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BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769

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Cysteine becomes conditionally essential during hypobaric hypoxia and T

regulates adaptive neuro-physiological responses through CBS/H2S pathway
Shalini Mishraa, Gaurav Kumara, Aastha Chhabraa, Niroj Kumar Sethya, Neha Jaina,

Ram Niwas Meenaa, Rajkumar Tulsawanib, Dipti N. Prasadc, Bhuvnesh Kumara, Manish Sharmaa,
Peptide and Proteomics Division, Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), DRDO, Delhi 110054, India
Chemistry Division, Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), DRDO, Delhi 110054, India
Neurobiology Division, Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), DRDO, Delhi 110054, India


Keywords: Brain is well known for its disproportionate oxygen consumption and high energy-budget for optimal func-
Hypobaric hypoxia tioning. The decrease in oxygen supply to brain, thus, necessitates rapid activation of adaptive pathways – the
Brain absence of which manifest into vivid pathological conditions. Amongst these, oxygen sensing in glio-vascular
Glio-vascular unit milieu and H2S-dependent compensatory increase in cerebral blood flow (CBF) is a major adaptive response. We
had recently demonstrated that the levels of H2S were significantly decreased during chronic hypobaric hypoxia
Cystathionine beta synthase
(HH)-induced neuro-pathological effects. The mechanistic basis of this phenomenon, however, remained to be
Hydrogen sulfide
deciphered. We, here, describe experimental evidence for marked limitation of cysteine during HH – both in
animal model as well as human volunteers ascending to high altitude. We show that the preservation of brain
cysteine level, employing cysteine pro-drug (N-acetyl-L-cysteine, NAC), markedly curtailed effects of HH – not
only on endogenous H2S levels but also, impairment of spatial reference memory in our animal model. We,
further, present multiple lines of experimental evidence that the limitation of cysteine was causally governed by
physiological propensity of brain to utilize cysteine, in cystathionine beta synthase (CBS)-dependent manner,
past its endogenous replenishment potential. Notably, decrease in the levels of brain cysteine manifested despite
positive effect (up-regulation) of HH on endogenous cysteine maintenance pathways and thus, qualifying cy-
steine as a conditionally essential nutrient (CEN) during HH. In brief, our data supports an adaptive, physio-
logical role of CBS-mediated cysteine-utilization pathway – activated to increase endogenous levels of H2S – for
optimal responses of brain to hypobaric hypoxia.

1. Introduction Taking cognizance of said bioenergetics considerations, it is not

difficult to envisage an inherent vulnerability of brain to systemic or
Brain is established to have a huge energy budget and a distinctively local hypoxia (the decrease in levels of oxygen). Besides numerous
high rate of basal metabolism even in its resting state [1]. Intriguingly, pathological conditions (including stroke, asphyxia, traumatic brain
despite 2% of the body weight, a healthy brain receives nearly 15% of injury), the unique environmental conditions prevailing at high altitude
total cardiac output [2] and accounts for disproportionate fraction (hypobaria or reduced atmospheric pressure) naturally predispose brain
(~20%) of whole body oxygen consumption [1]. The oxygen delivered to hypoxic challenge and possible pathological effects (such as acute
to brain cells is utilized in complete glucose oxidation pathway (oxi- mountain sickness, high altitude cerebral edema and cognitive im-
dative phosphorylation) and consequent generation of ATP – whose pairment amongst others) in the event of inadequate adaptation [6–8].
continuous generation and optimal availability in brain is critical for At optimal steady state (homeostasis), however, hypoxia induces the
sustaining energy-intensive electro-physiological processes [3,4]. Re- activation of highly evolved physiological mechanisms (endogenous to
cent studies have shown that such high rate of oxidative basal meta- brain), which function to restore optimal supply of oxygen to brain
bolism is a dire necessity for maintaining the very state of consciousness cells. Amongst these, hypoxic cerebral autoregulation – functionally
(responsiveness) in an organism [5]. manifesting in cell types (astrocytes and endothelial cells) composing

Corresponding author at: Peptide & Proteomics Division, Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), DRDO, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi
110054, India.
E-mail address: (M. Sharma).
Received 6 September 2019; Received in revised form 2 February 2020; Accepted 12 March 2020
Available online 14 March 2020
0925-4439/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Mishra, et al. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769

