CMR Manolo July December 2022

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Module 5 of SMR





ECC Control No/REFERENCE Code No: _ECC-R10-1109-0279

Project Title: CGAS FILLING STATION Manolo Fortich Branch
Project Coordinates:
Project Stage/Phase: (i.e. construction; commissioning, etc.) OPERATIONAL
Contact Person:_MARILYN E. CALVA/ RODRIGO T. CALVA Contact Number: 09177704556
EMP Approval:  During ECC Application Stage
 Updated after ECC Issuance; approved on __________________
Changes in Project Design (if any):


There were no major activities that influenced the monitoring parameters during the monitoring

Table II-1. Summary of Major Findings for the Monitoring Period

Condition / Requirement / Compliance Status & Recommendation/Commitment for the
Commitment Summary of Actions taken next reporting
All requirements stipulated in
Compliance with ECC Maintain compliance to ECC.
the ECC are complied.
Mitigating and Enhancement
measures based on predicted
impacts under the
Compliance with EMP Environmental Management Continuous implementation of compliance.
Plan (EMP) were also
implemented and continuously
Implementation of appropriate & Improve monitoring of ambient air and water
effective environmental impact quality. Employ required methods and
No exceedances were known.
remedial actions in case of standards on monitoring air emissions and
exceedances effluents to determine any exceedances.
Provide concrete venues for monitoring
complaints or feedback gathering and
Complaints Management No complaints received.
implement timely and appropriate corrective
Realistic and sufficient budget for Internal Environmental Continue to provide sufficient budget for
conducting the environmental Monitoring Fund is readily conducting environmental monitoring and
monitoring and audit activities available upon request. audit activities.
Accountability - qualified One Pollution Control Officers The accredited PCO will assist the proponent in
personnel are charged with the have been designated to all aspect of environmental management.
routine monitoring of the project handle environmental related
activities in terms of education, concerns of the corporation
training, knowledge and including this project.
Module 5 of SMR

Condition / Requirement / Compliance Status & Recommendation/Commitment for the

Commitment Summary of Actions taken next reporting
experience of the environmental
Others . . .


A. Compliance Monitoring

Table 1. Summary Status of ECC & EMP Compliance

ECC/EMP Condition/ Relevant ECC Condition/s Status
Requirement Categorization # Requirement of
Description Compli
The proposed CGas The project is implemented within the
Filling Station Project approved area and capacity.
shall be located within
the 849 sq m lot A new three-story building and parking
property under TCT area is provided to vacate the old
No.T-107538 located at office being occupied by the
Brgy. Tankulan, Manolo administrative staff in a separate
Fortich, Bukidnon and adjacent lot. This will somehow keep
shall operate with a total more personnel, more files (potential
capacity of 48,000 liters. combustible materials) and equipment
and service vehicles away from the
forecourt area where fire risk is higher.
No other activities were undertaken
No other activities other than what was stipulated in the
should be undertaken IEE document.
1) Project coverage/
other than what was 
stipulated in the IEE
document. Should there
be an expansion of the
project beyond the
project description,
construction of other
structures beyond those
stated in the IEE
document; or any
change in the activity,
shall be made subject to
a new Environmental
Impact Assessment

2) Components
All other permits from Renewal of business permits is next in
the concerned line for the year 2023. Efforts to secure
3) Other sectoral government agencies permits were occurred when the
requirements mandated shall be secured prior to pandemic restricted movement of
12 
by other agencies to be project implementation personnel of CGAS and the concerned
complied with. wherein copies of which government entities.
shall be submitted to
Module 5 of SMR

this Office within fifteen

(15) days upon receipt
thereof, otherwise this
ECC shall be considered
null and void.
The plant’s facility shall The station was built with perimeter
be established attaining walls to define its boundaries and
the appropriate fire appropriate fire safety distances from
safety distances, the surrounding residential houses and
setbacks and buffers institution were attained.
between structures and Fire extinguishers are accessible in the
boundaries. Adequate forecourt, generator room and offices.
fire-fighting equipment Safety reminders are posted visibly in
shall be made available the forecourt.
at all times and
adequate buffer walls
and warning signs shall
4) EMP and updates as
be erected for public 
deemed required

