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a report in French based on an English text

written expression (letter, e-mail...)

Each part is graded on 10 points.
I advise you to take 1 hour per part, as the English test takes 2 hours in total.
In this article, you'll learn :
how to write a report and express yourself in writing
the do's and don'ts of the test
the test scale
How to write a report
The report should present the main ideas of an English text in around 180 words, with a margin of + or
- 10%.

Understanding the text and identifying key elements

Identify the origin of the text: its author, type of medium and source.

Identify how the title hooks the reader: statement, question, imperative.

Identify the main subject and structure of the text:

-> words that recur throughout the text, or words that refer to the same ideas.
-> the main idea and function of each paragraph (introductory, explanatory, collection of examples,
-> group paragraphs together if they are on the same theme.
Identify the angle chosen by the author: presence of testimonial(s), problem/solution, past/present,
cause/consequence, advantages/disadvantages.
Drafting the report
one or two introductory sentences introducing the text (title, origin, date, theme).
Following the order of paragraphs ensures that nothing is forgotten, but runs the risk of repetition. To
avoid this pitfall and demonstrate a true spirit of synthesis: identify the themes of the different
paragraphs and organize your report according to them.
What to do in the BTS SAM English test
respect the required word count (+ or - 10%)
eliminate figures, details, quotations and examples
Reread your report and watch out for spelling mistakes.
What not to do when writing in English
write your report in English (=0)
introduce a personal opinion
omit essential ideas from the text
don't paraphrase the text
Scale for the English written test (report)
Identification of important ideas and facts (5 points)
Organization of the report (3 points)
mention of theme
coherent development
presence of a conclusion
respect for length
Quality of French (2 points)
grammar and spelling
precision of vocabulary
You see, if you follow the methodology, the 3 points for the organization of the report are in the bag,
as are the 2 points for the quality of the French. That's already 5/10, without counting your
understanding of the text!

« to » Infinitive
- I want to learn English
- To avoid mistakes, we need to practice.

Gerund : verb -ing

- Planning is a key to success.

Shape of a verb
Functions as a moun
The use of gerund
- As a noun : swimming is great for your body
- After certain verbs : like, love, hate, enjoy, prefer, dislike – general preferance
- After certain verbs : admit, appreciate, avoid ( eviter ), confess, continue, deny ( refuser ),
discuss, suggest, excuse, finish, forgive ( pardoner ), go, imagine, mind, miss, keep, practice,
recommend, recollect, report, understand, quit
- After certain expressions : can’t stand ( je ne peux pas supporter ), can’t help ( je ne peux pas
m’en empêcher), Be busy ( je ne peux pas m’en occuper ), it’s no use ( ça ne sert à rien ), it’s
( no ) good, it’s ( no ) month , there’s no point ( ça ne sert à rien ) ,
- After all the prepositions : I plan on visiting, Italy next month
- After ; spend, waste lose ( time )
- After expressions : look forward to, be used to

“to” infinitive

- To express a purpose ( exprimer un objectif )

- After certain verbs : agree, plan, decide, want, expect, hope, promise, to refuse, learn
- After adjective “It + is ( to be ) + adj +verb if : difficult, nice, pleasant, glad, interesting,
happy, sad, clever / smart / sensible, kind, lucky,
- Would love to / Like to / Prefer to
!!! love, like, hate, dislike
 To inf. + express something specific

- To be + first / second / next / last / best

Bare infinitive

- Aux. verb
- Present simple ( except he / she / it )
- After modal verbs ; can, must, may, could, might, will, shalt, should, would
- Would rather, would sooner, had better
‘d rather, ‘d sooner, ‘d better

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