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A Cyberware Mod for CYBERPUNK RED


2. 1st ed. Berkeley CA: R.Talsorian Games, 1992
This is an update to my previously released Full
Conversion homebrew. It is intended to streamline
my original version and make it more playable.

Full Conversion Cyborgs (FC), the ultimate expression

of the “Metal is better than meat” philosophy of the
2020’s. FCs have been used in combat since the
Bushfire Wars of 2017 and they featured heavily during
the 4th Corporate War. FC’s faced considerable
discrimination then; their abilities provide superhuman
prowess, which gave them strong advantages in
competing for hazardous jobs, and their reduced
Empathy made them seem as cold and unfeeling as the
mechanical devices they resembled. It did not help that
many atrocities during the 4th Corporate War,
particularly against corporate family housing zones,
were committed by FCs.

Things are a bit better now… twenty-five years of

perspective will do that. FCs are still uncommon, but
most folk accept them or otherwise tolerate them. FCs
have decent representation in the media and a number
of documentaries have showcased the heroism of FCs,
often describing the horrific injuries they sustained
before the FC process gave them a new lease on life. Pretty much everyone sees FCs as regular
people now.

It isn’t all great though. FCs still face occasional discrimination. Some businesses refuse to serve
“metalheads”, and people still protest FC labor as “taking jobs away”; all the same things people
have been saying for centuries to justify prejudice. Finally, FCs face additional risks from
organized cyberphobic groups like The Inquisitors, and a body (literally) full of chrome is a
prime target for scavvers.

Living as a FC is like anything else in Night City, gato; know where you are and keep your head
on a swivel.

Full Conversion cyborgs require a piece of foundational

cyberware known as a Cybercore. The Cybercore closely
replicates the physiology of a natural human body. Each
Cybercore is made to order in advance of the surgical
procedure, which is both difficult and expensive. Some organic
systems, namely the brain and spinal column, lungs, and much of
the digestive system and tongue, are removed and implanted
into the cybernetic body. Nearly every other organ, and even
blood, is replaced by cybernetics or synthetics. The FC can still
eat and enjoy food, but does not require much; just a few dozen
grams of carbohydrate and about 200ml of water per day will
keep the organic systems fully functional. The surgeries and
physical therapy take one week to complete. By the time the
patient wakes up, they are already as capable as they were
before surgery, and adaptation to their new body’s abilities is
usually complete within a few hours.

Your basic FC body consists of two Cyberlegs, two Cyberarms,

(basic hands & feet included), two Cybereyes, a basic Audio
Suite, a Neural Link, and a plastic covering for everything, all
mounted to your Cybercore. You do not apply the Humanity cost
of this additional foundational cyberware and coverings; it is
included in the Humanity cost of the Cybercore. The normal
Humanity Cost is applied to any additional Cyberware installed
in a FC body after the fact. In regards to cybernetic option
spaces and additional cyberware, everything pretty much works
out the same as it does in the Corebook. Cyberware might
function a little differently however; Gills function like a
rebreather, Subdermal pockets are a slide-open compartment in
the outer covering, and so on. Realskinn coverings are needed
for an FC that still wants to still pass for human, along with some
Techhair, a few trips to the bodysculpter to reduce the “uncanny
valley” effect, and, of course, a Mr. Studd or Midnight Lady to
complete the illusion.

In combat, the FC functions exactly the same as any other

character, just with lots of enhancements. The Hit Points are
calculated the same way and Critical Injuries have the same
effects. The only major difference is in regards to healing. Since
the cyborg body is mostly inorganic, fixing Critical injuries
requires a Cybertech check (as per Corebook p.223) and your HP
can be “healed” as fast as your friendly neighborhood Tech can replace the damaged parts (see
sidebar). The only exception to this would be when the FC’s HP is at zero or less. This would
indicate that the organic systems are at risk and/or damaged, and these would have to be
stabilized like any other meat before repairs can begin.

Removal of existing components and/or swapping them out for other things is subject to the
standard rules regarding de-cyberization and therapy from the Cyberpunk RED Corebook.


