Literature Review On Road Traffic Accident in Nigeria

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Title: Expertly Crafted Literature Review on Road Traffic Accidents in Nigeria

Navigating the intricate web of academic literature to produce a comprehensive review on road
traffic accidents in Nigeria is a daunting task. As one delves into the vast array of research articles,
scholarly papers, and statistical analyses, the sheer volume of information can be overwhelming.
Crafting a literature review that not only synthesizes existing knowledge but also adds meaningful
insights requires meticulous attention to detail, extensive research skills, and a deep understanding of
the subject matter.

The complexity of the task is further compounded by the nuances and challenges specific to the
Nigerian context. Nigeria, like many developing nations, faces unique socio-economic,
infrastructural, and institutional challenges related to road traffic accidents. Understanding these
complexities and analyzing the available literature in a meaningful way demands expertise and
proficiency in both research methodology and the subject matter itself.

However, amidst these challenges, there exists a beacon of hope for those seeking to navigate the
intricate landscape of literature reviews on road traffic accidents in Nigeria. ⇒ ⇔
offers a specialized service tailored to assist researchers, academics, and students in crafting high-
quality literature reviews with unparalleled precision and depth.

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excellence. Whether it's synthesizing existing literature, identifying research gaps, or providing
critical insights, their team is equipped with the expertise and resources necessary to deliver
exceptional results.

