SM 07 Verb With Letter A

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The English Club

V1 V2 V3 33. arrest arrested arrested

1. abash abashed abashed 34. ask asked asked

2. abate abated abated 35. assert asserted asserted

3. abide abode abode 36. assort assorted assorted

4. absorb absorbed absorbed 37. astonish astonished astonished

5. accept accepted accepted 38. attack attacked attacked

6. accompany accompanied accompanied 39. attend attended attended

7. ache ached ached 40. attract attracted attracted

8. achieve achieved achieved 41. audit audited audited

9. acquire acquired acquired 42. avoid avoided avoided

10. act acted acted 43. awake awoke awoken

11. add added added

12. address addressed addressed
13. adjust adjusted adjusted
14. admire admired admired
15. admit admitted admitted
16. advise advised advised
17. afford afforded afforded
18. agree agreed agreed
19. alight alit alit
20. allow allowedallowed
21. animate animated animated
22. announce announced announced
23. answer answered answered
24. apologize apologized apologized
25. appear appeared appeared
26. applaud applauded applauded
27. apply applied applied
28. approach approached approached
29. approve approved approved
30. argue argued argued
31. arise arose arisen
32. arrangearranged arranged

SKYLARK An Institute for ***Spoken English*** & English Grammar for Competitive exam.
SM 07 Contact no. 9749670799/8617648769

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