the themes
of poverty, compassion, and imagination.

2) Idea - Conduct a Picture Analysis activity where students interpret images related
to the themes in the story.


Activity 1: Theme Collage

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Magazines, glue, scissors

Significance: Students create collages representing the major themes of the story.


1 Cut out images and words from magazines that symbolize poverty, compassion,
and imagination.

2) Create a collage that visually represents each theme.

3) Present and explain the collages to the class.

Rubric: Creativity - 20pts, Relevance to Theme - 15pts, Presentation - 10pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did your collage represent the theme of poverty in the story?

2) Discuss the creative choices you made to symbolize compassion in your collage.

3) How did you depict the power of imagination through your collage?

Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Example 1: Lead a class discussion on the theme of poverty, encouraging students

to share their interpretations and relate them to real-world scenarios.

Example 2: Use visual aids and storytelling to explain the concept of compassion
and its significance in society.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Students create a short film reimagining the ending of The Little Match Girl
with a focus on compassion and imagination.

Task 2: Conduct a group debate on the ethical implications of poverty and the
responsibilities of society towards the less fortunate.


Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Rubrics, discussion prompts

Question 1: How does the theme of compassion in the story relate to current social

Question 2: Analyze the role of imagination in overcoming challenges, citing

examples from the story.

Question 3: Discuss the impact of poverty on individuals' perspectives, using

evidence from the text.

Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Instructional Materials: Case study scenarios

Encourage students to apply themes of compassion, poverty, and imagination to

solve real-life problems in various scenarios.


1) Research Assignment:

Guiding Overview: Students research and present on a social issue related to

poverty in the Philippines, highlighting compassionate solutions.

Assessment Question: How can individuals contribute to alleviating poverty in their


2) Creative Writing Assignment:

Guiding Overview: Compose a short story that incorporates themes of poverty,

compassion, and imagination.

Assessment Question: Explain how your story reflects the importance of empathy
and creativity in addressing societal challenges.

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