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Struggling with your literature review on air pollution in Nigeria? You're not alone.

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Yields are conditioned by genetic and nutritional factors, especially Nitrogen (N), incorrect
application can affect grain yield or cause environmental damage. Air pollutants are dispersed
particles, hydrocarbons, CO, CO 2, NO, NO 2, SO 3, etc. The report states: “All 208.3 million
Nigerians live in areas where the average annual level of particulate pollution exceeds WHO
guidelines. Nigeria for a long time has remained one of the major gas flaring nations. People exposed
to high concentrations of air pollutants experience disease symptoms and states of greater and lesser
seriousness. The government as well, does not pay due attention to these phenomena. This situation
implies that in today’s plastics-enabled society, there are no control groups to be found to analyze the
effects on human health from low-level, environmental exposures to plastic constituents. Therefore,
this research is aimed at examining the legal frameworks for preventing gas flaring the Nigeria’s oil
and gas industry. Without any doubt, the global environmental pollution is considered an
international public health issue with multiple facets. Radical environmental activism actions and
movements have been created ( 22 ). Environmental Research Communications supports this mission
and actively demonstrates our core values of inclusive publishing and trusted science. In China,
public participation mechanisms in environmental governance are still in the early stages of
development. Mosquito-transmitted parasitic or viral diseases are extremely climate-sensitive, as
warming firstly shortens the pathogen incubation period and secondly shifts the geographic map of
the vector. Martin J, Gutierrez C, Escuer M, Martin-Dacal M, Ramos-Miras J, Roca-Perez L, Boluda
R, Nanos N (2021) Trends in soil mercury stock associated with pollution sources on a
Mediterranean island (Majorca, Spain). Success and effectiveness in controlling air pollution,
specifically at the local level, have been reported. It's designed to avoid a repeat of what happened
after Superstorm Sandy in 2012. Assessment of indoor air concentrations of VOCs and their
associated health risks in the library of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. The National
Vehicle Emissions Control Program (NVECP) and the National Generator Emissions Control
Program (NGECP) were developed to control emissions from mobile and stationary sources.
Konkler M, Hammerschmidt C (2012) Methylmercury in mosquitoes around a large coal-fired power
plant in central Ohio. Climate and weather affect the duration, timing, and intensity of outbreaks
strongly and change the map of infectious diseases in the globe ( 45 ). Zhang X, Zhang J, Cai T,
Zhang B (2015) Factor analysis of mercury form transformation in coal-fired flue gas. Therefore, the
natural issues in the world today are, to a great extent, natural-social issues. In the capital market, the
public’s environmental concern directly influences individual investment behavior. In the intricate
tapestry of environmental justice, Black leadership stands as a crucial thread, weaving together
history, science, advocacy, and transformative change. Recycling is not prevalent in this African
country, but then neither are garbage dumps. Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals,
particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living
organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment, into the atmosphere.
populations, infrastructure and ecology of cities are at risk from the impacts of climate change which
affect urban ventilation and cooling, urban drainage and flood risk and water resources. Air
pollution and chronic airway diseases: what should people know and do. The spread of epidemics is
associated with natural climate disasters and storms, which seem to occur more frequently nowadays
( 47 ). IPs' contributions to control pollution Resistance to polluting activities.
As a result, the main proposal of this essay is that we should focus on fostering local structures to
promote experience and practice and extrapolate these to the international level through developing
effective policies for sustainable management of ecosystems. Author Contributions All authors listed
have made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for
publication. Long- term air pollution exposure and diabetes in a population-based Swiss cohort. In a
narrow sense, soil pollution and LP are not a term (soil pollution focuses on factory chemicals or
sewage and other wastewater). Using exogenous energy accidents and policy experiments and
regulations as exogenous events to test causality, the literature is mainly based on difference-in-
differences and regression discontinuity designs. The field of Hg emissions from coal-fired power
plants has developed steadily. Data were analyzed using mixed effects logistic regression models.
