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The coronavirus illness (COVID-19) is an associate degree

communicable disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. This new

virus and illness were unknown before the occurrence began in Wuhan,

China, in December 2019 (WHO, 2020). January 30, 2020, the Philippine

Department of Health reported the primary case of COVID-19 within the

country with a 38-year-old female Chinese national. March 7, 2020, the

primary native transmission of COVID-19 was confirmed. World Health

Organization (WHO) is functioning closely with the Department of Health in

responding to the COVID-19 occurrence (WHO, 2020). The COVID-19

pandemic is first and foremost a health crisis. Several countries have

(rightly) set to shut schools, colleges, and universities. The crisis crystallizes

the quandary policymakers face between closing schools (reducing contact

and saving lives) and keeping them open (allowing employees to figure and

maintaining the economy). Teaching is moving on-line, on associate degree

untested and unprecedented scale. Students' assessments are moving

online, with heaps of trial and error and uncertainty for everybody (Burgess

&and Sievertsen, 2020). The origin of blendeding learning pre-date the

arrival of digital technology. its kin group lies in distance learning through

correspondence courses (Barbour, 2014).

In a blendeding learning atmosphere, students will access to learning

materials by utilizing the net technologies outside the category whereas

attending face to face education (Graham et al., 2003). Learners collaborate

actively in these environments and improved students’ study

accomplishment through psychological feature activities (Eryilmaz, 2015) as

found out in previous studies on cooperative learning in associate degree e-

learning atmosphere, means learners acquire existing data and actively

produce new data for given task performance within the method of sharing

data with the peers (Insook et al., 2006). blending Blended learning

supports additional versatile, interactive, efficient, accessible, and varied

learning expertise for each teacher and their students. The charm of the

blendeding learning approach lies within the adaptation of technology

motor-assisted learning ways additionally to the prevailing ancient primarily

based learning (Khan et al., 2012). Blended Learning Approach additionally

defines as an educational approach that mixes the effectiveness and

socialization opportunities of the schoolroom with the technologically

increased active learning prospects of the net atmosphere, instead of a

magnitude relation of delivery modalities.” Merely, a blended learning

approach is an associate degree integrated educational approach that mixes

face to face interactions among the schoolroom and online activities

(Dziuban, Hartman and Moskal, 2004). The Coronavirus Disease 2019

(COVID2019) is a source of great concern in the Philippines. It was first

confirmed to have spread in the country on January 30, 2020 in Manila,

Philippines. Involved first and second cases were married couples who had

travel history in China, one of which was the first confirmed fatality of the

disease in the country. The first case of local transmission was reported in

an area in Northern Philippines from an elderly Filipino who was frequently

observed in a Muslim prayer hall. He was the first confirmed death due to

the local transmission of the disease in the country (DOH, 2020).

Philippines is experiencing an extremely high infectivity rate with a 4.51

percent fatality rate, which is lower than the previous corona virus

outbreaks, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and the Middle

East respiratory Syndrome (MERS). However, the fatality rate in the

Philippines is higher compared to other Asian countries such as Singapore,

Malaysia, Brunei, and Thailand (Alipio and Pregoner, 2020). Blended

learning was found to have a positive effect on learner’s study achievement

than the face to face learning environments (Eryilmaz, 2015). In blended

learning environment, students can access to learning materials by using

web technologies outside the class while attending face to face education

(Graham et al., 2003). Learners cooperate actively in these environments

and improved students’ study achievement through cognitive activities

(Eryilmaz, 2015) as pointed out in previous studies on collaborative learning

in an e-learning environment, means that learners acquire existing

knowledge and actively create new knowledge for given task performance in

the process of sharing knowledge with the peers (Insook et al., 2006).

Blended learning supports more flexible, interactive, efficient, accessible,

and varied learning experience for both teacher and their students. The

charm of blended learning approach lies in the adaptation of technology

aided learning methods in addition to the existing traditional based learning

(Khan et al., 2012). The concept of blended learning cannot be defined

precisely as different scholars put different content into the term, though all

of researchers agree that blended learning is an integrated learning

experience that is controlled and guided by the instructor whether in the

form of face-to-face communication or his virtual presence (Bryan and

Volchenkova, 2016).