glio-vascular units – is one of the earliest to be activated with decrease guidelines from ‘Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision
in cerebral oxygen content. This phenomenon – intricately involved in of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA)’ were strictly followed during
hypoxia sensing in brain – ensures rapid vasodilation and increased execution of experiments. The animals (4 rats per cage) were main-
cerebral blood flow (CBF), in response to decreased levels of oxygen, tained under optimum conditions of temperature (25 ± 2 °C), relative
through elevated production of H2S [9]. This process, in effect, aug- humidity (55 ± 2%), food and water (ad libitum). They were exposed
ments oxygen delivery to brain cells by elevating RBC flux across spe- to 12 hr light and dark cycle in the animal house.
cific regions of brain. Consistent with this natural propensity, inter-
estingly, several reports, published during past five decades, have 2.2. Human studies and ethics statement
described strong evidence for early elevation of CBF and thus, increase
in oxygen delivery to brain in human subjects ascending to high alti- Human studies were conducted in strict compliance with the ethical
tude [10,11]. standards of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). An informed
A significant fraction of endogenous H2S in brain is produced by the consent was obtained from the subjects as per ‘Declaration of Helsinki’.
transsulfuration pathway enzyme cystathionine β-synthase, CBS [12]. The fasting blood samples were collected, in EDTA vacutainers (Becton
CBS utilizes cysteine and/or homocysteine as its substrate and is prin- Dickinson), from healthy (without any pre-existing clinical condition,
cipally expressed in astrocytes [12] – the major cell type involved in non-smokers) male volunteers (n = 12), 22–30 years of age. These
H2S production during hypoxia sensing in brain. Interestingly, utilizing samples were collected after 7 days of ascent to Loma (4358 m above
an animal model of hypobaric hypoxia, we had recently shown that the sea level), Ladakh, India on the morning of 8th day. For normoxic
exposure of animals to hypobaric hypoxia (HH, 7620 m) led to a sig- controls, equal number of healthy, age-matched, male subjects were
nificant decrease in the levels of H2S in brain. Under such conditions, included and blood samples collected (following similar protocol) at
we observed conspicuous glio-vascular dysfunction – cumulatively Pathankot, Punjab, India (332 m above sea level).
evident with activated astrocytes (increased GFAP expression), brain
endothelial cells (increased vWF and sICAM-1 expression) and marked 2.3. Hypobaric hypoxia exposure
loss of astrocyte end feet-basal lamina connection (loss of aquaporin 4-
laminin co-localization). Notably, further, we observed significantly The animals were exposed to simulated hypobaric hypoxia at a
diminished neuro-vascular coupling, as evident from the loss of func- constant pressure of 282 Torr (equivalent to an altitude of 7620 m, 8%
tional hyperemia responses (studied by whisker-stimulation model) and O2) in the decompression chamber for 1, 3 and 7 days. The rate of
also, neuro-pathological responses (evident from neuronal apoptosis in ascent and descent to altitude was kept constant at 300 m/min. Fresh
hippocampal region, concomitant with significant decline in spatial air was continuously flushed at a fixed rate of 8 L/min to prevent CO2
reference memory) during such hypobaric hypoxia conditions [13]. build-up inside the chamber. The temperature and relative humidity of
Interestingly, the augmentation of endogenous H2S levels (utilizing an the chamber were maintained, respectively, at 25 ± 2 °C and
exogenous donor) markedly prevented adverse effects of hypobaric 55 ± 2%. The animals were exposed to 12 h of light and dark cycle in
hypoxia on said glio-vascular and neuro-vascular dysfunctions, sug- the hypobaric hypoxia chamber to maintain circadian cycle (matching
gesting functional role of H2S under these conditions [13]. normoxic controls). The chamber was opened once daily at a fixed time
While we could implicate functional involvement of H2S (as de- for 15–20 min to monitor health of animals, administer drug and refill
scribed above) during pathological responses of brain under hypobaric food/water. The animals from the normoxic groups (with or without
hypoxia challenge, the mechanistic basis for decrease in brain H2S le- drug treatment) were kept at normal atmospheric pressure under si-
vels (in these settings) remained to be established. In the current study, milar conditions.
we sought to investigate the basis of this phenomenon and present
experimental evidence that the exposure to hypobaric hypoxia culmi- 2.4. Drug administration
nates in marked decrease in the levels of cysteine – both in rat brain as
well as blood samples from human volunteers ascending to high alti- The animals, as per their assigned group, received a daily dose of
tude. This cysteine deficit functionally regulated lowered levels of en- Sodium hydrogen sulfide, NaHS (Cayman chemical), N-Acetyl L-
dogenous H2S as well as hypobaric hypoxia-induced neuro-pathological Cysteine (NAC, Sigma) and/or Aminooxyacetic acid hemihydrochloride
responses in our animal model. Interestingly, we further demonstrate (AOAA, Sigma) during complete hypobaric hypoxia exposure. NaHS
that the decrease in brain cysteine levels was not due to inhibitory ef- was dissolved fresh in 1.5 M PBS (pH 7.4) and administered (in-
fects of HH on endogenous cysteine maintenance pathways but instead, traperitoneal) at a dose of 4 mg/kg of body weight per day, as described
due to intrinsic physiological propensity for over-utilization of cysteine previously [13]. NAC, dissolved in saline (0.9% NaCl, pH adjusted to
by CBS-mediated biological processes during hypobaric hypoxia con- 7.4 utilizing 2 N NaOH), was gavaged (orally) at a dose of 300 mg per
ditions. We utilize CBS-inhibitor, AOAA, to experimentally support this kg of body weight per day [14–16], beginning 3 days prior to HH ex-
proposition in the animal model. We, further, show that the cysteine posure. AOAA was prepared in saline (pH adjusted to 7.4 utilizing 1 N
pro-drug (NAC) – which effectively maintained endogenous levels of NaOH) and administered intraperitoneal (starting from the day of HH
cysteine despite its elevated utilization during HH – markedly pre- exposure) at a dose of 5 mg per kg of body weight per day [17]. The
vented HH-induced decrease in brain H2S levels as well as neuro-pa- non-drug groups received parallel treatment with the vehicle (matched)
thological effects observed under such conditions. In view of these through similar route.
observations, we propose cysteine as a conditionally essential factor,
necessitating supplementation for optimal brain responses to hypobaric 2.5. Morris water maze (MWM) test
MWM test was performed to assess spatial reference memory of
2. Methods animals as described previously [18]. Briefly, the animals were trained
to learn spatial location of a hidden platform in a circular water tank.
2.1. Animal model and ethics statement During the 5 day-training period, each rat was subjected to 4 sessions of
learning per day with an interval of 5 min between two trials. The rats
Male Sprague Dawley rats weighing 220–250 g were obtained from were gently placed in a different quadrant of water tank during each
Animal House Facility, Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied trial with face towards the wall. The starting point in each quadrant was
Sciences (DIPAS, DRDO), Delhi. The study design was approved by the kept fixed for all the animals. The animals were trained to search for a
‘Animal Ethical Committee’ of the Institute (DIPAS, DRDO). All the submerged platform permanently located in the center of first quadrant.

