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STUDENT: __________________________________________
TEACHER: __________________________________________
YEAR: ______________________________________________

PRESENT SIMPLE: we use the present simple to talk about situations that always or never happen or
happen generally, every day, regularly, usually, often or sometimes.

Words and phrases we often use with present simple:

100% 0%

Always everyday/week, etc usually often regularly sometimes never

My alarm clock rings at 7.30am.

I have a quick shower and then I get dressed.

1. Complete the chart.

I live near Emma. I _____________ near Emma.
She __________ in Gualeguaychú. She _____________ in Gualeguaychú.
________ you _________ near Emma? Yes, I ______
No, I _______
________ she ____________ in Gualeguaychú? Yes, she ______
No, she _______
Where _____ you _______? I _________ near Emma.
Where _______ she ________? She _________ in Gualeguaychú.

2. Write your daily routine using some of the phrases given. Try to use adverbs of frequency and give the times.



3. Complete with the correct form of present simple.

a. Harry _______________________ (eat) an ice-cream every day.
b. Violet ___________________________ (hate) garlic.
c. They ____________________________ (drink) soup regularly.
d. Children usually ____________________ (like) sweets.
e. Daniel _____________________________ (enjoy) eating pasta.
f. I always ________________________ (eat) lunch at home.
g. We usually ______________________ (have) milk for breakfast.
4. Rewrite the sentences in the interrogative form.
a. They prepare dinner. ____________________________________________________________
b. Sally and Alan like broccoli. _______________________________________________________
c. David drinks lemonade. __________________________________________________________
d. Emma likes peaches. ____________________________________________________________
e. You cat plays with a ball. _________________________________________________________
f. My sister has a shower every morning. ______________________________________________

5. Make the sentences in exercise 4, negative.

a. ______________________________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________________________________________________
f. ______________________________________________________________________________________

6. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions. Then try to make sentences using them in the present simple.

GO OUT start a computer, light, etc

TURN OFF leave your bed

WAKE UP return home

GET BACK stop a computer, light, etc

GET UP stop sleeping

TURN ON leave your house


7. Ask questions to your classmate and then write sentences talking about him or her.

Brothers or sisters
Favourite day

PRESENT SIMPLE VS PRESENT CONTINUOUS: We use the present simple to talk about situations that
always or never happen, or happen generally, everyday, regularly, usually, often or sometimes.

We use the present continuous to talk about situations happening now, at the moment or around now.

I usually read in bed before I go to sleep.

At the moment, I’m reading a really good book.

8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of Present simple or Present continuous.
a. We ____________________ in the canteen this week. (help)
b. Martin usually ___________ to work, but today he __________ the bus. (drive/take)
c. Listen! She _____________ the piano. (practise)
d. He ___________________ his holidays in Spain every year. (not/spend)
e. We __________________ this week. (not/work)
f. ___________________________ the party now? (you/leave)
g. ___________________________ any brothers or sisters? (you/have got)
h. ___________________________ him? (she/love)
i. My boss _________________ me an email every day. (send)

9. Complete the dialogue with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

 Kevin: Hi, Sue. What____________________ (you / do)?

 Sue: I ________________________ (watch) television right now. What about you?

 Kevin: I ______________________ (study) for my exams, but it’s boring! Every day, I ____________________(get
up) at seven o’clock and have breakfast. After that, I ______________________(read) my notes. Today, I
___________________________(try) to finish my history revision.

 Sue: History! Yuk!

 Kevin: How____________________________________ (you / spend) your time these days?

 Sue: Well, most days, I ________________________________(wake up) at around 12. After that, I
__________________________ (listen) to music and check my emails. Then I
__________________________(usually / go) out with friends.

 Kevin: Oh, it would be great if I didn’t have exams!

10. Complete the text with Present Simple or Present Continuous.

My friend Wugang is a new student from China. Wugang’s parents _________________(not know) any English, so he
always ___________________(speak) Chinese with them. I __________________(love) listening to Chinese and
Wugang __________________________ (teach) me a new word in Chinese every day. Today, Wugang and his
parents ____________________________(prepare) for the Chinese New Year – a very important festival. Chinese
people often ___________________(wear) red clothes for the festival and they___________________ (put)
beautiful decorations in their windows. At the moment, Wugang’s dad ____________________(wash) the floors in
their flat because Chinese people always ____________________ (clean) their homes for the festival. Wugang
_______________________(not help) his father. He and his mother _______________(make) special cakes for the

11. Choose the correct time expressions.

a. We are tidying our room now / every day.
b. We always have showers in the morning / at the moment.
c. He visits his grandparents every year / this year.
d. Eliza is taking a test every week / right now.
e. Do you help in the house on Fridays / this morning?
f. Is he watching television at the moment / in the evening?
g. I am doing my homework this afternoon / every afternoon.
h. They don’t go to the market on Tuesdays / this morning.
i. They are having dinner at night / now.
j. I get up at 7 am every day / today.


PAST SIMPLE: REGULAR AND BASIC IRREGULAR FORMS: we use the past simple to talk about single actions in
the past, or repeated actions in the past that don’t happen now.

Words and phrases we often use with the past simple: yesterday, last night/week, on Monday, at six o ‘clock, a
year ago, this morning.

I went to the cinema.

It was a bit boring.

On Monday and Tuesday evening, I played video games.

PAST SIMPLE: FURTHER IRREGULAR FORMS: there are a lot of irregular verbs in English. With some, we form
the past simple by changing a vowel sound. With others, we have to make different changes. With some verbs,
the past simple is the same as the infinitive.

I said my main hobby is collecting stamps.

Mark drew a really good picture of me.

12.Answer the questions.

a. Were you at home last night?
b. Was your sister at school yesterday?
c. Where were you last Friday?
d. How was your weekend?
e. Was your 1st grade teacher good?
f. When were you born?
g. When was your sister born?
13.Complete the text with the correct form of the verb To Be (present or past).

Mike ______ my best friend. He ______ very nice and friendly, but he _______ (not) a good student. His brothers
______ my friends, too. They ______ older than we ______.
When we _______ younger, we _______ (not) friends. I ______ very shy, so I didn't talk to anyone. One day, when
we ______8, he invited me to play with him. I ______ (not) very sure but I accepted the invitation. It _____ a
fantastic day and we have always been friends since then.

14.Complete the sentences with verbs in the past.

a. Bob __________ here three years ago. (work)
b. The girls __________ new dresses for the party. (buy)
c. We __________ some coke at the party and _________ some sandwiches. (drink – eat)
d. They _________ sports when they were younger (play).
e. I ________ a delicious cake yesterday. (make)
f. Peter _________ at the office last night. (stay)

15.Form questions. Then answer

a. What/George/study/at university? (law)
b. Where/they/travel/ last year? (Europe)
c. He/accept/ the offer? (no)
d. When/Fran/sell/her car? (last week)

16. Put the verbs into the correct column.


17. Complete the sentences with the correct form (positive, negative or interrogative) of the verbs in the previous
a. (+) Yesterday I ..................................... football in the park.
b. (+) My mother .................................... a book last year. It’s very interesting.
c. (-) Peter ....................................this colour when he was younger.
d. (?) ……………………. you ............................................. a letter to your grandma?
e. (-) We ................................... TV last weekend.
f. (+) I ................................... a pet rabbit when I was a child.
g. (?) ……………………. she...............................................her room? It was very dirty yesterday!
h. (+) Sarah ..................................... two sandwiches yesterday.
i. (-) The children ..................................... the window – it was the dog.
j. (+) I ................................... for the test last night. I’m not nervous.

18. Write the person for each of the words below.

CYCLE _______________________
GAME _______________________
GOLF ________________________
GUITAR _______________________
PAINT ________________________
PHOTOGRAPHER ___________________
PIANO ____________________________
PLAY _____________________________
SKATE ____________________________
SURF _____________________________
VIOLIN ____________________________
WINDSURF _________________________


PAST CONTINUOUS: we use it to show that a situation was in progress when another situation, in the past
simple, happened.

