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Freelance Task Matching Platform,

14 March 2024

Business overview
Where Talent Meets Opportunity – GigMatch is your ultimate Freelance Hub!

The Freelance Task Matching Platform offers a promising solution to the challenges faced by freelancers
and local businesses within the gig economy. By providing a reliable, efficient service for connecting talent
with needs, the platform stands to generate significant income in the Philippine market while promoting
economic flexibility and job creation. With a strategic approach to pricing, marketing, and service
offerings, this business can achieve sustainable growth and profitability.

Thus, we are in GigMatch are proud to say that we contribute in the empowering connections in the Gig

Market analysis
To adopt in the digital automation of business regardless of its size – there are a lot of experts
wanting to add extra income on top of the regular paying employment. The business need to handle
time-bounded project base service and the need for an extra income or side hustle is what makes
GigMatch a bridge to resolve the two. As per Harvard business review, 9 out of 10 people are willing
to earn extra income.
As per the survey made by Bank Rate, 39% of employed Americans have a side hustle, and 44%
believe they’ll always need one. In this era of cybernated business operations, all need to gear up to
survive and thrive.
According to PR Newwire, 76% of consumers look at online presence before physically visiting a
business. This process will be lessened once GigMatch launched its service in the multiverse.
Dependency on smart devices is rising, increasing the need for small businesses to optimize their
online presence with local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies to drive business to their
online locations.

Product or service offering

GigMatch can offer a wide range of skills and services to cater to various industry needs, including
but not limited to:
• Social Media Management: Creating and managing social media content, strategy, and
• Graphic Design: Designing logos, banners, advertisements, and other visual content.
• Web Development: Building and maintaining websites, including eCommerce platforms.
• Content Writing: Producing high-quality, SEO-friendly content for blogs, articles, and web
• Virtual Assistance: Offering administrative support, email management, scheduling, and
other organizational tasks.
• Digital Marketing: Implementing marketing campaigns, SEO, and email marketing strategies.
Business model
GigMatch upsells Connection! With user friendly easy to navigate platforms – a damsel in distress
client can easily be matched with the Hero to resolve their problems!

• Scaling User Base: Actively marketing the platform to both freelancers and businesses to
grow the user base, thereby increasing the number of transactions and commission revenue.
• Efficient Platform Design: Developing a user-friendly interface that minimizes operational
costs and encourages repeat business through positive user experiences.
• Value-Added Services: Offering additional services, such as contract templates, negotiation
facilitation, and dispute resolution, can provide further income streams while enhancing the
platform's value proposition.

Marketing and sales strategy

• Distribution: Primarily through our website and social media platforms, leveraging SEO and
content marketing to drive traffic.
• Promotions: Offering introductory discounts, referral bonuses, and premium membership
• Sales Tactics: Personalized outreach to potential business clients, showcasing the platform's
benefits and success stories.

Management team
• Operations Manager- Oversee day-to-day operations, ensure team coordination, and manage
project workflows to guarantee efficient delivery of services.
• Marketing Specialist- Develop and execute marketing campaigns, optimize SEO, and enhance
social media presence to drive user engagement and attract new clients and freelancers to
the platform.
• Technical Lead- Ensure the platform’s technical robustness, optimize user experience, and
maintain high levels of security to protect user data. This role is crucial for developing new
features and ensuring the platform can scale effectively.

• Customer Support- Lead the customer support team to provide exceptional service to both
freelancers and clients. This includes handling inquiries, resolving disputes, and facilitating a
smooth communication flow between all parties.

• Financial/Accounting Manager- Manage the company’s finances, including budgeting,

financial reporting, and accounting. They ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations in
the Philippines, oversee payroll, and manage invoices and payments. Additionally, this role
involves financial planning and analysis to support strategic decisions, such as pricing
strategies and cost management, ensuring the financial sustainability and growth of
• Training and Development Coordinator- In this setup, the Operations Manager coordinates
the overall training schedule and ensures that all training sessions are aligned with the
platform’s objectives and the freelancers' development needs. This approach leverages the
specific skills of each team member while maintaining a structured and comprehensive
training program.

Financial projections
Summarize your financial projections, including revenue forecasts, expected expenses, and projected
profitability. Highlight any key financial metrics or milestones. Briefly mention your funding needs, if

Funding requirements
If seeking funding, outline your funding requirements, including the amount needed, its purpose,
and the potential sources of funding you are considering. Summarize the expected return on
investment for potential investors.

The reach and accessibility of online engagement provides insights into the needs, priorities and
capabilities of local communities and ensures investment is based on the expressed needs of the
community. Through improved, open communications, it makes for better policy making. In short,
for better, more informed decisions. This is the main purpose of GigMatch – to serve stakeholders
trusting that all were filtered for their satisfaction, safety and mutual benefit.

Engaging online allows for a wider, more diverse range of services, which provides new, relevant pool of
manpower to contribute in the Gig economy. Unpacking skils in greater detail, it provides wider range of
options to satisfy the need of clients. With the GigMatch platform for stakeholders and opportunities of
bridging provided by GigMatch - a more collaborative, deeper dialogue, digital engagement fosters trust
and unearths underlying insecurity around process, systems and platform affectivity for stakeholders.

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