Song Z, Wang C, Ding L, Chen M, Hu Y, Li P, Zhang L, Feng X (2021) Soil mercury pollution
caused by typical anthropogenic sources in China: evidence from stable mercury isotope
measurement and receptor model analysis. Since the British discovered oil in the Niger Delta region
of Nigeria in the 1950’s, life has not been the same for the inhabitants of the predominantly
agricultural-based region. Similarly, water-warming following climate changes leads to a high
incidence of waterborne infections. We used the Lancet Commission's definition of pollution
(Landrigan et al. 2018 ). In the context of this paper, “impacts” are understood as any noticeable
effects or changes wholly or partially resulting from the spread of environmental pollution. Neil is a
Cleveland area native now living in Columbus. Contaminated air also is a major cause of lung and
cardiovascular disease. What has been the most profitable industry to this nation, has also been its
major downfall, and cause of much controversy throughout the world. It is worth noting that people
with asthma, pneumonia, diabetes, and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases are especially
susceptible and vulnerable to the effects of PM. PM 2.5, followed by PM 10, are strongly associated
with diverse respiratory system diseases ( 59 ), as their size permits them to pierce interior spaces (
60 ). The consequences of climate change could be very displeasing and bring on things like drought,
flood, erosion or hurricane. From this we have obtained high-impact journals among foreign journals.
A study was conducted among households in Lagos and Ogun States in order to determine risk
patterns of IAP among residents through the distribution of questionnaires to 2000 households.
Tropospheric ozone reduces carbon assimilation in trees: estimates from analysis of continuous flux
measurements. It is to be expected that in the future climate change will seriously change the lives of
Nigerians and affect the national economy. To sum up, we can clearly see from the clustering results
that the research topics and directions related to LP basically cover all issues related to the natural
environment and ecology, and also show a close relationship with human social activities. Biological
Contaminants are microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold, and bacterial spores), cat allergens,
house dust and allergens, and pollen. Using statistical and web search data from 284 prefectures in
China between 2011 and 2020, this study discusses the impact of public environmental concern on
environmental pollution and the moderating effect of government environmental regulation. Dr.
Robert Bullard, BEL, and Serena Echols and other visionaries show how passion, culture and
leadership can catalyze change. Videos References Gbereogoni THISDAY NAN Hot Spot on The
Map Reducing hotspots is easier together Raise awareness of environmental hotspots in need of
protection, and encourage people to take action. Electricity is not always guaranteed, even in large
cities. The results presents key findings from the review, highlighting the main causes and effects of
air pollution in Nigeria. The fact that indigenous values (e.g., sacredness, spirituality) are often
harmed by the expansion of commodity frontiers is a common thread in the IPs protests (Hinzo 2018;
Panikkar and Tollefson 2018 ). Considering the economic factor, competitiveness through neoliberal
concepts is offering a solution to environmental problems ( 22 ). While anthropogenic emissions are
enhanced during winter, natural emissions occur and fluctuate throughout the year. The deadly
mixture of soot, smog, and toxic metals that spews from our plants also travels to downwind states,
making Ohio coal plants the highest contributing plants to premature mortality in counties in
Pennsylvania, New York, and Maryland.
Another issue is that antigen presentation is affected by air pollutants, as there is an upregulation of
costimulatory molecules such as CD80 and CD86 on macrophages ( 110 ). Read also Dirtiest city in
Africa: 20 most polluted cities in Africa A study conducted in 1989 indicated that 30 million
Nigerians live in desert areas; the level of desertification in different northern zones can be classified
as moderate, heavy, and intermediate depending on the areas. Without any doubt, the global
environmental pollution is considered an international public health issue with multiple facets. The
Nigerian government has not made any headway in terms of improving the availability of clean
electricity, which necessitates the continuation of diesel-powered generators throughout the country.
Song Z, Wang C, Ding L, Chen M, Hu Y, Li P, Zhang L, Feng X (2021) Soil mercury pollution
caused by typical anthropogenic sources in China: evidence from stable mercury isotope
measurement and receptor model analysis. Ozone can travel to distant areas from its initial source,
moving with air masses ( 64 ). Yu Y, Jin X, Li J, Jia L (2021) Research on path of atmospheric
mercury emission control in China’s power industry. The government as well, does not pay due
attention to these phenomena. Environmental Pollution Environmental Pollution is an international
peer-reviewed journal that publishes high quality research papers and review articles about all aspects
of environmental pollution and its effects on ecosystems and human health. The clustering results of
LP studies are summarized as shown in table 8. Table 8. Clustering results based on LLR algorithm.