Using a Full Conversion cyborg body does open up some additional Cyberware options. The
Cybercore is considered Foundational Cyberware.

Name Install Description Cost HL

Replacement Torso & Head, comes with a Neural
Link, an Audio Suite, 2 standard Cybereyes, 2
standard Cyberarms w/ standard hands, and 2 13,000 28
Cybercore Hospital
standard Cyberlegs w/ standard feet. Has 7 eb (8d6)
Internal and 7 External options. Provides BODY 8
and is immune to being “meat hit”.
Borgware. Places the FC’s remaining organic parts
into a self-contained, EMP shielded unit with
independent life support. Allows the character to
swap into other cyborg bodies. Your Humanity
10,000 14
Biopod Hospital value will vary based on what body you are in, just
eb (4d6)
like your Humanity varies when using a Quick
Change Mount.
Requires Cybercore. Takes 2 Internal option
Reinforced frame & joints with heavy-duty artificial
muscle, increases BODY by 2. Cannot bring BODY
Strengthened total to 11 or higher.
Frame & This increase in BODY may change a Character's HP 14
Hospital eb
Musculature and Death Save. (4d6)
Level I Requires Cybercore. Takes 1 Internal option
space. Counts as 1 application of GM&BL as
required for Implanted Linear Frame Σ.
Heavy reinforcement of frame & joints with the
replacement of artificial muscle with high-speed
hydraulic actuators, increases BODY by 2. Cannot
bring BODY total to 11 or higher. 5000
Frame & 14
Hospital This increase in BODY may change a Character's HP eb
Musculature, (4d6)
and Death Save.
Level II
Requires Cybercore. Takes 2 Internal option
spaces. Counts as 2 applications of GM&BL as
required for Implanted Linear Frame ß.
Name Install Description Cost HL
User's body and head are armored at SP7.
Whenever the user successfully completes a day
where the Kevlar Plating is not ablated,
nanomachines present in the Kevlar Plating repair 500 7
Kevlar Plating Hospital
both the body and head location for one point of its eb (2d6)
lost SP. Requires Cybercore. Takes 1 External
Option space. Only a single piece of Plating can be
installed into a user at a time.
User's body and head are immune to contact with
toxic chemicals, acid rain, blood rain, ect. A cyborg
that comes into contact with hazardous materials 7
Chem Plating Hospital eb
needs to be decontaminated. Requires Cybercore. (2d6)
Takes 1 External Option space. Only a single piece
of Plating can be installed into a user at a time.
As an action, the user can send an electrical charge
through their body, forcing anyone who has
Grabbed them to make a Resist Torture/Drug check
vs DV 15 or release their Grab. The cyborg is fully 500 7
Shock Plating Hospital
insulated from its own shock effect. Requires eb (2d6)
Cybercore. Takes 1 External Option space. Only a
single piece of Plating can be installed into a user
at a time.
User's body and head are armored at SP11.
Whenever the user successfully completes a day
where the Light Armor Plating is not ablated,
Light Armor nanomachines present in the Light Armor Plating 1000 14
Plating repair both the body and head location for one eb (4d6)
point of its lost SP. Requires Cybercore. Takes 1
External Option space. Only a single piece of
Plating can be installed into a user at a time.
User is immune to fire based damage and the “On
Thermal Fire” status effect. Requires Cybercore. Takes 1 1000 14
Plating External Option space. Only a single piece of eb (4d6)
Plating can be installed into a user at a time.
User's body and head are armored at SP13.
Whenever the user successfully completes a day
where the Heavy Body Plating is not ablated,
nanomachines present in the Heavy Body Plating
Heavy Body 5000 14
Hospital repair both the body and head location for one
Plating eb (4d6)
point of its lost SP. Requires Cybercore. Takes 1
External Option space. Only a single piece of
Plating can be installed into a user at a time.
Cannot be concealed, even under bulky clothing.
Name Install Description Cost HL
Cybercore (head and torso) and installed options
(External Cyberware, Internal Cyberware, &
Neuralware) cannot be rendered inoperable by EMP
Hardened 5000 7
Clinic effects, like Microwaver pulses, or Non-Black ICE
Shielding eb (2d6)
Program effects.
Requires Cybercore. Takes 1 Internal Option
Plastic coating for Cybercore. Available in a wide
Plastic variety of colors and patterns. 500 0
Covering Requires a Cybercore but does not take an Option eb (N/A)
Artificial skin coating for Cybercore.
RealskinnTM 1000 0
Mall Requires a Cybercore but does not take an Option
Covering eb (N/A)
Shiny metallic coating for Cybercore. +2 to
Superchrome® Wardrobe and Style. This bonus only applies once. 5000 0
Covering Requires a Cybercore but does not take an Option eb (N/A)