S. Mishra, et al. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769

On reaching the platform, rats were allowed to sit for 30 s, dried of 5 animals were recorded and depicted as bar graphs shown in the
completely and then, placed back in their cage. In the event of failure to figure.
reach the platform within 60 s, the animals were manually guided to
the platform. An overhead camera coupled to a computer-assisted 2.10. Cerebral blood flow measurement and functional hyperemia analysis
tracking system, ANY-Maze (Stoelting, USA) was used to record the
position of animal in the water tank. Latency (time taken by animal to Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was measured employing laser Doppler
reach the hidden platform) and path length (distance travelled by an- flowmetry as per established protocol [21]. Briefly, animals were an-
imal to reach the platform) were recorded during the experiments. esthetized with ketamine (50 mg per kg body weight, i.p.) and their
Probe trial (PT) was conducted after 5 days of training (on the 6th day, skull was exposed. To measure CBF, the skull was thinned to translu-
just before initiation of HH exposure). For this test, the platform from cency at Bregma coordinates AP: 3.0 mm; L: 7.0 mm using stereotaxic
tank was removed and parameters, including latency (time taken by the micro motor high-speed drill (Stoelting, USA). A needle probe (TSD144,
animal to first arrive to the coordinates where platform was placed BIOPAC Inc., USA) was stably held at this region to monitor the total
during training) and path length (distance travelled by rat to reach blood cell flux (the red blood cells travelling through this region be-
these coordinates) were recorded. After HH exposure, animals from all tween particular time duration). LDF100C (Laser Doppler blood per-
the groups were subjected to MWM test, conducted with the platform in fusion monitor, BIOPAC Inc., USA) was used to measure CBF with stable
place (at the center of first quadrant). Latency and path length were readings for 5 min. The mean blood perfusion unit (BPU) was calculated
recorded and analyzed. utilizing AcqKnowledge software (BIOPAC) where BPU is defined as an
arbitrary unit used to express the total blood cell flux. It is proportional
2.6. Cysteine and methionine estimation by RP-HPLC analysis to the product of mean velocity and number of blood cells travelling
through this specific region. For functional hyperemia studies, the
The brain tissue (cortex) was lysed in RIPA buffer (Sigma) and de- whisker stimulation method was utilized and adapted from previously
proteinized utilizing 10% perchloric acid. The supernatant was passed published protocols [13,22]. Briefly, the whiskers of animals were sti-
through 0.2 μm filter before utilizing for RP-HPLC analysis. The in- mulated for 10–15 min using a fine brush and the mean BPU was es-
strument was equipped with 515 HPLC pump, 717 plus auto-sampler timated employing laser Doppler flowmetry.
and 2487 PDA detector (Waters Corporation, USA). The separation was
achieved utilizing PicoTag 3.9 mm × 300 mm column by maintaining 2.11. Western blotting
isocratic flow rate of 1 ml per min for the mobile phase (40 mM am-
monium phosphate, 8 mM heptane sulphonic acid and 3.6% acetoni- 30 μg of protein extracted from brain tissues or 10 μg of plasma
trile). The concentration of cysteine and methionine in the tissue protein samples were separated on SDS-PAGE and transferred onto
samples were estimated by comparing to respective standards and the PVDF membrane. The membrane was blocked with 5% BSA overnight
data presented as the fraction of amino acid amount observed in nor- at 4 °C and incubated with specific primary antibodies at specified di-
moxic groups. lutions, namely CBS (ab96252, Abcam) at 1:1000 (tissue samples) or
1:2000 (plasma samples) working dilution; EAAT1 (ab416, Abcam) at
2.7. Biochemical estimation of cysteine 1:1500 working dilution; EAAT2 (ab41621, Abcam) at 1:1500 working
dilution; xCT (PA-1-16893, ThermoFisher) at 1:1500 working dilution;
The levels of cysteine in samples obtained from animals (plasma, β-Actin (SAB2100037, Sigma) at 1:5000 working dilution and Tubulin
brain tissues) and human volunteers (plasma) were estimated utilizing (STJ96142, St. John's Laboratory) at 1:3000 working dilution for 2 h at
a commercially available fluorometric kit (ab211099, Abcam) fol- 25 °C followed by incubation with suitable HRP-conjugated secondary
lowing manufacturer's protocol. antibody (A0545, Sigma) at 1:15000 or 1:20000 working dilutions. The
blots were, subsequently, developed using SuperSignal™ West Femto
2.8. Homocysteine estimation Maximum Sensitivity Substrate (Thermo Scientific, 34095). The re-
lative expression between various groups was calculated utilizing nor-
The levels of homocysteine in the brain tissues (cortex, PFC, hip- malized mean intensities (specific target/internal control) – estimated
pocampus) and plasma samples were measured utilizing commercially utilizing widely used software, Image J ( –
available kits, namely homocysteine ELISA kit (STA-670, Cell Biolabs and represented as bar graphs (summarizing data from 3 independent
Inc.) and fluorometric assay kit (K531, BioVision Incorporated) re- experiments).
spectively, following manufacturer's protocol.
2.12. Immunofluorescence assays
2.9. H2S estimation
Rats were trans-cardially perfused with 0.01 M ice-cold PBS under
The levels of H2S were measured employing amperometric H2S- anesthesia (ketamine, 50 mg per kg body weight and xylazine, 10 mg
specific probe [19,20]. The H2S sensor (ISO-H2S-100-CXX) was con- per kg body weight, i.p.) and fixed using 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA),
nected to free radical analyzer (TBR1025, World Precision Instruments, prepared in 0.01 M PBS. The whole brain was isolated and stored in 4%
USA) and polarized in 0.01 M PBS to obtain a stable background current PFA. For immunofluorescence studies, the intact brain tissue was
within the range of 0.1 to 2 nA. The calibration curve was, subse- treated with increasing sequential concentration of sucrose (10%, 20%
quently, prepared utilizing sodium sulfide (Na2S) at varying con- for 24 h and 30% for 48–72 h). The tissue samples were, subsequently,
centrations (100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 nM). For H2S estimation in cut at 30-μm thickness in the hippocampal region using a cryostat. The
the brain tissues, rats were anesthetized (ketamine, 50 mg per kg body brain sections were washed with PBST (PBS with 0.1% Triton X-100)
weight and xylazine, 10 mg per kg body weight, i.p.) and trans-cardially and heat-induced antigen retrieval was done using sodium citrate
perfused using 0.01 M ice-cold PBS to completely remove blood from containing 0.05% Tween 20 (pH 6.0). Sections were blocked in 3% BSA
the brain tissues. The tissue samples were isolated, snap-frozen in liquid for 1 h at room temperature and incubated overnight (at 4 °C) with
nitrogen and homogenized at a concentration of 40 mg/ml in de-gassed desired primary antibody – GFAP (ab7260, Abcam) at 1:1000 working
0.01 M PBS containing 50 μM diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid dilution; vWF (ab6994, Abcam) at 1:500 working dilution; Aquaporin 4
(DTPA). The supernatant was collected and H2S estimation performed (ab9512, Abcam) at 1:500 working dilution and Laminin (STJ93894,
utilizing the polarized sensor. A minimum of three dilutions per sample St. John's laboratory) at 1:500 working dilution. Following this, sec-
was utilized for estimation. For each group, H2S levels from a minimum tions were incubated with appropriate Alexa Fluor labeled secondary

S. Mishra, et al. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769

antibody (A11034, A11037, A11029, ThermoFisher), at working dilu- experiments as well, we observed that hypobaric hypoxia culminated in
tion of 1:1000, for 2 h at room temperature and counterstained with significant decrease in the levels of cysteine (Fig. 1G) and homocysteine
4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI, Sigma) utilized at a concentra- (Fig. 1H) in the brain (cortex).
tion of 2 μg/ml. The sections were then mounted using gelatin-based Since we had observed effects of hypobaric hypoxia on memory, we
mounting media and imaged under fluorescence microscope (Olympus also estimated the levels of cysteine and homocysteine in the major
BX61, Japan) with attached digital camera. Confocal microscope regions (hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, PFC) of brain regulating
(Andor Technology, USA) was utilized to image co-labeled immuno- this phenomenon (Fig. 1I–L). Consistent with our observations made in
fluorescence sections. A minimum of 3 sections from each animal of a Fig. 1E–H, we observed a significant reduction in the levels of cysteine
group (containing 3 animals) was acquired to obtain at least 2–4 dis- (Fig. 1I & K) and homocysteine (Fig. 1J & L), respectively in hippo-
tinct, random fields per section (preferably from both hemispheres). campus and PFC as well.
Intensity thresholding method was used to quantitate mean intensities We further sought to determine if the phenomenon observed in
utilizing Image J, NIH, USA ( brain could also be recapitulated utilizing plasma samples obtained
from animals exposed to hypobaric hypoxia. Intriguingly, as shown in
2.13. Statistical analysis Fig. 1M–P, the increase in levels of expression of CBS (Fig. 1M & N) and
the decrease in levels of cysteine (Fig. 1O) and homocysteine (Fig. 1P)
Acquisitions of various experimental data were performed in an could also be observed in plasma samples of the animals challenged
unbiased manner. Statistical analyses were done using Prism 6 software with hypobaric hypoxia.
(GraphPad, San Diego, CA). Data in bar graphs are expressed as
Mean ± standard deviation (SD). Mean values between two groups 3.2. Evidence for reduction in the levels of free cysteine in human volunteers
were compared employing two-tailed, unpaired Student's t-test. ascending to high altitude
Multiple group comparisons were done utilizing one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) with Tukey's post-hoc test. For Morris water maze In view of encouraging observations made with plasma samples of
assay, the post hoc analysis, to compare the differences between groups, animals exposed to hypobaric hypoxia, we sought to test the general
wherever found significant, was performed using Bonferroni multiple significance of phenomenon pertaining to levels of CBS, cysteine and
comparison test. p-value < 0.05 was considered as statistically sig- homocysteine (as described in Fig. 1) in plasma samples from human
nificant. volunteers ascending to high altitude (hypobaric hypoxia). We, there-
fore, estimated the levels of CBS, free cysteine and homocysteine in
3. Results plasma samples collected from human individuals, after 7 days of as-
cent to high altitude (4358 m). As evident from Fig. 2A and B, the
3.1. Chronic hypobaric hypoxia culminates in marked lowering of cysteine expression of CBS was significantly elevated in individuals ascending to
levels in brain high altitude (HA), as compared to samples obtained from individuals
at sea level (SL). We further observed that the levels of free cysteine and
As described above, we previously observed that the exposure of homocysteine were markedly reduced in these individuals (HA) in
animals (rat) to hypobaric hypoxia lowered the levels of H2S in brain comparison to normoxic (SL) controls (Fig. 2C & D). Taken together,
and this phenomenon causally regulated early gliovascular dysfunction our observations (Figs. 1 & 2) suggested a conserved biological response
and impending neuro-pathological effects [13]. We, therefore, sought (of increase in the expression of CBS and decrease in the levels of free
to understand the mechanistic basis of this critical phenomenon, uti- cysteine) during exposure to hypobaric hypoxia.
lizing our animal (rat) model. The scheme of experiments is depicted in
Fig. 1A. We began by investigating the levels of expression of CBS – the 3.3. Increased expression of cystine-glutamate anti-porter (xCT) and
key enzyme responsible for H2S generation in brain [23] – under hy- sodium-dependent glutamate transporters (EAAT1 & 2) in hypoxic brain
poxic conditions. As evident from western blotting data depicted in
Fig. 1B & C, we observed that the expression of CBS increased sig- We, next, sought to investigate the possible reason for decrease in
nificantly in response to HH, at all time points studied (1, 3 and 7 days the levels of brain cysteine, during hypobaric hypoxia, utilizing our
post HH exposure). This observation is consistent with a previous report animal model. Two critical biological processes continuously function
[24] demonstrating increased expression of CBS (transcript and pro- to maintain cellular cysteine pools (diagrammatically depicted in
tein) in neuronal cell lines during hypoxia and its regulation by HIF-1α Fig. 3A). These include methionine (an essential amino acid)-dependent
– the master regulator of hypoxic gene expression. Intrigued by such de novo biosynthesis and xCT (cystine-glutamate anti-porter)-mediated
apparently conflicting observations (increased CBS expression but de- in-flux of cystine into cytoplasm from extracellular regions [25]. We,
creased H2S levels in brain), we next estimated the endogenous levels of therefore, studied the possible effects of HH on both these processes in
cysteine – substrate utilized by CBS for generation of H2S – in brain, brain. The scheme of experiment is diagrammatically depicted in
employing RP-HPLC (Fig. 1D & E). As shown in Fig. 1E, we re- Fig. 3B. As shown in Fig. 3C, we did not observe significant change in
producibly observed that the levels of endogenous cysteine decreased the endogenous levels of methionine after 1 day of exposure to hypo-
significantly in the cortical region of brain under HH conditions (post 1, baric hypoxia (HH) – a time point at which the levels of cysteine were
3 and 7 days of HH exposure), raising a possibility that substrate lim- significantly lowered in brain (Fig. 1E). We inferred these datasets
itation during HH could be the likely reason for decreased levels of H2S (Figs. 1E and 3C) as suggesting that HH-induced lowering of en-
in brain. dogenous levels of cysteine was unlikely due to limitation of methio-
Since CBS also utilizes homocysteine as its substrate, we ad- nine, at least at this stage, in brain.
ditionally measured the levels of homocysteine in brain (cortex) under We next studied effect of HH on the expression of xCT (protein),
these conditions. As shown in Fig. 1F, we observed that the levels of employing western blotting assays, in brain samples. As shown in
homocysteine were modestly reduced during HH, as compared to nor- Fig. 3D, we reproducibly observed increase in the expression of this
moxic animals. This observation appears consistent with the phenom- anti-porter protein in response to hypobaric hypoxia. In this regard, it is
enon of increased expression (and in every likelihood activity) of CBS interesting to note that HIF-1α – the master regulator of hypoxia re-
(homocysteine utilizing enzyme). sponses [26] – has been shown to regulate the expression of this
We additionally validated this important observation (pertaining to transporter [27,28].
levels of CBS substrate) in independent experiments, employing a dif- Being a cationic amino-acid anti-porter, import of each cystine by
ferent technical approach (biochemical estimation). In these xCT comes at the cost of one glutamate molecule exported out of cells