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The primary objective of this research work was to identify the most hazardous location and provide
countermeasures that will minimize the traffic accident at the designated sites. This paper gives a full
discussion on road traffic safety issues and the methodology used were through the collection of data
using questionnaire and accident information from the Nigeria Police Force, FRSC etc. Download
2022, AAUA Journal of Environmental Design and Management This study investigated road traffic
accident among motorcycle operators in Kabba, Kogi State, Nigeria. Download Free PDF View PDF
STATE, NIGERIA Afolayan Abayomi Download Free PDF View PDF Free DOCX STATISTICAL
AROWOSEGBE HENRY. The causes of road traffic accidents are not just human error or driver
THE NILGIRIS. ConcIusion: The study recommends provision of functional traffic lights and
defining danger times of high risk locations in Abuja. The study used 5 resistant genotypes, 5
susceptible genotypes, and 6 SSR primers. Policy makers can run these queries in order to take
appropriate steps in minimizing road traffic accident occurrences. This study attempted to identify
factors responsible for these accidents and assessed their pattern with a view to mapping the black
spots in the city using GIS techniques. Traffic Injury Prevention, vol. 7, No 1, 2006 pp.70-75 (6).
NETWORK APPLICATION Kassu Sileyew Download Free PDF View PDF The Dangerous Boda
Boda Transport Mode: Mitigating an Impending War on the Roads in a Transforming City. Aim: the
aim of this study is to evaluate the occurrence of road accident in Ondo State. In the primary
method, questionnaires were purposively administrated to respondents along six selected major roads
in urban Zaria area. The paper therefore provides valuable information on causes of accidents
especia. Conclusion: There is an urgent need for government to develop adequate transportation
system across the country which helps reducing the use of roads as major means of transportation
and improving other means of transportation like rail, water, air, among others. Alluri Download Free
PDF View PDF Is Speed Bumps Installation Panacea For Road Traffic Crash Prevention. They
recognized the effects of psychoactive drug use on tricycle riding, including impairment of vision,
coordination and navigational abilities, and how these increase the risk of traffic accidents. Decision-
making was assessed with the Hungry Donkey Task (HDT), a child-friendly task where children
make selections with unknown reward outcomes. Ergonomics, vol. 46, No. 12, (2003) pp.1111-1135
(25). Road traffic accident in Ghana is also increasing at an alarming rate and has raised major
concerns. Even when they are not accurate, they may still be preferred when interpretability is of
paramount importance. Volume of oil distribution, highway criminal activities among other factors
explain why there are more fatal road accidents in the South than in the North. This prospective,
double-blinded, randomized control study was conducted in 105 patients, equally divided in three
groups. Data from 2012 to 2013 is used to test the adequacy and performance of the models. The
study uses ARIMA model in predicting Malaysian fatalities for year 2020, by using historical data
from year 1972 until year 2010. Results: Most (99.5%) of the RTA drivers were not under the
influence of alcohol. In order to reveal the molecular alterations induced by PLA2G7 impairment,
lipidomic and gene expression profiling was performed in response to PLA2G7 silencing in cultured
prostate cancer cells. Although several studies have confirmed the ill effects of air pollutants
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Additionally, in group A, 1-ml normal saline (NS) on each side in RSB block and 2-ml NS IV; in
group B, 4-mg dexamethasone on each side in RSB block and 2-ml NS IV; and in group C, 1-ml NS
on each side in RSB block and 8-mg dexamethasone IV. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. The study predicted that for every unit increase in road junction, curvature, and slope
along the route, 16 crashes would likely occur. The result showed the highly and moderately utilized
roads in urban Zaria area while the product moment correlation revealed that there is a strong
relationship between traffic flow and road traffic accident. These ranking can be justified by the
population of the commercial towns. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. This
study analyzed the pattern of students’ performance in 123 secondary schools in Zanzibar,who sat
for final examination from 1986-2016. There were some procedures they had to follow and some
tests to do in this study. Dengan kondisi ini maka terlihat jelas bahwa penerapan Reliability Centered
Maintenance II lebih efisien, maka d. Based on the findings recommendation as to how to reduce
distracted driving in order to reduce road traffic accident are offered for improved road safety in
Nigeria. Download Free PDF View PDF Predicting Malaysian Road Fatalities Rohayu Sarani, Shaw
Wong Decade of Action suggested that countries should develop a realistic road safety target and
plan interventions and initiatives for reductions, with continuous performance monitoring in placed.
We have recently identified phospholipase 2 group VII (PLA2G7) as a potential drug target
especially in ERG oncogene positive prostate cancers. We provided appropriate and suitable time
series model for the consequences of road accident, the injured, killed and total casualty of the road
accident in Nigeria. Data analysis was done with epi info statistical software version 7.2, 95%
confidence interval was used with a probability value of Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF
Environmental Design and Management This study investigated road traffic accident among
motorcycle operators in Kabba, Kogi State, Nigeria. Questions focused on motivations for pursuing
genomic sequencing, concerns about receiving genomic screening results, and perceived benefits of