Mr Granger was sleeping. The door opened.

Also, we use it to show that a situation was in progress at a particular time in the past.

What were you doing at five o’clock? I was doing my homework.

19.Complete the sentences with verbs in Past Continuous.

a. John ___________ football yesterday at seven. PLAY
b. What _____ you _________ at school? DO
c. The girls _______________ their books. READ
d. I ___________ dinner at that time last night. EAT
e. ______ the man _________? STEAL

f. Complete with the verb in Past Simple or Past Continuous

g. While he ____________ (ride) his bike, he ________ (fall) and ______ (break) a leg.
h. They ____________ (go) to school when the accident _________ (happen).
i. When he __________ (arrive) a man ___________ (take) his bag.
j. Ron _________ (buy) the new table while he _____________ (stay) in Chile.

20.Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past continuous).

a. While I (do) _________ the washing-up, I (break) ________ a plate.

b. While Tom (play) _________ the piano, his mother (arrive) _______________.
c. I (have) _________ dinner when I suddenly (hear) ________ a loud bang.
d. While my father (work) _________ in the garden, an old friend (pass) _________by to see him.
e. She (go) _________ to school, when she _________ (meet) a friend.
f. When it (start) _________ to rain, our dog (sleep) _____________ in the garden.
g. While Jane (do) _________ a course in Ireland, she (visit) _________Blarney Castle.
h. While I (go) _________ home, I (see) _________ an accident.

21.Complete with WHEN or WHILE.

a. _____ they were working, the lights went out.
b. Tom found money ______ he was walking.
c. I was playing the drums _______ Sue arrived.
d. You were sleeping _______ I was cleaning.
e. _______ they looked at her, she was stealing a book.

22. Complete with the correct preposition.

a. Stop worrying ___________________ your exam – everything will be fine.
b. I’ve waited ___________________ Judy 30 minutes.
c. Stop talking and concentrate ________ your work.
d. Don’t forget to pay ______________ the newspaper.
e. He explained the computer programme ____________ me.
f. I don’t know what we’ll do at the weekend. It depends _______ the weather.
g. She will arrive ______________ Beijing at 3pm.
h. I like listening __________ the radio.
i. He borrowed £20 ________________ his brother.
j. Who does this coat belong ____________?
IMPERATIVE: we use the imperative to tell people to do things, and to give them advice or

Tell me a story!

Don’t tell me that story- tell me a different one!

INFITIVES: some verbs are usually followed by verbs in the full infinitive. These verbs include: agree,
ask, choose, decide, forget, hope, offer, plan, promise, refuse, seem, want.

I want you to tell me a story.

-ING FORM: some verbs are usually followed by verbs in the -ing form. These verbs include: enjoy,
finish, like, hate, love, miss, remember, stop, suggest.

I like hearing your stories.

Some verbs are followed by either verbs in the infinitive or the ing form. These verbs include: begin,
continue, start.

Some verbs (see, watch, hear, listen to, notice) are followed by an object + a verb in the bare infinitive
or a verb in the ing form

I saw him walking.

I saw him walk.

We use the bare infinitive for a complete action. We use the ing form for an incomplete action (part of
the action)

23. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences using an imperative in positive or negative form. Use the verbs
from the box.
Example: Stop the car.

a. Please ___________________
b. __________________ in this area
c. _____________________ your mobile phone.
d. ___________________ right.
e. Please. ____________ in this area.
f. _______________ your name here.
g. ____________ careful, the floor is wet.
h. ______________ your hands.
i. _____________ slowly.
j. _______________ this water.

24. Choose the correct gerund or infinitive form to complete each gap below.
a. _____________used to be my favourite hobby at your age.
b. We talked about __________________together next summer.
c. I remember ____________here when I was a child
d. I think I didn't remember ___________the door when we left.
e. If she doesn't answer, try_________her mobile.
f. I tried _____________my eyes open, but I eventually fell asleep.
g. My mum doesn't let me ____________________with you.
h. Your hair needs _______________ . It's too long.
i. I'd prefer ______________my own car if you don't mind.
j. They had trouble ___________________our house.

PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE: we use the present perfect simple to talk about the present results of past


Past simple: I bought snacks for the party. – the speakers is describing something that happened in the
past. The past action is important.

Present perfect simple: I’ve bought snacks for the party. – the speaker is saying that now he has snacks.
The present result is important.

Words and phrases we often use with the present perfect simple: already, yet, just.

25. Complete the sentences with just, already, yet.

a. Have you learnt the English verbs_____________?
b. Please don’t send the letter ______________.
c. Where is John? He has ___________left.
d. Susan has _____________visited London. She has ___________ arrived from there.
e. I am hungry. I haven’t eaten ________________.
f. Have you bought the tickets ____________? No, not ____________.
g. Susan and Peter have ___________ arrived from their honeymoon.
h. Paul has __________studied for the History test, but he hasn’t studied for the French test _____________.
i. The doctor has ___________done a lot for this poor community.
j. They went to a picnic on the banks of Loch Ness and they haven’t arrived___________.
k. Is Ken in? Yes, he has ___________arrived from school.
l. You mustn’t pay for the bill _______________.

26.Write the sentences into Present Perfect and put them already or yet. Be careful because you won’t need some
signal words.

e.g.: I always call my mum. _ I have already called my mum.

He won’t read that book. _ He hasn’t read that book yet.

a. The kids go to school every day.

b. Does Jenny always find the presents?
c. The architect is making the plan of our house.
d. I chose the black one.
e. Charles isn’t repairing my car now.
f. Jason ran ten miles yesterday.
g. Will you start cooking lunch?
h. Dad always burns the toast.
i. Did you hear the news yesterday?
j. Do you wake him up?

27. Complete the sentences with past simple or present perfect simple.
a. I __________________________ (never/go) to Vienna.
b. My great great grandfather ____________________(have) five sisters.
c. He __________________(live) in Manila for a year when he was a student.
d. Oh no! I ___________________(lose) my wallet!
e. ________________________(you/see) Julie today?
f. At the weekend, they __________________(play) football, then they _______(go) to a restaurant.
g. I ___________________(read) six books this week.
h. Amy ______________________(live) in Portugal when she was young.
i. She ________________________(visit) her grandmother last month.
28. Complete with never or ever.

a. This is the only time the children have ____________been to the theatre.
b. She hardly _______________gets up early.
c. She has ____________________bought a car before.
d. I've __________________tried Malaysian food.
e. Do you _________________see Lucy?
f. The food was as delicious as ___________________.
g. If you _________________come to the UK, give me a call!
h. Have you ____________________been to New Zealand?
i. She was feeling better than _________________.

29. Complete with the correct adjective.

a. My nephew was ____________________ (amusing / amused) by the clown.
b. It’s so ____________________ (frustrating / frustrated)! No matter how much I study, I can’t seem to
remember this vocabulary.
c. This lesson is so ____________________ (boring / bored)!
d. I’m feeling ____________________ (depressed / depressing), so I’m going to go home, eat some chocolate,
and go to bed early with a good book.
e. I thought her new idea was absolutely ____________________ (fascinated / fascinating).
f. This math problem is so ____________________ (confusing / confused). Can you help me?
g. The teacher was really ____________________ (amusing /amused) so the lesson passed quickly.
h. The journey was ____________________ (exhausting / exhausted)! Twelve hours by bus.
i. The plane began to move in a rather ____________________ (alarming / alarmed) way.
j. He was ____________________ (frightening / frightened) when he saw a spider.
k. I was really ____________________ (embarrassing / embarrassed) when I fell over in the street.
l. That film was so ____________________ (depressing / depressed)! There was no happy ending for any of
the characters.
m. I’m sorry, I can’t come tonight. I’m completely ____________________ (exhausting / exhausted).
n. We are going in a helicopter? How ____________________ (exciting / excited)!
o. Don’t show my baby photos to people, Mom! It’s so ____________________ (embarrassing / embarrassed)!
p. It’s okay, it’s only me. Don’t be ____________________ (alarming / alarmed).
q. My sister is so ____________________ (exciting /excited) because she is going on holiday tomorrow.
r. I hate long flights, I’m always really ____________________ (boring / bored).
s. She looked very ____________________ (confused / confusing) when I told her we had to change the plan.
t. John was ____________________ (fascinated / fascinating) by Mandarin when he first started learning
languages. He decided to study more and now he can speak it fluently

30. Reorder the words to make sentences.

a. You a ridden horse? Ever Have. _____________________________________________________________
b. Never won a we’ve competition. ____________________________________________________________
c. A has in plane? Flown ever David. ___________________________________________________________
d. He’s ghost. A seen never. __________________________________________________________________
e. Parents My visited never London. Have. ______________________________________________________
f. Your been has ever for late sister school? _____________________________________________________


WILL AND GOING TO: we use will and going to to talk about the future. Often, there’s no important
difference between them.

