Security Guard MainGate, 82118 Md. Mahfujur RahmanSecurity Guard

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Revision: 02

Islam Group Agro Business Division

59/B, Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213.


Name: Md. Mahfujur Rahman

Employee ID: 82118 Designation: Security Guard (Main Gate)
Department: Section:
Company: Aftab Feed Products Limited Job Location: Rupshi Feed Mill

Reporting to: Ratan Kr.Debnath Designation Sr. Officer (Admin)

Doted reporting to: Md. Shahadot Hossain Designation Manager (HR & Admin)

As the Security Guard (Main Gate) of the company, the duties and responsibilities are as follows:

L Description of Job / Responsibilities/Key Accountabilities: Frequency* KPI*

AvMZ cY¨ Ges ewnM©vgx cY¨ †MU cvk KZ©„cÿ KZ…©K

01 Daily
Aby‡gvw`Z wKbv Zv cixÿv Ki‡Z n‡e|
wbwl× AÂj¸wj‡Z AbygwZ †iva Kiv, d‡UvMÖvwd cÖwZ‡iva Kiv
02 Ges A¨vc‡qU‡g›U¸wj hvPvB Kiv Ges wbw`ó e¨w³i mv‡_ †`Lv Kivi Daily
Rb¨ A¨vWwg‡bi KvQ †_‡K Aby‡gv`b †bIqv|
wbivc` Ges myiwÿZ cwi‡ek eRvq †i‡L †Kv¤úvbxi m¤úwË Ges
03 Daily
Kg©x‡`i myiÿv †`qv|
Aciva Ges e¨vwa m¤úwK©Z jÿb¸‡jv ch©‡eÿb Kiæb, Acivax‡`i As and when
wPýZ Kiæb Ges Zv wi‡cvU© Kiæb| required
‡Kvb m‡›`nRbK NUbv m¤ú‡K© we¯ÍvwiZ Rvbyb Ges Zv As and when
wi‡cvU© Kiæb| required
cÖwZw`‡bi wµqvKjvc Ges Awbq‡gi wi‡cvU© wjLyb †hgb- Pzwi,
06 m¤úwËi ÿwZ, Abby‡gvw`Z e¨w³i Dcw¯’wZ ev AvBb Agvb¨Kvix ev Daily
†Kvb A¯^vfvweK NUbv |
dvqvi G¨vjvg© evRvi mv‡_ mv‡_ †Kv_vI †Kvb mgm¨v n‡q‡Q wK As and when
bv Zv D`NvUb K‡i DשZ‡bi wbKU AewnZ Ki‡Z n‡e| required
As and when
08 `~N©Ubv cÖwZ‡iv‡a Riæix mivÄg¸wj e¨envi Kiæb| required
As and when
09 KZ…©c‡ÿi AbygwZ Qvov KvD‡K cÖ‡ek Kiv‡bv hv‡e bv| required
‡Kvb `©kbv_x cÖ‡e‡ki c~‡e© Zvi cwiPq cÎ mbv³ Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Zv As and when
mvÿvZKvixi wbKU AewnZ Ki‡Z n‡e| required
‡Kvb e¨w³/ Kg©Pvix AbygwZ Qvov †hb †Kvb `ªe¨ ev gvjvgvj wb‡Z As and when
bv cv‡i Zv wbwðZ Kiæb| required
*Frequency: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly, As and when Required.
*KPI: Key Performance Indicators (Measurable Value).


Employee Sectional Head Corporate HR Departmental / Divisional Head

When required use separate page

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