The rise of the 21st 21st-century learning plays a vital role in today’s

trends of education. There are so many authentic approaches and

strategies along the way in order to serve millennial learners the education

to its best. Seminars and trainings become a necessity and embedded to

teachers so that they can capacitate the new approaches and strategies to

their students with highly competent and equip teachers in terms of


Blended Learning Approach becomes indispensable within the twenty

twenty-first Century Learning since eLearning is taken into account because

of the cream of the crop within the gift scenario. the utilization of webinars

is a straightforward thanks to blending learning. The use of Webinar Tools

like Zoom, GoToWebinar, Cisco WebEx, Google Meet, Google Hangouts,

AnyMeeting, and also the like which might be used rely upon the
requirements of the learners. With this sort of approach, the author would

love to search out the effectiveness of blended learning amid COVID 19

Pandemic among secondary students. This study can decide whether the

use of the personal computers, gadgets, net affiliation, and placement of the

learners can fulfill the result of a blended learning approach. Moreover, this

may decide the interest of the learners on the strategy of learning through

an online approach.

Thus, the main objective of this study is to assess the efficacy and

efficiency of selected blended learning platforms among secondary students

of Dr. Gerardo Sabal Memorial National High School (DGSMNHS). The

secondary objectives are (1) to formulate techniques to better utilize the

selected blended learning platforms, (2) identify factors that affect blended

learning amid COVID-19, and (3) to propose a strategic plan to mitigate or

possibly eradicate the identified factors affecting blended learning amid


Provide a paragraph objective of the study

Theoretical Framework

Blended learning is often represented as “the mix of ancient ways of

teaching, such as face-to-face teaching and online teaching” (Bliuc,

Goodyear et al. 2007, p.233). Due to its simplicity, this can maybe the

foremost common which means of homogenized learning utilized in a better

education context.

The notion of applying ICT to support ancient ways (as against

gradual movement to a very online system) is clearly not new. Dowling,

Godfrey et al. (2003) analyzed whether a hybrid, versatile method, in

comparison to ancient face-to-face lectures, improved learning outcomes.

Their results urged a positive modification in student grades once a mix of

the standard approach and intensive use of transmission resources was


Behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism and art movement is

also seen as ancient learning paradigms that square measur used as

benchmarks against that learning processes are measured. There is a

requirement to remodel education from a teacher-centered experimental

psychology model to a learner-centered creative person model by

empowering educators to empower learners through the combination of

ICTs into all aspects of the teaching and learning process (Allen IE and

Garret R., 2007). The shift from behaviorism to a lot of creative person

views of learning changes however one conceptualizes information creation,

wherever participation is emphasized instead of acquisition. However, the

impact of technological advancements on teaching and learning must be

taken into though. Though behaviorism, cognitivism and art movement were

developed at a time once teaching and learning were not compacted upon by

technology (Bawden D, et al., 2007). These theories have not become

obsolete; they must utilize in a really completely different way to incorporate

this teaching and learning surroundings. The educational environment

comprises of elements of behavioral, cognitive, social and creative person

learning theories. The educational landscapes within the digital age square

measure networked, social and technological. Central to connectivism, a

learning theory for the digital surroundings is that concept that learning

takes place across networked communities and information technologies.