THE BASIC PACKAGE Cost: 17,000eb

Stripped Down Full Conversion Cyborg from HC: 28 (8d6)
Various Manufacturers

Description Package Includes

Based on the old “Alpha Class” from the now Surgery, PT, & FBC Therapy
defunct IEC, this represents the foundational Cybercore w/ Standard Covering
body corporations build their production
○ Fashionware Option Slots 7
bodies off of. As the name says, this is the
basic, no frills, economy model, Full ○ Internal Body Option Slots 7
Conversion cyborg body. This is the option to ○ External Body Option Slots 7
get if you want to get in on the cheap, or
have plans to customize to your own Neural Link
specifications. Many cyborgs have one of ○ Neuralware Option Slots 5
these as their “off duty” body, often fitted to
Cybereye (x2)
pass as human at a casual glance
(RealSkinn coverings, TechHair, and ○ Cybereye Option Slots 3+3
Mr.Studd/Midnight Lady, +3,200eb & 2 HC,
Audio Suite
biopod sold separately).
○ Cyberaudio Option Slots 3
Cyberarm w/ Standard Hand & Standard
Covering (x2)
○ Cyberarm Option Slots 4+4
Stat Bonus: BODY 8
Immunities: “Meat Hit” Cyberleg w/ Standard Foot & Standard
Covering (x2)
○ Cyberleg Option Slots 3+3
NEPTUNE Cost: 24,000eb
Dynalar Oceanic Exploration & Labor Full HC: 44 (8d6+16)
Conversion Cyborg

Description Package Includes

“Sure, Biotechnica can make you into a shark, but Surgery, PT, & FBC Therapy
you ain’t gonna salvage any deep water wrecks
with just gills and a strong bite. Neptune is the Cybercore w/ Standard Covering
way to go if you wish to truly become the apex
predator of the sea.” ● Implanted
● Caterpillar Drive
The Neptune is the latest iteration of the classic ● Independent Air
Poseidon body from the ‘20s. It is built to be ● Shock Plating
Supply (x2)
neutrally buoyant and the organic systems
vault is rated to a crush depth of 500 ● Sonar Implant
atmospheres. The Air Supply and Rebreather
○ Fashionware Option Slots 7
combo allows the Aquarius to remain
submerged for up to 5 hours before needing to
○ Internal Body Option Slots 3
swap out the tanks. The Radio communicator is
ULF tuned to allow radio communications up to ○ External Body Option Slots 4
a depth of 10m underwater. The miniaturized
Caterpillar drive provides an extra 6m of Neural Link
movement when the Aquarius takes a “Run”
action underwater and is almost completely ○ Neuralware Option Slots 5
silent. The shell of the Neptune can be
Cybereye (x2)
electrified to dissuade close encounters with
“friendly’ marine wildlife and is fully insulated
○ Cybereye Option Slots 3+3
from its own effects. The shoulders and
forearms are fitted with steerable high power Audio Suite
LED lamps that can be tuned to any visible light
frequency to provide the best visibility ● Radio Communicator
regardless of conditions, are dimmable, and
can be focused from a spotlight to a floodlight ○ Cyberaudio Option Slots 2
(100eb and 1d6 HC each).
Cyberarm w/ Standard Hand & Standard
Covering (x2)

● High Power Multispectral Lamps (x4)

