1st Quarterr Assessment

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Direction: Read carefully each question and write the correct letter in your test booklet.

1. It is the set of learned behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that characterizes a society or
people in a group. It encompasses both the tangible and intangible things of a
A. Cultural Anthropology C. Society
B. Culture D. Tradition

2. Which of the following does not represents ethnicity?

A. Teacher Ella has this Ilonggo accent when she speaks and explain in her class.
B. Zion is Bicolano, he wants to copy the recipe of Bicol express of his grandmother.
C. Tanya was a native Indian and wants to learn the importance of Hinduism.
D. Jerry is proud for being an Ati, he believes that his dark color stands out from the

3. It is socially constructed category composed of people who share biologically

transmitted traits that member of society considers important.
A. Ethnicity C. Race
B. Gender D. Exceptionality

4. It is one of society’s important institutions; it is a belief system that emphasizes the

supernatural being.
A. Religion C. Sect
B. Christianity D. Government

5. It is a process that results in changes that are passed on or inherited from generation.
A. Theory C. Fossil Record
B. Evolution D. Tree of Life

6. An early representative of modern human kind.

A. Homo Habilis C. Homo Ergaster
B. Homo Erectus D. Homo Sapiens

7. One of the significant happening that shape the world wherein people from the past
shift their livelihood and lifestyle from hunting and gathering to agriculture and
permanent settlements.
A. Paleolithic revolution C. Mesolithic revolution
B. Neolithic revolution D. Metallic revolution

8. One of the oldest and culturally richest civilization. They are known for their ever-
standing pyramids and sphinx.
A. Mesopotamian Civilization C. Chinese Civilization
B. Egyptian Civilization D.Mayan Civilization

9. A process by which an individual adapts the behavior patterns of culture in which

she/he is immersed.
A. Socialization C. Enculturation
B. Acculturation D. Democratization
10.It is a “mental representations of appropriate behavior”.
A. Values C. Moral
B. Ethics D. Norms

11.“Pull over for emergency vehicles” is what kind of social norm?

A. Social norm when dining C. Social norm on using the phone
B. Social norm regarding public behavior D. Social norm in the classroom

12.Say “thank you” when someone does something for you. What kind of social norm is
being presented here.
A. Social norm when dining C. Social norm on using the phone
B. Social norm regarding public behavior D. Social norm in the classroom

13.It is the sum of being’s knowledge and understanding of him.

A. Identity formation C. Self-concept
B. Personality D. Role

14.Refers to particularly to position in social structure or any social position that

determines where a person fits within the society.
A. Social Roles C. Role Set
B. Statuses D. Role

15.Liza went to church wearing a sexy red dress, upon entering the door all eyes on her
with a horrified look. What behavior is seen in the context?
A. Conformity C. Shame
B. Deviance D. Ethical

16.Sir Arvin was elected as one of the Sangguniang Bayan member of Anini-Y, Anininhons
are expecting him do his job properly. He was expected to help those people especially
in times of crisis, he must be approachable and kind, he must be honest and
trustworthy. What is seen in the given example?
A. Statuses C. Role Set
B. Social Roles D. Role expectations

17.Meriam is a graduating student in high school, before going to college she is sure on
taking BS Accountancy for she knows that she is excellent in math and analyzation of
problem. What concept in seen in the given scenario?
A. Self-knowledge C. Ethnic Identity
B. Self-consciousness D. Political Identity

18.Van Ryan felt and see himself as a gay. A formal gay, but he refuses to tell it to his
family for he knows that his family wouldn’t accept him as he wanted to be. For now,
he still hiding it to his family and act manly. What concept is being presented in the
A. Conformity C. Ethical behavior
B. Deviance D. Social Behavior

19.A Christian Filipino man who marries twice is a deviance but a Filipino Muslim who
does it provided he can support other is not a deviance. What characteristics of
deviance is presented?
A. It is understood within a Social context
B. Deviance may change overtime.
C. Deviance depends upon the status and role a person holds.
D. Deviance depends on the audience norms.
20.Teacher Ayn was involved in a scandal where she is having a public relationship with
her students. What kind deviance is presented here?
A. Primary Deviance C. Secondary Deviance
B. Individual Deviation D. Group Deviation

21.It involves rewards for conformity or compliance, such as kiss, words of approval,
smiles, clapping of hand, shaking hand are what kind of social control?
A. Formal Social Control C. Informal Social Control
B. Punishment D. Reinforcement

22.Elena was once ridiculed and shamed by her classmates when she once wore a hello
kitty outfit from her headband down to her shoes. What sanction is presented in the
A. Social Rejection C. Punishment
B. Ostracism D. Mind Control

23.Jun was being rejected and banned in their house in La Union by his own family
because he married the woman she really loved and not the woman which his family
chose for. What kind of informal social control Jun experienced?
A. Ostracism C. Punishment
B. Social Rejection D. Law

24. Another term for “Restoration”.

A. Rehabilitation C. Incapacitation
B. Retribution D. Deterrence

25. These individuals are at the vert least, spatially hindered through increased mobility
and freedom.
A. Incarceration C. Incapacitation
B. Punishment D. Retribution

26.He was one of the greatest Philosophers of Chinese Civilization.

A. Lau Tzu C. King Hammurabi
B. Confucius D. Cyrus the Great

27.An ancient civilization flourished in Central America from about 2,600 BC and had
been much talked about in their recent times because of the timeline in the calendar
they created
A. Inca Civilization C. Persian Civilization
B. Aztec Civilization D. Mayan Civilization

28. Which of the following does not belong to the Four main rivers where civilizations rise?
A. Indus river C. Yellow river
B. Han river D. Nile river

29. It is the ancient writing system of Egyptian people.

A. Hieroglyphics C. Cuneiform
B. Papyrus D. Baybayin

30. Means southern Ape.

A. Genus Homo C. Homo Sapiens
B. Australopithicus Afarensis D. Australopithecus
31.It is the translation of “Pharaoh” in ancient Egyptian.
A. Old Kingdom C. The Highest
B. Rule of King D. Great House

32. These are contributions of Roman civilization in the world.

A. Solar calendar, Creation of City-states, democracy, Olympics
B. Gladiator combat, Hieroglyphics, Bath houses, Iliad of Homer
C. Bath houses, Gladiator combat, Rise of Christianity, creation of Aqueducts
D. Rise of Christianity, Creation of City-states, Military combat, Iliad of Homer

33.What certain land where the Romans adapted the Latin language?
A. Zama C. Tarentum
B. Latium D. Entruria

34.He was the first roman emperor who converted to Christianity.

A. Julius Caesar C. Ocatavian
B. Nero D. Constantine

35.These people evolved in Europe.

A. Home Erectus C. Australopithecus
B. Neanderthals D. Homo Sapiens

36.Social norms can be defined as unwritten rules and expectations that dictate how
individuals should behave in different social settings.
A. Norms C. Social Norms
B. Society’s standard D. Values

37. This justification of punishment tends to deprived the someone the capacity to live,
best example of this is Death Penalty.
A. Incapacitation C. Deterrence
B. Rehabilitation D. Retribution

38.This informal social control of deviant behavior is also known as dishing.

A. Social rejection C. Gossip
B. Ostracism D. Punishment

39.Someone tries to overthrow the existing social system and attempt to establish a new
social system because he/she believes that the existing social order is unfair and
unjust to him. This context emphasizes?
A. Ritualism C. Social Change
B. Rebellion D. Retreatism

40.How many emperors ruled the ancient China?

A. 6 C. 5
B. 8 D. 9

Prepared by: Ma’am

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