S. Mishra, et al. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769

A. G. I. K.
Acclimatization HH
Blood collection
Days -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Brain tissue isolation

CBS, CYS and

Sacrifice (S) S S S HCYS estimation
H. J. L.
B. 91 kDa C.
71 kDa
55 kDa
36 kDa

55 kDa
36 kDa
M. O.


95 kDa
72 kDa
(Plasma) 55 kDa
35 kDa
E. F.
72 kDa
55 kDa
35 kDa

Fig. 1. Hypobaric hypoxia modulates H2S generation pathway in brain. A) Diagrammatic representation of experimental scheme. B) Representative western im-
munoblot showing expression of CBS in brain of animals exposed to hypobaric hypoxia for 1, 3 and 7 days. β-Actin was employed as internal control for sample
loading. C) Bar graph representing normalized mean intensities (CBS expression normalized to β-Actin signal) at indicated time points (n = 3). The signal intensities
were calculated utilizing Image J, NIH. D) Representative RP-HPLC chromatogram showing retention time (in min) of amino acids, cysteine and methionine. AU:
Arbitrary units. E) Bar graph depicting relative changes (fraction of normoxic controls) in the levels of cysteine, in rat brain, after 1, 3 and 7 days of hypobaric
hypoxia exposure, n = 3. F) Bar graph representing relative changes (fraction of normoxic controls) in the levels of homocysteine in brain tissues of animals exposed
to normoxia or hypobaric hypoxia (1 Day), n = 3. G–H) Bar graphs representing the levels of cysteine, cys (G) and homocysteine, hcys (H) in cortex of animals
exposed for 1 day to HH, n = 3. I–J) Bar graphs representing the levels of cysteine (I) and homocysteine (J) in hippocampus of animals exposed for 1 day to HH,
n = 3. K–L) Bar graphs representing the levels of cysteine (K) and homocysteine (L) in prefrontal cortex of animals exposed for 1 day to HH, n = 3. M) Bar graph
representing the normalized mean intensities (CBS expression normalized to tubulin signal) in plasma samples of animals exposed to 1 and 7 days of HH exposure,
n = 3. N) Representative western immunoblot showing expression of CBS and tubulin (internal control for sample loading) in plasma of animals exposed for 1 and
7 days to HH. O–P) Bar graphs representing the levels of cysteine (O) and homocysteine (P) in plasma of animals exposed for 1 day to HH (n = 3). Mean ± SD values
are shown. *p ˂ 0.05, **p ˂ 0.01, ***p ˂ 0.001. Abbreviations – Normoxic control (N); Hypobaric Hypoxia exposure for 1 day (HH_1D), 3 days (HH_3D) and 7 days

and thus, increasing the possibility of glutamate build-up in extra- 3.4. Excessive endogenous utilization of cysteine diminishes its levels in the
cellular regions, if not removed promptly (by astrocytes). The elevated hypoxic brain
concentration of glutamate, a critical excitatory amino acid, under such
settings has been shown to culminate in excito-toxic neuronal damage Our observations till this stage presented an intriguing paradigm
[28]. In astrocytes, EAATs are important class of sodium-dependent involving decreased levels of endogenous cysteine in hypoxic brain
glutamate transporters – which can potentially offset building gluta- despite increased expression of proteins (CBS, xCT, EAAT1 & 2) in-
mate levels in wake of increased xCT activity. We, therefore, examined volved in maintenance of endogenous cysteine levels under these con-
the levels of expression of EAAT1 & 2 in response to HH exposure. As ditions. We, therefore, sought to experimentally test a hypothesis that
shown in Fig. 3E & F, the expression of EAAT1 & 2 were also increased cellular cysteine was being excessively utilized – beyond the homeo-
in the brain, under hypobaric hypoxia conditions. Taken together, our static replenishment capacity of brain cells – in wake of elevated phy-
experiments (Fig. 3C–F) clearly suggested that the pathways involved in siological requirement of H2S during hypobaric hypoxia. If valid, three
maintenance of cellular cysteine levels were not inhibited (and rather independent approaches, in principle, would be expected to augment
positively modulated) under hypobaric hypoxia conditions. steady state levels of the substrate (cysteine) – being utilized by the