○ Cyberarm Option Slots 1+1

Stat Bonus: BODY 8
Immunities: “Meat Hit” / Cyberleg w/ Standard Foot & Standard
Suffocation (5hrs)
Covering (x2)
Bonuses: Movement Bonus: No Movement
Penalty underwater, +6m/y ● Webfoot (x2)
Movement when “running”
underwater. ○ Cyberleg Option Slots 2+2
COHORT Cost: 26,000eb
Militech Law Enforcement Full Conversion HC: 55 (8d6+27)

Description Package Includes

“The Cohortes Urbanae were the defenders of Surgery, PT, & FBC Therapy
Rome from gangs and civil unrest, and now Cybercore w/ Standard Covering
their Legacy lives on as the Militech Cohort.
Packed with features, the Cohort can handle ● Hidden Holster
everything from traffic stops to executive ● Light Armor Plating
protection to urban pacification.” ● OptiShield
○ Fashionware Option Slots 7
The Cohort is an older Militech
○ Internal Body Option Slots 7
reconnaissance/light infantry cyborg
design that has been refitted for law ○ External Body Option Slots 4
enforcement and bounty hunting duty. The Neural Link
Cohort carries a full audio/visual recording ● Interface Plugs
suite in addition to on board fire control for ○ Neuralware Option Slots 4
smart weapons. Its defensive options
T-UpG Cybereye (x2) 200eb
include an armored chassis, full flash
● Chyron ● LL/IR/UV
protection, a deployable stun baton and
riot shield, and a retractable thigh holster ● MicroVideo ● Targeting Scope
capable of holding any concealable ○ Cybereye Option Slots 0+0
weapon or up to 2 grenades. Perps can’t Audio Suite
escape either; the jump booster and skate
● Audio Recorder
feet gives the Cohort high
● Radio Communicator
three-dimensional mobility to chase down
any gonk that makes a break for it. In ● Voice Stress Analyzer

addition to these features, the Cohort ○ Cyberaudio Option Slots 0

carries a built-in cellular mini-computer Cyberarm w/ Standard Hand & Standard
with a link to the local Law Enforcement Covering (x2)
Database (Treat as an Agent with the ● Popup Stun Baton
NCPD Crime Database App). ● Popup Shield

Stat Bonus: BODY 8, SP 11 ● Watch-Man

Immunities: “Meat Hit” / Flash ○ Cyberarm Option Slots 1+1
Skill Bonus: Human Perception Cyberleg w/ Standard Foot & Standard
+2, Interrogation +2, Library Covering (x2)
Search +2, Wardrobe & Style +2
Combat Bonus: Aimed Shot +1 ● Jump Boosters
Movement Bonus: no Movement ● Skate Foot
Penalty when jumping, +6m/y
Movement when running. ○ Cyberleg Option Slots 0+0
REDLINE Cost: 26,000eb
Dylnar Firefighter & First Responder Full HC: 55 (8d6+27)
Conversion Cyborg

Description Package Includes

“Firefighting has always been a dangerous job Surgery, PT, & FBC Therapy
and leftover contamination from the 4th
Cybercore w/ Standard Covering
Corporate War has made it even more dangerous.
Redline helps protect your crew as much as it ● Strengthened
● Independent Air
protects the public and property.” Frame &
Supply (x2)
Musculature I
The Redline Full Conversion body is specifically ● Radar Implant ● Thermal Plating
designed with modern firefighting challenges in
○ Fashionware Option Slots 7
mind for urban, rural, and wilderness jobs. The
shell of the Redline is fireproof and carries an ○ Internal Body Option Slots 3
independent air supply with a one hour ○ External Body Option Slots 6
capacity. Sensors include a Chyron for internal
displays of maps & floor plans and built in Neural Link
comms. Multispectral optics help find hotspots ● Chipware Socket
and cut through smoke, and an implanted
○ Neuralware Option Slots 4
radar scanner allows the Redline to “see” when
the smoke gets too thick. Amplified hearing Cybereye (x2)
helps find trapped people, a Medscanner helps
● Chyron ● LL/IR/UV
in diagnosis and treatment of casualties, and
its on-board radiation sensor identifies ● Radiation Detector
radiological hazards before the rads hit. The ○ Cybereye Option Slots 0+0
Redline’s enhanced strength and built in
Audio Suite
chainsaw clears rubble, frees trapped people,
and cuts firebreaks faster. And, its implanted ● Amplified Hearing ● Level Dampener
reloadable extinguisher can suppress fire even
● Radio Communicator
when a water source is not present (the Gas Jet
is configured to discharge CO2/halocarbon ○ Cyberaudio Option Slots 0
from replaceable cells that cost 20eb each. Cyberarm w/ Standard Hand & Standard
Everything in the area of effect that is on fire Covering (x2)
will be extinguished when hit).
● ChainRipp ● Gas Jet

