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The fundamental essence of an organization's cultural structure is comprised of intangible values and
ethos, collectively known as core culture. This core culture serves as the foundation for the organization's
beliefs and principles, shaping its identity and guiding its actions. It encompasses the shared values, norms,
and assumptions that define the organization's character and provide a sense of purpose and direction.

However, core culture alone is not sufficient to create a thriving organizational culture. Observable culture,
also known as surface culture, represents the outward manifestation of this cultural perspective. It is the
visible expression of the organization's core culture, including its rituals, symbols, language, and behaviors.
Observable culture is what employees and external stakeholders can see, hear, and experience in their
interactions with the organization.

The responsibility of management lies in not only establishing the core culture but also ensuring its
consistent implementation throughout the organization. This involves aligning the observable culture with
the core culture, so that the values and principles are reflected in the day-to-day operations and decision-
making processes. Management must actively promote and reinforce the desired cultural norms,
behaviors, and practices, while also addressing any inconsistencies or misalignments that may arise.

By nurturing a strong and cohesive core culture and aligning it with the observable culture, management
can create a positive and supportive work environment. This, in turn, can enhance employee engagement,
productivity, and satisfaction, as well as foster a sense of belonging and commitment among employees.
Moreover, a well-defined and consistently implemented organizational culture can also contribute to
attracting and retaining top talent, as it signals the organization's values and provides a clear framework
for decision-making.

In summary, the core culture forms the foundation of an organization's cultural structure, while the
observable culture represents its visible expression. Management plays a crucial role in establishing and
maintaining a strong and aligned culture, ensuring that the organization's values and principles are
consistently upheld and reflected in its day-to-day operations.

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