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Project Name Papai solid waste treatment plant, jabalpur M.

P India
Building Pump house foundation design
Specimen Name Engine driven pump foundation
DRG Mahesh Designed Ravi Checked Zeeshan
Approved by Nakul Date : 15.12.2016

Engine driven pump

1) General Data

a) Assumed Safe bearing capacity = 5 T/M2 at -1. 00 m level

b) Grade of R/F steel Used = 500 N/mm2

c) Grade of concrete used = M25

2) Design

a) Self weight of footing block= 2.09 x 1.148 x 1.0 x 2.5 = 6.0 T (Unit weight of concrete = 2.5
T/M3 )
b) Load of engine driven pump (as per supplier drg No' TF 17815115-0) = 1777 Kg
or = 1.78 T
Net weight = 6.0 + 1.78 = 7.78 T
Base Pressure = Load/Area = (7.78 x 9.8)/ (2.09 x 1.148)
= 31. 78 KN/m2 < 50 KN/m2 (OK)
As this foundation is machine foundation, therefore, according to clause 76 of IS-2974 (Part-04)-
The minimum quantity of steel not be less than = 50 Kg/M3

Total volume of concrete = 2.09 x 1.148 x 1.0 = 2.40 m3
Minimum weight of steel to be provided = 50 Kg

As per drg A2Z/RVPNL/267/PU/01, The provided steel in engine driven foundation is OK

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