S. Mishra, et al. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769

Fig. 2. Ascent to high altitude modulates levels of

CBS, free cysteine and homocysteine in human vo-
A. SL HA_7D B. lunteers. A) Representative western immunoblot
1 2 3 1 2 3 showing expression of CBS in plasma samples from
95 kDa human volunteers at sea level and after 7 days of
stay at high altitude (4358 m). Tubulin was em-
72 kDa ployed as internal control for sample loading. B) Box
55 kDa plot representing normalized mean intensities (CBS
expression normalized to Tubulin) in indicated
groups, n = 10. C–D) Box plots representing the
35 kDa levels of cysteine, n = 12 (C) and homocysteine,
n = 10 (D) as estimated in plasma samples of human

Tubulin 55 kDa volunteers from indicated groups. **p ˂ 0.01, ***p ˂

0.001. Abbreviations – Sea Level (SL), High Altitude
exposure for 7 Days (HA_7D).
35 kDa

C. D.

enzyme (CBS) to generate H2S. These included: 1) direct augmentation This observation underscores the natural propensity of brain to increase
of substrate, 2) inhibition of enzyme utilizing the substrate and 3) H2S for optimal acclimatization to HH and also, the dependence of this
supplementation of product to shift the equilibrium towards substrate phenomenon on endogenous cysteine levels (understandably, thus, the
side. As diagrammatically depicted in Fig. 4A, we utilized a cysteine potential to become limiting factor during HH).
pro-drug, NAC (to directly increase cellular cysteine pool), a pharma- We had previously shown that H2S is critical for CBF dynamics and
cological inhibitor of CBS, AOAA, and a fast-acting H2S donor, NaHS, in functional hyperemia responses during hypobaric hypoxia conditions
our animal model, followed by careful measurements of levels of cy- [13]. We, therefore, next sought to investigate the cerebral blood flow,
steine and methionine in the brain (Fig. 4B–D) under normoxic or HH employing laser Doppler flowmetry and functional hyperemia re-
conditions. As evident from Fig. 4B, the oral administration of NAC sponses, employing whisker stimulation model, under these conditions
(prior to hypoxic challenge) markedly curtailed HH-induced lowering (HH exposure with or without NAC pre-treatment). As shown in Fig. 5C,
of endogenous brain cysteine levels. Notably, further, this treatment did we observed marked increase in the CBF in animals supplemented with
not produce any significant change in the endogenous methionine level NAC in response to HH challenge. Notably, CBF in the NAC-treated
(Fig. 4B). Interestingly, the pre-treatment of animals with both AOAA normoxic animals was only modestly elevated. Cumulatively, we in-
(Fig. 4C) and NaHS (Fig. 4D) also resulted in marked increase in cy- ferred these results as suggesting that the propensity for increasing CBF
steine levels in the brain, under HH conditions, with no significant is an inherent, physiological brain-response to HH and critically gov-
change in endogenous methionine levels. Taken together (Fig. 4B–D), erned by endogenous levels of H2S and cysteine.
thus, we inferred these results as supporting two important phenomena We, additionally, studied the functional hyperemia responses –
manifesting in brain: 1) a somewhat disproportionate utilization of critical for multiple higher order neurological functions – utilizing
cysteine – far exceeding the endogenous replenishment potential – whisker stimulation model [13,22]. For the same objective, we re-
during exposure to hypobaric hypoxia and 2) the involvement of H2S- corded the relative changes in cerebral blood flow in contralateral
generating enzyme (CBS) in consuming cysteine under these conditions. cortex after rhythmic whisker stimulation (functional hyperemia). We
observed that such functional hyperemia responses were significantly
better in the animals pre-treated with NAC, in both normoxic and HH
3.5. Cysteine supplementation preserves the levels of endogenous H2S and environment, as compared to untreated (Fig. 5D & E). These observa-
cerebral blood flow dynamics during hypobaric hypoxia tions further supported the efficacy of maintaining cysteine levels
during exposure to hypobaric hypoxia.
Since the prior administration of cysteine pro-drug, NAC, effectively
maintained brain cysteine levels during hypobaric hypoxia, we next
sought to establish its effects on the levels of H2S in brain as well as 3.6. NAC preserves glio-vascular homeostasis during hypobaric hypoxia in a
cerebral blood flow (CBF) dynamics – a process that we previously CBS-dependent manner
demonstrated to be dependent on endogenous H2S levels during hy-
pobaric hypoxia [13]. The experimental scheme is diagrammatically NAC is reported to produce beneficial effects in brain under multiple
presented in Fig. 5A. As shown in Fig. 5B, augmentation of cysteine (by pathological conditions – including hypobaric hypoxia [29]. In view of
NAC) markedly prevented HH-induced decrease in brain H2S levels. our observations that NAC augmented cysteine and H2S during HH, we

S. Mishra, et al. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769

A. B. Acclimatization HH
Methionine estimation,
Days -1 0 1 Brain Tissue isolation
xCT, EAAT1 and EAAT2
expression study

Sacrifice (S) S

D. E. F.

95 kDa
72 kDa 95 kDa
72 kDa
55 kDa EAAT1 72 kDa
55 kDa EAAT2
xCT 55 kDa
C. 36 kDa
36 kDa
28 kDa 36 kDa

55 kDa 55 kDa
55 kDa -Actin
36 kDa 36 kDa
36 kDa

Fig. 3. Evidence for increase in the expression of major cationic transporters (involved in cysteine dynamics) in brain during hypobaric hypoxia. A) Diagrammatic
representation of transsulfuration and cystine transport pathways. B) Diagrammatic representation of experimental scheme. C) Bar graph representing relative
changes (fraction of normoxic controls) in the levels of methionine (as estimated through RP-HPLC) in brain tissues of animals exposed to normoxia or hypobaric
hypoxia for 1 day (n = 3). D–F) Representative western immunoblots and corresponding bar graphs showing change in mean intensity (expression) of xCT (D),
EAAT1 (E) and EAAT2 (F) in brain tissues of animals exposed to hypobaric hypoxia for 1 day (n = 3). β-Actin was used as loading control. Mean ± SD values are
shown. *p ˂ 0.05, **p ˂ 0.01 and NS - not significant. Abbreviations – CBS: cystathionine β-synthase, CSE: cystathionine-γ-lyase, CR: cystine reductase, xCT: cystine-
glutamate antiporter, EAAT: excitatory amino acid transporter, N: Normoxic control, HH_1D: Hypobaric Hypoxia exposure for 1 day.