The Chikungunya virus “took the airplane” from the Indian Ocean to Europe, as outbreaks of the
disease were registered in Italy ( 49 ) as well as autochthonous cases in France ( 50 ). This should
lead to an increase in soil and water temperatures, and extreme weather conditions or storms may
occur ( 68 ). Introduction Chemicals that are harmful to human health and have gotten into the
environment due to human activity are called environmental pollutants. As an increasing number of
individuals become deeply invested in environmental issues, the overall level of environmental
awareness and protection within society will undoubtedly escalate. According to World Health
Organization standards, the presence of fine particles in the air should not exceed 20 micrograms per
cubic meter. Wang M, Keener TC, Khang SJ (2000) The effect of coal volatility on mercury removal
from bituminous coal during mild pyrolysis. MSU Extension. Available online at: (accessed October
5, 2019). 93. Ebersviller S, Lichtveld K, Sexton KG, Zavala J, Lin Y-H, Jaspers I, et al. Studies have
mostly focused on the causal effect of pollution on health, and numerous economic studies have
documented that pollution is severely harmful to human health, in both developed and developing
countries. Kim J-H, Pudasainee D, Yoon Y-S, Son S-U, Seo Y-C (2010) Studies on speciation
changes and mass distribution of mercury in a bituminous coal-fired power plant by combining field
data and chemical equilibrium calculation. Section 3 introduces the data collection, empirical
methods, and variables. The period covered is three years (2012-2014) for each hospital. This model
permits spatial resolution in short-term effects plus the assessment of long-term effects in the whole
population. Contamination usually comes from suspended pollutants and may result in asymptomatic
eye outcomes, irritation ( 112 ), retinopathy, or dry eye syndrome ( 113, 114 ). Damage to target cells
should be related to the pollutant component involved and its source and dose. Their conclusion
demonstrates the importance of fuel quality. The symptoms of poisoning due to inhaling carbon
monoxide include headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, and, finally, loss of
consciousness. The environmental degradation that has taken over the Niger Delta, and resulted in
both environmental and human atrocities, is a result of the greed propagated by these oil companies
and the Nigerian government that has protected its interests in ensuring oil continues to flow
undisturbed. Collaborative emissions reduction effect of environmental regulation is explored. Power
To Change: Centering Black Leadership In Environmental. BEL also bridges the gap between
economic and environmental solutions, emphasizing the importance of investment in the green
economy sitting alongside advocacy for harm reduction.
Therefore, the regulatory role of government environmental supervision is a pertinent issue for
discussion. See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're
Hiring. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few
seconds to upgrade your browser. Environmental Pollution Control, Part VII - The Environment,
Chapter 55, Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety. Zhang W, Zhen G, Chen L, Wang H,
Li Y, Ye X, Tong Y, Zhu Y, Wang X (2017a) Economic evaluation of health benefits of mercury
emission controls for China and the neighboring countries in East Asia. Particulate Matter (PM) and
Health Studies have shown a relationship between particulate matter (PM) and adverse health
effects, focusing on either short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic) PM exposure. The novelty of
this review lies in its comprehensive approach, analyzing various sources and types of air pollution in
Nigeria. To sum up, we can clearly see from the clustering results that the research topics and
directions related to LP basically cover all issues related to the natural environment and ecology, and
also show a close relationship with human social activities. Water radioactive pollution and related
environmental aspects. Zhu J, Hua W (2017) Visualizing the knowledge domain of sustainable
development research between 1987 and 2015: a bibliometric analysis. Saro-Wiwa was a major voice
speaking against the oil companies and the Nigerian governments’ total disregard for the needs of his
people for over forty years. Onitsha scores highly on most of the above, as do other fast-growing
Nigerian cities such as Kaduna, Aba, and Umuahia, all of which are also among the WHO's 20
worst offenders for PM10. 2015 June 16 Figures for Nigeria, included in the recently published
Little Green Data Book 2015, indicate that 94% of the population is exposed to levels of air
pollution (measured in PM2.5) that exceed WHO guidelines, with air pollution costing about 1
percent of gross national income. Climate change and air pollution: effects on respiratory allergy.
