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Global Leaders Conference 2021 (696)

There participants are grouped into teams of 10. Initially, my team did not have great
teamwork but I tried to use my positive energy to link the team members together. In the
team, we came up with solutions to solve Kiribati's problem on youth's limited access to
education. Our solution, Self Study Suite, will potentially allow youth to access educational
material remotely. After presenting our solution to regional judges, we were proudly selected
to represent Thailand to pitch our solution to the deputy director of the Kiribati ministry
of education. We get to discuss the pros and cons of our solution, hear the problem from the
local's perspective, and make improvements to our project.


2. Hired at Learn Corporation since June 2021- Now (1375)

LearnOLife is a psychology related start-up under Learn Corporation with a mission “to make
the future of each person more tangible and equip them with the right tools to make the right
life decision”. In 2020, I got to work on illustrating a psychology book project that was
released by LearnOLife. After the book project I continue to produce daily artworks for the
company’s social media which have over 200K followers. Working with LearnOLife, I get to
nurture my time management skills. I also learned to be professional and adaptable when
working with other colleagues. Balancing work, studies, and hobbies all at once was
intimidating at first. Through learning to prioritise the most important thing first and breaking
big tasks into smaller ones makes things much more manageable and allows me to keep up
with the strict deadlines. I also observed the highly organised workflow with everyone on the
team having their distinct role. This makes the efficiency of the team very high and I think I
can adapt this organisational management aspect to other projects I am working on.
Through making psychology-related content daily, I also absorbed psychological principles
and understood more about the nature of human behaviour. Lastly, I am proud to be part of
an act to demolish stigmas around mental health and raise awareness on the mental
wellbeing of the community.

Competency - social skills/ teamwork/ human behavior

3. Work experience at hospitals in Phetchabun (1385)
Throughout high school, I volunteered for 86 hours at two hospitals; Lomsuk hospital and
Phetchabun hospital. My roles include guiding patients around the hospital and taking their
blood pressure measurements. Through volunteering in different departments of the hospital,
I closely observed the medical staff doing their work. Moreover, gain insights about the
hospitals and healthcare that I wouldn't be able to obtain otherwise. I noticed that more than
half of the out-patients that visited the hospital each day either have an HCV or HBV positive
blood test result. I found out later on that HCV and HBV infection has been endemic in
Phetchabun, this sparked my interest in the topic of hepatitis viruses and inspired me to
do a literature review on this topic. Through this, I realised the importance of a branch of
medicine called community medicine which deals with the prevention of the disease in the
light of the wellness of the community. I also absorbed the different communication skills
used between medical staff to medical staff for enhanced teamwork and between medical
staff and patients to make them feel at ease while still delivering the key messages. Most
importantly, during helping in the hospital, I also learnt to assist the patients with a smile
on my face. Doing so helps relieve the patient from anxiety caused by their illness and make
them feel at ease.

Competency - service orientation/ scientific inquiries

4. Cultural exchange summer program at Canada Academic Camp 2019 (651)

I went to Canada for a 1-month cultural exchange program where I met students from all over
the world. As all campers came from different countries with different backgrounds, I learnt to
be flexible and adaptable to adjust to the diverse cultural norms. One important thing I
learned from my foreign peers is their work ethic. They would work hard, stay focused on
what they have to do and once they finish their tasks they also play hard. Going to Canada, I
was able to broaden my view on the world, be more open-minded and raise my global
awareness. Being in an unfamiliar place also made me step out of my comfort zone and
become more independent.

Competency - social skills/ cultural competency/ adaptability

5. Outstanding achievements in biology (699)

Throughout high school, I have found my interest in the subject of biology. Consequently, I
constantly look for opportunities to challenge myself in this field. In school, I received an
award for my outstanding achievement in the biology class. Getting this award motivates me
to set a higher goal and join the Intermediate Biology Olympiad (iBO); I won the silver
medal. Participating in the iBO also pushes me to think creatively outside the box and
apply appropriate biology knowledge to answer each question under strict time pressure.
Furthermore, during the preparation for the iBO, I got an opportunity to explore more in this
field by committing in the MIT open course; introductory biology.

Competency - living system/ capacity for improvement/

6. Ramathibodi Pitching Challenge: healthcare management (696)
Our project proposed progressive co-payment method to help with the lack of hospital’s cash
flow by increasing their cash inflow. While working on this healthcare management project, I
get to learn more about the healthcare system in Thailand. I also get to critically discuss the
strengths and weaknesses of Thai healthcare with my research partners. As a result, I gained
a better understanding of the Thai healthcare system. This enables me to have concrete
ideas of what to expect to become a doctor in Thailand and what I can do to contribute to
make it better. Furthermore, I also displayed written communication skills to clearly convey
key messages in the final manuscript of the project.

Competency - capacity for improvement/ critical thinking/ written communication

7. Member of SISB student council (695)

As a member of the student council, I acted like a middleman between the student body and
the school. I actively talk to the student body to gather opinions on the school rules and then
talk to the school to compromise with both parties and bring positive changes to the
school. Recently, the school didn't give a day off to students who need to go for the
COVID-19 vaccination. The student finds this a problem as they will be forced to miss the
lecture and loses credit for it. I gathered the feedback from the student body, presented them
to the school leaders and consequently we were granted the day off. Apart from this, I also
organised school events such as sport day, orientation, etc.