Stat Bonus: BODY 10 ● Medscanner

Immunities: “Meat Hit” / Loud Noise
○ Cyberarm Option Slots 0+0
/ Suffocation (1hr) / Incendiary
Bonuses: Damage / “On Fire” / Seriously Cyberleg w/ Standard Foot & Standard
Wounded Penalty (conditional)
Covering (x2)
Skill Bonus: Perception +2 (hearing),
Various Medtech Skills +2 ○ Cyberleg Option Slots 3+3
WANDERER Cost: 27,000eb
Polska Cybertechnologies Transportation & HC: 67 (8d6+39)
Logistics Full Conversion Cyborg

Description Package Includes

“Any cargo, any vehicle, anywhere, anytime.” Surgery, PT, & FBC Therapy

Cybercore w/ covering
The Wanderer from Polska Cybertechnologies is
● Appetite Controller ● Biomonitor
designed to handle the challenges of modern
logistics, air, land, and sea. Two sets of ● Independent Air
● Kevlar Plating
Interface Plugs make the Wanderer capable of
● OptiShield ● Racer Bracer
handling most on-board vehicle functions and
the Virtuality system lets you operate vehicles ● Strengthened Frame & Musculature
with state-of-the-art holo-haptic controls. A full ○ Fashionware Option Slots 6
comms suite with military-grade encryption
○ Internal Body Option Slots 2
means you can stay in contact, enhanced zoom
○ External Body Option Slots 6
optics let you spot trouble, and your boosted
reflexes, armor plating, cerebral-spinal Neural Link
reinforcement and popup weapons will get you ● Braindance
● Chipware Socket
out of it. Your client’s peace of mind can be Recorder
reassured with your built-in “black box” ● Interface Plugs (x2) ● Kerenzikov
recorder and with your enhanced strength you
○ Neuralware Option Slots 0
can unload your cargo quickly and move on to
your next delivery. If you should break down, Cybereye (x2)
with your techscanner and “handy” tool kit you ● Chyron ● Image Enhance
can get back on schedule and in the event of ● Teleoptics ● Virtuality
the loss of your vehicle, you don't have to go
○ Cybereye Option Slots 0+0
down with the ship; you have a 30 minute air
supply in case you need to make a Audio Suite
high-altitude or underwater bailout (parachute ● Radio
● Internal Agent
or floatation device not included) and an Communicator
appetite suppressant coprocessor will keep ● Scrambler/Descrambler
your morale intact as you leg it to safety. ○ Cyberaudio Option Slots 0
Cyberarm w/ Standard Hand & Standard
Stat Bonus: BODY 10 SP 7
Covering (x2)
Immunities: “Meat Hit” / Flash
(conditional) / Suffocation (30mins) ● Popup Melee
● Popup Shotgun
/ Whiplash Critical Injury Weapon
Skill Bonus: Perception (visual) +2,
● Techscanner ● Tool Hand
Bonuses: Lip Reading +2, Conceal/Reveal
Object +2, Library Search +2, ○ Cyberarm Option Slots 3+0
Wardrobe & Style +2, Various Tech
Skills +2 Cyberleg w/ Standard Foot & Standard
Combat Bonus: +2 Initiative, Covering (x2)
Ranged Attack >50m/y +1 ○ Cyberleg Option Slots 3+3
RECLAIMER Cost: 35,000eb
Polska Cybertechnologies Heavy
Construction and Hazmat Full Conversion HC: 68 (8d6+40)

