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Application For the Job

Kutorejo, 30 Juni 2020

Subject : job application

Dear :
Gunawan Ardiansyah
HRD PT. Bondvast Indo Sukses
No. 51 Raya Pacet street, Brubuh, Sampangagung, Mojokerto

Yours faithfully.
Based on advertisements on the job vacancies web on 12 Juni 2020. You are currently
looking for employes in the production departement. So, with the letters i apply for a job for
position a production. I have experience working in home production for 2 years.

I really hope to join the company that you lead.

Thank you for attention.

Yours faithfully
Vevy Ardiyanti

Personal data


Place and Date Birth : Mojokerto, 11 Juni 2003
Gender : Female
Religion : Islam
Height : 170 cm
Weight : 61 kg
Address : H. Soemadi street, Windurejo, Kutorejo, Mojokerto, East Java
Phone Number : 085704640351
Marial Status : not married
Nationality : Indonesia
Email :
Website :-

Education Background

Period School/institute
2007 PAUD Aisiyah Bustanul Hasanah
2008-2009 TK Aisiyah
2010-2016 Windurejo 1 Elementary School
2016-2019 Kutorejo 3 Elementary School
2019-2022 Dlanggu State High School

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