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I've entitled the sermon Go Ye Therefore.

About 500 believers were eagerly waiting

on the Mountainside for Jesus to appear to them. This was just after Jesus’s resurrection.
Suddenly Jesus stood among them with his hands and feet still bearing the marks of scorn and
shame. His countenance though had changed, from mere human and bore the image of God.
Many of those who had gathered there, worshiped Him. A few still had doubts and then He
spoke unto them with power and said; “All authority is given unto me, given unto me in heaven
and on Earth, go ye therefore, and make disciples of all nations. Beloved, this was this was
imperative. What a command and authority that Jesus gave his disciples and a few others who
had gathered around that mountain, which eventually they would see him go up in glory. What
gave Jesus this Authority? Have you ever thought about it? What gave Jesus this authority to tell
his followers to go forth? My dear friends I want to tell you something, when Jesus landed here
on this Earth, the Spirit of Prophecy talks about How Jesus found broken hearts and broken
bodies and discouraged souls and sinners headed for destruction. The grave had kept swallowing
people for ages without hope that people would ever come out of it. There was so much
unequaled prejudice, nations where forever doomed and Corruption had reached its higher point.
He then committed himself to take the challenge and change the world for the better and He
exactly did so. Yes, He had the absolute authority to command his disciples and us to go forth!
Do you know why Beloved? Because by the time He said to them “go ye therefore” The sacrifice
of Jesus Christ had been perfectly done, and the assurance given that salvation is a done deal and
that nobody can alter its cause of action. Jesus had the right to command us, and still has the
right, because the grave had been defeated overwhelmingly, and once again the assurance is
given that there is no need for second death to those who believe.
Yes, my dear friends, He had the right! For Jesus appeared before the father immediately after
His resurrection to present himself. And God had nodded and said; I am satisfied. Men and
women can now be forgiven. They can be restored and they can be reconciled. The last phase of
Jesus’s ministry was given a go ahead. Desire of Ages page 790. Jesus already appeared to
fellow disciples and even to doubting Thomas who wanted to put his finger into the Flesh of
Jesus. Jesus had proved beyond unreasonable doubt that He indeed is alive forevermore. His
body had been glorified, oh Jesus had proven beyond doubt that He had broken the barriers of
race and gender language. And then before He ascended back to Heaven, He gathered his
disciples together and declared to them that He has Authority. The disciples had gathered in
Galilee on a mountain and Jesus stood in an elevated position and began to talk to them. Yes
beloved, He had the right to command them, for He had touched them and they were no longer
the same. He believed in them; He gave them a mission and a vision larger than themselves. He
did not judge them according to current strengths but saw them for what they could be. He had a
right to command them for He had empowered them, He forgave them, He spent time with them,
He had compassion on them. You remember his call to Jerusalem; “oh Jerusalem oh Jerusalem
thou kill the prophet and stone them, who are sent to thee. How often would I have gathered thy
children together even as the hen gathered her chickens under her wings and you would not.
Beloved Jesus wept for them, so he had the right, and now Jesus was saying to them (Song)t

Go ye therefore into all the world. Be going, depart where you are. Go even if it means death on
behalf of Jesus. Go away, go forth, pursue his mission, go your way, go to the lost sheep of
Israel. Go on a mission, make one's journey take one's chin. In most cases the word translated is
in what's called the present progressive term that's tense that says it means literally as you are
going therefore, I have the authority, I have brought back the privilege you lost, I have all the
supernatural power you can think of, I have threw my blood paid the price for you, I have
overcame Satan and who held you captive, I have taken away the world of partition, you just go.
I have exhibited an infinite righteousness, I now have the universal dominion, I have been
confirmed by my father as a mediator, you just go for me. The Christian religion has been
confirmed, I have been given the power and authority by God by my father, I am entitled to it, all
I'm asking you is to go. All power has been invested in me by the Fountain of Living Waters, I
have them as a mediator been given the authority by my father to give eternal life to all of you,
please go! I have broken the curse of the law on your behalf, I took the stripes for your healing, I
have received the Kingdom from my father and this kingdom is for you!
You will have it soon! You just go! The place at the right hand of the father has been reserved
just for you, yours is just to go! I'm now the universal monarch of Earth and Heaven, the father
has made me Lord of all, I have the power to intercede with the father. I have the ministry of
reconciliation in my hand, every knee must bow and every tongue confess. You have no reason
to be ashamed of the Gospel, oh but my dear friends the challenges are still greater even today,
socially, economically and political upheaval. The servant of the Lord has the following to say
about the gospel commission Act of Apostles page 28 paragraph 1 Ellen White says “the gospel
commission is the great missionary Charter of Christ's Kingdom the disciples were to work
earnestly for souls giving to all the invitation of Messi they were not to wait for the people to
come to them they were to go to the people with the message so let's go another quotation from
here from here when Christ said to the disciples go forth in my name to gather into the church all
who believe he plainly said before them the necessity of maintaining Simplicity the less
ostentation and show the greater would be their influence for good the disciples were to speak
the same Simplicity with which Christ has spoken they were to impress upon their hearers the
lessons that he himself had taught dear friends Christ did not tell his disciples that their work
would be easy he showed them that the vast Confederacy of evil is already arrayed against them
they would have to fight against principalities and Powers against rulers of Darkness but they
would not be left alone he will be with them he paid them be brave and strong for one mightier
than Angels would be in their ranks all the time he even said the general of the armies of Heaven
he made full provision for the prosecution past prosecution of the work go to the father's part of
the habitable globe and be assured that my presence will always be with them we exist for
Mission and nothing else this world has nowhere else to tend to accept to Christ and we have
been given that privilege to communicate this great message that Jesus does save the law United
Church has been in existence the more its resources go to what the preservation rather than
toward. Outreach and evangelism our tendency is to design Ministries and programs that meet
our own needs as opposed to the needs of those who have not yet entered the kingdom Jesus was
a wonderful wounded healer, he's a great physician he is well experienced even today and well
poised to heal broken hearts and shattered Hearts, but he wants to use you and I, to be able to do
that I am worried that at a time when we need to be strong we are weak playing awareness.
[Music] f

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