receiving genomic information. Indian giant flying squirrels are arboreal, nocturnal in habit and small
mammals that live in tree cavities and the tree canopy. Penelitian ini mencoba melakukan analisis
terhadap permasalahan tersebut dan memberikan usulan perbaikan. Kanchanasut: Road traffic injuries
in Thailand; Trends, Selected underlying determinants and Status of intervention (2002). This
extended alignment tool combines business, ICT, HRM, and operations from a strategic,
entrepreneurial, and operational capabilities point of view. Policy makers at the various levels of
government need to recognize this growing problem as a public health crisis and design appropriate
policy responses that will back up with meticulous implementation. Group B (73 patients) underwent
only periareolar intradermal radiocolloid injection. This study aimed to screen SSR molecular
markers which were related to resistance to scab. The study points up a significant reduction in the
rate of road traffic. The main objective of the research was to understand the epidemiology of RTAs
in order to develop preventive measures. Also, it showed that the drivers' age group who caused
most of the accidents composed of 25-34 years old. It has a wide distribution in Asia. On
22.09.2013 early morning around 6.00am we had encountered road kill of Indian giant flying squirrel
on the Coonoor to Mettupalayam Highway, The Nilgiris. Victims were also interviewed on nature of
injuries sustained. See Full PDF Download PDF Free Related PDFs The prevalence of road traffic
accidents in Juba City, 2018, South Sudan Joseph Lako 2023, World Journal Of Advanced Research
and Reviews Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Towards Reducing the Number of Traffic
Accidents in Khartoum State (Republic of Sudan IOSR Journals The problem of traffic accidents is
one of the important problems, serious and common among all countries of the world, especially
developing countries. The study is limited to the period 2021-2050 using 1971-2000 as the base
period. Also, chi-square was used to ascertain if there is a significant difference between the rates of
road traffic accident among motorcycle operators in the area.
Also, chi-square was used to ascertain if there is a significant difference between the rates of road
traffic accident among motorcycle operators in the area. The human factor contributes most of the
RTAs and the resultant losses due to huge death and incapacitation. Tthe forecast of performance in
Mathematics subject for next six years (2017 to 2022) have also been presented for both categories
of students. The accessibility index together with crude capacity and potential generation rate of
vehicular traffic were used to analyze the data obtained. SARIMA (1,1,0) ? (0,1,1)12 was found to
be the best model for road accident cases with a maximum log likelihood value of 245.48, and least
AIC value of 5.892, RMSE value of 17.930 and MAPE value value of 1.688. An ARCH-LM test
and Ljung-Box test on the residuals of the models revealed that they are free from heteroscedasticity
and serial correlation respectively. While Gboko recorded 24 % bruises, 22 % fractures and 53.8 %
head injuries. ZakiBiam had 25 % bruises, 27 % fractures, and 46.9 % head injuries. Conclusively
Makurdi had 646 accidents, followed by Oturkpo with 582, Gboko with 520 and Zaki-Biam with
330. One large tin colloid and two small radiocolloids (nanocolloid of serum albumin -NC- and
colloidal rhenium sulphide -CS-) were used. The authorities of road transport continuously creating
awareness among the people about road safety through the advertisements. This is especially true
because of the absence of a central repository from which all accident related information can be
stored and managed. We model this dilemma as a zero-sum repeated game between predator and
prey, with the eventual capture probability as the pay-off to the predator. They did not differ from
the non-motorcycling car drivers on the risk-taking measures but were better at hazard perception.
Fatalities for year 2015 and 2020 are 8,760 and 10,716 respectively, for business as usual (BAU)
scenario. Download Free PDF View PDF Predicting Malaysian Road Fatalities Rohayu Sarani, Shaw
Wong Decade of Action suggested that countries should develop a realistic road safety target and
plan interventions and initiatives for reductions, with continuous performance monitoring in placed.
PCR analysis showed that those SSR primers were polymorphic. There is need to view RTA s as an
issue of urgent national importance that needs urgent attention aimed at reducing the health, social,
and economic impact. Education, routine screening for drug use, curbing bribery and corruption
among road safety officials, and curtailing availability of psycho. FREE RELATED PAPERS
0822.2083.0527 (Tsel) Bibit Durian Montong Magelang Jawa Tengah Pollarise GROUPS Bibit
Durian Montong Magelang Jawa Tengah, Bibit Durian Bawor Asli Indonesia,Bibit Durian Bawor
Aceh,Bibit Durian Bawor Alasmalang,Alamat Penjual Bibit Durian Bawor,Alamat Bibit Durian
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Bawor Bogor POLLARIS GROUP adalah badan usaha, produsen, distributor, agen, tempat jual-beli
bibit buah. Group A (85 patients) underwent lymphatic mapping using a combination of periareolar
intradermal radiocolloid and subareolar blue dye injections. The result revealed that there is a
significant difference in rate at which male motorcycle operators were involved in road traffic
accident compared to their female counterpart in the study area. The primary causes of the accidents
were over speeding, driving without attention and some unknown reasons. Keywords: Nigeria,
Public health problem, Road traffic accidents Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Quezon Traffic accidents
worldwide is increasing due to a pragmatic vehicle ownership, acquisition, which necessitates daily
activities. To minimize the occurrence of accidents along the study road section, it is recommended
that provision of speed limit sign boards and warning signs at the strategic locations where traffic