Learning style is outlined because the combination of psychological

feature, emotional and physiological factors that confirm every individual’s

simplest method for learning. A spread of systems exists for categorizing

these factors into standardized classifications. Since different folks have

different learning designs, it is essential to supply a spread of educational

approaches, learning material and activities. Though these preferences

could also be varied they custom-made by the coed to regulate and

divert teaching and educational settings and may also be accommodated by

educators in their variety of presentation (Bawden D, et al.). Addressing the

educational wants of scholars is difficult as many variations like previous

information, expertise and talent level ought to be factored into the

educational vogue equation. The importance of applying learning design is

to match students’ preferences with the look and sort of teaching

instruction so as to enhance students’ satisfaction and alternative outcomes

like students’ performance. Students and educators want a foundation for

wondering and understanding how people learn. Educators’ understanding

of students’ learning designs will improve their alternative of educational

delivery. Technology can be used as a tool to deal with completely different

learning designs through the practice of collaboration, media and

discussion. Technology are often in blended learning where students are

engaged in a self-reliant learning method during which they construct which

means through exploration and experimentation. Blended learning might

change students to require their most well-liked route to learning through a

mix of learning activities that appeal to a wide range of learning designs. In

observe, however, it is not continually attainable to design blended learning

programs that cowl all learning style preferences in the least times. Felder

states that though educators cannot style instruction to cater for all the

educational designs, they must strike a balance, ensuring that the student’s

learning vogue preference is self-addressed to an inexpensive extent

throughout instruction. Blended Learning program designers will commit to

meet the requirements of various learning vogue preferences at some stage

within the learning method (Boyle T, etal. 2003). Blended Learning means

that a mix of face-to-face room instruction integrated with online parts. It

provides learners an area to observe the target language with authentic

material (Garrison & Vaughan, 2008). The applying of blended learning has

become a lot of distinguished in second line net applications (MacDonald,

2008). Academics really gain a lot of educational expertise with the

approaches. Blended learning some employs a good style of media and

materials in addition as completely different teaching ways and assessment

tools (Sharma & Barrett, 2007). In alternative words, blended learning

offers a lot of selections in learning and a quicker offer of data and

Conceptual Framework

Effectiveness of school
Online Platform from home in using
gadgets, personal
Google Meet computer, and internet
Zoom connectivity

Messenger Video Call

Microsoft Office Teams
Blended Learning

Figure 1 Schematic Diagram of the Study

Blended Learning Approach is an online face-to-face approach. It is flexible

in the context of its delivery mode in the present situation the COVID 19

Pandemic. This kind of approach allow learners to continue their education

even without going to school. Learning becomes flexible through the aid of

learning technology.

The concept of its effectiveness of school from home is more enhance when

learners use gadgets, personal computer and internet connectivity. There

are available Online Platforms like Google Meet, Microsoft Office Teams,

Zoom, Messenger Video Call, Cisco and Skype that makes online learning

more effective and efficient. Face-to-face learning allows learners to study

anytime and anywhere.

Statement of the Research Problem

This study aims to determine the efficiency and efficacy to the

Blended Learning Approach among learners during the COVID 19


Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What suitable Information Communication and Technology (ICT)

Equipment to be used for effective Blended Learning:

a. Personal Computer

b. Android Cellphone

c. Smartphone

d. Mobile Phone

2. What webinar tools to use for Blended Learning Approach for effective


a. GoToWebinar

b. Cisco WebEx

c. Google Meet
d. Microsoft Office Teams

e. Google Hangouts

f. AnyMeeting

3. Is there significant relationship between the efficacy and efficiency of

Blended Learning Approach during COVID 19 Pandemic?

Significance of the Study

The study could find out the effectiveness of the Blended Learning

Approach during this COVID 19 Pandemic. The school from home will lead

students to continue learning on face-to-face online. The use of the

different platforms and ICT equipment learning continues.

With the increasing number of cases of COVID-19 cases in the

Philippines (DOH, 2020), this study would also best benefit to teachers who

are resorting to blended learning amid COVID-19, and to the future

researchers regarding blended learning studies.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of the study is limited to the efficacy and efficiency of

Blended Learning Approach amid COVID 19 Pandemic among secondary

learners in Dr. Gerardo Sabal Memorial National High School. This is to

find out how effective the use of this approach to facilitate school from


Definition of Terms

Efficacy - capacity for producing a desired result or effect; effectiveness.

Efficiency - the state or quality of being efficient, or able to accomplish

something with the least waste of time and effort; competency in


Online Platforms -it is used to describe a range of services available on the

Internet including marketplaces, search engines, social media,

creative content outlets, app stores, communications services,

payment systems, services comprising the so-called “collaborative” or

“gig” economy, and much more. It is also defined as a digital service

that facilitates interactions between two or more distinct but

interdependent sets of users (whether firms or individuals) who

interact through the service via the Internet.

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