You’re going to have an experience you’ll never forget.

You’ll have an experience you’re never going to forget.

When we talk about plans that we already have, we usually use going to and not will.

I am going to be a travel agent when I’m older.

When we predict something because of what we see now, we usually use going to and not will.

It’s going to snow soon.

When we make offers and requests, we usually use will and not going to.

Will you help me? Of course I will!

31. Complete with the correct form of WILL or BE GOING TO.

a. I can't climb this tree.
Don't worry. ______________________help you.
b. They have made a decision.
They ________________________lose weight next year.
c. - What are you going to do this evening?
- I don't know. Maybe ____________________play golf.
d. This shirt is really nice but I think it __________________be very expensive.
e. - Hey! The phone is ringing!
- Alright. _____________________take it.
f. - Where are you going?
- We _____________________play basketball.
g. - We have bought Lucy a book.
- Do you think she ________________read it?
h. - Why are you wearing sunglasses?
Because ______________________go to the beach.
i. - It's starting to rain!
- Ok. _______________________________take an umbrella.
j. - _____________________come to the party?
- Sorry. I have to work.

32. Fill in with the correct form of will or going to.

a. The driver _____________ help you with your bags.
b. That dog _______________ bite you if you tease it.
c. My sister _______________ study at Harvard next year.
d. I can’t decide. I guess I _______________ buy the blue dress.
e. We ______________ have a party on Saturday. Can you come?
f. She hates vegetables. She ____________ eat that salad.
g. My friends __________________ celebrate Christmas at home.
h. The telephone is ringing. I ______ answer it!
i. What _______ you _________________ do next weekend?

33. Fill in the blanks with “will” or “won’t”

a. I will / won’t have a steak medium rare, please.
b. You will / won’t pass if you don’t study.
c. It’s 7:00 but Jane will / won’t get up!
d. I know you will / won’t like your wonderful present.
e. It’s sunny. You will / won’t need an umbrella.
f. It’s cold. I will / won’t close the window.
g. Oh dear. My pen will / won’t write.
h. Hurry! The train will / won’t wait for you

34. Read the sentences and choose the best answer.

a. Global warming …. continue to get worse.
a. is going to b. will c. both are correct.
b. If you are hungry, I ….. make you a sandwich.
a. am going to b. will c. both are correct.
c. What ….. wear for the party?
a. are you going to b. will c. both are correct
d. I think the Yankees ….. beat the Sox.
a. are going to b. will c. both are correct
e. Don’t worry. I …. forget.
a. am not going to b. won’t c. both are correct.
f. One day, I….. be rich.
a. am going to b will c both are correct.
g. We …. have dinner with the Smiths tomorrow.
a. are going to b. will c. both are correct.
h. This invention …. change the world!
a. is going to b. will c both are correct.

35. Rearrange the letters and match



• PRESENT SIMPLE: for timetables and fixed events that the speaker cannot change.
What time does the train arrive on Monday?
• PRESENT SIMPLE: after time words such as when, while, before, after, as soon as, until.
I’ll phone you as soon as I arrive.
• PRESENT CONTINUOUS: For arrangements that we have already made.
I’m flying to Mumbai on Tuesday.

36. For each sentence, choose between the present simple and the present continuous.

a. This is a terrible film Tony! When ______________(finish)?

b. She ______________________(not see) Tim tonight or ever again. They broke up last week.
c. The library _________________(close) in five minutes and I have four books to return before they fine me!!
d. After this lesson, I ____________________(see) a friend at McDonald's for a burger and a chat.
e. _____________________(use) your motorbike tonight? I want to borrow it.
f. I'm going to be late! What time ________________________________(this train/arrive) in Chicago?
g. We are all very excited about going away tomorrow. The taxi ______________(arrive) at 7am to take us to
the airport.
h. And the plane ________________(leave) at 10am.
i. I can't see you tonight Jan. I ___________________(go) to the theatre with Mike.
j. And the play ________________________(finish) very late. Sorry!
k. Go to the supermarket and buy that special shampoo for the dog. I __________________(give) him a bath
l. I want to go and see a Rembrandt exhibition at the National and Portrait Gallery. It ________________(start)
tomorrow morning.

37. Chooses the correct answer.

Tomorrow the sun rises | is rising at 6.44 and it sets | is setting at 18.33. I don't do | am not doing anything
tonight. What time do you meet | are you meeting John on Sunday? This year the school ends | is ending on 28
June. After the reconstruction the supermarket opens | is opening on Monday again. I can't help you. I see | am
seeing the doctor this afternoon. We've already booked our holiday. We go | are going to Rome in May. Could
you meet us at the airport tomorrow morning? The plane lands | is landing at 10.15. The piano concert doesn't
start | is not starting at 8 o'clock. It is cancelled. Do you have | Are you having your birthday party this week or
next week? I forgot.


We can use CAN to talk about ability.

We can use CAN to talk about permission.

We can also use COULD to ask for permission.

We can use MUST and HAVE Toto talk about obligation.

We can use SHOULD to give advice.

38. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

a. You ___ come to the meeting but it would help us all if you’re there.

don't have to mustn't

b. I can’t get a connection on my phone. ___ I borrow yours?

can have to

c. The rules say that you ___ only invite one guest to the club.

can have to

d. I ___ stay on for a few hours because I’d rather work late today than over the weekend.

have to must

e. There’s a lot of noise coming from outside. ___ I close the window?

Could Must

f. You ___ start saving money if you want to retire early.

can have to

g. Did they tell you that you ___ come into this area. It’s restricted to staff only.

don't have to can't

h. We ___ be there fifteen minutes before the concert starts.

have to can
39.Complete the sentences with MUST or MUSTN’T.
a. It's late. You___________________make so much noise.
b. We_______________ be home by 9 o'clock. The film starts at 9:15.
c. I___________________ finish this essay today. It has to be handed in by tomorrow.
d. Passengers _____________ talk to the driver while the bus is in motion.
e. This is a dangerous tour. Children _____________ be accompanied by an adult.
f. People ______________ stand on this bus.
g. We________________ do more exercise to stay fit.
h. There________________ be sth wrong with the engine of this car.
i. We __________________ give up when we are so close.
j. This was a nice evening. We ________________ meet again.

40.Look at the pictures and write the rules for the school.


41.Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t and the correct form of the verb in brackets.

a. It's cold. You________________ a cardigan. (wear)

b. She's always tired. She________________to bed late every night. (go)
c. ______________ now? (we / leave)
d. You_______________ some fruit or vegetables every day. (eat)
e. The students_____________ their mobile phones in the exam. (use)
f. You_____________the teacher to help you if you don't understand the lesson. (ask)
g. People_________________fast in the town centre. (drive)
h. ________________the dress or the skirt? (I / buy)

42.Complete the sentences with have/has to, don’t/doesn’t have to.

a. Every man __________________do military service in my country. It's obligatory.
b. When do we _________________pay for the next term?
c. Policemen ___________________wear a uniform.
d. A pilot ____________________train for many years.
e. Does Susan ___________________work long hours?
f. I ________________get up early on Sundays. I can stay in bed.
g. You ____________________have a visa to come to Ukraine.
h. You _____________________to do it if you don't want to.
i. My daughter _________________to cook, because I cook for the whole family.
j. We _________________________pay. It's free.
43.Look at the picture and complete the sentences with have to/don’t have to.