Competency - social skill/ adaptability/ change agent

8. Mahidol Young Doctor Explorer Camp (683)

This is a 3 day camp where we were taught basic first aid skills. The camp is structured so
that on the first day we were taught the theory and then applied them to the simulations in the
following days. During the simulation, I learned to make decisions on the spot while putting
medical ethics as the core principle. Furthermore, I was introduced to the life of medical
students as well as the varieties of career pathways available. I also noticed and became
interested in the nature of this field of career, where knowledge is constantly evolving with
new research. This made me feel like I will never get tired of practicing medicine and thus
make me want to pursue this career.

Competency - capacity of improvement/ living system

9. Primary research: effect of wound on the ripening rate of banana (671)
Inspired by my curiosity about why bananas that were harvested on the same day ripen at
different rates, I conducted an experiment on the ripening mechanism of bananas. I found out
that ethylene, a plant hormone that induces ripening, is produced at a higher rate when
wounds are present on the fruit. Through this research, I learnt how to use various
laboratory equipment such as a gas chromatography machine, set up a proper
experiment and quantitatively analyse the data obtained from the experiment. This
research is my first ever project, it taught me that many of my curiosity can be answered by
science and through scientific research new discoveries can be made.

Competency - scientific inquiries/ quantitative analysis/ capacity of improvement

10. Punhappiness (610)

To support the Black Lives Matter and equality movements, PunHappiness designed
adorable bucket hats to sell, raised funds and donated 200 dollars to different charities
worldwide. This project was the first ever project that I worked on, so there were a lot of
errors in the workload distribution and communication between each member which made
the workflow very chaotic. Working on PunHappiness, I realised the importance of good
leadership and organisational management skills. Learning from this experience, I
adopted a more organised approach toward other consecutive projects that I got to be a part

Competency -

11. Coordinator of Social Media Department of Masking A Difference TH (695)

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 disease, the demand for facial masks has increased
along with their price. Therefore, our goal is to provide facial masks to the less fortunate
communities to reduce their financial burden. I am in charge of coordinating between
departments, content management, human resource management; making sure the right
man is put to the right job. The difficulty I faced is miscommunication within the team.
Initially, work distribution is uncoordinatedly done through Line, I came up with a solution to
create a spreadsheet where the assigned work can be accessed easily in an organised
manner. This created a better workflow and increased the efficiency for the team.

Competency -

12. Founder of SISB Volleyball Club (698)

I proposed to the school the addition of the volleyball club extracurricular activities list and
became the club’s manager. The hardest part was finding a coach for the team. I came up
with a solution to find a coach from outside sources and was fortunate to be able to contact a
former beach volleyball champion to be our coach. Furthermore, I also play in the position of
Libero for the SISB volleyball club. Being an athlete, I learnt the importance of making
constant progress and improvement. Being both a member and a manager of the
volleyball club, I was able to understand and empathise with the needs of the members. This
allowed me to effectively address different difficulties we faced.

Competency -

13. Classical Guitar (700)

I have been playing the classical guitar since grade 6 which has improved my muscle
coordination. In 2020, I was selected to participate in YTMF; U20 Classical Guitar Ensemble
(team). Initially, I was way behind other teammates skill-wise, but I persevered, remained
resilient and did not give up. I would go to the practice room early so that I can get extra
practice and improve to match the team’s pace. I also learnt to have great teamwork which
made our music sound cohesive during each performance. Most importantly, I learnt to
perform under pressure. From having my hands shaking in the qualification, I gained more
confidence with the help of my teammate and performed well in the national.

Competency -

14. Creative Problem Solving Camp (678)

At this camp, I got introduced to the three steps approach to effectively solve a problem
which are understanding the problem, gathering ideas and preparation for action. Using this
approach, I was able to get to the root cause of the given case study and find an effective
solution for it. After learning the theory, I also got to apply the knowledge in real life
situations. In a team of 5, we were given a case study of the difficulties that an anesthetic
nurse faces. Our final solution uses a pager to display the workload of each medical staff,
which can potentially solve the Anesthetic Nurse’s problem of being constantly overworked
due to unorganised work distribution.

15. Everydayweknow: Spread the Word - collaboration with World Cancer Organisation
Everydayweknow is a non-profit organisation founded by students from 8 different schools
across Thailand. In the “Spread the Word'' project, we collaborated with World Cancer
Organisation to design informative leaflets about cancer. This project was inspired by the
fact that cancer is the leading cause of death in many countries although one-third of cancer
cases could be prevented by taking precautions and early diagnosis can also increase the
effectiveness of treatments. Therefore, we have included information about the suggested
precautions, signs and symptoms of cancer in our leaflet. Initially, we spread our digital copy
of our leaflets through various social media platforms. We found out later that our target
audience, the older population, was not reached. We came up with a solution to reach out
to Camphub to be featured on their websites and consequently gathered over 40 volunteers
from 14 provinces across Thailand to help us distribute the leaflets to people in their
community. Furthermore, we also got many positive feedbacks from our volunteers such as
“This event was wonderful, my family and I find the information in the leaflet very useful”. I felt
very fulfilled to be able to make an impact on the community by combining what I am good
at, graphic design, with the knowledge about cancer that I gained through researching.


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