The workers shall be

provided with
appropriate safety
2 gadgets and other
measures against health
and occupational
hazards posed by the
Submission of semi- Complied.
5) Conduct of baseline,
annual CMR
compliance and impact 
Submission of quarterly Complied.
The proponent shall NA
initiate to put up EMF
8 for the use of MMT in
monitoring compliance
6) Multi-sectoral Monitoring to ECC.
(as may be required) The DENR-EMB 10 and
the MMT can initiate an

9 on the spot monitoring
and inspection anytime
without prior notice
Submission of Quarterly Submission of SMR 4th quarter 2022
7) Regular reporting SMR and semi-annual  and CMR July-December 2022 are
CMR complied.
The proponent shall
initiate to put up EMF
8) Institutional arrangements 8 for the use of MMT in 
necessary for monitoring compliance
implementation of to ECC.
environmental The proponent shall PCO and Managing Head completed
management measures implement Awareness the required basic training in order to
and Preparedness of qualify and achieve accreditation to
Module 5 of SMR

Emergency at local level handle environmental related

(APELL). Adequate in- concerns of the project.
house lectures and Awareness on Environment Protection,
hands-on exercises on Public Health and Safety and
firefighting shall be Emergency Preparedness are
provided for all incorporated in the staff development
personnel and regular program. .
fire drills shall be
conducted to test
personnel’s firefighting
responses and
In case of transfer of DENR-EMB R10 had already been
ownership of this properly informed of the transfer of
project, these same ownership and correspondingly
conditions and approved the transfer of the
9) Standard DENR restrictions shall apply proponent of the ECC to the new
requirement on transfer of 13 and the transferee shall owner. However, Marilyn E. Calva to
ownership be required to notify the this day, retains the ownership and
EMB Regional Office operation of CGas Manolo Fortich
concerned within 15 Branch.
days as regards to the
transfer of ownership
In case of abandonment, No plan yet to abandon the project.
the proponent shall
notify the EMB Regional
10) Standard DENR Office concerned within
requirement on 10 three (3) months prior to
abandonment the abandonment and
the Proponent shall
submit its abandonment
mitigation plan.
Adequate drainage  Oil water Separator and multi-
system shall be chambered septic tank is provided for
3 constructed and domestic effluent.
regularly maintained. 
Desludging of septic tanks is to be
Appropriate bund walls arranged and hopefully approved by
shall be constructed the management for the renewal of
around the tank farm to Discharge permit for the year 2023.
11) Impact Mitigation Plan or contain any product
Construction/ Contractor’s 4 spillages in the area. Drainage system is provided and
Environmental Program Proper concrete properly maintained.
drainage system shall be
provided leading to an The riprap, built on one side portion of
oil-water separator. the station, was further heightened
Provision of an oil-water and strengthened to contain any leaks
separator. or spillage from the underground
5 storage tanks and prevent possible
contamination of the nearby creek.

12) Social Development Plan 6 That local residents  All employees are residents of
(SDP) shall be prioritized for Brgy.Tankulan and neighboring
employment. barangays in Manolo Fortich.
Module 5 of SMR

Conduct of orientation/ Basic health protocols are required to

seminar on safety be observed in relation to the
measures to project campaign against the spread of the
personnel and provision Corona virus. Vitamins and facial
13) IEC Plan of safety paraphernalia masks have been supplied to the
employees. Those experiencing colds,
fever, coughs, sore throat etc. are
advised to stay home and/or seek
medical help when necessary.
The proponent shall Awareness on Environment Protection,
implement Awareness Public Health, Safety and Emergency
and Preparedness of Preparedness are incorporated in the
Emergency at local level staff development program.
(APELL). Adequate in-
house lectures and
14) Contingency/Emergency
hands-on exercises on
Response Plan or
7 firefighting shall be 
equivalent Risk
provided for all
Management Plan
personnel and regular
fire drills shall be
conducted to test
personnel’s fire fighting
responses and
No plan for abandonment.
15) Abandonment Plan (when

16) Environmental Monitoring

Plan (EMoP)
Non-compliance with
any of the provisions of
this certificate shall be a
sufficient cause for the
cancellation or
suspension of this
17) (Others)
certificate and/or
imposition of a fine in an
amount not to exceed
Fifty Thousand Pesos
(50,000.00) for every
violation thereof.