1) You _________________bring your own sleeping bag.

2) You ______________ bring a tent.

3) You ______________bring warm clothes.

4) You _________________bring a watch.

5) You ________________bring extra money.

44.Decide whether to use a correct form of should or have to.

a. If you want to work in the USA you ________________speak good English.
b. You ______________________give someone a clock as a present.
c. You are ill. You ___________________go to school today.
d. Tomorrow is Sunday! So I _____________________go to school.
e. You ____________________have goals in life.
f. If you see Pauline, you ______________________be polite to her!
g. Please, tell her that she ___________________get good results at school!

We use MAY, MIGHT, and COULD to show that something is possible (generally, now or in the future).

We can use SHOULD to show that something will probably happen, or is probably true.

45. Fill in each gap using must, can’t, could, may or might.

a. I'm sure he is here - I can see his car in front of the building.
He _______________________be here. I can see his car in front of the building.
b. They're coming this week but I don't know which day.
They _____________________be coming tomorrow.
c. I'm not sure I'm going to pass the exam. I don't feel very confident.
I __________________________pass the exam. I don't feel very confident.
d. I've bought a lottery ticket. There's a chance I'll become a millionaire!
I ___________________________become a millionaire!
e. I'm sure she doesn't speak French very well - she's only lived in Paris for a few weeks.
She ________________________ speak French very well. She's only lived in Paris for a few weeks.
f. My key's not in my pocket or on my desk so I'm sure it's in the drawer.
My key's not in my pocket or on my desk so it ___________________be in the drawer.
g. Someone told me that Mark was in Mexico but I saw him yesterday so I'm sure he's not abroad.
Mark ________________________be abroad.
h. You got the job? That's great. I'm sure you're delighted.
You got the job? That's great. You ____________________be delighted.
i. They told me to prepare the project by tomorrow but it's almost impossible to have it done so fast.
I ________________________finish it by tomorrow if I stay at work all night, but I'm not sure.
j. I asked them to send the goods as soon as possible; we _____________________receive them by the end of the
week if the post is fast.


THE PASSIVE: we can use the passive when it is not important or we don’t know, who does

Bridges are built over rivers.

Who builds the bridges? It’s not important.

This photo was taken in Athens.

Who took the photo? We don’t know.

46. Write passive sentences in Simple Present.

a. the documents / print ________________________________
b. the window / open __________________________________
c. the shoes / buy _____________________________________
d. the car / wash _______________________________________
e. the litter / throw away ________________________________
f. the letter / send ______________________________________
g. the book / read / not __________________________________
h. the songs / sing / not __________________________________
i. the food / eat / not ___________________________________
j. the shop / close / not _________________________________

47. Write passive sentences in Simple Past.

a. the test / write __________________________________
b. the table / set __________________________________
c. the cat / feed ____________________________________
d. the lights / switch on ____________________________
e. the house / build _________________________________
f. dinner / serve __________________________________
g. this computer / sell / not ___________________________
h. the car / stop / not ___________________________________

48. Write passive sentences in Present Perfect.

a. the postcard / send ________________________________________
b. the pencils / count ________________________________________
c. the door / close ________________________________________
d. the beds / make ________________________________________
e. the mail / write ________________________________________
f. the trees / plant ________________________________________
g. the money / spend ________________________________________
h. the room / book / not ________________________________________
i. the rent / pay / not ________________________________________
j. the people / inform / not _______________________________________

49. Complete the words with the missing letters and then match to form compound nouns.


When we write or say a sentence, we usually put the topic at the beginning, with the new
information coming at the end.

We can use the passive to do this. We use by to say who does or did something to the topic.

For example, in an article about Steve Jobs, you might find the active sentence:

Steve Jobs started Apple Inc.

In an article about Apple Inc, you might find the passive sentences:

Apple Inc was started by Steve Jobs.

We don’t usually use by when we don’t know who does or did something.

50. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

a. John collects money. _____________________________________________
b. Anna opened the window. ________________________________________
c. We have done our homework. _____________________________________
d. I will ask a question. _____________________________________________
e. He can cut out the picture. _______________________________________
f. The sheep ate a lot. _____________________________________________
g. We do not clean our rooms. ______________________________________
h. William will not repair the car. ___________________________________
i. Did Sue draw this circle? ________________________________________
j. Could you feed the dog? ____________________________________________

51. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Simple Present.

a. He (sell) ____________________cars.
b. The blue car (sell) ____________________
c. In summer, more ice-cream (eat) ____________________than in winter.
d. She (call) _______________________her grandparents every Friday.
e. The letters (type) ___________________________
f. He (take) ___________________________his medicine every day.

52. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Simple Past.

a. They (visit) _________________________their granny.

b. We (visit) __________________________by our teacher.
c. My friend Paul (bear) ___________________in Dallas.
d. She (go) ____________________to school in Boston.
e. Antony (grow up) ____________________ in the country.
f. The new shopping centre (build) _____________________last year.

53. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Present Perfect Simple.
a. The car (steal) __________________________
b. I (bake) ______________________________a cake.
c. My friends (buy) _____________________________a house.
d. The cup (put) ________________________________on the table.
e. Trees (plant) __________________________________in the street.
f. The boy (fall / not) _____________________________off his bike.

54. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Future I mit will.
a. The house (build) ______________________here.
b. You (send) __________________________home.
c. I (eat) _____________________________an ice-cream.
d. We (go) _____________________________home now.
e. I (help) ______________________________you.
f. The match (win / not) ____________________by our team.


ARTICLES: we use A or AN with singular nouns when we are not being specific: a storm.

We use THE with singular and plural nouns when we are being specific: the storm we had yesterday,
the storms we had last year.

We don’t use an article with plurals nouns when we are not being specific: strong winds, frogs, lakes.

We use THE when there is only one of something: the Earth. The sky, the sea.

We generally don’t use an article with place names: Australia, Japan.

Ww use the with some place names: the USA, the UK.

We don’t usually use an article with names of mountains, lakes or islands: mount Everest, lake
Victoria, Easter island.

We usually use the with the names of seas, rivers and deserts: the Atlantic, the River Amazon, the

55. Complete with A-AN- THE- DASH(-)

a. Are you coming to _______________party next Saturday?

b. I bought _________________________new TV set yesterday.
c. I think ___________________________man over there is very ill. He can't stand on his feet.
d. I watched ________________________video you had sent me.
e. She was wearing ___________________ugly dress when she met him.
f. I am crazy about reading __________________history books.
g. She is __________________________nice girl.
h. Do you want to go to ____________________restaurant where we first met?
i. He is _____________________________engineer.
j. He thinks that _______________________love is what will save us all.

