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Filipino Culture

As a Filipino I believed that culture passed along by communication or

socialization from one generation to another. By having it we inherit or adopt the
culture that our ancestors have. One of the examples is the "bayanihan" in which
we Filipinos are known for and we are proud of because we show it by means of
having a spirit of communal unity and cooperation. In addition, we value tradition
and culture. This is something that we should be proud of. Because no matter
where we are, it portrays us as a Filipino. Valuing our tradition and culture are very
beneficial because it offers many positive effects and it helps us to construct our
sense of self-identity.

Finally, culture has significant social and economic benefits. It improves our
quality of life and increases overall well-being for both individuals and communities
by improving learning and health, increasing tolerance, and providing opportunities
to connect with others.

Filipino Moral Identity

Filipino values are the one that we must treasure as long as we live for the
reason that it serves as our identity. One of the examples is our deeply rooted faith
in God. When we have problems in life, we just pray to Him always. For the reason
that we have strong faith and we believe in him. Believing that all of the problems
and adversities we have in life will surpass with the help and providence of Him. In
addition, being hospitable as we Filipinos welcome our guests or visitors with a
heart warming generosity for them to feel their belongingness.

Finally, today I learned that being a Filipino is the one that I must be proud of.
As a Filipino we have many good traits that we should be proud of and we must
cherish. Having those values helps us to live more disciplined and be concerned
about what is morally good or bad and also right or wrong. It drives us to live a
happy and peaceful life.

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