Detailed ECC Compliance Matrix

Module 5 of SMR

ECC Conditions Compliance Status Remarks

Yes No N/A
1. The plant’s facility shall be  Appropriate fire safety distances from residences and
established attaining the other structures were observed in the construction of
appropriate fire safety distances, the station. Concrete walls and trees were not cut to
setbacks and buffers between help serve as buffers. Adequate firefighting
structures and boundaries. equipment are made available at all times, upgraded
Adequate fire-fighting equipment and/or replaced when necessary. The forecourt is well
shall be made available at all lighted to be readily visible to the public. Safety
times and adequate buffer walls reminders and warning signs are adequately posted in
and warning signs shall be strategic places for public information.
erected for public information.
2. The workers shall be provided  The workers are provided with uniforms and personal
with appropriate safety gadgets protective gears and equipment against health and
and other measures against occupational hazards posed by the project.
health and occupational hazards Employees also we're given flu vaccine for free
posed by the project.
3. Adequate drainage system  Adequate drainage system was constructed and
shall be constructed and regularly properly maintained.

4. Appropriate bund walls shall  The tank farm is surrounded by bund walls. A riprap
be constructed around the tank lined the boundary between the station and the
farm to contain any product contiguous creek. This is to contain any product
spillages in the area. Proper spillages in the area and to prevent contamination of
concrete drainage system shall be the creek.
provided leading to an oil-water

5. Provision of an oil-water  An oil-water separator was installed with a drainage

separator. system leading to it to minimize pollutants.
Module 5 of SMR


6. That local residents shall be  All personnel hired were from Brgy Tankulan and
prioritized for employment. neighbouring barangays of Manolo Fortich.

7. The proponent shall implement 

Awareness and Preparedness of All employees upon hiring are required to undergo
Emergency at local level (APELL). Basic Orientation Course which includes basic
Adequate in-house lectures and knowledge and skills on operating fuel dispensers,
hands-on exercises on firefighting forecourt discipline, unloading of fuel from tanker to
shall be provided for all personnel storage tanks and the use of fire extinguishers.
and regular fire drills shall be
conducted to test personnel’s
firefighting responses and

8. The proponent shall initiate to  NA

put up EMF for the use of MMT in
monitoring compliance to ECC.

9. The DENR-EMB 10 and the  On the spot inspection and monitoring may be
MMT can initiate an on the spot conducted anytime.
monitoring and inspection
anytime without prior notice.

10. In case of abandonment, the  The proponent has no plan to abandon the project.
proponent shall notify the EMB
Regional Office concerned within
three (3) months prior to the
abandonment and the Proponent
shall submit its abandonment
mitigation plan.


11. No other activities should be  continued compliance to the approved capacity the
undertaken other than what was project is observed.
stipulated in the IEE document.
Should there be an expansion of
the project beyond the project
description, construction of other
structures beyond those stated in
the IEE document; or any change
in the activity, shall be made
subject to a new Environmental
Impact Assessment.

12. All other permits from the  All the necessary permits have been secured. DOE
concerned government agencies Certificate of Compliance has been secured as well as
shall be secured prior to project other pertinent permits was already posted in the
implementation wherein copies of office.
which shall be submitted to this
Office within fifteen (15) days
upon receipt thereof, otherwise
this ECC shall be considered null
Module 5 of SMR

Detailed EMP Implementation Matrix

(Refer to EMP Matrix in the submitted EIS or IEE to EMB, If none available submit EMP for


1. Waste water Installation of oil-water CGas Manolo Branch is only a refilling station. It has no wash
generation and separator and drainage and service bays. Thus, very minimal wastewater is generated
water quality system that leads to it. and contamination with hazardous chemicals of wastewater
degradation. Regular maintenance of is avoided.
drainage canals. Standard Operating Procedures are strictly being followed in
refilling of vehicles and unloading of fuel from delivery trucks
to prevent unnecessary and uncontrolled spillage and leaks.
Proper operation and maintenance of fuel dispensers and
UGT is observed to timely detect malfunction which may
cause spills or leaks.
Set up proper and adequate sanitary facilities. Two toilet is
available for the public use while two toilets are provided for
the employees. Regular annual desludging of septic tanks is
Regular maintenance of drainage canals and regular semi-
annual clean out of oil –water separator tank improved
2. Solid waste Implement proper Adequate garbage receptacles have been provided in
generation segregation, collection strategic areas of the station for different classification of
and disposal of solid wastes. Biodegradable wastes are disposed in a compost pit
wastes. while recyclable wastes are sold to junkshops.
Implement 4Rs in solid
waste management: Only two toilet is available for the public use while two toilets
reduction, reuse, recycling are provided for the employees. Public cooperation is a
and recovery. pressing problem because they display total disregard for
Observe cleanliness and wastes segregation and disposal and conservation of water
proper housekeeping. and electricity when they use the station’s rest
room/facilities. So more garbage bins must be provided and
disposal of SW of customers while refilling may be considered
as additional service of the forecourt. That way segregation
of waste is implemented at source.