accident areas are identified to forewarn the overspeeding drivers. The accessibility index together
with crude capacity and potential generation rate of vehicular traffic was used to analyze the data
obtained. Three percent (3%) of the respondents use d crash helmet whereas, 62.7% take alcohol
during work hours and 34.7% smoke cigarette. There was a high prevalence of high risk behaviour
for road traffic accidents and severe crash injuries among the respondents due to a lack of safety
consciousness and non - enforcement of regulat. Three hundred commercial motorcyclists in Sagamu,
South West, Nigeria were recruited into the study. This is, in part, a result of rapid increases in
motorization without sufficient improvement in road safety strategies and land use planning. Journal
of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol. 10, No. 1-2, (2003) pp.89-94 Swets and Zeitlinger.
Also obtained were the RTC records of the route from the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) and
the Nigeria Police and the Google Earth satellite imagery of the area from the archives of Airbus
Defence and Space, France. In this retrospective analysis, the results obtained with different
methodological approaches using radiocolloid with or without blue dye were examined.
Methods: - A cross-sectional study design with a stratified sampling with proportional allocation of
samples was used in selecting the study subjects. Pineapple peel waste (Ananas comosus L.) can be
used as an eco-enzyme. Also pointed out that transportation is one of the most important sectors of
economy (perhaps others of equal importance are telecommunication and banking). Road traffic
accident in Ghana is also increasing at an alarming rate and has raised major concerns. The
accessibility index together with crude capacity and potential generation rate of vehicular traffic was
used to analyze the data obtained. Based on the findings recommendation as to how to reduce
distracted driving in order to reduce road traffic accident are offered for improved road safety in
Nigeria. However, its production is limited by the presence of scab disease caused by Sphaceloma
batatas Saw. Road traffic accident in Plateau State, Nigeria has not received the attention warranted.
Malaysia has set up Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research in year 2007, as a platform to bring
down road fatalities through comprehensive research in human behaviour, road environment and
vehicles. However, the probability of a high fatality record in 2014 remains high considering the 964
deaths already recorded between January and May 2014. This will indeed reduce total accident
casualties and cost of accident in Nigeria. Wit h the aid of structured interviewer administered
questionnaire s, the risk related behavio urs of motorcyclists were studied as it relates to the
occurrence of road traffic crashes. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Comparison of
analgesic efficacy of perineural dexamethasone in rectus sheath block and intravenous
dexamethasone with levobupivacaine in bilateral rectus sheath block for patients undergoing midline
abdominal surgery: a randomized controlled trial Pooja Bihani Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology
Background Dexamethasone is used in regional analgesia to prolong the duration of analgesia and
anaesthesia. Moreover, the antineoplastic effect of statins combined with PLA2G7 impairment was
studied in prostate cancer cells to evaluate the potential of repositioning of in vivo compatible. Seven
years forecast are provided using the developed models and showed that road traffic accident
consequences examined; injured, killed and total casualty would continue to increase on average.
Victims were also interviewed on nature of injuries sustained. While Gboko recorded 24 % bruises,
22 % fractures and 53.8 % head injuries. ZakiBiam had 25 % bruises, 27 % fractures, and 46.9 %
head injuries. Conclusively Makurdi had 646 accidents, followed by Oturkpo with 582, Gboko with
520 and Zaki-Biam with 330. OBJECTIVES To establish the causes of Road Traffic Accidents
(RTA), establish the safety measures in place to protect road users to avoid RTA and establish people
mostly involved and the mechanism of RTA. The result of the developed system shows that road
safety officers, users, policy makers and all other stakeholders can be able to register, login, submit
reports and run queries on information that has been previously entered into the system such as the
accidents that occurred on a particular route or the accident in which an identified victim was
involved. We provided appropriate and suitable time series model for the consequences of road
accident, the injured, killed and total casualty of the road accident in Nigeria. Issuu turns PDFs and
other files into interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every channel. The mix design of
1:3:2:0.7 (cement: sand: aggregate: water) is used for preparing PC. Part A Jacobsen syndrome (JS) is
characterized by intellectual disability and higher risk for autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Also,
secondary data including topographical map, quick bird image, accident records between 2009 and
2011, and GPS points of areas prone to road accidents were plotted on the Abuja base map. A total
of 158 sentinel lymph node biopsies were performed in 152 patients. KAYTON MOENGA kayton
Moenga Motorcycling activities have been on the rise on the world roads today. Statistics Make data-
driven decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns. Therefore, the students
were introduced to Kit-Built Concept Mapping to help them overcome the problems. This study is
Classroom Action Research (CAR) to analyze the implementation of the method to help the students
improve their reading skills as well as motivation to read. The model of this research is random figure
pretest-posttest matched, with control groups. Quezon Traffic accidents worldwide is increasing due
to a pragmatic vehicle ownership, acquisition, which necessitates daily activities.

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