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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education (OS SCHOOLS piviston oF TARLAC PROVINCE : a 3 AUG 2021 QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 1. Project Summary 1.1 Project Title Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers” 1.2 Proponent/ Contact Number Jovelano R. Urzame/ 0920-829-2641 1.3 School/ Office Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac 1.4 District/Functional Division Gerona North/ Division of Tarlac Province 1.5 Proposed Starting Date August 2021 1.6 Project Duration August 2021- May 2022 1,7 Total Project Cost Php 23,000.00 2. Background and Context DepEd order no. 36, s. 2013 guides us that learners leam in a child-friendly, gender sensitive, safe and motivating environment. Thus, Quezon National High School is a learner-centered public high school in Gerona, Tarlac. It continuously improves itself to better serves its learners. First aid is providing basic medical care to someone experiencing a sudden injury or illness.It consists * the initial support provided to someone in the middle of a medical emergency. It is known to all that most of our school do not have school nurse who can attend students’ medical needs immediately especially when we will have our face to face classes during this time of pandemic, and Se ™ 5 - Bo Republic of the Philippines = Department of Cducation REGION ttt SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL that only one clinic teacher is assign in Quezon National High School to attend students’ medical needs and at the same time the clinic teacher has his classes that also need to attend. Becoming knowledgeable and skilled in providing first aid as a teacher is very important to ensure the student’s safety in the school. It can help so that a student who is in need to a immediate medical care can be address quickly and properly. To ensure and support an environment for effective learning, teachers and other stakeholders should work in hand to have the attitude of shared responsibility and an action of active engagement. 3. List of Gaps and Needs Identified ‘The proponent is more than willing to help level up the school as an educational institution, the following gaps have been identified with the help of the school head, teachers, and GPTA Officers: a. A per classroom first aid box and kit can be very helpful to students and teachers who need immediate medical care; : b. “MEDICAL FLOW CHART’needs to be provided to all classroom so that the first aider is properly guided; c. Medical record book is provided so that students’ health status and complaint are properly documented . A medical professional needs to provide proper training to teachers. Moreover, the following needs are also identified: 1. There is a need to collaborate with stakeholders to push thru with the project; and 2. The project needs a joint effort from among teachers, DepEd medical team, RHU medical 'personnel, community and stakeholders for the accomplishment of the said project. e ® Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION Il SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 4. Proposed Project Description and Objectives In preparation for the face-to-face class in the “new normal”, this project entitled Project FAST -“First Aider and Skilled Teachers” was conceptualized for the intention of providing a safe environment to the students of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. The proponent wishes to at least make the school with a teachers who can provide basic first aid would create an impact to the school. With Project FAST , Quezon National High School will be making a landmark worth emulating as this would become a product of the love and collaboration of people who value education and health. Project FAST aims to: a, Provide training to teachers so that they become capable in giving first aid to the people of Quezon National High School; b, Have a medical flow chart to every classroom so that the first aiders are properly guided. ¢. Record all the health complaint of clients. d. Install first aid box and kits to every classroom to attend student’s medical need quickly and more efficient. It is a common knowledge that a school who cares for the safety and health is a factor to boost the confidence to teachers, parents and students. This is the main reason why the proponent with the help of the school head wishes to conduct such proposal. 5.Project Implementation and Management Plan 5.1Project Beneficiaries ‘The beneficiaries of the project are identified as follows: 1. Learners - to have motivating environment that they will not need be worry for their health. 2. Parents - they will have a peace of mind knowing that their children are at least in good hands in case that they need immediate medical attention. 3. Teachers - they will feel more confident and skilled in providing basic firs aid to students. we 7 Republic of the Dhilippines Department of Education REGION Ill ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 4. GPTA- With the outcome of the project, they will be motivated more to participate in other school projects. 5. Community people - The project will give them confidence to promote their school since the school improvement is also a community improvement. 6. Stakeholders - This will give them the idea that the school is really working on school improvements and that, they would make them more willing to extend help for the next projects to come. 5.2 Expected Project Results The proponent expect that the project will result to a school where students are healthier because they already have a skilled first aid provider. This will also create a safer environment for all the people of Quezon National High School. This will also rebuild the school-community partnership thru the realization of the goals to give Quezon National High School a good mark. And lastly, this project will create a stimulus to performance improvement among teachers and students. 5.3 Budget 5.3.1 Funding/Sources No amount will be taken from the School MOOE. Project FAST will be a product of the love, support and collaboration among the proponent, school head, teachers, alumni and other stakeholders upon realization of the essence of the project. ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE Cm) a ® Republic othe Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION It QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 5.3.2Budget Matrix ACTIVITY /] MATERIALS NEEDED | AMOUNT/ | SOURCE AREA / OF FUND TARGET eel NEEDED | puynger Launching of | Tarpaulin 250.00 Donation Project FAST First Aid | Division nurse speaker | 500.00 Donation Training with | token the — Division Nurse Webinar Basic RHU nurse speaker | 500.00 Donation medicine token preparation and Do's and Dont’s webinar Medical Flow | Tarpaulin 1000.00 | Donation chart Layout and printing Purchase of |19 pes First Aid kit| 19,000.00 | Donation first Aid kit] with Box with box , Purchase _ of | Record Book 950 Donation Record Book Installation of | Screwandglue | 100 Donation First Aid Box and flow chart fe 7 © Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IIT SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE |EZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Contingencies 700.00 Donation’ TOTAL 23,000.00 5.4 Project Activities and Work Plan 2021 2022 ACTIVITIES Planning for the implementation of the project Submission of the —_ project proposal Launching of the project Implementation of the project Monitoring of the project Evaluation of the project ® Sf Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION Iit SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Submission of accomplishment report 5.5 Project Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and evaluation of the actual implementation of the project shall be done at the implementing school, QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL by the project monitoring team. Reviewer Project Proposal Evaluation Criteria ProponentName | Title (short) Reviewer Jovelano R. Urzame | PROJECT FAST “First Aider | WILLY Q MAMARADLO and Skilled Teacher” Principal I (Quezon National High School) Discussion of each proposal: Rate items - on scale of - where excellent /highest; 9-8-good/high; 7-6- average/adequate; 5-4-fair/lower; 3-2-poor/low; 1-0- missing/lacking/not fundable on this item. Evaluation category Points (10) =. B' : Se Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION It ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL T. Does the proposal include the answer to “So what”? How well does the proposal show the significance of the project to the student, the discipline and/or practice, the School, the community, and beyond? 2. Goals/Objectives: How well are the goals/objectives described? Are they reasonable for the scope of the project? 3. Methodology or Procedures: How well does proposal demonstrate that the project can be completed with the available resources and in the time specified? ‘4. Timeline: Is the timeline realistic in regard to proposed methodology/ procedures? 5. Evaluation/ Dissemination: How well does the proposal describe a plan to evaluate the expected outcomes? 7. Budget Summary: How reasonable does the budget seem for both the effort and anticipated results described? 8. Budget Narrative: How appropriate, accurate; and justified is the budget and use of resources? 10. How important is the impact of the project to the development of the school as a whole? 5.6. Risk Management RISK CAUSES IMPACT ON|MITIGATION | CONTINGENCY | IDENTIFICATI THE PROJECT ACTION ON / SCHOOL Lack of | Due to | Delayed Allot series of | Allot contingency teachers Pandemic face | trainings for| webinar on first| budget for the training in| to face | teachers. aid so that | equipment to be performing | training are teachers will be|use during the first aid. limited. able to grasp all | training. knowledge and skills to become a good first aid Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION Ill SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL provider. Tack of| Donations of | Delayed ‘Allot more time | Find more donors possible any _ kind | implementati | to find enough donors. during this | on donors so that time is hard to the project will find due to push through. pandemic. . Prepared by: JOVELANO ZAME Propo} Innovation Accepted by: WILLY LO Principal | Reviewed by: Senior Education\Program Specialist/OIC Social Mobilization and Networking Unit School Goverrlance & Operations Division Approved: Urry 2/191 RONALDO A. POZON PhD, CESO V Schools Division Superintendent sir: your office about the project. We would like you and your council to be a part of the success of the said project by means of moral support, technical assistance and whatever help you may wish to extend, Moreover, we b this project will be a great part of the school improvement and of the community as well. Thank you very, May God bless your office and your council more. Respectfully Yours, aligitine : Project Proponent Quezon National High School Republic a the pee, Department of Education REGION Ill SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL August 1, 2021 BRGY. CAPT. TIRSO R. DOMINGO Jr. Brgy. Captain (Quezon) Municipality of Gerona Province of Tarlac Sir: May we request for a visit in your good office to present Quezon National High School's project entitled Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers” on August 5, 2021 at 8 AM. Said visit is to inform your office about the project. We would like you and your council to be a part of the success of the said project by means of moral support, technical assistance and whatever help you may wish to extend. Moreover, we believe that this project will be a great part of the school improvement and of the community as well. Thank you very, May God bless your office and your council more. Respectfully Yours, JOVELANO R. URZAME Project Proponent Quezon National High School fe: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION I SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL August 1, 2021 HON. ELOY C. ECLAR Municipal Mayor Gerona, Tarlac Sir, May we request for a visit in your good office to present Quezon National High School's project entitled Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers” on August 5, 2021 at 8 AM. Said visit is to inform your office about the project. We would like you to be a part of the success of the said project by means of moral support, technical assistance and whatever help you may wish to extend. Moreover, we believe that this project will be a great part of the school improvement and of the community as well. ‘Thank you very much, May God bless your office more. Respectfully Yours, Project Proponent Quezon National High School we 4 z Bo Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IIL ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL August 1, 2021 SHIRLEY D. BATOY GPTA President Madam: May we request for a visit in your good office to present Quezon National High School's project entitled Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers” on August 5, 2021 at 8 AM. Said visit is to inform your office about the project. We would like you to be a part of the success of the sald project by means of moral support, technical assistance and whatever help you may wish to extend. Moreover, we believe that this project will be a great part of the school improvement and of the community as well. Thank you and may God bless you more. Respectfully Yours, Quezon National High School a Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Cducation REGION I ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEED OF DONATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This PEED OF DONATION made and executed by SI @ GUowcha’r with address at —Bvons —reurtec __hereinafter called the DONOR -in favor of- QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL herein represented by its project proponent of Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers” JOVELANO R. URZAME, with office address at Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac hereinafter collectively called the DONEE. WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of a desire to contribute a share for the cause of the school improvement through Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers”, the DONOR has freely and voluntarily given, transferred and conveyed by way of donation to the DONEE its successors and assigns free and clear of any and-all liens and encumbrances whatsoever all its rights, interests and title on: (title of donation) S Details of the Donation School and Address SUES oe eee QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL With a total amount of Php _GJD00 0D Quezon National, Gerona, Tarlac IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, the DONOR has hereto subscribed herself / himself this __day of 2041/af Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac. 5 ~ op Se Republic of the Philippines BPepartment of Education REGION III SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEED OF ACCEPTANCE ‘The DONEE, for and in behalf of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, hereby accepts and acknowledges the donation from DSalere} Gu mahol For and in behalf of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, the DONEE expresses his/her most sincere appreciation for the benevolence shown by the DONOR. Details of the Donation (Put check) Amount Cash Inkind Php__@,000 In witness whereof, the DONEE has set his/her hands this _day of. 2021. JOVELANO ME Project Proponent/DONEE s [aan O SB Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION Ill SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEED OF DONATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This DEED OF DONATION made and executed by Lier! Reme> with address at Ns. ereinafter called the DONOR -in favor of- QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL herein represented by its project proponent of Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers” JOVELANO R. URZAME, with office address at Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac hereinafter collectively called the DONEE. WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of a desire to contribute a share for the cause of the school improvement through Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers”, the DONOR has freely and voluntarily given, transferred and conveyed by way of donation to the DONEE its successors and assigns free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances whatsoever all its rights, interests and title on: (title of donation) Details of the Donation School and Address QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL With a total amount of Php_“2,00 0 Quezon National, Gerona, Tarlac IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DONOR has hereto subscribed herself / himself this __day of 2921 at Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac. Donor _Lie Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION Il SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEED OF DONATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This DEED OF DONATION made and executed by reais with address at — Gera, Tarlac hereinafter called the DONOR -in favor of- QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL herein represented by its project proponent of Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers” JOVELANO R. URZAME, with office address at Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac hereinafter collectively called the DONEE. WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of a desire to contribute a share for the cause of the school improvement through Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers”, the DONOR has freely and voluntarily given, transferred and conveyed by way of donation to the DONEE its successors and assigns free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances whatsoever all its rights, interests and title on: (title of donation)__ Cash Details of the Donation School and Address ee QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL With a total amount of Php 5,000.00 Quezon National, Gerona, Tarlac IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DONOR has hereto subscribed herself / himself this __day of 2021 at Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac. Donor a Republic of the Philippines Ee Department of Education REGION It ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE (QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEED OF ACCEPTANCE The DONEE, for and in behalf of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, hereby accepts and acknowledges the donation from Taner For and in behalf of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, the DONEE expresses his/her most sincere appreciation for the benevolence shown by the DONOR. Details of the Donation (Put check) Amount Cash [7] Inkind Php_S 000 In witness whereof, the DONEE has set his/her hands this __day of, 2021. a JOVELANO KURZAME Project Proponent/DONEE Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION It ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEED OF DONATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ‘This DEED OF DONATION made and executed by Raco,vel jore with address at Ma \ereinafter called the DONOR -in favor of- QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL herein represented by its project proponent of Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers” JOVELANO R. URZAME, with office address at Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac hereinafter collectively called the DONEE. WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of a desire to contribute a share for the cause of the school improvement through Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers”, the DONOR has freely and voluntarily given, transferred and conveyed by way of donation to the DONE its successors and assigns free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances whatsoever all its rights, interests and title on: (title of donation)__5 000 (Cash ) Details of the Donation School and Address QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. With a total amount of Php_S,00 0 Quezon National, Gerona, Tarlac IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DONOR has hereto subscribed herself / himself this __day of 2021 af Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac, Donor LO « Republic of ae 2. Department of