Irregular collection from the LGU/Brgy. garbage collection

personnel is also a recurring problem.

Currently, the basement of the new building is maximized for

the purpose of storing waste materials for recycling and for
keeping files and stocks of oil and lubricants in order. Files,
inventories and recyclable wastes accumulated for storage
which now demands organizing, sorting and proper labelling.

3. Particulate Implement regular and Proper operation and maintenance from qualified
emission to air proper maintenance of technicians/personnel only of emission sources.
Generation of emission sources
unpleasant odors (generator set), pumps Comply with emission test requirements for service vehicles/
Module 5 of SMR

and service vehicles. tankers.

Set up clean and properly
maintained forecourt and Continued commitment to sell and use only environment
rest rooms/sanitary friendly fuels: EURO 4 from established OIMB accredited
facilities. suppliers only.
Intensified campaign
against smoking.
Comfort room for Boys and Girls are available for the public
use while two toilets are provided for the employees. .

Posters banning smoking within company premises posted in

strategic places. Smoking within the station has been
significantly eradicated.

Paving station floor and spraying of water to suppress dust

sources during daily floor sweepings is done.

B. Impact Monitoring

This section shall contain relevant graphical presentation of quantitative and semi-quantitative
impact monitoring results showing trends, comparing past monitoring results with the current.
Relevant monitoring results in the other SMR modules shall be referred to. The latest monitoring
findings and conclusion should be discussed in text form. (If applicable)

Qualitative impact monitoring results may be presented in text form or in terms of pictorial
coverage, if applicable. Examples of qualitative impacts are those relating to quality of life, degree of
happiness, and sense of environmental cleanliness.

i. Summary of Previous Monitoring

The key findings, recommendations, and action plan from the previous monitoring and
outstanding issues from earlier monitoring periods (if applicable) should be highlighted in this

ii. Current Monitoring Results and Findings

The data collected and related expenses from the various sampling and measurement events
done under the Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) or a Sampling and Measurement Plan
(SAMP) for the current monitoring period shall be summarized in a tabular form, preferably
using the prescribed format in Tables 2 and 3 below, and discussed under this section. Only
processed and summarized data must be presented here.

The current monitoring results must be related to the historical trend for each parameter. Any
deviation from this trend must be explained. More, importantly, the discussion must focus on
point-by-point comparison of the gathered values with Environmental Quality Performance
Levels (EQPLs), if EQPLs have been committed by the Proponent or established with the Multi-
partite Monitoring Team. The monitoring results could also be used to determine the action and
limit levels for the specific project. These should all be presented here in detail and summarized
in the conclusions and recommendations section.
Module 5 of SMR

Compliances, non-compliances and exceedances must all be thoroughly explained. In cases of

compliances, success factors must be cited. For non-compliances and exceedances, the
proponent’s response should be explained. Moreover, causative factors must be identified and
additional solutions and mitigation measures proposed, if needed.

It should also cite the weather conditions and other factors which may affect the results of the
sampling activities.

The status of compliance to recommendations from previous monitoring and measures included
in the action plan should be described and any unmet commitment must be rationalized and
alternative, if needed, presented.

Table 2. Summary Status of Environmental Impact Management and Monitoring Plan

Monitor Monitor Sampling & Measurement Envt’l Mgmt. Measure Remarks
Envt’l Predictio
ing Envt’l ing
Aspec n
Objectiv Impact Parame
e ter
Stn/Locn Prev Curre
ious nt
Complia Wate Water VOC Effluent No Limiting activities to refilling Action level
nce to r pollutio outflow data of vehicle tanks only to avoid
RA 9275 n BOD yet water pollution.
TSS Provision of an oil-water
Oil & Separator.
grease Properly maintained drainage
Strict implementation of SOP
in refilling of vehicle tanks
and unloading from tankers
to UGT to prevent spills.
Complia Air Air SO2 Genset No No Regular & proper Action level
nce to pollutio PM Engine room Data data maintenance of emission
RA 8749 n VOCs Transport sources.
Complia Solid Pollutio Within Implementation of proper Action level
nce to waste n premises segregation, collection and
RA 9003 especially in disposal of solid wastes.
rest room Use of 4 Rs in solid waste
Complia Hazar contami BTEX Oil water Provision of proper storage Action level
nce to dous nation separator container and facility for
RA6969 waste of water tank waste oil, sludge and oil
bodies, contaminated absorbents in
soil accordance with DAO 2013-