sought to determine the CBS-dependence of effects produced by NAC glio-vascular perturbation, the treatment of animals with AOAA under
(cysteine supplementation) during chronic hypobaric hypoxia en- these conditions (NAC supplementation during HH) markedly reversed
vironment. For this objective, we inhibited this enzyme (CBS), em- these effects. Cumulatively, the observations from experiments depicted
ploying AOAA, alongside NAC administration and subsequently, chal- in Fig. 6B–F clearly suggested that CBS was critical for effects produced
lenged these animals with chronic HH stress (7 days, Fig. 6A). Since we by NAC under HH conditions and thus, corroborating our proposition
had previously shown that the pathological effects of HH involve early about role of endogenous H2S during hypobaric hypoxia.
glio-vascular perturbation [13]; we recorded parameters indicating
endothelial dysfunction (vWF expression levels), astrocyte activation
3.7. CBS activity is critical for prevention of HH-induced impairment of
(GFAP expression levels) and structural integrity of glio-vascular units
spatial reference memory by NAC
(Aqp4-laminin dual staining) (Fig. 6B–F) utilizing the brain sections
from animals in various groups (experimental scheme depicted in
We next sought to investigate the CBS-dependence of effects pro-
Fig. 6A and specific groups indicated in individual panels).
duced by cysteine (NAC) supplementation on chronic hypobaric hy-
We observed that the supplementation of NAC to the animals sig-
poxia-induced impairment of spatial reference memory. For the same
nificantly reduced HH-induced endothelial and astrocyte activation – as
objective, we utilized groups as described in Fig. 6 and studied effects
estimated by vWF (Fig. 6B & C) and GFAP (Fig. 6D & E) staining, re-
on spatial reference memory, in these animals, as estimated by Morris
spectively, in brain sections. Interestingly, the inhibition of CBS (em-
water-maze test. The experimental strategy employed in these assays is
ploying AOAA) under these conditions (NAC supplementation) mark-
shown in Fig. 7A. As evident from Fig. 7B & C; by 5th day of training,
edly diminished the efficacy of NAC in preventing endothelial (Fig. 6B
the animals learned to reach the submerged platform utilizing the
& C) and astrocyte activation (Fig. 6D & E), suggesting that CBS activity
shortest possible path (indicated as path length) in minimum time
(and thus, endogenous H2S levels) mediated these effects.
duration (described by latency). The exposure to HH, however, culmi-
We, next, utilized confocal microscopy to study glio-vascular
nated in marked perturbation of this spatial reference memory, as
structural integrity, under these conditions. In a normal physiological
evident from significant increase in the path length and latency
state, the glio-vascular unit comprises of an astrocyte end feet (in-
(Fig. 7D–F). The animals pre-treated with NAC were markedly less af-
dicated by Aqp 4) tightly connected to basal membrane/lamina (in-
fected by exposure to hypobaric hypoxia and navigated significantly
dicated by laminin) through its interaction with Agrin. During specific
faster to the platform in these assays (Fig. 7D–F). Similar to results
neuro-pathophysiological events culminating in glio-vascular pertur-
described in Fig. 6, the treatment of animals with AOAA (CBS in-
bation, a mark disruption of this interaction is observed.
hibitor), however, curtailed the effects of NAC on preservation of higher
Experimentally, such a phenomenon can be observed as markedly
order neurological function (spatial reference memory) during hypoxia.
segregated Laminin and Aqp 4 signals in confocal microscopy. As
Taken together, we inferred that CBS activity was critical for protective
shown in Fig. 6F, while NAC supplementation prevented HH-induced
effects of NAC during chronic hypobaric hypoxia.

S. Mishra, et al. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769

A. B.
NAC Cysteine H2S NaHS


1. Brain Cysteine Estimation

2. Brain Methionine Estimation

Drug Dosage & HH-exposure Schedule

Acclimatization HH
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1

C. D.

Fig. 4. Evidence for excessive utilization of cysteine in CBS-mediated H2S generation pathway during hypobaric hypoxia. A) Diagrammatic representation of the
experimental scheme. B–D) Levels of cysteine and methionine were measured in brain tissue extracts of animals exposed to hypobaric hypoxia for 1 day, in presence
or absence of treatment with NAC (B), AOAA (C) and NaHS (D), employing RP-HPLC. Bar graphs (Mean ± SD) depict changes in the cysteine and methionine levels
(represented as fraction of normoxic control, n = 3). *p ˂ 0.05, ***p ˂ 0.001 and NS - not significant. Abbreviations – CBS: cystathionine β-synthase, NAC: N-
acetylcysteine, AOAA: Aminooxyacetic acid, NaHS: Sodium hydrogen sulfide, N: Normoxic control; HH_1D: 1 day of HH exposure; HH_1D_Cys: NAC pre-treated with
1 day of HH exposure; N_Cys: NAC pre-treated normoxic control, HH_1D_AOAA: AOAA pre-treatment with 1 day of HH exposure; N_AOAA: AOAA pre-treated
normoxic control; HH_1D_NaHS: NaHS pre-treatment with 1 day of HH exposure; N_NaHS: NaHS pre-treated normoxic control.

The findings from current study, as integrating in broad cysteine pathological/stressful conditions, including tumor proliferation/sur-
homeostasis pathway, are diagrammatically represented in Fig. 8 and vival [32] and low-birth-weight preterm infants [33]. It is intriguing
discussed in section below. that both these conditions (solid tumors and gestation) involve hypoxic
microenvironments and thus, raise an interesting possibility for general
association between hypoxia and ensuing cysteine limitation.
4. Discussion Cysteine serves a substrate for CBS (the enzyme involved in en-
dogenous H2S production) in brain and a rate-limiting precursor of GSH
Our data, presented here, revealed three important phenomena: 1) [25,34,35]. Both H2S and GSH are of unparalleled significance for cyto-
The exposure to hypobaric hypoxia culminated in marked decrease in protection and redox homeostasis in the nervous system [36–38]. De-
the endogenous levels of cysteine despite positive regulation of cysteine spite such critical niche, the endogenous levels of free cysteine in brain
maintenance pathways under these conditions, 2) An adaptive pro- are, intriguingly, known to be significantly lower than other organ
pensity to utilize cysteine – in a CBS-dependent manner – causally systems [34,39]. In normal physiological settings, most of the free cy-
regulated its decrease during chronic hypobaric hypoxia exposure and steine appears to be mobilized to GSH synthesis pathway and thus, the
3) The exogenous supplementation of cysteine (employing cysteine pro- levels of GSH, at steady state, is an order of magnitude higher than free
drug, NAC) markedly ameliorated this deficiency during HH and also, cysteine in brain [34]. During hypoxia, the demand for free cysteine
prevented neuro-pathological effects, in a CBS/H2S dependent manner, increases further due to elevated production (cysteine-dependent) of
under these conditions. A factor endogenously produced in sufficient H2S – which not only regulates hypoxic cerebral autoregulation [9] but
amounts to meet requisite physiological needs during normal condi- also GSH synthesis per se by multiple mechanisms [37]. In view of these
tions but requiring supplementation under stressful environmental cues facts, the observation that chronic hypobaric hypoxia strained the in-
is classified as ‘conditionally essential nutrient (CEN)’ [30,31]. Such tracellular cysteine pool appears reasonably plausible. In this regard
supplementation strategy is termed as ‘orthomolecular therapy’ [31]. In (lowering endogenous cysteine pool in hypoxic environment), an in-
view of our observations (described above) and specific considerations dependent support emerges from a recent study [40], which reported
for CEN, it is reasonable to suggest cysteine as a conditionally essential that the levels of free cysteine – from amongst 17 proteogenic amino
factor during chronic hypobaric hypoxia and propose cysteine supple- acids (studied) – decreased significantly in skeletal muscles of human
mentation strategy as a potential orthomolecular therapy for high al- volunteers, 16 days after ascent to high altitude (5260 m). Since we too
titude acclimatization. Notably, similar phenomenon (of L-cysteine be- observed, in the present study, a decrease in the levels of cysteine in
coming conditionally essential) is also known to manifest during other

S. Mishra, et al. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769

A. B.
Acclimatization HH

Days -3 -2 -1 0 1

1) CBF Measurement
2) Brain Tissue Isolation
& H2S Estimation

C. E.

Blood Perfusion Units

N N_Cys

Blood Perfusion Units

Stimulated 1500
1500 Unstimulated

1000 1000

500 500
0 0
Time (sec) Time (sec)