Education REGION Ill ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. DEED OF ACCEPTANCE ‘The DONEE, for and in behalf of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, hereby accepts and acknowledges the donation from ae S. For and in behalf of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, the DONEE expresses his/her most sincere appreciation for the benevolence shown by the DONOR. Details of the Donation (Put check) Amount Cash Inkind Php_S p00 _ In witness whereof, the DONE has set his/her hands this _day of. 2021. JOVELANO R.WRZAME Project Proponént/DONEE ‘Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Cducation REGION Itt SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEED OF DONATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This DEED OF DONATION made and executed by So! Chae) Uoaterwith address at Gera, tartec hereinafter called the DONOR -in favor of- QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL herein represented by its project proponent of Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers” JOVELANO R. URZAME, with office address at Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac hereinafter collectively called the DONE. WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of a desire to contribute a share for the cause of the school improvement through Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers”, the DONOR has freely and voluntarily given, transferred and conveyed by way of donation to the DONEE its successors and assigns free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances whatsoever all its rights, interests and title on: (title of donation) _Cash Details of the Donation School and Address QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL With a total amount of Php 77000 Quezon National, Gerona, Tarlac IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, the DONOR has hereto subscribed herself / himself this __day of 2021 at Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac. Donor Hcl 2 ff e B Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION I SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEED OF ACCEPTANCE The DONEE, for and in behalf of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, hereby accepts and acknowledges the donation from_¢wn_(W. ner For and in behalf of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, the DONE expresses his/her most sincere appreciation for the benevolence shown by the DONOR. Details of the Donation (Put check) Amount Cash Inkind Php_2000 In witness whereof, the DONEE has set his/her hands this_day of ____, 2021. JOVELANO.X. URZAME Project Propohent/DONEE Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION Ill SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEED OF DONATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This DEED OF DONATION made and executed by Doug Galdonare with address at \sGreva “paclec hereinafter called the DONOR -in favor of- QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL herein represented by its project proponent of Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers” JOVELANO R. URZAME, with office address at Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac hereinafter collectively called the DONEE. WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of a desire to contribute a share for the cause of the school improvement through Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers”, the DONOR has freely and voluntarily given, transferred and conveyed by way of donation to the DONE its successors and assigns free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances whatsoever all its rights, interests and title on: (title of donation) _ CCW Details of the Donation School and Address QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL With a total amount of Php_1, 400 Quezon National, Gerona, Tarlac IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, the DONOR has hereto subscribed herself / himself this __day of 2021 at Cen National High School, Gerona, Tarlac. Donor _DHA bb fico WB / - ae Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION Itt SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEED OF ACCEPTANCE ‘The DONEE, for and in behalf of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, hereby accepts and acknowledges the donation from 2. a For and in behalf of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, the DONE expresses his/her most sincere appreciation for the benevolence shown by the DONOR. Details of the Donation (Put check) Amount Cash Inkind Php_lOOO In witness whereof, the DONEE has set his/her hands this ___day of. 2021. JOVELANO R{URZAME Project Proponent/DONEE Department of Education REGION Ili SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE (QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEED OF DONATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This DEED OF DONATION made and executed by Welawié Ga ag 4 with address at Buta6OU | Gare hereinafter called the DONOR as -in favor of- QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL herein represented by its project proponent of Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers” JOVELANO R. URZAME, with office address at Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac hereinafter collectively called the DONEE. WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of a desire to contribute a share for the cause of the school improvement through Project FAST “First Aider and Skilled Teachers”, the DONOR has freely and voluntarily given, transferred and conveyed by way of donation to the DONEE its successors and assigns free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances whatsoever all its rights, interests and title on: (title of donation) Details of the Donation School and Address QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL With a total amount of Php 1,000 Quezon National, Gerona, Tarlac IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DONOR has hereto subscribed herself / himself this __day of 202} at Quezon National High School, Gerona, Tarlac. Donor Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IIL ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TARLAC PROVINCE QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEED OF ACCEPTANCE The DONEE, for and in behalf of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, hereby accepts and acknowledges the donation from «Galion For and in behalf of QUEZON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, the DONEE expresses his/her most sincere appreciation for the benevolence shown by the DONOR. Details of the Donation (Put check) Amount Cash iz. Inkind [__} Php_|2D0 -00 In witness whereof, the DONEE has set his/her hands this ___day of. 2021. venmaaaaaie Project Proponent/DONEE

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