Indoor air pollution in india: implications on health and its control. The change or deterioration of
the natural environment poses challenges to human survival, social production, social life, and related
governance, and we can exert our agency and take corresponding scientific measures to deal with
these major challenges. Yang and Chou (2018) find that the shutdown of power plants located
upwind of New Jersey reduced the likelihood of having a low-birthweight or preterm infant by 15%
and 28%, respectively. Cultural impacts Environmental pollution impacts both material and
nonmaterial cultural dimensions of IPs' ways of life (Pufall et al. 2011; Alonzo et al. 2016 ),
including their knowledge systems (Boischio and Henshel 2000; Yakovleva 2011 ). The paper
concludes that basic human rights can only be enjoyed in a pollution free environment. To this end,
questionnaires were distributed to 600 households selected from three local government areas in
Lagos State. The methods of review includes a review of relevant literature, data collection from
government reports and research studies. These problems can be aggravated by extended long-term
exposure to the pollutants, which is harmful to the neurological, reproductive, and respiratory
systems and causes cancer and even, rarely, deaths. Assessment of the Effectiveness of European Air
Quality Policies and Measures: Case Study 2; Comparison of the EU and US Air Quality Standards
and Planning Requirements. (2004). Available online at: (accessed September 22, 2019). 28. Gibson
R, Ward S. Parties in the digital age; a review. Dr. Bullard's groundbreaking work in Houston laid
the foundation for recognizing and addressing the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards
on Black communities. Evaluation of ozone efficacy on the reduction of microbial population of
fresh cut lettuce ( Lactuca sativa ) and green bell pepper ( Capsicum annuum ). In every case, it
seems that mortality was closely related to the levels of fine, inhalable, and sulfate particles more
than with the levels of total particulate pollution, aerosol acidity, sulfur dioxide, or nitrogen dioxide
( 20 ). They are an important risk factor for lung cancer ( 89 ). Read also 10 social issues Nigeria has
to deal with right now The situation seems quite depressing, and this is why there is need for active
measures to be put into place. Further, without access to information about sources of pollution, IPs
can also inadvertently associate health conditions with other factors. Data source, methods, and
variable description 3.1 data source. The dataset used in this study was collected from multiple
sources. In this vein, serious poisoning may occur in people exposed to high levels of carbon
monoxide for a long period of time.
To begin, oil spillage that has seeped into the water table, without regard for the people in the
surrounding area has become food for argument. Click through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles
in your field. How to take effective measures to deal with the deteriorating LP, guarantee and
improve the quality of land resources, and further understand the dynamic relationship between the
natural environment and human life has become one of the urgent problems in contemporary
academia. Author contributions Conceptualization, L L and L G, methodology, B Z and M Z,
software, T H, validation, L L, L G and B Z, formal analysis, T H All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript. What has been the most profitable industry to this nation,
has also been its major downfall, and cause of much controversy throughout the world. Similarly,
water-warming following climate changes leads to a high incidence of waterborne infections. The
proposal has been pending for several years and remains under review by state environmental
regulators. It further examine the problem caused by air pollution in Nigeria and other countries in
the world. Li Li Baoqing Zhu Received 26 April 2022 Revised 12 October 2022 Accepted 27
October 2022 Published 4 November 2022 Peer review information Method: Single-anonymous
Revisions: 2 Screened for originality. In order to understand the impact of global forces on regional
land pollution, it is necessary to capture visible or invisible information related to LP using
information geography and statistical methods or approaches, which include information geography
methods such as remote sensing, GIS, and also methods such as qualitative comparative analysis
(QCA). It explores both outdoor and indoor sources, including industrial emissions, vehicular
exhaust, biomass burning, and household cooking fuels. Despite the fact that ozone in the
stratosphere plays a protective role against ultraviolet irradiation, it is harmful when in high
concentration at ground level, also affecting the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Multiply this
by the number of businesses in Lagos and Abuja alone, and one can see the breathing nightmare that
exists for residents. Carlsson et al ( 2021 ) discussed the use of green nudge (behavioral intervention
aimed at reducing negative externalities) as an environmental policy tool. In this transition process,
the Chinese government has started to pay attention to public environmental demands and
continuously adjusts environmental governance policies based on information gathered from the
internet and social media to understand public attitudes and opinions. Beyond considering the above
sources and their nature, topography and meteorology should also be considered, as stated
previously. Ozone reduces growth and yield ( 47, 48 ) and affects the plant microflora due to its
antimicrobial capacity ( 67, 68 ). The core of this causal evaluation addresses the endogeneity
problem. Based on the aforementioned arguments, this study proposes the following hypothesis: H2:
Government environmental supervision can strengthen the influence of public environmental concern
on environmental pollution. 2.3 Regional heterogeneity in the influence of public environmental
concern The Chinese government places significant emphasis on addressing climate change and
advancing green, low-carbon development. He now wants to develop his idea to provide concerned
city residents with regular air quality readings. There is a good wisdom that purity remains in places
where there is no rubbish. Pollution is currently the most severe environmental problem and public
health concern in the world, especially in developing countries. Air pollution is introduced into the
environment as a result of anthropogenic activities from commercial, industrial and residential areas.