56. Fill the gaps with the correct answer in brackets.

a. I'm tired. I'm going to ______________. ( the bed / bed )
b. I forgot to go to ______________. ( the bank / bank )
c. I'm nervous because I've got to go to ______________. ( the dentist / dentist)
d. I loved being at ______________. ( the university / university )
e. We need to be at ______________ in an hour. ( the airport / airport )
f. We need to be at _______ Heathrow airport in an hour.(the /x)
g. I normally watch ______________ after dinner. ( the TV / TV )
h. I listen to ______________ in the morning. ( the radio / radio
i. Her husband got home early from ______________. ( the work / work )
j. I love ______________. ( the cheese / cheese )
k. Why didn't someone tell me he was in ______________? ( the hospital / hospital )
l. I love ______________ food. ( the Chinese / Chinese )
m. HMV is in ______________ Street. ( the Oxford / Oxford )

57. Choose the correct answer.

a. Denver is located at the foot of __________ Rocky Mountains. A – THE – NO ARTICLE
b. Toronto is located on __________ Lake Ontario. A – THE – NO ARTICLE
c. San Diego is located near __________ Mexican border. A – THE – NO ARTICLE
d. Let’s go to __________ Mexico. A – THE – NO ARTICLE
e. __________ Nile is the longest river in the world. A – THE – NO ARTICLE
f. __________ Sahara is the world’s biggest desert. A – THE – NO ARTICLE
g. I spoke with __________ Chinese film director that I told you about. A – THE – NO ARTICLE
h. Do you speak __________ Chinese? A – THE – NO ARTICLE
i. I need __________ bottle of water. A – THE – NO ARTICLE
j. Spain is one of __________ largest European countries. A – THE – NO ARTICLE

58. Read the text and decide which answer (a,b,c) best fits each gap.

Hi Jacques, I’m writing this postcard in Meghalaya in India! It’s the wettest place in the world – it gets a lot of (0) a !
Yesterday when we arrived it was hot and (1) _____ . We were told that the ( 2) _____ was 32°C. This morning, when
I looked out of my window I couldn’t see anything because there was (3) _____ everywhere – it was like the (4)
_____ disappeared during the night! It was beautiful, but also a little (5) _____ . This afternoon we are going to
Shillong. It’s hot and quite (6) _____ outdoors now, so we will probably get a few (7) _____ . That’s very (8) _____
here. That’s OK. We want to see Ward’s (9) _____ . I don’t think we’ll swim there, but we can feed the fish. Oh
Jacques, what a country – there’s music everywhere, music made by the thousands of (10) _____ – birds and insects
– that live in this strange and wonderful place! Bye for now! Raj

0 a rain b rainy c foggy

1 a frosty b sunny c snowy

2 a desert b thunder c temperature

3 a sun b mist c wind

4 a ground b earthquake c thunder

5 a weird b stormy c common

6 a frosty b snowy c cloudy

7 a deserts b flashes c showers

8 a sunny b common c stormy

9 a Desert b Thunderstorm c lake

10 a creatures b showers c flashes

59. Match the words with their definitions. Write the corresponding letter.

0 beach f a a living thing (animal, insect)

1 desert _____ b a very high place

2 ice _____ c a big flash of light during a storm

3 lightning _____ d a place with lots of trees

4 shower _____ e when it rains for a short time

5 mountain _____ f the land near the sea

6 creature _____ g the floor under your feet

7 thunder _____ h frozen water

8 forest _____ i place where it doesn’t often rain

9 earthquake _____ j the sound we hear after a flash of lightning

10 ground ____ k when the ground shakes

60. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

0 It’s misty over the mountains in the early morning. MIST

1 It’s very _______________ outside; it’s going to rain. CLOUD

2 It’s _______________; I can’t see the ground! FOG

3 Tomorrow, we’ll have a hot _______________ day. SUN

4 In the south of England, it will be a _______________ night. FROST

5 It’s often wet and _______________ in the north of Canada. STORM

6 What a horrible _______________ day – we can’t go out. RAIN

7 It’s so _______________ that my papers flew all over the garden. WIND

8 The mountains were _______________ and the river was frozen. SNOW
COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS: some nouns are countable. We can count them: one lake,
two lakes.

Some nouns are uncountable. We can’t count them: air, water, advice.

Singular countable nouns: when we are talking generally, we use a/an. Have you been in a

When we are being specific, we use the. Did you hear the thunderstorm last night?

We use a singular verb.

Plural countable nouns: when we are talking generally, we use no article: I love animals.

When we are being specific, we use the: the animals in Australia are weird.

We use a plural verb.

Uncountable nouns: when we are talking generally, we use no article: money doesn’t make you happy.

When we are being specific, we use the: the money in my bag has gone!

We use a singular verb.

61. Put the words in order and classify them into Countable or Uncountable.


62. Match the halves to make sentences
a. The children are organizing road traffic to avoid accidents.
b. My mother are very professional.
c. There are a lot of some glue to fix the vase.
d. We need are playing in the garden.
e. The waiters in this restaurant uses butter to prepare cakes.
f. My father drinks two big windows in our classroom.
g. Some policemen glasses of water every morning.

63. Decide if the words in bold in the previous exercise are COUNTABLE or UNCOUNTABLE.



We can use lots of, or a lot of, with countable and uncountable nouns: …some biscuits contain a lot of

We can use (not) many with countable nouns: many= lots of / a lot of: not many fizzy drinks contain no
sugar at all.

We can use (not) much with uncountable nouns: much= lots of/a lot of: check there’s not much sugar in

We can use a few with countable nouns: a few= some but not many: can you get a few apples on your
way home?

We can use a little with uncountable nouns: a little= some but not much: we’ve only got a little bread

64. Complete the sentences. Use a lot of/ much/ many.

Jane has a problem. She wants to get married, but doesn’t know which man to choose.
John’s got 1 cars but he hasn’t got 2 patience.
David’s got 3 money, but he hasn’t got 4 friends.
Michel hasn’t got 5 money, but he has got 6 charm.
Arthur has got 7 fun, but he hasn’t got 8 sense of humour.
Bill hasn’t got 9 clothes, but he’s got 10 fun.
Sid’s got 11 style, but he has not got 12 humour.
Fred has not got 13 style, but he’s got 14 luck.
Jane is very lucky because all the men love her and want to marry her because she’s got 15 charm, 16
personality and 17 friends. But she hasn’t got 18 __ money, so she hasn’t got 19. clothes although she
dresses with 20. __elegance.
Which man do you think would be the best for her?
65. Complete the sentences with a few/ a little.

a. There is_______________bread in the cupboard. But it’s enough for dinner.

b. Susan has ___________friends. She doesn’t feel lonely.

c. Can I have__________________milk in my coffee? I like white.

d. There are __________________puddles on the road. Let’s put on rubber boots.

e. ____________apples are enough for me not to feel hungry.

f. I have _______________money in my wallet.

g. You have _______________________ mistakes in the test.

h. There is _______________________meat in the fridge.

66. Choose the correct answer.

1- I eat __________ meat. I prefer fish. 5- You haven’t got ______ mistakes in your test.
A. Very few B. a few C. very little. A. A few B. a lot C. many
2- Has he got _______ interesting books in his 6- There is _________ milk in the fridge. Can you
library? buy some?
A. A little B. much C. a lot A. A few B. a little C. little
3- She doesn’t eat ______ chocolate because she 7- Put _____ sugar into your tea.
doesn’t like it. A. A few B. a little C. little.
A. Much B. a lot of C. little 8- Very _____ pupils in our class can do such
4- There are ____________ apples on the plate. difficult sums.
Take one. A. A few B. few C. little
A. A few B. a lot C. a little

67. Complete the sentences with some/ any/ much/ many / a lot of /(a) few/ (a) little. In some sentences, more
than option is possible.
a. Come here. There is ________dirt on your collar.
b. I love vegetables. I don’t eat ________meat.
c. I can’t go out tonight. I have __________homework.
d. I’m sorry, I can’t finish my project. Can you give me ______more time?
e. It’s not sunny today. There aren’t __________people at the beach.
f. There aren’t _____________flowers in our garden.
g. I know it’s bad for me, I have only __________sugar in my tea.
h. Could I have _____________bread with my soup?
i. There isn’t ___________space in my office.
j. They used to be rich, but now they don’t have ___________money.

We use and, but, or, because, when, where to connect two clauses to make one sentence.

We and to talk about something extra. I’d like a burger please and can I have some chips with that too?

We use but to talk about contrast. I wanted ice cream but they didn’t have any.

We use or to talk about a choice. Let’s got to McBurgers, or we can try that new pizzeria if you like.

We use because to talk about a reason. We can’t go because they don’t have any vegetarian food.

We can use where to talk about places. That’s the place where they have lovely salads.

We can use when to talk about time. I can’t remember when I last had fish.