Blood Perfusion Units

Blood Perfusion Units

HH_1D HH_1D_Cys
Stimulated 1500

Unstimulated Stimulated
BPU 1000 Unstimulated
500 500
0 0
Time (sec) Time (sec)

Fig. 5. Restoration of cysteine levels in brain maintains endogenous H2S levels and cerebral blood flow. A) Diagrammatic representation of the experimental scheme.
B) H2S levels in brain were estimated utilizing amperometric probe. Bar graph (Mean ± SD) representing levels of H2S (in μM) in brain tissue extracts of animals
exposed to HH for 1 day, with or without NAC pre-treatment (n = 4). C) Scatter plot representing the changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) of animals exposed to
hypobaric hypoxia for 1 day, with or without NAC pre-treatment. The cerebral blood flow was measured using laser Doppler flowmetry and data represented as blood
perfusion units (BPU, arbitrary unit). D) Bar graph (Mean ± SD) depicting percentage (%) change in BPU after whisker stimulation (represented as % change over
un-stimulated values) of animals in indicated groups (a measure of functional hyperemia responses) (n = 4–6). **p ˂ 0.01, ***p ˂ 0.001 and NS - not significant. E)
Representative overlays of signals recorded before (blue) and after (red) whisker stimulation of animals in indicated groups. Abbreviations – N: Normoxic control;
HH_1D: 1 day HH exposed; HH_1D_Cys: 1 day HH exposed along with NAC pre-treatment; N_Cys: NAC pre-treated normoxic control. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

plasma samples of human volunteers ascending to high altitude pathway has evolved to respond to multiple stressors including oxida-
(Fig. 2C), it appears likely that the phenomenon of cysteine limitation tive stress [42], hypoxia [27], amino acid (cysteine)- and glucose-
manifests beyond brain, in other organ systems as well, and has, per- starvation amongst others [32]. Reasonably, therefore, the expression
haps, a unifying physiological niche during chronic hypobaric hypoxia of xCT is regulated by NRF2 [43,44] – the master regulator of anti-
responses. oxidant defense response [45] and ATF4 – the central regulator of ER-
In wake of elevated cysteine demand, a homeostatic system would and integrated-stress response [46]. In keeping with such established
be expected to mount a befitting feedback response and activate cy- phenomena, we too observed significant increase in the expression of
steine-maintaining pathways in a bid to preserve its endogenous levels. cystine-glutamate transporter (xCT) during hypobaric hypoxia exposure
Brain is, however, known to have a low basal cystathionine activity in our animal model. Additionally, we observed an increase in the ex-
(involved in de novo cysteine production), compared to other organ pression of EAAT 1 & 2 in our repeated experiments. These transporters
systems [41]. Under normal physiological conditions, the trans-sul- are involved in the up-take of glutamate from extracellular milieu into
furation pathway (de novo cysteine generation) accounts for one third of the astrocytes and thereby, serving two important functions during the
total cysteine requirement in astrocytes [34]. The other major cysteine conditions of elevated xCT activity: 1) Sustained cystine import into the
maintenance pathway involves xCT (anti-porter system engaged in cells by maintaining xCT activity – which is prone to inhibition by ever-
importing cystine from extracellular pools in exchange for stoichio- elevating concentration of extracellular glutamate due to its own (xCT)
metric amount of glutamate from intracellular compartments) and ac- activity [47] and 2) Preventing possible glutamate excitotoxicity in
counts for the other major fraction of cysteine required in brain under neurons due to higher concentration of extracellular glutamate (owing
normal physiological conditions. It is noteworthy that the latter to elevated xCT activity) [48]. It is important to note in this context that

S. Mishra, et al. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769

Brain Isolation
A. Acclimatization Hypobaric Hypoxia

Endothelial dysfunction (vWF)

Days -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Astrocyte activation (GFAP)

Glio-vascular dysfunction
AOAA (Laminin/Aquaporin 4)

N_Cys HH_7D_
B. N N_Cys _AOAA HH_7D HH_7D_Cys Cys_AOAA C.
10 X

100 µm 100 µm 100 µm 100 µm 100 µm 100 µm

20 X

50 µm 50 µm 50 µm 50 µm 50 µm 50 µm

D. N_Cys HH_7D_ E.
N N_Cys _AOAA HH_7D HH_7D_Cys Cys_AOAA
10 X

100 µm 100 µm 100 µm 100 µm 100 µm 100 µm

20 X

50 µm 50 µm 50 µm 50 µm 50 µm 50 µm

N_Cys HH_7D_
F. N N_Cys _AOAA HH_7D HH_7D_Cys Cys_AOAA

20 µm 20 µm 20 µm 20 µm 20 µm 20 µm

20 µm 20 µm 20 µm 20 µm 20 µm 20 µm

20 µm 20 µm 20 µm 20 µm 20 µm 20 µm


Fig. 6. Cysteine supplementation curtails hypobaric hypoxia-induced neuro-pathological responses in a CBS/H2S-dependent manner. A) Diagrammatic re-
presentation of the experimental scheme. B–E) Representative immunofluorescence micrographs showing vWF (B) and GFAP (D) expression acquired at 10× and
20× magnification in the hippocampal sections of the indicated groups. The fluorescent signal was estimated employing intensity thresholding method in Image J,
NIH software. Corresponding bar graphs (Mean ± SD values) are shown in C and E, respectively (n = 3). *p ˂ 0.05, ***p ˂ 0.001 and NS - not significant. F)
Representative co-immunofluorescence micrographs showing expression of laminin (in red), AQP 4 (in green) and their corresponding overlays (merge) in the
hippocampal region of indicated groups. The images were acquired at 40× magnification employing confocal microscopy. Abbreviations – N: Normoxic control;
N_Cys: NAC pre-treated normoxia exposed; N_Cys_AOAA: NAC and AOAA pre-treated normoxia exposed; HH_7D: 7 days HH exposed; HH_7D_Cys: 7 days HH exposed
along with NAC pre-treatment; HH_7D_Cys_AOAA: 7 days HH exposed along with NAC and AOAA pre-treatment.

S. Mishra, et al. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769




DAYS -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TEST


B. C. D. E.


N N_Cys N_Cys_AOAA HH_7D HH_7D_Cys HH_7D_Cys_AOAA

Fig. 7. Cysteine supplementation ameliorates hypobaric hypoxia-induced deficit in spatial reference memory. A) Schematic representation of experiments for Morris
water maze test for spatial reference memory assay. The animals were habituated to water for 2 days and subsequently, trained in the Morris water maze for 5 days.
Probe trial was conducted prior to hypobaric hypoxia exposure. The animals were then exposed to HH for 7 days and subjected to Morris water maze test. B–C) Line
graphs representing day-wise changes in latency (B) and path length (C) over the 5-day training period of animals in Morris water maze. D–E) Bar graphs representing
the latency (D) and path length (E) during the Morris water maze test for the animals from the indicated groups (n = 5). Mean ± SD is shown. *p ˂ 0.05, **p ˂ 0.01,
***p ˂ 0.001 and NS - not significant. F) Representative track plots from Morris water maze test for the indicated groups are shown. Abbreviations – N: Normoxic
control; N_Cys: NAC pre-treated normoxic group; N_Cys_AOAA: NAC and AOAA pre-treated normoxic group; HH_7D: HH exposed for 7 days; HH_7D_Cys: 7 days HH
exposure along with NAC pre-treatment; HH_7D_Cys_AOAA: 7 days HH exposure along with NAC and AOAA pre-treatment.