Description Package Includes

“The 4th Corporate War has left a devastating Surgery, PT, & FBC Therapy
mark. Infrastructure has been damaged or
Cybercore w/ Hardened Shielding Covering
destroyed all over the world, and much of the
fighting exposed the environment to nuclear, ● Implanted Linear
● Chem Plating
Frame ß
biological, and chemical contaminants that
persist to this day. In order to rebuild, you need ● Independent Air ● Strengthened Frame
capable workers that can survive in contaminated Supply & Musculature II
sites and can get into places large equipment ○ Fashionware Option Slots 7
cannot. You need a Reclaimer.” ○ Internal Body Option Slots 2
○ External Body Option Slots 6
The Reclaimer is a heavy-frame full
conversion cyborg. Its incredible strength Neural Link
allows it to haul construction materials and ● Chipware Socket (x2)
clear rubble with ease. It is fully shielded
from ionizing radiation and toxic chemicals, ● Interface Plugs
and has a 30 minute independent air supply ● Chemical Analyzer
in the event of a hazardous materials spill.
○ Neuralware Option Slots 2
Sensors include auto-stepdown of both visual
and audio systems (you’ll never need welding Cybereye (x2)
goggles or earpro again), a radiation
● AntiDazzle
detector, a chemical analyzer, and a Chyron
for showing blueprints, circuit diagrams, and ● Chyron
floor plans. One arm is fitted with a ● Radiation Detector
Techscanner and a toolhand for light repair
○ Cybereye Option Slots 1+1
work, and the other arm is fitted with a quick
change mount, allowing the Reclaimer to Audio Suite
directly mount a variety of heavy tools for
● Level Damper
maximum precision (most of these would be
Very Heavy Melee Weapons if used in ○ Cyberaudio Option Slots 3
combat). Additionally, the Reclaimer can Cyberarm w/ Standard Hand & Hardened
adjust the size and shape of its feet, allowing Shielding Covering(x2)
full mobility on soft surfaces even under
● Quick-Change Mount
heavy loads.
● TechScanner
● Toolhand
Stat Bonus: BODY 14
Immunities: “Meat Hit” / EMP & ○ Cyberarm Option Slots 2+0
Microwaves (partial) / Flash / Loud
Noise / Suffocation (30min) / Acid & Cyberleg w/ Standard Foot & Hardened Shielding
Bonuses: Covering (x2)
Toxic Chemicals
Skill Bonus: Various Tech Skills +2 ● Adjustable Foot
Movement Bonus: no Movement
penalty for soft terrain. ○ Cyberleg Option Slots 1+1
VIRTUOSO Cost: 27,000eb
Wizard Cybertechnologies Cyberwarfare HC: 59 (8d6+31)
Full Conversion Cyborg

Description Package Includes

“Once upon a time, the Wiseman Full Body Surgery, PT, & FBC Therapy
Conversion was the path to becoming an OP
Cybercore w/ Standard Covering
supergod in cyberspace. Too bad almost all of
them turned into smoking craters when the ● Autoinjector ● Kevlar Plating
Datakrash hit. Wizard’s new Virtuoso bodies are ○ Fashionware Option Slots 7
even more versatile than the old Wiseman bodies,
○ Internal Body Option Slots 6
and no exploding, honest!”
○ External Body Option Slots 6
The Virtuoso Full Conversion from Wizard Neural Link
Cybertechnologies is the epitome of an
● Chipware Socket
integrated cyberwarfare system. No other ● Interface Plugs x2
format can boast as many cyberdeck
expansion slots as the Virtuoso, making it the ● Sandevistan
most versatile netrunning platform, bar none. ○ Neuralware Option Slots 2
The Virtuoso mounts three Agents, one for
communications and two for direct control of
drones or other wireless security assets. No ● AntiDazzle ● Chyron
networked locks? No problem! Wizard has ● Virtuality
partnered with Dylnar to include a full set of
○ MonoVision Option Slots 0
B&E tools built into your hand to deal with
those pesky analogue hindrances. Getting Audio Suite
access means getting into hard to get to ● Radio
● Internal Agent
places, and the Virtuoso can get you in faster Communicator
with its wired reflexes and climb-assist feet. ○ Cyberaudio Option Slots 1
Paired Chipware sockets give you adaptable
T-UpG Cyberarm w/ Standard Hand & Standard
mission specific sensors and databases, which
Covering (x2)
can be fed to your Chyron while on the job. And,
full armor plating, AntiDazzle protection, and ● Deck Slot Upgrade ● Implanted EQ
x2 Cyberdeck
an Autoinjector that you can load with your
chemical enhancement of choice can get you ● Flashlight
● Modular Cyberhand
back out if it all goes sideways. Cyberfinger

