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English Language Proficiency is a crucial subject
that focuses on developing students' skills in
reading, writing, listening, and speaking in the
English language. This subject is designed to help
students improve their communication abilities,
enhance their vocabulary, and understand
grammar rules to effectively express themselves
in English.
Through various activities such as reading
comprehension exercises, writing essays,
listening to audio clips, and engaging in
discussions, students can sharpen their
language skills and become more confident
in using English in different contexts.
Moreover, English Language Proficiency
also aims to foster critical thinking and
analytical skills by analyzing texts,
interpreting information, and presenting
arguments coherently. By studying this
subject, students not only enhance their
language abilities but also broaden their
knowledge of different cultures, traditions,
and perspectives that are conveyed
through the English language.
Overall, English Language Proficiency plays
a crucial role in preparing students for
academic success, professional
development, and effective communication
in an increasingly interconnected world
where English serves as a global language of
Activity 1:
Desert island activity: Get a piece of paper and
draw an item—any item.
Pass your drawings. Each drawing will be given to a different
person. No student should receive their own drawing.

Pretend you are stranded on a desert island, only half of the

class can survive to inhabit the island. The only thing each of
you will have on the island is the item depicted in the drawing
given to you, and your goal is to convince the class that they
should survive based on that item.
English language proficiency is a crucial skill that extends far
beyond simply knowing how to speak and write in English. In
today's globalized world, having proficiency in the English
language can open up a world of opportunities, both
academically and professionally.
English is often referred to as the "global language" due to its
widespread use in international communication, business, science, and
entertainment. Proficiency in English can enhance your ability to
collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds, access a wealth of
information available in English, and increase your chances of success
in an increasingly interconnected world.

Many universities and academic institutions around the world
use English as the medium of instruction. By improving your
English language proficiency, you can excel in your studies,
participate in international exchange programs, and gain a
competitive edge in the academic arena.
In today's competitive job market, employers often value
candidates who are fluent in English. Proficiency in English can
broaden your career prospects, make you more attractive to
multinational companies, and increase your chances of
securing lucrative job opportunities.
English is not only a means of communication but also a
gateway to understanding different cultures and perspectives.
By mastering the English language, you can engage with a
diverse range of literature, media, and ideas from around the
English language proficiency is essential for active
participation in global issues, such as climate change, human
rights, and international diplomacy. Being proficient in English
can enable you to voice your opinions, collaborate with others
on a global scale, and contribute to positive change.
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

LO1: Familiarize with the different language varieties.

LO2: Distinguish the language varieties.

LO3: Utilize a sample language variety in writing.

Regional dialects refer to variations in
language that occur in different geographical
regions. These dialectical differences can
manifest in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary,
grammar, and even intonation patterns.
They can play a significant role in shaping individual and
group identities, as well as fostering a sense of
community and belonging among speakers. Embracing
and appreciating regional dialects can lead to a greater
understanding and appreciation of linguistic diversity
within a society.
American English
Common term:
A lingua franca is a language that is adopted as a
common language between speakers whose native
languages are different.

English is considered the current global lingua franca.

A lingua franca is the chosen shared
language spoken between individuals with
different first languages. Lingua francas are
sometimes referred to as 'common
languages' or 'link languages'.
Lingua francas are usually pre-existing languages
with a colonial history (such as English or French),
which are learned by non-native speakers as a foreign
language and then used as a way to communicate
with other non-native speakers.
The term English as a lingua franca (ELF)
describes the use of English as a shared
language for speakers of different native
The use of English as a lingua franca is not new. English has
been used as a common language across British colonies since
the late 16th century. The widespread use of English is largely
due to the influence of the British Empire and the impact of the
United States in the areas of business, technology, and culture in
the 20th and 21st centuries.
Vernaculars in the English language refer to the regional or social
dialects that vary from standard English. These vernaculars can
include distinctive vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar
unique to a particular group of people or region. Examples of English
vernaculars include African American Vernacular English (AAVE),
British English, Australian English, and Southern American English.
Embracing and understanding vernaculars is important for
promoting cultural diversity and inclusivity, as language is a key
aspect of identity and belonging.
Lingo encompasses specialized vocabulary or language
used within a particular group or profession. This could
include terms specific to industries like medicine,
technology, or sports. Understanding the lingo of a
group not only facilitates effective communication but
also signifies membership or expertise within that
Its categories include jargon and slang. Think of
it as the overall language or dialect of a
particular community.
•Musicians' lingo: "We need to tighten up the rhythm section
before the gig." (Gig refers to a performance)

•Teenagers' lingo: "That party was lit! My outfit was on fleek."

(Lit means great, on fleek means perfect)
Jargon is a subset of lingo that consists of technical terms or
specialized language within a specific field. It serves as a
shorthand for professionals to communicate complex
concepts efficiently. While jargon is essential for precision in
fields like law, science, or engineering, its overuse can create
barriers to understanding for those outside the specialized
Jargon can be seen as a type of 'professional slang' in some
ways, and that is a fairly important distinction to make
between the two terms. Whereas slang refers to colloquial,
informal language that is more commonly used verbally
than it is written, jargon is commonly a professional
language used in professional settings. Jargon is used
equally in written and verbal communication.

Slang refers to informal, non-standard language that is often used
to create a sense of belonging within a social group. Slang terms
are dynamic and ever-changing, influenced by popular culture,
social media, and youth trends. While some slang terms may
become widely accepted over time, others remain niche
expressions within certain subcultures. Embracing slang allows
individuals to express creativity and connection with peers, while
also reflecting the evolving nature of language.
Dope Lit Savage

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