68. Choose and – but- or – because to complete the sentences.

a. I called Tom, _______________he didn't answer.

b. I'm tired ___________________I went to bed very late.
c. You can go by bus ________________by train.
d. She got into the car ___________________left.
e. I called you __________________I was worried.
f. Would you like to do it now __________________later.
g. She can sing, ____________ she can't dance.
h. I have one brother _______________two sisters.

69. Read and match to form sentences.

a. Kevin reads the newspaper and but you have to be very careful.
b. They live in New York when nobody was home.
c. I like maths lessons where she finishes her studies.
d. That is the house when you don’t sleep.
e. You can go hiking there watches television every Friday.
f. Anna doesn’t want to take the exam but I don’t really like history lessons.
g. We can’t come to the party tonight because we must study.
h. You get very tired where my mother lived as a child.
i. We came from school because she didn’t study.
j. Lucy works in the school and love its beautiful library.

70. Read the sentences and complete with: for – from – like – of- with
a. This chair is made ______________ wood.
b. The furniture in that house is made ____________ sustainable materials. It’s eco-friendly and long-lasting.
c. This wine is ____________Italy.
d. The milk tastes _________ if it has been a long time out of the fridge.
e. Where do they come __________? I can’t understand a word they say!
f. How long have you been waiting ___________ him?
g. Definitely, chocolate doesn’t go ___________ pizza!
h. I am preparing a surprise ____________ my dad.
i. She really looks _____________ her mother.
j. The product has the smell _______ beer.
71. Match the adjectives with their definitions and then circle the ones that are used to describe people.

BEAUTIFUL Humorous, causing laughter

ENJOYABLE generous, helpful, and thinking about other people's feelings
FRIENDLY having a small distance from one side to the other, especially in comparison with
the length
FUNNY recently created or having started to exist recently
HIGH small in length, distance, or height
INTERESTING (of the body) with little flesh on the bones
KIND of more than average height, or of a particular height
LONG An event or experience that gives you pleasure
NARROW (Especially of things that are not living) being a large distance from top to bottom or
a long way above the ground, or having the stated distance from top to bottom
NEW having lived or existed for only a short time and not old
SHORT Behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone
TALL Someone or something that keeps your attention because he, she, or it
is unusual, exciting, or has a lot of ideas
THIN very attractive
YOUNG being a distance between two points that is more than average or usual


We use a/an to talk about the job somenone does: he is a waiter.

We also use a/an to talk about where someone works: she works in an office now.

If someone is part of an official organisation, we use the: Ethan is in the army.

We use a/an with countable nouns to describe someone’s appearance: Joe has got a beard.

We don’t use an article with uncountable nouns to describe someone’s appearance: Maria’s got short

We don’t use an article with nationalities. My friend, Yao, is Chinese.

We can use the to talk about people from a country in general: The Chinese are very warm and friendly.

We don’t use an article to talk about a language: I can’t speak Chinese.

72. Complete the sentences with A-AN-THE or (-)

a. Maria is ______________ English teacher.

b. My neighbour works in _______________ beautiful office.
c. I biggest dream is to work for _____________ government.
d. “What does he look like? Does he have _____________beard?”
e. My best friend has ____________ blonde hair and blue eyes.
f. ______________ French aren’t very friendly with tourists.
g. I can speak a lot of languages but I can’t speak _____________ Portuguese.
h. Are you _____________ Chinese?
i. “What do you do?” “I’m ___________ vet”

73. Make sentences using the prompts. You may need to add an article.

a. She / be/ princess. _____________________________________________________________________

b. My friend/ work/ in/ office. ______________________________________________________________
c. Chinese/ be/ very smart. ________________________________________________________________
d. I/ live/ in/ India. _______________________________________________________________________
e. My father/ have/ beard/ and/ black hair. ____________________________________________________
f. The most difficult/ language/ for me/ be/ Russian. ____________________________________________
g. My sister/ write/ articles/ for/ magazine. ____________________________________________________

74. Read the sentences and decide if they are correct. If they are wrong, mark the mistake and correct it.
a. Children in Italy go to school when they are 6.
b. I want to go to the university in California.
c. Sheila works in the same factory as you do. Do you know her?
d. Can you take me to the airport tomorrow morning at 7am?
e. Why do you always have the breakfast so late?
f. Mike is in the prison. He robbed a bank two years ago.
g. I'm going to the bed. I'm so tired.
h. My daughter Jane goes to the school which is opposite the athletics stadium. Do you know the one?
i. The virus outbreak means the hospital will be closed for two days.
j. The elephants eat grass and live in India and Africa.
k. The music in that disco was terrible, don't you think?
l. Do you like the classical music or do you prefer the rock?
m. When my aunt was in hospital, I visited her every day.

75. Form and adjective from each word using -FUL/-IC. Be careful with the spelling changes you may need.

76. Choose 5 adjectives from exercise 75 and make sentences that are true for you.


She’s got dark/light/pale skin. He wears glasses.

She looks like she’s got blue eyes. His hair is long and brown.

He is wearing a cap.

77. Look at the pictures. Choose two and describe him or her.


Adjectives like long or blonde describe nouns. When we have more than one adjective, we usually put
them in this order:

Opinion ----------------- size ------------------- age ----------- colour -------------noun

Amy has Lovely Short Red Hair
Jack is a Funny Young man
Adverbs like carefully, slowly describe verbs. We can often form an adverb by adding -ly onto the end of
an adjective (careful – carefully). If the adjective ends in -y, change it to -i before adding -ly (happy-

78. Put the words in brackets into the correct order.

a. We wanted (grey / a / metal) _________________________table.
b. They bought (red / a / new)___________________________ car.
c. She went home and sat on (comfortable / her / wooden / old)____________________________ bed.
d. He bought (woollen / a / British / fabulous) _______________________________________suit.
e. They have (Dutch / black) ___________________________ bicycles.
f. He wants (some / French / delicious / really)___________________ cheese.
g. (young / a / pretty) ________________________ girl walked into the room.
h. He has (a lot of / old / interesting) _______________________ books.
i. She bought (plastic / red / a / new) ______________________plastic lunchbox.
j. He is looking for (leather / stylish / a /black) ________________________bag.
k. She dropped (old / beautiful / the) __________________________plate and it smashed.
l. I want (silk / green / an / amazing) _________________________dress.
m. She drank (Italian / black / hot) _________________________coffee.
n. He saw (French / writing / old / an) ____________________________desk.
o. They stayed in (little / a / cute)_____________________________ cottage.


COMPARATIVES: we use them to talk about things that are different from other things.

Regular adjectives with one syllable Add -er to the adjective Old – older
Regular adjectives with one syllable Double the final letter of the Big – bigger
that end in a vowel+consonant adjective and add -er
Regular adjectives with two Replace -y with -ier Happy – happier
syllables ending in -y
Other regular adjectives with two Add more before the adjective Colourful – more colourful
or more syllables
Irregular adjectives You have to learn these Good – better
Bad - worse
SUPERLATIVES: we use the to compare one thing with other things in the same group, and say it’s at the
top or bottom of the group (the biggest, the smallest, the largest, the best, the oldest, etc)

Regular adjectives with one syllable Add -est to the adjective Old – oldest
Regular adjectives with one syllable Double the final letter of the Big – biggest
that end in a vowel+consonant adjective and add -est
Regular adjectives with two Replace -y with -iest Happy – happiest
syllables ending in -y
Other regular adjectives with two Add most before the adjective Colourful – most colourful
or more syllables
Irregular adjectives You have to learn these Good – best
Bad - worst

79. Complete the sentences using the correct form of comparative and superlative adjectives.

a. I was born in 1990, my sister was born in 1999. I am_________ (old) than my sister.
b. Istanbul is _________________ (crowded) city of Turkey.
c. This is _____________ (difficult) exam I have ever taken.
d. She bought a new phone which is ___________ (expensive) than the old one.
e. Which one is ____________(important); wealth or health?
f. My new house is _________ (big) than my previous flat.
g. He tried the climb ___________(high) mountain of the world.
h. Reading requires a _________ (quite) atmosphere. Here is very noisy.
i. London was ______________ (interesting) city I had ever visited.
j. She is _____________ (intelligent) than her classmates.

