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CYcLTC CODES 28|4]23

Sheet No.

Ttle? Era detecon and Correcion of Gelie ode,

2. Aim &decoaling of Ben it sejence

shdy of Gelie codu encdurgComeClon of bit Seguence
2. study of ed détection 4-
3 Equapmeat_vequied
Sientech 21 20 err detec lion 4 Correcton Cyelic Cock
2. 2mn banana Cabley
3Oscillscoge Stientech rai(o) egipment
4 Sofoe eguisted MaT Lab
4 Theäly Era detecon ln tte abilla to detect kle piesence of cndy
(o) mplementy dwig lragision fom te frongmi Hen t
Caud by ncise tcconstect the
he vecaiveL erndl Comeclion n the addihonal abikl to
errdl fee ckta
Gyche cody anu the Seledion of ina bock Gdy Gyclie
caladatud Seply ad ile face in :(mic) from te 's' rput
check bit bncar Code is called yclic Code if eey yclic shift
2 the Code vectl procedse Sema oflan Code ve ctol then detechon
incuday Htoo funcooal progchy of Gclie Cody the od ce
Can be 1ep1esily bya polynomal to nbt
- X,Xo )
XP) xn -l , ph- 4
Xn-pn-l+- -- XPfXo
Data ile in ero) Peh d
prenadoca ole witt Data olp
Data in posii on
00l0olL! 27

3 36

nenaet data S. olo[


Co d d Bits I4xfxl


234 2t

( ) No ensl
Sheet No.4
hou x) Isis he pdyromid of deyaee (0-) p is the dlhitany
Jariale of pomomial.
5Block diagram
Eral detetion of Cyclic Code is sho uon in ty 51
Ertl delec ton of Cglt Code is shoun in fy s2
6 proce dwne; For aim 21:
1 Connecl t#e poucer Suppy main Codu iold te
Scientech 2121A but
do not Tu°n ON fe pourpouer Supgley
Supply Unhl
Until oneclony
oneciony anu mad fo
tfis guip ment
From clock Selecon ,Cennect 16kH2. ceck
output to fhe Clock gerurec
(clock ile)
Connect the data clock of he clock erenat
check of data Sounce Sechon to the data
Conneck AEe dala &ut of the daa souvce to dala în of Cyclic eacod m
5 Coonect tle code clock of clock qenento Section to Code clock
of cqcic Encecdun
Ssitel ON Re pouen Supoy cclescope
Obsere Re bit patlann of Cocde odd oulput of qclic encode on cRd
The it slreay in a Yeplin 3 bit Serial Seguence of the ile
seleded trough co Susteky
change keAp dala Eruah Bco Soite hey 4 ohfeve e cdp of
Cycic eceder
9. Now Conne ct te Code uadled ole of Cyclic encder to
decodler f
eudput of decedn to ile of chyglay
University College of Engineering, JNTUK
Sheet No.
4Re cloc lk Siqnal le to 8kH2 to IkH2 & then obsenv
o chang
Be daa Signad ole
for aim 22
olp of yclic encoce -to Code odd lp of S
Cmek e Code wdd
to paall Connec
main Cocde wd tie Scieatec 2126 bud do
2 Connec te poer Supply Until tie Connecon anu moad, -En
not tunON tfe poweL
tas eguipmat panallel Hrough em inoakod
3. No tromit One of he bit Senadto
panoalll to seial invention in
Until 4 obsene fe Code codd of
Codeond geneate it shzut te
diffeneat fom tat angmite by
Proceu f emdiîn code
wtld koit eml lomina of panalel to Rni-l
A. Cunect the Cock
detehon 4Conerh
Convat to ve caied Code odd termina of en
clatechon Gonrk
Conneck Correcled Code otd lnminal Gf endl
to Code cod tominal of alic dcode y prcuiding
data clock Comect dala Cab be
he data olp of the Gycie decodr to eta into diplay
6. Connact to se tRa tume
e YeCaived data lich in need
Lokicl, houos
trayoled by data RounCe.
. Repeat keabove slept of epmt cftl, dhfneit clock
Sina4Sne e wauetony of data aole od
enter m=3
enter message =[1 1 1 0]
encoded codeword for given input
1 1 1 1

decoded code word is

1 1 1
Sheet No.

4. MATLAB Coce
clear all ;
close alli
m: ioput C'ealer m:);
n: gm-I3

gen poly - cyco poly (n, k):

msq : input ('estr mj =!);
codeécncode ('mg,n, k; ydhe/inarys gesplyd
dedt decede (code, n, k, Gelic/sinorg.9a poly D;
dup (dout)

output waetmy Graph

ObBainud at ditfre lee au shoun in haph

Aralyets Csk uoâd in Same ay the deCoded Cododd Gycic encedr

ond deodn kit
buyt emd ite tee hole of
2,Gycke Cades Cun celect ConAest
Can Correct errdt that as inbodud
Coreton clsek, we
en Yre
co lon 4dechior:
n Cyelic
Sheet No. to

pe Cautoy;
1. Make Conne clioy Poey
2. Make Se tlat Ee Pouen Suppy in trinan oN afkn
Mainby all ConnLchion

Llence, study of Gylic encoding and decoclng of
Bco bit
done along witt enro Corre ciey and
de tecion.
Sheet No.

t. MATLAB Code
clear all;
close all,
m: input C'ealer m:);
n: gm-3

gen poly cydopoly (n,x),

msg : input (' entn mg :):
codeécncode ('mg,n, k" ydic/sinary "gerpoly)i
dod =decede CCode, n, k, yclic/sinary 9en poly );
dup (dout)

3 Qutzut
LOaueloy obtainud at ditfoed leey au shown in aaph

Gycic encdur
, e d Cock oald in ame as te d Coded Coda bold
Gnd decodn kit
2 Cades Cun delect Conaest buyt erd cite te helaof
eo Co ve ton ue Can CoYreck eyrd tet ae intodueel
clsek, we
n Cycic eng Covre Clon t dehction

University College of Engineering, JNTUK

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