*EQPL-Environmental Quality Performance Level

o Alert or Red Flag - early warning

o Action Level-point where management measures must be employed so as not to reach the
regulated threshold or limit level, or to reduce deterioration of affected environmental
component to pre-impact or optimum environmental quality
Module 5 of SMR

o Limit Level-regulated threshold of pollutant (standard that must not be exceeded); point
where emergency response measures must be employed to reduce pollutants to lower than
standard limit.
o NOTE: Section on EQPLs may be filled out as a Proponent’s draft commitment or after these
have been established and mutually agreed upon among Proponent, EMB and other MMT
members. Otherwise, only the LIMIT Level shall be the reference for regulatory compliance.
This means that environmental management measures are formulated at the “ACTION
level” so as not to exceed this regulated threshold.


Table 3. Report on Status of Environmental Budget Allocations and Expenses

Budget Actual Expenses
Expense et
Item* MMT
Direct from Co. for Direct Co. Expense
A. Implementation of Management Plans & Programs

1) Environmental  15,000/repairs and

 50,000/semi
Impact Mitigation maintenance
Plan  2,000/garbage disposal

2) Social
Development Plan
3) IEC Plan
4) Enhancement
 50,000/SEMI
Programs (if any)

B. Implementation of Monitoring Plans

 5,000/SEMI
1) Self-Monitoring NOTARIZATION
2) Environmental
Monitoring Fund
(with MMT)
3) Environmental
Guarantee Fund
TOTALS 19,500
LESS 105,000

*For mining projects, equivalent cost items shall be adopted, e.g. SDMP in lieu of SDP.


This section should present the conclusions and recommendations of the current CMR based on the
results and discussion of the previous sections. It should also explain if the previous monitoring
recommendations should continue (if implemented). On the other hand, if warranted, the
recommendation may be the cessation of specific or all monitoring activities.
Module 5 of SMR

A. Compliance Status

 All vital conditions set in the ECC and EMP were basically complied. But a change to the
proponent’s activities which differ to permit conditions must be reported for approval.
 The role of the PCO in the active monitoring is vital but the support of the proponent in
the management of environmental concerns is critical to compliance.
 Complaints received were given due attention and response; no emergency or accidents
were encountered that could have had significant impact on the environment and public
health and safety is also proof of compliance.

B. Environmental Quality Status (applicable only if EQPLs have been set by the Proponent as its
commitment or if opted to be mutually agreed upon by Proponent with the EMB and other
members of the MMT)

 No EQPL has been mutually agreed upon by the Proponent with the EMB. The
environmental management measures were maintained at the action level thus no
perceivable exceedance was recorded.
 Funds are available upon request based on the proponent’s order of priorities.

C. Environmental Management Plan Status

 Dissemination and unification of the organization on the EMP is to be continued to get

the organization at all levels actively involved in the implementation of
mitigation/enhancement and rehabilitation measures.


The proponent should fill-up or update the project’s environmental risk categorization
questionnaire (presented in Annex 2-7d of the Revised Procedural Manual of DAO 2003-30)


 To make sure that DENR permits are renewed before expiration dates.
 Closer coordination with LGU in handling environmental concerns.
 Making sure that the Environmental Plan Management will be updated.

Please have the following documents attached:

a) Laboratory Results of Analysis from DENR-EMB recognized laboratory;

b) Approved Impact Mitigation Plan in the EIS/other EIS Update Documents; and
c) Approved Environmental Monitoring Plan in the EIS/other EIS Update Documents
d) Proof and evidence (e.g. permits, reports, documents, etc.)
Module 5 of SMR



Name/Position Name/Position

__CGAS FILLING STATION _ _________________________

Proponent/Company Name Date


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