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ABC Technologies is a rapidly growing IT services company that specializes in

developing cutting-edge software solutions. The company's IT department,

responsible for driving innovation and maintaining the quality of its products, is
facing several people management challenges. These challenges are hindering
the department's ability to perform optimally and deliver results effectively.
Here are the identified issues:

1. Diversity and Inclusion: The company lacks diversity within its IT

department, leading to a homogeneous workforce. This limits the
perspectives and experiences brought to projects and can hinder
innovation and creativity.
2. Training and Development: There is a lack of structured training and
development programs for employees, resulting in skill gaps and
stagnation in career growth. This affects employee morale and retention.
3. Performance Management: The current performance evaluation system is
ineffective and lacks transparency. Employees are unclear about how their
performance is assessed and how it aligns with career advancement
4. Recruitment Challenges: The IT department struggles to attract top talent
due to competition from other companies in the industry. Additionally, the
recruitment process is lengthy and cumbersome, leading to delays in filling
critical positions.
5. Employee Relations: There are unresolved conflicts and grievances within
the IT department, affecting team dynamics and morale. The lack of a
formal grievance redressal mechanism exacerbates these issues.

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