some previous studies had shown inhibitory effects of hypoxia on cysteine pro-drug, NAC, effectively prevented cysteine decrease during
EAATs (thus, potential inhibitory effect on cystine transport by xCT) hypobaric hypoxia. Besides this, NAC also maintained the levels of H2S
[49]. In repeat experiments, however, we did not observe similar – requiring cysteine as substrate – under these conditions. Taken to-
phenomenon in our model system. There could be two possibilities gether, these observations yielded compelling evidence that the CBS-
leading to observed differences in such responses: 1) Hypoxia-induced dependent H2S-generating pathway is a major consumer of cysteine
effects on EAATs could be brain cell-type specific – information not during hypobaric hypoxia conditions. Notably, further, consistent with
collected in the present study. 2) The magnitude and/or duration of our previous observations (pertaining to exogenous supplementation of
hypoxia could govern the expression of EAATs in brain cells. Not- H2S donor, NaHS) [13], the augmentation of cysteine (employing NAC)
withstanding possible limitations, however, our observations reason- ameliorated the effects of hypobaric hypoxia on glio-vascular dys-
ably support positive modulation of cysteine-maintenance pathways, in function and higher order neurophysiological functions (impairment of
brain, during hypobaric hypoxia but physiological inadequacy of this spatial reference memory) in a CBS-dependent manner. In this regard, it
response, in sustaining endogenous cysteine levels, under these condi- is interesting to note that CBS-H2S pathway has also been implicated for
tions. protective effects of L-Cysteine supplementation in newborn mice sub-
Despite positive effects of hypobaric hypoxia on xCT and EAATs, the jected to ischemic brain injury [17]. In summary, therefore, these ob-
levels of endogenous cysteine in brain were, intriguingly, diminished. servations cumulatively underscore the physiological significance of
To address this paradox, we presented two lines of evidence to support this axis (cysteine-CBS-H2S) during brain responses to chronic hypo-
the possibility of elevated consumption past endogenous replenishment baric hypoxia.
potential of brain cells during hypoxia. First, the inhibition of CBS per se There exist contrasting views, in literature, about the mechanistic
(employing AOAA) increased the endogenous levels of cysteine during basis of cellular effects produced by NAC (cysteine supplementation). It
hypoxic exposure. Second, the exogenous supplementation of the was generally believed to function by augmenting endogenous levels of

S. Mishra, et al. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769


Hypoxia xCT Hypoxia xCT

Methionine Methionine

Cysteine Cysteine NAC


H2 S GSH Taurine H2 S GSH Taurine


Neuronal Dysfunction Neuronal Dysfunction

Fig. 8. Proposed scheme of events integrating phenomena deciphered from this study with known biological processes. Hypobaric hypoxia leads to decrease in the
levels of cysteine despite elevated expression of cystine-glutamate antiporter, xCT, and CBS (involved in de novo cysteine synthesis as well as H2S generation). This
decrease in cysteine levels results in lowered levels of H2S and thus, reduced CBF in brain. Further, since cysteine is also required for GSH synthesis, it could
potentially regulate ROS levels (known to elevate during hypobaric hypoxia). The decrease in CBF (and thus, brain oxygen levels) along with increased ROS
potentially cumulate to deteriorate neuronal function. Restoration of cysteine levels via exogenous supplementation (employing cysteine pro-drug, NAC) restores
endogenous H2S levels and curtails neuronal dysfunction in a CBS-dependent manner. Abbreviations – HIF-1α: hypoxia inducible factor 1α; xCT: cystine/glutamate
transporter; CBS: cystathionine β-synthase; GCLC: glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit; GSH: reduced glutathione; CBF: cerebral blood flow; ROS: reactive
oxygen species; NAC: N-acetylcysteine.

GSH [50]. A number of observations have, however, argued for po- cysteine store and can be potentially utilized as a salvage pathway for
tential involvement of other pathways independent of GSH levels cysteine generation [57]. The enzyme ‘gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase’
[51–53]. Even in the settings of high altitude, a randomized trial for regulates this biological process and responds to multiple biological
NAC (in human volunteers) demonstrated decrease in oxidative stress cues [58], including adaptive increase during oxidative stress – a phe-
in NAC groups without significant change in GSH levels in NAC-sup- nomenon well known to manifest during hypobaric hypoxia [59]. In-
plemented individuals ascending to 3600 m and only modest (< 10%) terestingly, the levels of GSH decline during chronic hypobaric hypoxia
change at 4580 m [54]. The most noteworthy insight pertaining to the – both in the animal model [29,59] as well as human volunteers as-
effects of NAC has emerged from a recent study demonstrating that cending to high altitude [54]. While on the prima facie (considering
NAC treatment increased endogenous levels of H2S (in a CBS-dependent GSSG levels), this observation appears consistent with the phenomenon
manner) in the cells and produced anti-oxidant effects through mi- of increased oxidative stress during hypoxia; there is no evidence per se,
tochondrial sulfane sulfur pool [53]. Our observations pertaining to to the best of our knowledge, which can experimentally rule out the
connection between levels of free cysteine and H2S besides CBS-de- activation of cysteine salvage pathway (similar to xCT) under these
pendence of effects produced by NAC supplementation strongly lend conditions and thus, possible lowering of GSH levels, at least in part, as
support to this mechanism. a feedback response attempting to elevate levels of free cysteine in the
It is also important to mention here that decrease in cellular cysteine brain. It will, therefore, be interesting to determine the relative ex-
levels have been associated with the inhibition of HIF-prolyl hydro- pression/activity of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase during chronic
xylase 2 (EGLN1) and consequent stabilization of HIF-1α [47] – the hypobaric hypoxia and render mechanistic clarity related to the niche
master regulator of hypoxia responses [26]. The question, whether in- of GSH – as only an antioxidant peptide or equally important cysteine
creased endogenous levels of cysteine – due to supplementation of NAC store – in brain during hypoxic conditions.
during hypobaric hypoxia – would hamper HIF-1α stabilization, under Notwithstanding the above said caveat in our knowledge, however,
these conditions, merits a careful consideration. While we did not in- the phenomena of HH-induced decrease in levels of free cysteine and a
vestigate this aspect per se in our present work, we expect that the physiological propensity for its routing to CBS-dependent H2S-genera-
elevated levels of H2S – due to higher availability of cysteine (CBS tion pathway (as deciphered from cumulative observations described
substrate) – would cater for parallel route of HIF-1α stabilization under here) will be critical for adaptive responses of brain to hypobaric hy-
these conditions. The elevated levels of H2S per se have been shown to poxia.
stabilize HIF-1α and its target gene VEGF [55]. Interestingly, further,
the effects of H2S on transcriptional activity of HIF appear to be in-
dependent of von Hippel-Lindau Tumor Suppressor-1 protein [56]. It is, Author contributions
thus, highly plausible that the maintenance of endogenous cysteine
levels (with NAC supplementation) along with optimal CBS enzyme MS conceived and coordinated the study. SM, GK, AC, NJ, NKS,
activity would ‘positively’ modulate HIF-pathway and facilitate brain RNM, RT, MS performed the experiments. SM, GK, AC, NKS, RT, DNP,
adaptation to chronic hypobaric hypoxia. BK, MS analyzed the experiments. MS, SM wrote the manuscript. All
Another important facet of free cysteine dynamics merits careful authors reviewed the results, proofread and approved final version of
consideration. In the neurovascular milieu, GSH can also serve as a the manuscript.

S. Mishra, et al. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (2020) 165769

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