80. Write sentences comparing three things. Use the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in

a. Mount Everest: 8,848 m / K2: 8,611 m / Kangchenjunga: 8,586 m. (high)

K2 is higher than Kangchenjunga, but Everest is the highest.

b. The Nile: 6,650 km / The Amazon: 6,400 km / The Yangtze: 6,300 km (long)


c. Greenland: 2,175,600 sq km / New Guinea: 792,500 sq km / Borneo: 725,500 sq km (large)


d. Diamonds: £££ / Emeralds: ££ / Rubies: £ (expensive)

81. Write 5 sentences comparing two of your friends.


82. Read the following sentences and find the mistakes in each one. The number in parenthesis is the number of
mistakes in each one. Rewrite the sentences in the correct form.

a. I think cake is more sweet than bread (1) _______________________________________________________

b. I think emails are more faster than letters (1)____________________________________________________
c. Cars are more bad for the environment than bicycles (1) __________________________________________
d. Motorcycle are quicker than bycycles, but bicycles are safest for security (3)
e. Travel by planes is more expensive than cars, but planes are fastest transportation (4)
f. Cars are popular than taxis, but buses are the cheapest (1) ________________________________________

83. Use the information to make sentences. Sometimes you’ll need to use the comparative and sometimes the

Joseph Mark Tina

Trousers Cheap Extremely cheap Very cheap
Jacket Big Very big Extremely big
Trainers Extremely comfortable Very comfortable Comfortable
t-shirt Very fashionable Extremely fashionable Fashionable
socks Lovely Really lovely Amazingly lovely

a. Trousers: Joseph – Tina: _________________________________________________________________

b. Trousers: Mark: ________________________________________________________________________
c. Jacket: Joseph – Mark: ___________________________________________________________________
d. Jacket: Tina: ___________________________________________________________________________
e. Trainers: Mark – Tina: ___________________________________________________________________
f. Trainers: Joseph: _____ __________________________________________________________________
g. T-shirt: Joseph – Tina: ___________________________________________________________________
h. T-shirt: Mark: __________________________________________________________________________
i. Socks: Joseph – Mark: ___________________________________________________________________
j. Socks: Tina: ___________________________________________________________________________

84. Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings.

DO UP Add an item of clothing to see if you like it and it suits or fits you.
TAKE OFF Put clothes on a coat – hanger.
PUT ON Be wearing at a particular time.
DRESS UP Continue to wear and not remove.
HAVE (GOT) ON Remove an item of clothing or accessory from what you’re wearing.
LEAVE ON Tie shoelaces, or fasten buttons, a zip, a belt, a tie, etc.
HANG UP Add an item of clothing or accessory to what you’re wearing.
TRY ON Wear clothes for fun to make you look like someone else.

85. Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb from ex. 83.

a. Can you help me to _______________ my dress?

b. Please don’t ___________ your shoes ______ in the house.
c. It was really hot in the house so she ________________ her coat.
d. I _____________ six pairs of trousers before I found a pair that fitted.
e. I’ve told you thousands of times to ____________________ your clothes when you take them off.
f. Little kids usually love ____________________ in their mothers’ clothes.
g. I loved that dress you _____________________ last night.
h. _____________ your shoes ________ - we are going out.



We use the zero conditional to talk about things that are always true, like scientific facts, or rules,

If you don’t write something every day, people stop reading.

If you exercise, you feel much better.

We use first conditional to talk about real possibilities we think are likely to happen.


If you train twice a week, you’ll soon get better at it.

86. Complete with the verbs in brackets in the correct form to make sentences using zero conditional.
a. If Kelly ____________________badly at night, she __________________drowsy the next day. (sleep / feel)
b. If the weather ______________ rainy, I _______________________my raincoat. (be / put on)
c. If Kevin __________________breakfast, he_________________ less energetic. (not have / feel)
d. If I _________________for a long time, my feet _____________________. (walk / hurt)
e. If you ________________happy, you _______________to share your happiness with the whole world. (be /
f. If I ____________________a toothache, I ____________________to see a dentist. (have / go)
g. If the sun _______________________ brightly, all plants and flowers _____________fast. (shine / grow)
h. If my fridge ________________empty, I _____________________at the nearest supermarket. (be / shop)
i. If you _______________________ghosts, there __________________________nothing scary for you in
that old house. (not believe in / be)
j. If a student _________________________ a lot of mistakes in his test, he_____________________it. (make
/ not pass)
k. If the political situation _________________________for the worse, people _______________________to
other countries. (change / emigrate)
l. If you ____________________many problems every day, you __________________tired and stressed over
time. (solve / get)
m. If something _____________________ wrong with your car, take it to the service center. (go)
n. We ____________________frustrated if we _______________________what we want. (fell / not get)
o. The flowers ______________________in hot weather if you___________ them. (fade / not water)

87. Complete with the verbs in brackets in the correct form to make sentences using first conditional.
a. If we ___________________ (not get) to the shops soon, they ___________________ (be) closed.
b. If you _________________ (not be) ready by seven o’clock, I ________________ (go) without you.
c. It___________________________ (not take) long to tidy the house if we all _________________ (help).
d. They __________________(not give) you your money back if you ________________(not show) them the
e. If the phone _______________ (ring), ____________________ (you / answer) it?
f. f the bus___________(be) full again, I _______________ (be) really cross.
g. What _________________ (you / do) if you ___________________ (not find) your keys?
h. If people _________________(buy) all their food at the supermarket, the smaller shops ___________
i. You ___________________ (find) a summer job if you _________________(keep) looking.
j. If the weather ________________ (be) fine tomorrow, we ___________________ (go) for a bike ride.

88. Complete these first conditional sentences with your own ideas.
a. If I feel unwell in the morning, __________________________________________________
b. If I get hungry in the middle of the night, _________________________________________
c. If it rains a lot tomorrow, ______________________________________________________
d. I’ll feel very upset if __________________________________________________________
e. My friends will be amazed if ___________________________________________________
f. I’ll be really happy if _________________________________________________________

89. Order the words in a-f and then match them to 1-6 to make first conditional sentences.

1 If you don’t finish your homework in time,

2 She probably won’t finish her degree

3 He’ll do an hour’s revision in the morning

4 If she needs money over the summer,

5 If he decides to become an engineer,

6 If I pass all of my exams,

a at university / apply / a place / for / he’ll ____________________________________

b teacher / happy / be / our / won’t _________________________________________

c starts / if / well / her business / new / doing _________________________________

d wakes / up / enough / if / early / he ________________________________________

e parents / give / will / me / my / a reward ____________________________________

f a / she’ll / job / get / part-time _____________________________________________

90. Read the text and choose the correct answer.

a. Every year there are more/enough people in the world.

b. Some people think there isn’t enough sun/land to grow food.
c. In the “living tower” people will live and sell/grow food.
d. People will use water from the apartments/countryside to water the plants.
e. Inside the building, water will/won’t evaporate fast.
f. We will have to adapt/grow different food in the future.

91. Reading the text in ex.90, answer the questions.

a. What do people think will happen if we continue to grow food in the same way?
b. What will be on the first floor of the “living tower”?
c. What are two examples of the food that people will grow in the tower?
d. In Jason Goldsmith’s opinion, how will “living tower” help the environment?
e. Why do other people disagree with Jason Goldsmith?
f. What do other people think is the best solution?
92. Put the activities in the correct column.





We use the second conditional to imagine the present being different, and to talk about possibilities
that we think are unlikely to happen.

If I had more time, I would do more sports.

If you took up a sport, you would be healthier.


93. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets using the second conditional.
a. If I _____________________________ (be) you, I _________________________ (get) a new job.
b. If he _______________________ (be) younger, he _________________ (travel) more.
c. If we __________________ (not/be) friends, I ___________________ (be) angry with you.
d. If I ____________________ (have) enough money, I __________________ (buy) a big house.
e. If she ___________________ (not/be) always so late, she ______________ (be) promoted.
f. If we _________________ (win) the lottery, we ____________(travel) the world.
g. If you ________________ (have) a better job, we _______________(be) able to buy a new car.
h. If I __________________ (speak) perfect English, I _________________ (have) a good job.
i. If we ________________ (live) in Mexico, I ________________________(speak) Spanish.
j. If she ________________(pass) the exam, she __________________(be) able to enter university.
k. She ________________( be) happier if she __________________ (have) more friends.
l. We ________________ (buy) a house if we __________________(decide) to stay here.
m. They __________________ (have) more money if they ______________ (not /buy) so many clothes.
n. We __________________ (come) to dinner if we________________ (have) time.
o. She _________________(call) him if she _______________ (have) his number.

94. Think of an animal without telling anyone. Imagine you were that animal and answer the questions using the
second conditional. Then, ask the questions to a partner and try to guess what animal they are.
a. If you were this animal, where would you live? _____________________________________________
b. What would you eat if you were this animal? _______________________________________________
c. If you were this animal, what would you do for fun? _________________________________________
d. What would you do if you saw an enemy? _________________________________________________
95. Match the second conditional sentence halves together.



We use prepositions of time before times and places, and to talk about movement.

… would you like to come with me to a concert on Saturday night?

… the concert’s at Queen’s Theatre in the town centre.

It’s next to the main post office. You know, opposite the hospital. It’s quite near that new shopping

It starts at 9 o’clock, so shall we meet outside the theatre at … half past eight?

96. Write the words and phrases under the correct preposition.



97. Look at the pictures and decide which preposition fits best.
Next to – under – between – in front of – behind – over – above – beside – opposite.
1. There is a cat ______________ the table.
2. The woman is sleeping _________________ the books.
3. There are some clouds ______________________ the building.
4. Janet is sitting ________________ Tom.
5. There is a cat __________________ the dogs.
6. Janet is sitting _________________ Tom.
7. Janet is sitting __________________ a blonde woman.
8. Linda is sitting ________________ Jack and Harry.
9. The ball is __________________ the net.
10. The dog is standing _________________the cat.

98. Write in, on, at to complete the sentences.

a. We Will return to this conversation ________________________ the end of the week.
b. My family usually goes to the sea __________________________ summer.
c. Most of my friends have birthdays ________________________ May.
d. Are you usually busy _________________________________Saturdays?
e. Andrew wakes up _____________________________dawn.
f. My parents got married _______________________August 17th.
g. They sometimes make noise _________________________ night.
h. Can we meet ______________ noon?
i. I am always in a good mood ___________________ the morning?
j. Kevin was born ___________________ 2007.
k. We came home ______________ the same time yesterday.
l. I will finish my language course ________________ three weeks.
m. Chloe loves making jokes ________________ April Fool’s Day.
n. Children are doing their homework _______________ the moment.
o. We always play tennis ________________ Tuesday morning.
99. Write the phrases or words into the correct column. Pay attention to the verbs.





We use for with the present perfect simple to show how long a situation has continued.

I’ve been here for an hour.

She’s lived here for four months.

We use since with the present perfect simple to show when a situation- which is still continuing-

I’ve been here since one o’clock.

She has lived here since April.

100. Complete the sentences with for or since.

a. Nobody has seen him __________ last Friday.
b. It has been foggy ___________ some days.
c. He has been fishing ____________ six o'clock.
d. They've been living in France _____________ eight years.
e. The pilots have been on strike _____________ two months.
f. We've had terrible weather ____________ Saturday.
g. I've known Tom ________________ 1990.
h. We have been waiting for the bus ____________ half an hour.
i. She hasn't lost a match ______________ April.
j. Things have changed _______________ he became the headmaster.
k. The police have been looking for him _______________ a month.
l. Our dog has been ill __________ two days.
m. I've been looking for this book _______________ a long time.
n. I've been working ______________ I got up.
o. The kettle has been boiling _________________ ten minutes.

101. Write answers about you.

a. How long have you studied English?

For: __________________________________


b. Think of a friend, how long have you been friends?

For: ___________________________________
Since: _______________________________________

c. If you play any sport, how long have you practised it?

For: _________________________________________

Since: _______________________________________

d. How long have you been classmates with the people in the classroom?

For: ________________________________________

Since: ______________________________________

102. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than
three words.

a. The last time I saw Sarah was at university.

I have not __________________________ university.
b. I last did a practice test 3 weeks ago.
I haven’t done a practice test ______________________
c. It’s been ages since you did the washing up.
You haven’t done any washing up _______________________ time.
d. He started learning the guitar 4 years ago.
He has been learning the guitar _________________________
e. Ben last spoke Italian on holiday.
Ben has not _________________________ he was on holiday.
f. When did you las have a holiday?
How long is it _________________________ had a holiday.



We use defining relative clauses to show which particular thing we are talking about:

People who work in the media are worried. (which people are we talking about? The ones who
work in the media)

The first daily newspaper which was printed in English was the Daily Courant.

Newspaper whose editors understand the problem might survive…

103. Complete with the correct option.

a. A hotel is a place which/where people stay when they're on holiday.
b. What's the name of the woman who/whose lives in that house?
c. What do you call someone which/that writes computer programs?
d. A waiter is a person that/whose job is to serve customers in a restaurant.
e. Overalls are clothes where/which people wear to protect their clothes when they are working.
f. Is that the shop where/that you bought your new laptop?
g. He's the man who/whose son plays football for Manchester Utd.
h. Hal didn't get the job that/where he applied for.
104. Combine the sentences using the relative pronouns who, which, that, where.

Example: these are the friends. I met them in Denmark – these are the friends who I met in Denmark.

a. That’s the neighbour. He helped me when I moved in.

b. What’s the name of the film? You watched this film yesterday.
c. He drives a car. The car is very expensive.
d. Sue wasn’t at the bar. She always goes to that bar.
e. A car was stolen. The car was a Mercedes.
f. The octopus is the only animal. It has three hearts.
g. That’s the shop. I bought my TV in that shop.
h. The man finished the marathon first. He trains three hours a day.
i. This is the school. I studied in this school.
j. That’s the remote. It is broken.

105. Write definitions for the places, things, times and people below using defining relative clauses.
a. Kitchen ______________________________________________________________________
b. Nurse _______________________________________________________________________
c. Halloween____________________________________________________________________
d. Gym _________________________________________________________________________
e. Beach ________________________________________________________________________
f. Baker ________________________________________________________________________
g. Lunch ________________________________________________________________________
h. Buider________________________________________________________________________
i. New Year_____________________________________________________________________
j. School _______________________________________________________________________

106. Write the words in the correct column to form the opposite.



107. Use the words in the previous exercise to complete the sentences.
a. He was _________________ whether she had reserved a room or not.
b. He was considered __________ to cope with the pressure of the job.
c. “this may sound strange and _____________ to you, but it is real and true”
d. It is _____________ to predict the future.
e. We had an _________________ meeting over lunch.
f. We live in an __________ world and there are no political systems which will make a difference.
g. I can see that he’s ____________, but I don’t know why.
h. Physical ___________ people have more chances to get sick.
i. Pierre was silent because he was ____________ of uttering a word.
j. You know, my mother always said that it was ________________ to stare.
k. While maternity clothing was once dull and _______________, today’s maternity clother are just as
attractive as the styles you’re used to wear.
l. The date of his death is _____________, but he was certainly alive about 1125.
m. I know you feel ______________ about giving that speech.


We use question tags to check information we think is correct or to check that someone agrees with

This show is great, isn’t it?

You work in the media, don’t you?

108. Write the correct question tag.

a. He visited his grandparents last weekend. _______________________
b. Your friend Tom isn’t coming tonight. ___________________________
c. He didn’t say the truth ______________________
d. He will do the shopping _____________________
e. He goes to the gym every day, __________________
f. I’m sorry, I’m speaking too loudly _________________
g. He will never forgive me ________________
h. They have an apartment at the beach _________________

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