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Kayla E. Bronzal Ms. Jessica C.

10 – Locsin English 10
April 04 2023 SY 2022-2023

Should social media have stricter age requirements?

In our today's generation. most the people especially the youth tend to use it

especially in surfing social media anytime and anywhere. It can be in school, at home,

workplace, etc. Young, and the elder tend to use their gadgets without any limitations or

boundaries. This is why the age requirement should be done.

First of all, everything is visible on social media, so sensitive content is inevitable

here.According to research 54% of children of age under 13 years old when they first saw

such as pornograhy, adult content , and more inappropriate content. Which is not for

young people because it may cause mentally and emotional damage to them. Even though

social media have this content. we cannot deny that social media help us especially when

it comes to knowledge. like youtube or any platforms, children always use to watch fairy

tail stories or nursery songs which help their minds and attitude.While it is true that social

media help young people to develop their humanity and knowledge, social media should

have a limit for those persons who will use it.

During the pandemic, we had a limit to socializing with others, such as our friends

or distant relatives. so using social media, we try to look forward to someone to befriend,

especially young people, who try to socialize on social media, which are not safe because

it may cause risks such as sexual abuse and collection of their personal information. But
because of loneliness a lot of people, mostly the youth, prefer to socialize on social media

to have a lot of friends. Although I grant that to develop the socialization of that person, I

still insist that social media should have safety protocols for the users.

Nowadays, our society is changing. Social media is where people live bases. It

causes discrimination, violence, and some crime. According to the article, Cyberbullying

affects young people to have suicidal thoughts, self-harm, and mental problems, Which is

not for them. But social media helps us to communicate and stay updated with family and

friends. We can find new friends and communities and network with people who share

similar interests or ambitions. Join or promote worthwhile causes and raise awareness on

important issues.Although I agree that social media helps young people socialize with

others, I cannot accept the overall conclusion that social media give a sense of true peace

and happiness.

According to Dr. Jose Rizal, “The youth is the hope of our fatherland,” so let us

protect and guide them not to neglect them, be a good model for them and let social

media have restricted age requirements.

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