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There are times when chucks and fixtures on CNC machines cannot
adequately hold the machined piece. In this case, vibrations and shifting
can occur which can spell big trouble for the production process. Our
solutions are rudimentary, and usually involve an elevated approach to
the problem. For instance, we first check to make sure the piece has
indeed been secured correctly before moving onto other things.

We check to make sure the grips can adequately hold the piece, we check
the hydraulic pump and pressure, and we check to make sure other
technical issues like foot switch problems or lubricant issues aren’t at
play. Since improperly gripped machine parts can lead not just to
damage, but operator injury as well, we make absolutely sure our CNC
machines clutch their materials correctly, the first time.


Due to the extremely high volume orders we take from our clients, our
CNC machines are running almost constantly. This means overheating is
a factor that we must take into account. Thankfully, we plan ahead on this
to make sure all of our machines are working in tip-top shape. It’s
important to remember that the basic function of CNC machining means
that heat will be a natural result. Our machine tools can hit temperatures
as high as 150 degrees, or more. Care must be taken to make sure that this
doesn’t affect our machine, or the part in question.

Cleanliness is key, and we make sure our machines are thoroughly wiped
down, and that all dirt and debris have been removed. Metal shavings can
contribute greatly to overheating, which is why we adhere to a strict
cleaning schedule. Overheating can occur from other sources, however.
Running a CNC machine at high RPMs for a prolonged period of time
means adhering to some standards.


Human error is a constant in any business, but it can be mitigated through

proper training and adherence to guidelines. In the case of CNC
machining, this means training our operators on how to use the CNC
software which runs each machine, plus a thorough understanding of G
and M codes, setup and the inputting of data.

We consider this to be of maximum importance, and it shows in the skill

of our operators. Machines can only do the job, but the human element is
what counts. This is how we continue to please clients the world over,
throughout a multitude of important business sectors.


Believe it or not, sometimes the most common problem is also one of the
most basic. CNC machines are quite complex, and they can be hobbled
by power supply problems. This can often take the form of
incompatibilities between the machine and the power socket in question.

We make sure that our CNC machines are running on compatible power
supplies with correct voltage settings required for the input side. If we do
experience power supply issues beyond that, we bring in certified
electricians to make sure there are no faults to our power supplies on the
opposite end of the connection. Stable power flow is an absolute must
during a CNC machining run, and we do regular checks to make sure ours
are running at peak efficiency.


This is a common issue with many precision machining companies, and it

really shouldn’t be. In order to successfully complete a production run,
one must choose the appropriate cutting tools and settings before the job
begins. Failure to do so can result in damage to the finished product in the
form of burn marks, rough edges and corners, or visible cutter marks, all
of which are unacceptable.

Thankfully, BCI is ahead of the curve on this issue, thanks to over 40

years of experience in the business. Still, it is considered one of the
biggest problems faced with CNC machines. The solution lies in the
planning stages. Make sure to determine early on the best tool for the job,
and do a trial run just to make sure everything is Okay. If not, one may be
wearing out their tools faster than anticipated, while ruining their client’s
job in the meantime.
For more information on how BCI’s attention to detail and quality
excellence has made us a prime player in the Precision Machining
industry, please contact us today.

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