Molhave L, Clausen G, Berglund B, Ceaurriz J, Kettrup A, Lindvall T, et al. The physical (natural)
factor responsible is low level of precipitation, which is a natural tendency of territories where
constant heat is observed. This is not just the job is the government but a collective job for everyone.
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preview is currently unavailable. Future research needs associated with the assessment of potential
human health risks from exposure to toxic ambient air pollutants. Among them, the size of the font
indicates the volume of articles published by the author or the importance of the author (the same
below), and the line between the authors indicates the cooperative relationship between each other.
This model permits spatial resolution in short-term effects plus the assessment of long-term effects in
the whole population.
Air pollution can influence the quality of soil and water bodies by polluting precipitation, falling into
water and soil environments ( 34, 36 ). Environmental Pollution Environmental Pollution is an
international peer-reviewed journal that publishes high quality research papers and review articles
about all aspects of environmental pollution and its effects on ecosystems and human health. There
are two approaches to defining LP in academia: soil pollution in a narrow sense and LP in a broad
sense. Discharging these pollutants into water bodies leads to water pollution, disrupting the
equilibrium of aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, volatile organic compounds present in industrial
wastewater can evaporate into the atmosphere. Ozone can travel to distant areas from its initial
source, moving with air masses ( 64 ). Air pollution can have a disastrous effect on all components
of the environment, including groundwater, soil, and air. Some other human activities are also
influencing our environment to a lesser extent, such as field cultivation techniques, gas stations, fuel
tanks heaters, and cleaning procedures ( 32 ), as well as several natural sources, such as volcanic and
soil eruptions and forest fires. From the perspective of institutions and affiliated nations that publish
papers, the United States is an important place for research on LP. Recently, in Europe, eradicated
diseases seem to be emerging due to the migration of population, for example, cholera, poliomyelitis,
tick-borne encephalitis, and malaria ( 46 ). He was unlawfully imprisoned on several occasions for
speaking his mind. Changes occurred in blood cells after long-term exposure may affect cardiac
functionality. Electric vehicle rule emerges as political tightrope for Biden The car pollution rule,
from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is currently under White House review and is
scheduled to be finalized next month — though it could come out later. Interestingly, 50.7% of all
studies linking pollution and IPs have been conducted among only 15 different indigenous groups,
with the Inuit from the circumpolar region (31 studies), and the Cree (23) and the Ojibwe (21) in
North America being the groups with the most available documentation. The environmental
degradation that has taken over the Niger Delta, and resulted in both environmental and human
atrocities, is a result of the greed propagated by these oil companies and the Nigerian government
that has protected its interests in ensuring oil continues to flow undisturbed. The factors that
influence climate in Nigeria the most include the growth of population, geographic location,
inadequate farming practices, and a large number of climatic zones. PM10 refers to coarse dust
particles between 10 and 2.5 micrometers in diameter, while PM2.5s are even smaller and more
dangerous to inhale, settling deep in a person's lungs. Sung J-H, Back S-K, Jung B-M, Kang Y-S,
Lee C-G, Jang H-N, Seo Y-C (2017) Speciation and capture performance of mercury by a hybrid
filter in a coal-fired power plant. Even the current president, some would argue, is an army general
masking as a democratic president for the sake of international acceptance. Yields are conditioned by
genetic and nutritional factors, especially Nitrogen (N), incorrect application can affect grain yield or
cause environmental damage. First, researchers and policymakers should pay attention to public
demands regarding environmental issues and guide public environmental concern in a rational
manner. Traffic- related air pollution and the right ventricle. This is in line with the Paris COP 27
Agreement of which Nigeria is a signatory. This is an open access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The major health
problems associated with sulfur dioxide emissions in industrialized areas are respiratory irritation,
bronchitis, mucus production, and bronchospasm, as it is a sensory irritant and penetrates deep into
the lung converted into bisulfite and interacting with sensory receptors, causing bronchoconstriction.
For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click here. This study identifies an appropriate
instrument variable (IV) to mitigate potential estimation biases. Pollution emissions reduce with the
enhance of environmental regulation intensity. Emissions estimates of PAH from biomass fuels used
in rural sector of Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. Climate change and air pollution: effects on
respiratory allergy. Most of these vehicles would not pass standard emissions tests in developed

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