● Lockpick ● Wire Cutter

Stat Bonus: BODY 8, SP 7, Cyberfinger Cyberfingers
Immunities: “Meat Hit” / Flash
● WatchMan x2
Skill Bonus: Library Search +2,
Wardrobe & Style +2 ○ Cyberarm Option Slots 2+0
Bonuses: Combat Bonus: +3 Initiative
(conditional) Cyberleg w/ Standard Foot & Standard
Movement Bonus: no Movement Covering (x2)
penalty when climbing ● Grip Foot
Other: 12 Cyberdeck slots.
○ Cyberleg Option Slots 2+2
ARIES Cost: 55,000eb
Militech Heavy Combat Full Conversion HC: 58 (8d6+72 [-12d6])

Description Package Includes

“Aries. The God of War. No battlefield is safe Surgery, PT, FBC Therapy & EHL Therapy (x3)
from his presence. No enemy can stand against Cybercore w/ Hardened Shielding Covering
him. Call your Militech rep now and summon the ● Autoinjector ● Biomonitor
God of War today. Ensure your victory.” ● Biopod ● Heavy Body Plating
● Implanted Linear
● Nasal Filters
Both sides made use of the Dragoon Frame Σ
during the 4th Corporate War and both ● Strengthened Frame ● Trauma Response
& Musculature II Nanomatrix
sides were keen to poach IEC employees.
○ Fashionware Option Slots 6
When it became clear that they were going
○ Internal Body Option Slots 0
under, Militech managed to capture IEC’s
○ External Body Option Slots 6
cybernetics R&D team (mostly) intact. The
result is the Aries. Like the Dragoon, the Neural Link
Aeries is a heavy combat cyborg with ● Chipware Socket ● Interface Plugs (x2)
mission-adaptable limbs, super-human ● Kerenzikov ● Pain Editor

strength & reaction time, and a punishing ○ Neuralware Option Slots 0

sensory loadout. Slotting a biopod into an T-UpG Bugeye Cybereye (x2)

Aries body is guaranteed to cause ● AntiDazzle ● Image Enhance
instantaneous psychological fracture, so ● LL/IR/UV ● Targeting Scope
an additional 3 weeks of Extreme ● Teleoptics ● Hardened Casings
Humanity Loss Therapy is required for ○ Cybereye Option Slots 0+0
installation and is included in the cost of Audio Suite w/ Sensor Array & Hardened
the package (your lifestyle is covered, your Shielding
rent is not, so plan ahead choom). ● Amplified Hearing ● Internal Agent
● Radio
● Level Damper
● Scrambler/
Stat Bonus: BODY 12, SP 13 ● Radar Detector
Immunities: “Meat Hit” / Flash /
Loud Noise / EMP & Microwaves ○ Cyberaudio Option Slots 2
/ Inhaled Toxins / Seriously Cyberarm w/ Standard Hand & Hardened
Wounded Penalty (conditional) Shielding Covering (x2)
Skill Bonus: Perception (audio &
● Quick Change Mount (x2)
Bonuses: visual) +2, Lip Reading +2,
Conceal/Reveal Object +2, ○ Cyberarm Option Slots 3+3
Library Search +2, Wardrobe & Cyberleg w/ Standard Foot & Hardened
Style +2 Shielding Covering (x2)
Combat Bonus: +2 Initiative,
● Quick Change Mount (x2)
Aimed Shot +1, Ranged Attack
>50m/y +1 ○ Cyberleg Option Slots 2+2
FULL CONVERSIONS 2045 v.2: A Cyberware Mod for CYBERPUNK RED is unofficial content
provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed
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